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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 1 minute ago, pennben said:

    Just rewatched the scene and there was no kiss. He went in for a kiss and she backed away before contact. Regardless, I felt she did everything right in that situation and it would have been a valid choice to stay, as I think she intended prior to the Jack fiasco. 

    OK, my bad then.  I thought there was actual contact.  Doesn't make that much difference, though. It's a bad idea to travel around for two weeks with an ex who wants to get in your pants, especially when your husband is already jealous of this specific man and your marriage is already on the rocks.

    • Love 2
  2. 37 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

    I agree that the posthumous promotion was a nice touch.  Sure, the poor dead Collins might not appreciate it, but it is a token of respect, a measure that his service was appreciated and acknowledged.  The grieving family would be touched.  Besides, we might as well stop giving funerals, memorial services and eulogies since the dead person won't be aware of them.  Such things are for the survivors.

    I'm not saying that it was bad that they did it.  But, posthumous awards, funerals, memorial services, all that stuff is really for the living.  As you said.  So, I just don't see it as this having been some great accomplishment done for him.  But, it's just my opinion.

  3. 8 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    They didn't kiss, he tried though.  It looked, to me, as if she was going to leave; she said "he was right" (Jack).  She was very agitated and wanted none of it.  She called Jack, probably to ask him to come and get her.  She looked very done, to me. 

    He didn't "try" to kiss her.  He kissed her. His lips were on hers.  I'm not saying it was her fault, and I'm not saying she didn't push him away immediately, but they did kiss.

    • Love 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

    It didn't occur to me she'd bail on the performance just cuz that guy hit on her, or that she should. Women get hit on all the time, we don't just quit our responsibilities or jobs or gigs, and her ex (I can't remember his name) wasn't harassing or pressuring her after the initial move--I assume he would have let if drop after she made it clear it was a no go.  I don't know, had it been me, I'd have still stayed, even after Jack acted a drunken fool. I'd have taken away his keys so he couldn't drive, finished the gig and then worried about all the rest of it.  I assume the band still went on without her, I hope.

    Nope.  If I were married, and my husband didn't want me going on a business trip with my ex because he still had the hots for me, and said ex kissed me, I would be so out of there.  My marriage is more important than anything.  What would happen if Jack had found out that they kissed and that she didn't leave after that?

    • Love 9
  5. 10 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I found so much of Jack's backstory hard to believe. At what age did he go to Vietnam and what age did he return? Has that ever been established? I find it hard to believe that at 28 he is living at home. These days it isn't unusual for a 28 year old to live at home since many have been raised and coddled as special snowflakes

    See, I wish they would have explained the timing of when exactly the epi was taking place.  Because if he was fresh back from Vietnam, as in a couple of months, I don't find it that odd he was still living at home.  But, if it had been at least a year, I do, especially seeing the way he feels about his father.  And, this is the first I've heard of him being in Vietnam.  I just looked this up, all combat forces were pulled from Vietnam in 1973.  If Jack was born in 1944 that means he was there from '71 to '73 tops.   We know that the episode took place before 1979 since the kids were born in 1980.  But, I have no idea how long they were together before that, and it would have been nice if the show gave us a clue, which I might very well have missed, since I, too, found the episode boring.

    • Love 3
  6. 22 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    The problem I have with Bobby (well ONE of the problems) is that Bobby IMO was projecting HIS desire for a normal life that he had and lost when his wife was possessed and he had to kill her and then became a hunter. The ONE THING Dean wanted was for Sam to be alive. And if Bobby wouldn't tell Dean that his one thing he needed to know to give him peace of mind.  tells me that Bobby really knew fuck all about Dean. But I have lots of Bobby thoughts that are probably best left for the bitterness thread.

    OTOH, Bobby might have thought Dean would be better off with his memories of Sam, then actually with weirdo RoboSam.  We didn't see any of Sam and Bobby's interactions before Dean showed up with him, so who knows what happened there.

  7. 1 hour ago, MysteryGuest said:

    I think the BMOL, and Mary Winchester, have made it very clear that their goal is to systematically wipe out ALL monsters in the US.  I don't think they've been hiding that goal from anyone.  In fact, it's pretty much their main talking point.  And that was Mary's pitch to Sam...a world where he will have the chance to go back to school and have a "normal" life.  

    I hate that we're just expected to go along with the writers on this journey when they very obviously didn't bother to pay attention to the last 11 years of the show.

    I don't know.  As much as Sam has given lip service over time to how much he loves the hunting life, I don't think he really does.  I think he would be very happy to live in a world without monsters.  He used that as an excuse to himself in Criss Angel when he went back to Ruby after months of no blood and her "cut the head off the snake" speech.  He tried normal again in Season 8 after Dean died.  What he might not end up liking is their shady methods and their indiscriminatory killing.

