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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 14 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    My other SWAG  is that he knew all along and was in cahoots with Mary but didn't expect Crowley to show up nor that Cas would nearly end up dead.

    That I am going to say I don't believe:)  I could go with you on Dean not wanting to believe Mary is lying or hiding something and just not want to admit it to himself, basically, so he's not going to ask.  Ignorance is bliss.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I think Dean pinged that Mary was up to something in the diner but put it to the side and further pinged that she was the person that stole something during the holy fire confrontation. At the end when Cas was questioning  what Ramiel was talking about with someone trying to steal something from him, Mary started to answer and Dean jumped in with "Who knows what that crazy guy was talking about.  Let's go home" which reminded me of when Dean would try and deflect Sam from learning about Gadreel. So I think Dean was both scared to death for Cas' status and feeling guilty and responsible for not calling Mary out on her shenanigans because it all went sideways  and nearly got Cas killed. I'm saying that Dean was dealing with a lot of shit and trying to protect Mary.

    I'm definitely not saying you're wrong, because I thought maybe Dean was trying to cut off her answer, though I'm not 100% convinced of that.  However, if he did suspect that she took something, wouldn't he have gotten her alone, or alone with Sam, and confronted her ASAP.  Dean, like everyone ever, does not like to be kept in the dark.


    9 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    My best guess, based on this episode, is that they want Lucifer's baby, so they can turn it into a weapon, so they've got Kelly Kline with them (which is why nobody can find her) -- and they're keeping the Winchesters distracted with foolish missions that stir up lots of old feelings and enmities (like with THE YED, considering they were getting them to poke at another YED) so that they can't make trouble for them.

    Interesting.  But, I think they're too anti-everything supernatural to want to do that.  Plus, they're cocky and think they can just take care of everything easily. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    There's that, too. I don't see why a prototype would be "better" than a Version 2.0. I mean, it could be. But I think that more often, Version 2.0 would be "better."

    On the other hand, how many times have companies "improved" their products, websites, etc, only to have people (or at least me) say "the old one was better." OK, maybe it is just me.  Wait, New Coke, anyone? 

    • Love 2
  4. 13 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    A friend of mine who was in a band on the cusp of actual success in Nashville before caving, and therefore got a bit of support for their tours, told me their bus rental was $14,000 per month.  You play an awful lot of county fairs and other lesser-known gigs to keep up with that bill. 

    One would think you'd be better off buying a bus and either, renting it out for something else, just saving it until next year or probably worse idea selling it off at end of tour.  But, I'm probably wrong. I usually am.

    • Love 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Is it really unlike how life works though? I mean, when you're a child your body is smaller and weaker and you have less knowledge to help you do stuff then when you grow into an adult. Even elderly folk are more "powerful" than children. It could be that these old supernatural beings are not necessarily elderly, but just adult?

    I see this as an age versus evolution debate almost.  Would newer demons, vampires, werewolves, etc, be stronger because they have evolved into something more?  Or would a really ancient being be stronger because they have lived and learned, developed skills and absorbed, etc.

  6. 12 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

    Like the standard "making and packing the kids their lunches" trope - what teenager is incapable of making a sandwich and putting it into a bag to take with them to school

    I agree with everything you said.  Just wanted to say, sometimes packing the kids lunch is more about wanting to manage the food inventory than because kid can't do it.  Also, I do have to say, I don't know anyone in college who couldn't/didn't do their own laundry once there.


    12 hours ago, jhlipton said:

    I think a "Bless your heart" in either quote would be wonderful -- Beth is from the South, isn't she?

    See, and I'm thinking I would rather someone just say to me "when are you leaving" or "how long will you be here" instead of obviously patronizing me.

    • Love 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, elang4 said:

    Would you rather have Jess as your brother or Rory as your sister?

    On the one hand, with Rory as your sister, you'd always get why can't you be more like your sister.  Jess would probably be obnoxious to no end.  so, I'd go with Rory because I already have a perfect sister.  I could deal.

    Would you rather have to study for and pass Rory's ridiculous Shakespeare test or spedn the night with DAve reading the entire bible in one night.

  8. 42 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

    Did Crowley blow out the fire?  

    Crowley blew the fire out, but he was outside of the ring.  We've also seen demons destroy devil's traps from outside.  I'm not too bothered by them using holy oil either because it works on demons or doesn't.  Angel blades kill demons also.  So, I guess I'm just saying some stuff has multi-monster use.  On the other hand, if it was useless against demons, I don't think they've ever used it on a demon before, so it might have been like, we don't have time to draw a devil's trap.  He's coming.  Let's try a holy oil circle

  9. 44 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    I don't understand why Sam was so worried about the internet connection.  He mentioned having access to their MoL files, but since Mary was providing all the intel (through HMSS, unbeknownst to them) what did it matter?  Other than, that's just Sam.  :)

    Sam loves research. He does. He keeps it under his mattress right next to his KY. It's a sickness.

    • Love 4
  10. 13 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Then all the more reason for Jack to be supportive.  ; )

    At the point of the big speech, Ben told Rebecca about the tour and then complained that she wasn't acting excited enough.  She said she would have to check with Jack.  Which, of course she would. A married person doesn't just take off without discussing it with spouse.  And that's when Ben said "if he really loved you."  It was totally uncalled for at that point.  So, no, Ben didn't have a point, because he didn't know what, if any, Jack's objections would be.

    • Love 9
  11. 4 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Plus I agreed with Ben, for the most part.  If Jack doesn't trust Rebecca, how high is his opinion of her, really?  

    It wasn't a matter of trust at that point, it was a matter of scheduling.

    • Love 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    And then we were subjected to an even worse one by Rebecca about Jack.

    An ex-boyfriend, or at least someone who has a crush on her tells her what her husband should do "if he really loved her" ought to result in an emphatic defense of him.

