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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. I recently just re-watched this episode, and I just love the fact that they leave the price tag on the sword.  It makes me wonder if they bought it, if they were planning on returning it after. 

    On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 8:04 PM, DittyDotDot said:

    My entire problem with this episode is the contrivances with the drinking. Sam and Dean drinking in that office rather than taking the surveillance footage back to the hotel and everyone getting drunk two seconds after taking a drink just doesn't work for me.

    Yes, it takes longer than that to get drunk.  And, I realize that Tess was a little girl and had never drunk alcohol before, but she literally took one little sip of that drink.  One little sip of what looked to be a screwdriver should not have made her that tipsy.

  2. 13 minutes ago, elang4 said:

    Wasn't seen by Lorelai and Rory shopping with another girl. I think that was probably the reason Lorelai had a bad opinion of him from the start.

    Would you rather Jess not have had words with Lorelai out on the porch on his first day or Jess not say those hurtful things to Luke when they met TJ for the first time?

    not say hurtful things to Jess.

    Would you rather Rory was not given special treatment of a make up assignment when she was late for her Shakespeare test or not singled out for non-punishment in the breaking into the school to ring a bell incident?

  3. 4 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    I'm not talking about policy. I'm saying if someone at that company - Randall's assistant? - was thoughtful enough to order a personalized cake, that someone would know about a life-threatening allergy and at the very least send a fruit basket that doesn't contain pears, and also make sure there's a personalized note.

    I once worked somewhere where I got a birthday cake every year.  I don't remember ever signing a card for a funeral, and I worked there for 7 years.  I'm sure somebody died.  Actually, I do know that a girl had a brain tumor. She collapsed at work and that's how they found it.  I don't remember a card going around for that either.  I suppose it may have and I forgot, or wasn't there that day or whatever.  But, just getting cakes on your birthday, does not mean that a company is going to do something extra special for you for a funeral beyond a card and flowers or fruit.

    As for the brain tumor, they did send out an email saying that anyone who wanted to could donate sick time for her to use.  I did that.  Much more practical than a bunch of flowers that are going to die anyway.

  4. 12 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    The thing that bothers me about the pears is the inconsistency. In the pilot Randall's coworkers/subordinates brought him a cake and sang happy birthday. I believe the cake was even personalized. But now, for a much more solemn occasion, they send a much less thoughtful gift, because the show wants to justify Randall quitting. Lazy writing, IMO.

    I don't think it was inconsistent at all.  Company policy is that on your birthday you get a cake with happy birthday written on it and everyone in the general vicinity will take 5 minutes out of their busy schedule to sing to you.  Company policy is fruit or flowers for a funeral.  Bummer it was pears.  But, really, what did he expect?  A signed card might have been nice, but really none of this stuff is required. 

    • Love 3
  5. 51 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    I'm actually more put out by the fact that the BMOL is now admitting that there are tons of monsters still around. Just last week, they were saying there were like 11 vampires left in the US or something, and Sam couldn't find a single case on his own. Now suddenly the BMOL have case after case after case for Sam to work? I think that inconsistency is just an oversight but it adds to my confusion about the BMOL and how the show even wants us (the audience) to perceive them.

    It was 11 vampire in the Midwest.  You just made me wonder if the monsters know what's going on, maybe they ramping up on their reproduction efforts.  I have no idea if wraiths, ghouls, and sirens have a way to reproduce. Vampires and werewolves can do it pretty easily.

    • Love 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    Well, sure there are ways. I'm saying it would have been more interesting and fun to have seen THAT (and just the entire back-to-back fight roadtrip altogether) than it was to see the hell hound case, which was ultimately just an ordinary case that they solved in the same-old-same-old kind of way.

    There have been times that the show has shown Sam and Dean brushing their teeth at the car with a bottle of water or other road-trippy things, and I always enjoy that. YMMV.

    Yeah, I would have loved to seen a back-to-back ghoul, wraith, siren hunt and seen how Dean got so dirty as opposed to Sam staying so pristinely clean.  There's gotta be a story behind that, and I'm sure it's at least interesting and perhaps even funny.  Maybe Sam let Dean do all the actual fighting while he just check his email for the next hunt?

