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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. I'm trying to figure out what Sam did on those off-screen hunts.  Dean was filthy and Sam was perfectly clean.  Not sure if that was to show some kind of juxtaposition (I admit I'm unsure of the definition of that word) between the two, or what.  Glad that the BMOL secret was not kept for long, and that Sam came clean without being caught or any great tragedy happening due to his sneakiness.  Loved that Crowley ended up getting the better of Lucifer...for now.  Couldn't believe how stupid that demon was.  Of course, Lucifer's not going to honor his word.  He's the devil.  duh.  I also liked Gwen.  Was totally bored with Cas and the other angel. I almost fell asleep during that one scene where they were talking. 

    • Love 4
  2. 33 minutes ago, roseha said:

    I had the same thought.  By the way am I the only one who felt bad that the writers spoiled the reveal about "Rosebud" to anyone who hasn't seen Citizen Kane (there must be some people...)?

    I also couldn't believe the way the congresswoman blabbed about an ongoing investigation by NCIS in the middle of a busy restaurant?  I almost felt also that they were making up this subplot to give Rocky Carroll something to do.

    I'm glad Tim finally told Delilah, though I imagine she would have found out eventually even without the missing diamonds tie-in.

    Nice to see a  Tim-centric episode.  I wonder though, have they gotten away from Tim's computer-whiz geekiness?  I didn't see much of it in this ep or in the others I've seen this year (not many I admit).

    I haven't seen Citizen Kane but I have been well aware of what Rosebud is for years.  I also have never seen Pscycho and am well aware of that twist.  I don't think you can keep an old movie classic's twist a secret.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Yeah, we can jump through hoops like assume a grown man had never eaten a pear, but I prefer stories that don't require so much heavy jumping.  : )

    Well, the not knowing it was in the salad is the more likely of my two scenarios.  Maybe not as common as pears, but I was in my late 20s the first time I had honeydew or cantaloupe.  I didn't like them.  Found out my mom doesn't like them either.  Hence how I had never come into contact as a child.  So, if Rebecca and/or Jack had a hate on for pears, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that Randall could get to his 20s and never have eaten one.

    • Love 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Yeah.  I just want to be shown not told sometimes.  Like what we've been shown about Randall's job before this was mostly that it's cushy and flexible and he was very proud of it.  

    I personally wouldn't hire someone stupid enough to eat a fruit they're deathly allergic to on a job interview.  I thought that whole pears thing was hokey.

    And didn't Kevin move to NY just to try his hand at theater in general?  He monologued to the critic that he moved there for THIS PLAY because THIS PLAY was so important to him.  Then a couple scenes later he's revealing to Sophie that he actually conveniently just realized he moved there for her.  It's like they just revise history to serve up the most dramatic lines of each scene.  

    Maybe none of the Pearsons like pears and it was the first time he had one and thus didn't know he was allergic.  But, he stated it was in a salad and maybe he didn't think there would be pears in a salad so he didn't ask.  Or, he did ask and was told no.  That happens sometimes.

    Yes, Kevin moved to NY for theater in general.  I don't really consider it a problem for him to embellish to a critic that he moved there specifically for that play because it's so great. 

    Also, yes, it might be hokey, but it's not technically revising history to have Kevin say that now that he's here, he feels like the true purpose of moving back to NY is for her.

    I just had to go back to make sure I spelled Pearson right.  His name is Pear-son and he's allergic to pears.   That's funny. Or, I'm just easily amused.  Most likely the latter.

    Edit: Now I'm wondering if that's why they sent him pears.  Or maybe it was some weird communication screw up.  Bad handwriting.  "What does this say?" "Not sure.  Something about pears?  Maybe they're ordering a box of pears.  Let's just send them."

    • Love 3
  5. 10 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

    It's a long term bitterness of mine that the writers handwaved the horror of Sam's experiences away with the stupid "I lied" line. Too bad Jessica Jones didn't exist then as an example of how to write this type of storyline. Now there's a show that properly explored the sheer trauma and PTSD that comes with mind control / possession and didn't indulge in victim shaming.

    I'm not going to comment on the Sam/Dean aspect of this. But, another thing that bothered me was after Sam had been unknowingly possessed, and after Gadreel had killed Kevin, and basically kidnapped Sam, Cas asked Sam if he felt like Gadreel had meant to hurt him and he said no.  And then in the next episode, he listed Gadreel as one of "Dean's real friend."  WTF?  I had to get that off my chest since this conversation was happening, but I don't really feel like that's an unpopular opinion, so apologies.