    • Love 5
  13. 58 minutes ago, Cattitude said:

    Kevin is one of three children who has all the luck, while his siblings have real problems. He is jealous of their real problems so he acts out to get attention. Randall and Kate need more of their parents time b/c they have real issues. Kevin has a good life and is popular and well liked....poor baby. ugh! I just have no sympathy for him. His siblings have successful lived despite adversity. He has a successful life but seems to keep sabotaging it and playing a victim when he has a GOOD life. Why again should I feel bad for him.

    I don't feel bad for him either, but I don't like the term "real problems."  Who gets to decide which problems are real and which are not?  The episode at the pool clearly showed that Kevin feels left out and loved less than the others.  Is that true? Probably not, but his feelings about it are real.  Why is that any less of whatever problem it is that Kate has that makes her overeat.  We don't even know what that problem is.  And Randall's problem is that he feels the need to overachieve. 

    So, maybe what you mean is that Kevin's problems don't have symptoms.  I don't know even know that that is true, because as you pointed out, he keeps self-sabotaging.

    • Love 15
  14. 3 minutes ago, Boopsahoy said:

    and she's all ok lets go and her dad says-she doesn't want to hunt but she wants to hunt? Or something to that affect. Its kind of like Its a Terrible Life-they weren't hunters but they HAD to be hunters. JMHO

    I could handle that attitude, but how on earth did she hunt without John figuring out what was going on?  As far as we know (since I've heard nothing about career or job for her) she was a stay at home mom, I don't remember the exact date of that flashback, but I do remember when I saw it I said, "Where's Dean?"  If she's leaving him with neighbors to babysit in the middle of the day, (and I don't think you can go out on a one-hour hunt), it would get back to John and he would wonder what she was doing with all this time.  Although, I suppose that could explain why he moved out in the Dark Side of the Moon flashback.  And Sam and dEan are constantly getting banged up and scarred.  Are we supposed to believe that Mary is so awesome of a solo hunter that she's not getting hurt at all?  John would be bound to notice cracked ribs, black eyes, broken fingers, etc, etc.

    • Love 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, Darkblood8 said:

    Fair enough. Let me change that one to saved and inspired the greatest hunter in Canada who could kill 5 Wendigo's at the same time all by himself.

    That Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox made me so mad, it wasn't even funny.  We know that young Mary hated hunting and wanted a safe life.  She marries John, has dean and apparently leaves him with a sitter to go off solo hunting?  WTF?

    • Love 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

    I give Jake a pass because he was trying to protect his mom and baby sister.

    IDK.  I don't think YED brought up his mom and baby sister until after he had killed Sam.  Not to mention the fact, if he had shot YED with the Colt wouldn't that have saved them?  Wouldn't he have at least thought so?  He changed his mind about shooting him because Azazel told him that the army wouldn't take him back and his life was over. 

  17. 12 minutes ago, Darkblood8 said:

    saved her boys from Toni

    Technically, no.  She screwed the pooch on that one.  Had she shot her when she first walked in the door, then yes, she would have saved her boys. All she did was manage to get Dean the key to free himself and he saved them.  Except not really.  They had to be saved by Mick.

  18. 2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

    What bugged me most was the Cain redux and his siblings who suddenly come out of nowhere

    I actually found it odd that there would be just one yellow-eyed demon.  So, I liked that they gave a back-story to that.  I don't really see that it had anything to do with Cain.  Cain was a Knight of Hell.  these are Princes of Hell.  And like Ramael said, it's just a title someone gave them.  It doesn't really mean anything.

    • Love 2
  19. 7 hours ago, FlickChick said:


    was when Bobby shot Samifer in Swan Song.

    That wasn't the Colt, just a regular gun.  They had already lost the Colt by that point.


    5 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    I thought Crowley said that the Colt couldn't kill Ramiel, but I might be remembering incorrectly.

    I certainly hope he didn't say that.  The Colt killed Azazel and they were both Princes of Hell. Why would it work on one and not the other?

    And as far as Mary knowing Azazel's name, my first thought was, how does she kow that.  But, we do know that she came back in that cemetery at night.  Dean was then talking to her when it was light out, telling her what she missed.  so, yes, I believe she got a whole like of background info without us seeing it.  The other possibility is that when she made the deal to bring back John, the camera cut away before they actually kissed.  For whatever reason, he might have told her his name himself.

  20. 10 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    Another category could be whales. I really can't see a whale being killed by that little gun. Dinosaurs would probably be tough to kill with it,

    What about elephants?  or giants?  There have to be giants.  There are fairies and dragons.

    Wait, I decided I'm looking at this all wrong.  Bed bugs.  How are you going to kill a bedbug with a bullet.

    • Love 6
  21. 5 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

    My sister had GERD, and was told to drink seltzer slowly to alleviate her symptoms, and it did help.   So clearly there are different schools of thought re carbonated beverages.  

     It's also possible that she just wasn't a very good hospice nurse.  Even in a profession that attracts incredible people who make the final days of patients far easier, certainly there are some who aren't as good as others. 

    It could have been that she thought it would upset his stomach.  She could have just been being a jerk.  Or, it could have been a miscommunication.  Such as, he had just eaten something, or taken his meds, and it would be better for him to wait 10 minutes to half an hour before having a Coke.  Considering the fact that he locked her out of the house over this, he wasn't being very rational anyway--which is fine.  Like someone pointed out earlier, when you're dying, that's the one time you can make everything about you.

    • Love 2
  22. Just now, MysteryGuest said:

    But since when does the colt glow?  Didn't they show it glowing whenever anyone opened the box?  Obviously, I'm going to need to watch again, but I could swear it was glowing.

    I honestly don't remember any glowing, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Probably Ramael polished it every night.

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