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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 23 hours ago, dungeonwriter said:

    If Raj got cut, (and it's not the actor's fault, he's awesome, but the writers clearly hate him) the show would be instantly improved. Seriously, he regressed so much, it's becoming painful. All three of his original friends are in long term relationships, two are married, and one has a baby. He's the only one not on the government project. He has no point, but kvetching and being a sad sack

    He's also kind of on the outside.  They have 3 couples.  More than that for a half hour show (excuse me 17 minute show), and it's too much.  He would be better as a recurring character, if the actor were agreeable.  Otherwise, he's just a third wheel to Howard and Bernadette, or possibly one of the other couples.

    • Love 3
  2. On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 1:11 PM, rmontro said:

    And if Raj is so lazy that he needs a dog walker, how is it he is Mr. Superman when it comes to doing chores at Howard's house and taking care of the baby? 

    It's not necessarily laziness.  Some dogs can't hold it all day.  I doubt Raj has time to go home at lunch time and walk his dog.

    • Love 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:
      On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 1:07 PM, luna1122 said:

    I did find it absurd that his cousin was just sitting there in the same spot, and that they hadn't spoken in 40 years, for whatever reasons, if that's what the implication was. But weirder things happen, I suppose

    You don't think Norm is still just sitting in the same spot at Cheers?

    • Love 21
  4. 5 minutes ago, Archery said:

    Loved that the whole story was told through the perspectives of black people, and that, aside from Jack in the flashback, there were no white people in the episode.  That blew my mind. 

    Wow, I didn't even notice that.  Were both the doctors black?

  5. 10 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

    If you are ever attacked by a bunch of bad guys, they will form a circle around you and politely take turns fighting you one at a time.

    No, that actually happened to me one time.  When I was 12, I got in a fight with 4 other girls (they started it, I'm not an idiot), and they stood around in a circle and attacked one at a time.  I remember thinking how stupid they were because if they ganged up on me I would be toast.  Then 3 other girls came and asked if they could help them, so I ran away.

    • Love 4
  6. On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2014 at 0:07 AM, shmeep said:

    They have started allowing (gasp!) hearing students who are majoring in interpreting to attend and they also allow hearing students who sign to attend as "visiting" students for a semester at a time--probably to get their numbers up. It's a great school with a rich history and one can get a great education there, but I think they would love to have to turn qualified students away.

    Just out of curiosity, how can Galludet legally not allow hearing students simply because they are hearing.  As long as they are fluent in ASL and no special considerations need to be made, wouldn't it be discrimination to not allow them to attend.

  7. 38 minutes ago, CleoCaesar said:

    There's nothing inherently wrong about crying over a TV show, but the almost bragging (?) about it week after week starts to seem a little bit...off.

    I actually don't like crying at TV shows.  Not saying that I don't, but I try not to.  Couldn't help myself last night, but I didn't cry until the end. I don't think I've cried at this show before, though.  I'm not really sure what other episodes would make you cry.  I mean Kate choking up and not being able to discuss her father's death was emotional, for sure, but I don't know.  Maybe I'm just too hard-hearted.

     I especially hate crying when reading.  I wear glasses, so it's a whole process to cry and read.  But, The Fault in Our Stars definitely got me.  But, not as bad as What Was Good About Today.  I read that book like 20 years ago and can barely think about it without crying.  So, maybe I'm too soft-hearted.

    Maybe I'm an anomaly.

  8. On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 8:28 AM, Lord Donia said:

    cough is always the harbinger of doom on TV. Nobody ever has a cold or allergies or a tickle in their throat.

    Or a headache.  You get a headache on TV, unless you're making it up to get out of something, I guarantee you--brain tumor.

    The only people who wear glasses on TV are nerds. 

    • Love 8
  9. On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:31 PM, trxr4kids said:

    Emphasis mine: That is precisely my problem with how this show has consistently treated anything Deancentric. Dean and his actions are treated as insignificant in the scheme of things by TPTB except in regards to how his actions effect Sam, most recently taking on the MoC and becoming a demon. The MoC only became world changing when Sam did something (the seals and apocalypse all over again) . I get that that annoys Sam fans but as a Dean fan it pisses me off or it would if I wasn't so apathetic at this point.