    • Love 2
  6. 28 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    As for the whole ID issue in the US:  Without any sort of ID, how would polling people know if the individual voting is that individual? 

    They don't. That's the whole thing.  Each state works differently, but in my state, you go to the poll, walk up to the poll worker and state your name.  They then check you off their list.  However, the list is sitting right in front of them.  I can see (on whatever page they're on) which names are checked off and which aren't and as long as you can read upside down, it would be no problem to say, I'm Mary Smith.  They would then look down, say, "ah, there you are," check your name, off you vote, the real Mary Smith shows up and is then told she already voted.  This is not completely without risk as the poll workers might actually know Mary Smith.

    For some odd reason, people in this country think that having a voter card commits some great injustice.

    • Love 2
  7. 11 hours ago, stephinmn said:

    Hmmm....IMDB says the teen actors are playing "15-year-old" Kate, Kevin and Randall, so they aren't 16 yet. However, kids can get learner's permits at 15 and drive with an adult in the car. But that does add to the "Jack's not going to die this season" theory.

    I don't know that I would trust IMDB on the ages.

    I'm kind of torn on Kevin/Ron Howard/Sophie.  On the one hand, this is an amazing opportunity and career-wise, Kevin has been self-sabotaging a lot of that lately.  On the other hand, he has already shown that he may cheat on Sophie if he goes out to L.A. without her.  So, I think whichever choice he makes will be his "this is what is most important to me" statement.

  8. 40 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

    Or maybe the poll worker inadvertently checked off the person above or below her name on the rolls.  A recent recount in our state revealed a few hundred  polling place errors, votes that weren't counted, etc.  I don't think there was impersonation or ill intent, just clerical errors. 

    Absolutely, but that doesn't change the fact that my mom didn't get to vote.

    • Love 1
  9. 7 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    You don't?  A domineering patriarch can't follow you into the voting booth.  You can tell him "Sure, I'm voting for Joe Schmoe: we're a Schmoe kind of family!" and then march into the booth, close the curtain, and vote for Jill Schmill.

    I think if this is happening, you have bigger problems in your marriage and life than voting. 

    31 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

    That is the deal breaker for me.  While the convenience is great, and probably does result in higher "turnout", which we all want, I really, really love seeing my ballot go right into the machine and the number turning over.  Knowing it was counted is the primary thing for me.  I could never trust that my mailed ballot got counted.  Maybe just having a ballot sent, then returning it to a monitored polling place, not just a possibly unsecured box, would be something I could get behind. 

    On the other hand, one time my mom went to vote and was told she already voted.  So, she knows for a fact her vote didn't get counted.  Maybe the person who so kindly voted for her voted the exact same way she would have.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, auntvi said:

    Yes. That's why Brothers Keeper is my least favorite finale. It just made no sense to me. Beyond the blame issues, I don't understand why Death would require Dean to kill Sam - it's just too OOC for the relationship. If Death wanted Sam dead, he could have reaped him, especially since Sam cheated Death in S. 9.  At that point I was yelling at the TV!

    That's why for the whole hiatus, I was absolutely convinced that was not Death.  But, since it's been a whole year and a half and basically nothing has been said about it beyond Billie confirming that Death was dead, I have to concede I was wrong.  Not the first time.  But, it just made no sense to me.

  11. 1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

    You are not just holding the permit, there are required driving hours that go along with that. But that's the law now. I don't know about 36 years ago.

    Yes, I realize that you also have to have hours, but in my state, you get your permit at 15, hold the permit for 12 months (with so many hours) before you can get your license. Obviously, you can get a lot more practice in 12 months than you can in 6.  In fact, you may not even get any winter practice that way.

  12. 2 minutes ago, doublek61 said:

    Well.....there is a 3 hour time difference....  ;-)


    If he took his niece to the play wouldn't he have to have been in NY also?  Probably had to get his excited niece off to sleep first.


    28 minutes ago, mojito said:

    You have to be 16 1/2 to get a driver's permit in PA,

    I just looked it up.  You have to be 16 to get your permit and then hold it for 6 months to get your license, so you can get your license at 16 1/2. Which I think is kind of stupid. Why would they delay the permit getting to 16, don't they want you to practice more as opposed to less.  Anyway, that's now.  I don't know what it was in the 90s

  13. 19 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    I sense that a lot of mail carriers are not only going to get randomly hugged by strangers today, they are also going to be subjected to long-winded, emotionally wrought soliloquies, heavily laden with every heart-tugging cliche known to mankind.

    speaking of getting random hugs, I hate being touched by strangers. I mean a handshake or something is OK, but not a hug.  And that really isn't a requirement of being a postal worker.  It's practically assault as far as I'm concerned.  No, I wouldn't call the cops on a stranger who hugged me.  But, not everyone likes hugs from strangers. 