  8. 39 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

    Didn't Sterling Brown say 'Jack died as he lived'?....

    I thought Randall said that in an episode.  But, maybe I'm imagining it.  Except that I feel like I heard him say that and I don't generally listen to interviews and stuff.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

    Yeah, I'm still wondering what the "something we've never seen on TV" thing was all about, because I spent the hour turning my little brain inside out trying to figure out what it was going to be (like, I had myself half-convinced that they were going to somehow reveal that Rebecca actually married Ethan (blind date guy), but I could not figure out how that *possibly* could have happened, considering everything else we (the viewing audience) knows)...and at the end I was all, "Weh?  What did I miss?"

    It's quite simple.  Jack fixed a car for $5.  I realize it was the late '70s, but still, according to the internet, $5 in 1975 would be about $20 today.  What can you have done on your car (with a house call, no less) for $20? 

    • Love 8
  10. 19 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Was groping ex the only other person in the band?  I could not help but think, if it really was a group then she let down her commitment by having to drive Jack back in his state.  If the group flakes out on this gig because they have no singer, it will probably kill their reputation for future work.

    I would lay the blame for that mostly on Ben.  Although, I guess had Ben not kissed her, Jack would have still needed dealing with.  But, Ben kissing her was totally inappropriate and sexual harassment and she had every right to walk away at that point.

    • Love 14
  11. 3 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    I don't think John left them to starve, but the above suggests there was times when the food did run out, because John got delayed.    I always wondered if the reason Dean gambled the food money was because he needed more and what he had wasn't enough.   Not canon, but not out of the realm of possibility.

    I've kind of gone back and forth on that.  I figure that Dean might not want to risk Sam's food money (he might be more willing to risk his own) if there was enough.  But, at the same time, if they were close to running out, John should have realized that and not been a complete jerk by leaving Dean to have the best month he ever had. 

    As for the comment in Metamorphosis, I always figured Dean was hungry in Hell. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    I'm tired of the fact that the how and when of Jack's death has become the overriding story arc for the entire show.

    Me, too. if they had ended it last night, or even better yet a few epis ago, it would have been fine.  But, they've dragged it on so long, that however he died, is going to have so epically bizarre to justify all this buildup to it.  Seriously, if he didn't spontaneously combust, I'm going to be disappointed.

    • Love 17
  13. 3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    If they must be apart for awhile, she can get in the car and rejoin the "tour," while Jack stays home with the kids. 

    I don't think going on tour with a guy who's trying to get in your pants is the best way to work on your marriage. 


    2 hours ago, tribeca said:

     I would date Evan though  

    Was that her date?  I don't think I would.   From the little we saw of him he seemed completely self-absorbed.


    2 hours ago, vendredi3 said:

    When you win big at a poker table, you don't immediately walk away. You keep playing, betting as little as possible and folding often, to retain your winnings.

    The only thing I know about poker is you need to know when to walk away, know when to run.  So, maybe they needed to run instead of walk.


    2 hours ago, vendredi3 said:

    When you want to make a move on your married ex-whatever-she-was, you don't do it before the show when she's jittery. You wait until after the show when you're both basking in the glow of a great performance.

    Or better yet, you don't do it at all.

    • Love 6
  14. 31 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I work in the investment field and have coworkers who refuse to sign them who don't lose their job,

    I don't even think I quite understand the concept of that.  Why would you ask an employee to sign a non-compete after they were already working for you.  I would think you would have them sign it up front, as a condition of employment.  But, otherwise, if you are asking during the middle of employment, and they refuse, I see no reason to fire them, as they'll just steal the clients they haven't been barred from stealing.

    • Love 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, LadyMarmalade said:

    Right, she could have waited until the end of dinner, and then invited him to go watch her sing. And if he made an excuse not to go, then that would have been a good reason not to pursue anything with him. 

    On the other hand, he appeared to be massively late and then just talked about his job nonstop. I'm definitely not advocating for returning rudeness for rudeness, but I don't feel sorry for him.

    Actually, I think one of the few (perhaps only) thing I liked about this episode was thinking that Jack and Rebecca were being set up with each other and it turned out it was with two completely different people. 

    • Love 10
  16. 18 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    I would love to see a season-long arc which realistically portrays adoption (and all that comes with it).  I don't think we see this too often on TV.  We started the process in 2013 and two homestudies later (because it needs to be renewed), we are still waiting.  Plus how easy would it be for the Pearsons to be approved for adoption, considering Randall's condition? 

