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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 20 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Basically, I do think they are being incredibly petty. I don`t need every female (or male) character to fawn over Dean but in recent years it has been nothing else but him striking out, getting comments about being too old, his "dad bod"  and similar little digs. If I didn`t see how the character looks, I would get the impression he IS an ugly, old troll.  It has become ridiculously over the top for me

    The only two people I recall calling Dean old are krissy and Claire, both teenagers.  Yes, to some teenagers, people in their 30s are incredibly old, IIRC, I felt the same way.  And, the dad bod comment I remember was when he was talking to Sam.  I don't even remember the episode, but if brothers can't razz each other about stuff like that, I don't know what we've come to.  Other than that, I can't really recall women shooting him down.

    • Love 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I even asked a decent theater actor I know why no one acting bothers drinking realistically.  He basically said, "Who notices that, seriously?"  

    I saw Lauren Graham on a talk show (don't remember which one) and the host told her there had been complaints about how she holds the coffee cups unrealistically, and that they need to have something in them so that she doesn't do that.  She said that stuff like that actually drives her crazy and there is always coffee in her coffee cup.  So, I suppose she could be lying, but it also goes to show that we don't all do things the same way.

    5 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    Especially in an office! I feel like back then, they would've had coffee mugs that get washed, etc.

    Maybe, but not necessarily.  This would have been around '96.  I graduated college in '94 (yes I'm old) and I remember at some point in college seeing a Murphy Brown episode, which I have no idea why I was watching, I hated that show.  But, anyway, IIRC, in this episode they were supposed to be more environmentally friendly or something, so they had to check with takeout places that they didn't use Styrofoam or plastic, and they had to switch to reusable mugs.  I also remember the same thing re: the mugs and a bet on Days of Our Lives at the hospital, also when I was in college or shortly thereafter.

    • Love 3
  3. 42 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    But, TBH, I figure Victor can fake shit just like John did

    Yeah, that was basically my point.

    My other big hangup about school is if Sam was only in any given school for a month at a time, how did they even grade him?  Schools are not all doing the same stuff at the same time.  English classes do not all read books in the same order.  The nightmare of how all that worked is beyond me.  I'm actually surprised John let the kids go to school after 8th grade or so.  At that point they would have enough education to hunt.  And, like you said they weren't around enough for anyone to get involved.  But, I have majorly digressed, so apologies all around.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, SlackerInc said:

    I think they were both rude.  One of the things I always loved about the "Miss Manners" (Judith Martin) column was her sagacious advice that rudeness should be met by politeness.  Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

    I must have missed the Miss Manners column that said you had to let every uninvited guest live with you indefinitely.

    • Love 4
  5. 15 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    I have to say if Sam had kept his issues to Benny, I would have understood the scene better but when he through in Cas, who was Dean's best friend as someone Dean shouldn't trust over Sam...I have to say I threw my hands up on the whole episode. It made no sense for Sam to throw Cas under the bus and it really undermined his argument about trust, IMO. 

    There are people in the world who feel that they need to pad their arguments.  One or two examples is never enough.

    • Love 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Tiger said:

    can handwave 99.9% of the unrealistic stuff that happens on tv, but this bugged the crap out of me, if only because everytime someone visits me at work the procedures I have to go through are exhausting.  

    Reason 5,499 I'm glad I don't live in a big city.  Actually, the building I work in has both offices and apartments.  They had to up the security a bit a few years ago because someone from NYC moved into one of the apartments and she complained about the lack of security.  So, now we have mirrors and cameras, but still no security guards or anything.

    • Love 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Katy M said:

    Remember Jack and sophie are having sex.  So, hopefully, they're at least 15, 16 would be better.

    I just realized I said Jack and sophie were having sex.  that certainly puts a new spin on, well, everything. LOL.

    • Love 6
  8. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    No 'sue the camp', that is sexual harassment coming from me.  Nope.