    You know, I've always kind of seen that as the opposite.  Sam does something and the whole world goes to crap, or he kills innocent people, or whatnot.  If Sam had killed Death, there would have been major ramifications such as nobody dying anymore, and another mess that Sam and Dean have to clean up.  But, since Dean did it, it's just kind of awesome. Hey, Dean killed Death.  I don't really care that much either way, because I like both of them.  But, I've kind of noticed that Sam gets a bum deal when it comes to consequences.

    Even when it comes to coming back from the dead.  Sam dies and Dean sells his soul to bring him back. Dean dies, angels rescue him, yes, he had broken the first seal, but that was while he was in Hell, not because he came back.  Sam dies again at the end of Swan Song and is brought back without his soul.  Mayhem ensues.  Dean dies at the end of Survival of the Fittest and has to fight his way back, but nothing bad comes of his coming back.  He even gets a friends out of the deal--temporarily, but let's face it all their friends are temporary.  OK, next time he dies he becomes a demon, so there is that.  But, even then all he does is sing bad karaoke, make some girl feel bad about herself and kill some guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife.  He didn't shoot the hostage, try to kill Bobby, or piss off a bunch of arachnes he didn't kill.

    • Love 4
  10. 51 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

    And definitely interesting of the role flip of Dean and Sam over the virgin sacrifice.  I wonder, though, even if Ruby's spell worked and got rid of all the demons, would have have included Lillith?  She seems, at least at this time, to be something a little more, or at least one of the more powerful demons and if the spell didn't work on her, couldn't she, wouldn't she have still acted the same?  So even with the virgin sacrifice, others would have died

    IIRC, she said it got rid of all the demons within a two-mile radius.  I'm sure Lillith was nowhere near the joint.  Plus, I think she knew the Winchesters would never go for it. So, she offered to gain their trust a bit more, and I think, to cause a bit more friction between the two of them.

  11. 2 minutes ago, betsyboo said:

    Chen looked really young for a madman terrorist. Don't you have to work at that for years before moving to the top of the pile?

    I don't know why, really, but when I read this it just made me laugh.  I guess it's because I think there are no rules to becoming a madman. It's kind of the definition of "mad."  Now, I'm picturing people interviewing to be a madman.  "No, sorry, you're just slightly too sane.  We can't have that kind of normality in our organization.

    • Love 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

    And I must give a shoutout for SKB's stints on Supernatural in S1 and S2.

    S2 and S3, actually, just in case anyone is going to go looking.

    • Love 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

    It really is nice not having carts all over the parking lot.

    Now, I guess I have to ask another stupid question.  Is it really a big problem in some places to have shopping carts all over the parking lot?  I don't think I've ever experienced that, either.  Maybe one, once in a while, but that's about it.

  14. 2 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    So in Germany, I assume it's the same in terms of putting a coin in (what value?  Here it's a quarter) to get a shopping cart, and supplying or buying your own bags?  Not to mention everyone continually swapping shopping carts with the people ahead of them.  I thought it was quite a quirky place when I started going there, but now I'm used to it.

    I've never paid for a shopping cart?  Is it a deposit?  Do you get it back when you return the cart?  Or are you renting the cart?  I'd be OK with a deposit, but I would not pay for a shopping cart.  I guess I would just buy what I could carry.

    • Love 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, brgjoe said:

    Chen was an idiot though.  Here this guy is super paranoid, would only deal with others through 2nd and 3rd party folks.  And then just waltzes into Gibb's house like it was nothing.  Ok, everybody seems to walk into Gibb's place.  But still, didn't seem so supervilliany to me.  

    Now, the way I'm understanding this, is that Ellie put the disk in place, and gave Chen the option of popping it in all the way.  If I were him, I would wait to see if she lied, who was showing up, NCIS, or the bad guys.  If it's the bad guys, then pop the disk in.  Take everyone out, or the chance for life. Or pop it in before  Ellie leaves.  Take her out, too.  And a floppy disk?  Really?

    • Love 7
  16. 5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Another UO: making the bed in a hotel actually creates *more* work for housekeeping. They still have to change the sheets, and having to untuck everything takes more effort.

    I read something on the internet (that of course totally means it's true) that hotel maids don't change the sheets every time guests leave, if they feel they can get away with it.  So, if he's not creating more work, he's actually giving incentive to ewwness.

    • Love 5
  17. I feel like they were trying to turn Bishop into ziva this episode.  I also didn't really care about the boyfriend.  How many episodes was he in?  I feel like they had the flashbacks to try to get us to care, but I just didn't.  And, just like it was odd that Palmer didn't tell anyone that he was a doctor, I found it odd that Ellie didn't tell anyone that Kasim asked her to marry him and that she was on the verge of saying yes.  Bishop has always struck me as a discuss your feelings type of person. 