    They could fix the misconception they may have made when they basically stated that a couple could just declare they wanted a dropped off baby and leave the hospital with that baby the same day, no muss, no fuss.  A financially struggling couple, no less.

    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, DeepPoet117 said:

    Randall and Beth are going to adopt a boy and name him Jack William (or William Jack) aren't they?

    Maybe Kate calls him and asks him to come pick them up from the sleepover or something? Would Jack have had a cell phone or car phone in 1996 or whenever that was?

    I'm really glad Kevin decided to go meet with Ron Howard. I think career wise, it's a much smarter move than staying in NY and trying to get work as a theatre actor.

    Billy Jack?  I hope not.

    I don't think Jack had a cell phone because we saw him call the party from a payphone.

    Sure, careerwise it's a smart move.  But, if he's unable to stay faithful to Sophie when distance is involved, it's not a smart relationship move.  And, if she really is the love of his life since he was 10, that's what is more important.

    • Love 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, captain1 said:

    I guess from reading these comments that my opinion will be unpopular, but I don't care that we didn't learn how and when Jack dies in last night's episode.  I love all these complex characters and love to see all the interactions between them, past and present.  I will watch this show until it ends, I'm sure.  I'm invested in these characters and their lives.

    The only reason I care that they didn't show how Jack died was because they're milking it.  We already know he died somewhere in the kids' late teens.  Let's just get it over with and move on with other issues.

    Actually, one thing I would like to know is if Kate actually told Toby the story, or if "it was my fault," comprised the whole conversation.

    • Love 7
  19. The ending part of this episode bugged me.  When the lieutenant said she wished that he could have done more for him, and they said that she had because they liked his application to officers' training, or whatever, that they were posthumously making him an ensign.  He's dead. He's not going to care.  I have no idea if that gets his family more death benefits or whatever, but other than that, it's totally meaningless, IMO.

    • Love 2
  20. 15 hours ago, msrbley said:

    Randall's recent mental breakdown is going to be a hurdle to adopting but his father dying and his unemployment are not a problem. 

    That would depend on how much money they have saved up. He said he wanted to adopt a baby, not an older child.  Adopting an infant is expensive.  Considering the fact that a few weeks ago he was freaked about how he would be able to retire when and where he wanted if Beth were pregnant, they may want to go the older child route.

    I don't think I really liked this episode.  First of all, I like it better when they intermix present time and the flashbacks.  Second of all, we already know Jack dies and they are milking it too much.  Unless something really surprising happens there's no need for all the suspense on the matter.  I, for one, don't really care all that much how or when he dies.  And, then the end, where the kids' choices get ranked as good (Kate deciding she wants to be a singer), bad (Kevin trying out for that movie role) and amazing (Randall wanting to adopt a child) seem not quite right to me.  We've seen that Kate is extremely self-conscious up in front of other people.  I am, too.  I would never choose a career in which I would have to be up in front of people.  And Randall should not be making yet another major life-changing decision right now.  There's only so much change a person can handle at once. Especially a person who has a history of breaking down when overloaded.  I can't yet decide if Kevin's decision is a bad one or a good one.  I'm kind of leaning towards bad, but I'm not sure why.  It's because I'm assuming Sophie is more important to him than his career, but then I remember that the reason that this is a bad idea is because he cheated on her before, so how important can she possibly be to him if the big worry is that he will do that again?

    • Love 4
  21. 18 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I was under the impression anyone and everyone could hear them, but only the people whose contracts were up could see them.

    I think it depends on the episode.  In Crossroad Blues, Dr. Perlman's maid said that she had "never even heard it" referring to the dog the doctor had been complaining about and thought she might have been imagining it, and when Sam was protecting Evan, he kept having to ask if he still heard it.  I'm not entirely sure about this, but in No Rest for the Wicked, I think a hell hound growled and DEan said hell hound, so apparently Sam hadn't heard it, but I'm have the sequence wrong, he might have said hell hound and then it growled.  In King of the Damned, the both clearly heard the hell hound in the graveyard.  In Trial and Error everyone seemed able to hear them, unless there really were wolves around at the same time.

  22. 11 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

    I worked in an ER as a nurse on night shift for 20 years and I never saw a patient go to surgery in 5 or 10 minutes after arrival (which they do on tv) It takes time to prep a person for surgery and it's always a good idea to get certain tests before shipping them off to the OR. AND, while we weren't a huge hospital , we never had the amount of patients  going to surgery like on TV. Rarely more than one per shift and rarely more than once a week if that. The population of my city is around 250,000 and we saw about 100 patients in 24 hours. Also, we Were a trauma level 2 facility.

    Are doctors and nurses constantly having sex in the supply closets, or is that an "only on TV" thing, too?

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