    • Love 5
  14. 24 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

    I just don't get this...the whole mailman thing.  Honestly, when that scene happened, I thought it was touching and completely unrealistic.  Our mail deliverers (who, half the time, are women) are always so busy and on such a deadline to finish their route by 5pm or whatever time that they don't talk to anyone.  

    So, you all, please don't stop these very busy people who are trying to finish their jobs so they can go home to their families and inflict hugs on them because a TV show had to remind you to be nice to people whose job it is to do things for you.

    (Man, I sound like a bitch there....)

    I know, I don't understand either.  If I pass a mail carrier (and I often do as I'm on a walk route and I also walk to work), I'll smile and say hi.  But, I do that for everybody.  I don't stop complete strangers on the street and have long conversations with them.  Maybe I'm missing out on some opportunity, but it just feels weird.

    • Love 3
  15. 17 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

    The dark side of me thinks that maybe he'll be so badly injured that he asks Kate to 'help' him along to death some time later and she does.

    I highly doubt that teenage Kate would decide to euthanize her dad, especially without his consent.  And Jack is not a big enough of a turd to allow his teenage daughter to take that responsibility when there are other, older, people who could help him with that.  I actually think he's just going to die in a car crash, either on the way to the show, or something will happen when he gets there which causes him to run out again and get in a crash.  Did you see all those beer cans on the front seat? 

    I also think the kids are already 16 in that flashback.  But, maybe they're not allowed to drive after dark.  That's the law a lot of places now, and I remember it was here at least in the late '90s. 

    • Love 3
  16. 17 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

    In some states, counties, and municipalities it is required when selling real estate to disclose if any violent crimes or deaths had occurred on the property.  If DC was such a municipality, then that information would have been in the sales or lease agreement.  But I am entirely ignorant of the real estate law in the area, so I can only speculate.

    Isn't, or shouldn't, there be a statute of limitations or something.  Like who cares what happened somewhere 100 years ago?  But, at any rate, this is a sublease between friends, and Tim was aware.  Maybe Delilah didn't even read the lease.  I think as long as one half of a couple reads and passes on the pertinent info, the other really doesn't need to slog through the legalities.


    18 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Also, when the actual body under the floorboards was discovered, Tony should have been told, or at least mentioned again, even in a funny line like "I can't wait to tell Tony that Senior sleeping with his neighbor isn't the worst thing that happened in his bedroom."

    I thought they did mention him and whether they should tell him in the last scene at the office?  Or am I making things up in my head?

    • Love 1
  17. 10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Someone made the below entry in the Superwiki but I don't concur at all with their conclusions. I don't know why the show would wait 6 years to tell us that Sam has been rebuilding the car, without Dean's help or that he didn't store it the bunker. Also the episode took place in Kansas, not Michigan. Dean didn't drive from the bunker to the vamps nest in Wichita and to the BMOL lair in Michigan (as this entry seems to think) all in a day. Hey, Maybe Sam flew to Michigan, got his car out storage and drove it to meet Mary. And it took Dean and Ketch a day to drive to Michigan... I don't think so, Tim.


    I don't think it's bad blood per se. Dean drove a 67 Mustang in the titanic episode and War drove a pristine Cherry Red Mustang in Good God Y'all.

    Rebuilding a car does not seem like a Sam-type project, so I don't buy that either.  I was just kind of kidding about the bad blood thing.

    • Love 1
  18. 20 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Not necessarily. Depends on the company. Some companies want control over how their product/company/logo is used, so they won't give the rights for it to be shown. Maybe Ford isn't a fan of the show or they feel their product isn't shown in the best light since the boys tend to steal the cars they drive other than Baby? However, I'd be surprised they could use the product and just remove the logo. It's not like soda where it can be made generic without the product logo.

    Or they're jealous because their main car is a Chevy.  They were originally going to use a '56(?) Mustang until one of EK"s friends told him a '67 Impala would be better.  Bad blood?

    • Love 1
  19. 34 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    I haven't seen the latest episode yet, but I did see a blurb on NBC saying that these next two episodes were going to "destroy America."

    Really, This is Us?! 