    And, then I was wondering if it was none of the characters, or none of the writers, had ever seen or read Sophie's Choice. Sophie didn't choose between herself and her child, or between one death or another.  She had to choose between her two children.  So the comparison didn't make sense either time they used it.

    On a totally unimportant note, I though Bishop's hair looked cute in the ponytail she had it in when she went on her date with Kasim.

    • Love 6
  18. Two of the parts that I liked best about this epi were two small parts.  The first was when they drank from the "white" fountain.  Much more meaningful to William than Randall.  And, the other was when they went to the house and he found his treasure and the couple that lived there were just looking at each other like "what happened?" 

    Other than that, just a good solid epi in total. And a good way for William to end his life.  I'm glad the doctor let them go.  And I think it was good that he died in Memphis instead of up north. That was his real home, or where his heart was.   I'm kind of wondering when he got addicted to drugs and how long that lasted.

    And, I saw someone say they were disappointed Jesse wasn't there. I'm not.  They never did anything with that, and it seems to me that they just stuck that whole thing in there to be PC.

    • Love 6
  19. 5 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

    Actually, as I mentioned above, it makes more sense for Sam to not need the blood. The idea of the blood being an actual requirement is contradictory to what we have seen before with other psychic kids. When Ava and Jake accessed their powers there was no mention of further demonic blood being a requirement. In fact Ava states; "The learning curve is so fast. The switches that flip in your brain". 

    But, they all had demon blood in them from when they are kids. Sam said he lost his psychic powers (such as they were) when Yellow Eyes died.  So, the demon blood giver being still alive was why they didn't need to keep imbibing to have power.  And, I still think if Sam hadn't needed the blood, he could have handily have dispatched Alistair and that other demon when he was trying to do so, especially since he could kill Alistair after a fresh hit of blood.  I've never seen Dumbo, believe it or not, but I have to assume that he wasn't unsuccessfully trying to fly without the feather once he had actually flown?

  20. 13 minutes ago, auntvi said:

    vaguely remember Castiel saying that Sam should drink the demon blood, but I'm not at home to check. Also this conflicts with what Ruby told Sam at the end of Season 4 - that he didn't need the blood, he already had the power within. The dumbo-feather line.

    That line drove me bonkers.  Of course, he needed the blood.  Otherwise, he would have been able to exorcise Alistair after he had been off the blood for a while.  He would have been able to exorcise stunt demon #3 in The Rapture.

  21. 6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Despite all of Dean's OTHERINGS, I don't think he ever lost his own DNA.  I don't remember him ever being a  Jefferson Starship. He got bit but he had the phoenix ashes and a shot of whiskey that killed Eve, but I don't think he ever turned did he? When he was a vampire he didn't feed on humans so he didn't turn fully vampire on the DNA/Blood level. 

    Did Dean lose his own DNA as a demon since it was his own body? 

    I don't know if the show has ever discussed whether DNA changes under any circumstances.  But, I think technically Dean was a full-on vampire.  He could just be turned back because he hadn't fed.  Before you feed, I think you're still technically a vampire. He had the teeth, he had the bloodlust, he had the supersmell and hearing.  As for the Jefferson Starship, I'm not sure if he was or not.  He said something to the effect of I think I've been changed, could you clean that up, too.  And, he did change into a full demon, so that's a change.

    But, I don't think any of those things affect angel hosting, because like I said, I don't think the show has ever discussed any of these things changing DNA or bloodlines.  But, angels are kind of prejudices, so I doubt they would ask a demon or a vampire or a werewolf to let them in.  And, none of those things would probably say yes anyway.

  22. 4 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    The only reason Sam and not Dean was a suitable vessel for Lucifer was because of the demon blood taint when he was a baby.  Otherwise, their 'bloodline' is exactly the same.

    I never saw it that way.  I always thought that Sam or Dean could technically host Lucifer or Michael because their bloodline was the same, with Lucifer being through the Campbell line and Michael through the Winchester.  However, since they (and by they I mean the angels and maybe the demons) were doing a big brother/little brother analogy, Dean was Michael and Sam was the one given the demon blood to lead the demon army and be Lucifer's vessel because he was the younger.  So, in other words, Sam wasn't Lucifer's vessel because he had the demon blood, he had the demon blood because he was Lucifer's vessel.

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