    If something like that happened to me, I wouldn't sue.  It's just not who I am.  I would inform the doctor who referred me and I would write a letter to them after stating why I feel they were wrong and that they should ensure it doesn't happen in the future.  I realize that second one would probably do nothing, but it would make me feel better.  But, if the doctor knew about that, she might send referrals elsewhere.

    • Love 7
  9. 6 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

    Is two months really enough to call Ben an ex?

    He apparently did ask her to marry him, though.  Or at least brought the subject of marriage up with her.  So, either he is a whirlwind kind of guy, or Rebecca is downplaying the RL.  And, it could be either one.    Heck, Kate and Toby have only been dating like 4-6 months and they've been engaged for almost 2 of those.  Add to that, Ben's still hot for her, and yeah, I would say there is enough there to label him an ex.

    • Love 6
  10. On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 7:59 AM, DittyDotDot said:

    She told Dean she helped her dad all the time, but I assumed that was bluster.

    I think maybe she helped with some research.  Maybe went on a fairly safe salt and burn, or two.  But, no actual real hunting.  As it should be.  I'm sure he was training her to shoot and fight and whatnot.  She apparently knew how to pick a lock.  Also, he appears to have kept her away from other hunters, only giving her Bobby's number in case of an emergency.

    As far as social services and whatnot goes, I've always wondered how Sam and Dean could move around and get enrolled under their own name all the time without anyone catching up with them.  We know that by season 2, at least Dean was wanted for credit card theft, mail fraud, grave desecration, along with murder.  John may have somehow escaped being wanted for murder, but he had to have all that other stuff.  Add to the fact that Sam and Dean probably had multiple ER visits, this is someone social services would be interested in talking to.  So, if I can overlook that, I can overlook Victor somehow enrolling those 3 in school under the radar.  I in no way think he had legal custody.

    And, as far as the house goes, assuming Victor owned it outright, all they have to do is hide the body and pay the taxes and nobody would notice.  I honestly don't remember my high school (or even junior high school) contacting my parents all unless I wanted to go home sick.  If I didn't have parents I would have avoided doing that.

  11. 59 minutes ago, DayGlorious said:

    Unrelated side note: How can such a big, gaudy McMansion of a house have only three bedrooms?

    Beth has an office, and then they have a room dedicated to Karaoke.  So, there's where 2 other bedrooms would have gone.  I made the second one up, just in case no one realizes.

    • Love 11
  12. 1 hour ago, kirkola said:

    Rebecca clearly shouldn't be as short with him as she was, but she also shouldn't have to have the "you lied about your ex" and the "I don't want you to go" conversations after all her planning.

    Well, to be fair he didn't about the ex until after all her planning.  It's not like he saved that up, saying hee, hee, I'm going to let her plan and then spring it on her the night before.  I also don't know if it would have been that big of a deal that she had dated him for two months when she was 19 but for 2 things.  1., He told Miguel that he could tell he had the hots for her.  2. It seemed to me, so probably to Jack too, that he brought up the fact that they used to date just to taunt him.  Whether Jack already knew or not, that was very baity behavior.

    • Love 10
  13. Just now, catrox14 said:

    It could go either way but my main question was that I just don't recollect that it was confirmed that the play didn't go on. Was that actually stated in the episode?

    No, she was looking back for Kevin like a deer in the headlights (don't blame her), Kevin running down the street and then it ended with him and Randall.  I think we were supposed to be led believe it did not.

    • Love 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Maybe she pulled something out of her ass to make his absence work

    That would be a lot to ask of a seasoned professional, and I'm pretty sure that this was the first play she wrote, and I know for a fact it's her first time on stage.  I don't think she would be up for improv-ing a whole show. 

    • Love 2
  15. 30 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

    So last night Miguel mentioned Jurassic Park, which came out in June 1993, which would, I guess, put the date as Valentine's Day 1994. I keep getting mixed up. Were the kids born in 1979 or 1980? 1979 would make them 14 1/2. If the Jack dying when they were 15 theory is right, it is coming soon.