    I feel like I might have been able to get more into this show (rather than hate-watch as I'm doing now) if the show didn't tell me, in big bold letters, how I am supposed to feel every week.  Can I not take the parts I relate to and feel my own feelings?  Am I doing it wrong if I don't go through the entire box of tissue and have to resort to using my sleeves to wipe the almighty tears?  The hyperbole is getting rather ridiculous.

    Reading through the latest episode thread, I see that several people are bothered by the more detailed aspects of the show...like the example of Rebecca's tour only being two weeks (I too thought she was going to be absent for a couple of months), and Randall walking away from his job, where I thought he was supposed to be a partner or something?  At this point, do the show producers think that we won't notice these small but important details because we're all too busy blowing our noses?

    I didn't see that blurb, but that seems ridiculous.  Why would they say it would "destroy"America? Wouldn't that be a bad thing?

    I have a bigger problem with Rebecca's tour only being twoweeks than I do with RAndall walking out on his job.  That happens every day when people get burnt out and/or realize the company doesn't care about them.  I imagine they have savings that will tide them over until he finds something else.  I also have a problem with him saying that he works 20 hour days.  I guess once in a while, but he made it sound like aregular thing.  So, let's see, he has at least an hour travel time, he jogs every morning, one would hope showers after, so does he only sleep 2 hours a night?  Plus, the very first time we see him, he is as his kids' soccer games.  And he went to a play and a chess match, and it seems that this is stuff that he does regularly.  His wife and kids know who he is by sight and everything.  I call BS on 20 hour days.

    • Love 5
  20. 7 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    Who says Kevin can't go to LA, shoot the movie and then come back to the NY area?  The movie can be shot in NY, too. 

    Ron said it was being shot in L.A..  I doubt they would be willing to move the movie shooting locale, just for Kevin.  But, yes, he can fly back and forth, and come back for good when the movie is done.

    • Love 2
  21. 1 minute ago, Johnny Dollar said:

    Setting Jack up to be this super jealous guy who turns to alcohol to drown his sorrows does not fit at all with the backstory we've been getting. A little more of a build up of this storyline would help to make his death more than just a cheap convenient trick. 

    Randall's big FU you to his boss and evil Sanjay was epic. 

    Shut up Toby. And you too Heather. Where did you come from anyway?

    I wouldn't call it "super jealous" to not want your wife to tour with a guy that she hid being an ex-boyfriend.  Just typing that sends alarm bells all over the place to my brain.

    • Love 12
  22. I don't think I would care if there had been a murder in my apartment, assuming that the reason wasn't just because the neighborhood was bad.  Especially, if it's been 15 years.  I could see it being a bit odd if it was recently.  Knowing you've been sleeping over a dead guy would probably be a bit icky and I'm kind of with the whole gang on that.  What Delilah doesn't know won't hurt her.  Same goes for Tony.  Also, if I did find out that my husband or whatever, didn't tell me we'd been sleeping over a dead guy, I would not be mad that he kept that secret.

    Yay, lots of McGee this week.  Apparently, I'm the only one who likes Bishop.  I could do with less Torres.  I'm not sure why, but he gets on my last nerve.

    • Love 5
  23. 8 hours ago, HollyG said:

    My mom used to get a huge case of expensive gourmet apples from her company every Christmas. Granted, it was never sent for a loss of a loved one, but still.

    I don't think the fruit itself was the main problem.  After all, you usually send flowers for a funeral, and fruit is right next door.  I think the bigger problem was that Randall is allergic, and he expected them to remember as he went into anaphalactic shock, he didn't just mention it in passing, and nobody actually signed the card.

    29 minutes ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

    I have yet to cry at this show,  but Kate's slow breakdown at the "fun"eral, and her and Randall make me leak a little.  As did the postcard.  

    Why did Ron Howard call so late?  It couldn't wait until the morning?  

    Good episode, looking forward to next week!

    Ron Howard does all his casting in the middle of the night.  All of it.  Always.  Well known fact.  If you yell at him for waking your up, you lose the part.

    • Love 20
  24. 5 hours ago, pennben said:

    I guess my first reaction is: are you fucking kidding me that Rebecca's tour is only for two weeks...TWO WEEKS...she's been seen as a bad mom who is selfish and awful and doesn't appreciate what she has with St. Jack by deciding to go on this whirlwind tour??!!  

    I know.  The way they were acting, I thought it was for a couple of months, not a couple of weeks.  That is a huge difference.  She ought to be able to leave for two weeks, especially prepping things beforehand, without it being a problem.  Being on the road with the ex is a different aspect, but Jack was upset that she was leaving before he knew about that.

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