    They were born in 1980.  I hope they're older than 14 in that flashback.  Remember Jack and sophie are having sex.  So, hopefully, they're at least 15, 16 would be better.  Haven't you ever mentioned a movie more than a year after it came out?

    • Love 4
  16. 18 minutes ago, Evagirl said:

    She let her mother get away with, "He couldn't even get you pregnant right."  Nope, 'Bec is not my favorite.

    I agreed with the rest of your post, but you can't blame Rebecca for what her mother says and does.  She has to pick her battles and Jack wasn't even there to know she said it.  She did end up cutting her parents out a few years later, and that's not an easy thing to do.

    • Love 4
  17. 20 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

    You forgot 9/11!

    Maybe it's everything rolled into one.  He gets in a drunk driving accident, has undiagnosed injury to his brain which causes him to have hallucinations which nobody notices.  Kate comes in, he thinks she's someone else and attacks her. Kevin walks in and does nothing. Once Jack realizes what is going on he kills himself to protect his family, as Kate watches helplessly and Kevin realizes he never helps anybody.  They run outside and moments later, a plane hits the building, because they happened to be at the Twin Towers at the time. Meanwhile, they keep this all to themselves, so Randall thinks he just killed himself while nobody was watching.

    • Love 3
  18. 3 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

    I think the suicide angles (Christmas party guy on balcony, Toby's suicidal ideation) may be red herrings.  The drinking/driving may also be, now that Randall has that line about William not dying while no one's looking.  My mind is now going to something like he does have an accident, and is thought to be all right, but a head injury that's undiagnosed is what takes him.  I don't know how Kate's intense inability to talk about it 20 years later plays in -- she may have guilt about what she thinks is her part in it.  (In my own experience, a friend's father went to bail her brother out of jail and was hit and killed by a train on the way -- something along those lines.)

    Maybe it's everything rolled into one.  He gets in a drunk driving accident, has undiagnosed injury to his brain which causes him to have hallucinations which nobody notices.  Kate comes in, he thinks she's someone else and attacks her. Kevin walks in and does nothing. Once Jack realizes what is going on he kills himself to protect his family, as Kate watches helplessly and Kevin realizes he never helps anybody.  Meanwhile, they keep this all to themselves, so Randall thinks he just killed himself while nobody was watching.

    I think I got in all the theories I've seen except Miguel killing him.

    • Love 9
  19. 29 minutes ago, ferretrick said:

    Did anybody understand the last word Randall said to Kevin on the phone, the one that really clued Kevin in that Randall was losing it? It almost sounded like he called him Dave, but if so, I don't get the significance.

    I couldn't tell either, but I thought maybe he called him dad, forgetting who he was talking to.

    • Love 3
  20. I think to have made it more realistic, but still uneven and maybe unfair, they should have had Dean and Lindsay agree that Dean would work while Lindsay went to school, and then when Lindsay was done, dean would go to school.  That would have made more sense, still given Rory something to complain about (especially if she didn't know about the deal, but we did) and made Dean overworked.  They could also have had Lindsay be pregnant and want to be a stay-at-home mom, but then we would be bringing an innocent child into this whole debacle, and I think we can all agree that would have sucked.

    • Love 2
  21. I'm kind of torn on Kevin going to Randall at the end.  I guess it's great that he finally put his brother first and even sacrificed his whole career for it (because let's face it after the Manny walk-out and blowing off opening night of a play, he's not getting hired for anything again), but the thing is, it wasn't just his play.  There were other people counting on him as well.  I feel like he could have whispered to someone that they had to delay the start  5 minutes and cued in his mom, or Randall could have waited two hours.

    After the last scene, I'm wondering if Jack drives in a drunk driving accident.  If it's that night, you would think Rebecca would be more the one with the guilt feelings and not being able to discuss it then Kate, but if it happens at some later time when Kate has some typical teenage girl fight with dad and he goes off and gets drunk and gets in an accident, well, that would totally suck for her.

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