    • Love 4
  7. 8 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    Maybe they thought it might've also had something else? The tablet that Metatron got a hold of had power in it in addition to whatever was written on it.


    Not only possible power, but the demon tablet had lots of stuff on it beyond sealing the gates of Hell.  Maybe the Leviathan tablet would have told them how to be even more powerful, or had some good human recipes in it.

    • Love 1
  8. On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:09 PM, Albanyguy said:

    Only on TV are houses and offices equipped with heating/air conditioning ducts that are easily accessible, completely free of dust and cobwebs and wide enough for two people to crawl through comfortably. This greatly facilitates eavesdropping, hiding from burglars and other wacky hijinks.


    Forget air ducts.  Nobody on TV ever has any dust bunnies or pet fur (even when they have pets) anywhere. 

    • Love 7
  9. 28 minutes ago, rue721 said:


    To be fair, I don't think that it would be a good idea in practice to try and ram the Hellhound with the Impala, because the Impala just isn't that big.

    This one time, I was driving on the freeway pretty late at night, and this huge truck tire suddenly loomed up on the road out of nowhere -- guess it fell off a truck or something. I didn't really have time to swerve and there was enough traffic around that that would have been dangerous anyway, so I just tried to hit the tire square and keep going. Really not a good plan. The tire fucked up the whole front of my car, it basically ripped off the bumper. I had figured it would be like a pool ball hitting another pool ball, and the car would transfer all the energy to the tire without having it be a big collision. But in reality, the car kept going somewhat over the tire and snagged it and that damaged the car pretty badly. So anyway, I'm just picturing trying to swerve or hit something big and dynamic like a Hellhound in a little car like the Impala and thinking, it probably wouldn't work?

    ETA:  "wouldn't work" as in, I don't think the Impala could really take the hit, and so trying to ram the Hellhould might have caused a bad crash at best

    ETA2:  no idea how well Baby handles, though. My car wouldn't have been able to swerve too well, but dunno about an old muscle car! Probably handles completely differently, totally out of my wheelhouse lol

    Believe it or not, I once totaled my car hitting a coyote and a coyote is nowhere near the size of a Hell Hound.  Plus, the Hell Hound isn't a mortal dog, so even if run over it wouldn't die, but might lie still long enough to get stabbed.

    • Love 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    There is a difference between being a little messy and dirty.

    Oh, yeah, I don't think either one of them are dirty.  I was just responding to Dean was always shown to be neater than Sam.  No biggie either way.  Neither one of them would just run around with blood and guts all over them and be like "no big, I don't need a shower."

    • Love 1
  11. 33 minutes ago, Mulva said:

    The whole Cole thing baffles me.  He's introduced in the season premiere, gets tons of screen time (when we're all eager to see Demon Dean!), his background, friends and family all explored, the actor does a lot of interviews and publicity photos with Jared, then . . . nothing.  He disappears, never to be seen or mentioned again.

    Were TPTB planning for him to head a spinoff?  If so, then why did they have him torture Sam?  That alone made him unsympathetic.  It didn't help that the actor seemed to think that he was the star.

    It was all pretty purposeless.  Unless it was just to show that Demon Dean wasn't into saving Sam like regular Dean.  I think we could have figured that out.  Or that Demon Dean who wasn't into saving Sam and had not problem killing people who basically hire a hitman to kill his wife would have scruples about killing a kidnapper and torturer.  Or, that even after spending years chasing a vendetta, you'll just let it go when the guy who killed your father tells you he was a monster.  Imagine if Azazel had said to Sam, "No, I'm really the good guy.  Your mom was a monster," and Sam would be all like, "OK, dude, that's cool."  It's the same thing except one would be lying and the other telling the truth, but the listener wouldn't know that.  Dean offered no proof.  Cole thought that Dean himself was a demon.  Yet, he believed him.  He either had a really crappy dad, which makes the revenge storyline seem implausible, or he's just a super nice guy, which makes the kidnap and torture Sam storyline implausible.

    • Love 2
  12. 1 minute ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Not that Sam's an all-out slob either, but I think it's pretty well established that Dean is the neater one.

    I think it depends on the season.  They used to have Sam making his hotel/motel beds and Dean not.


    2 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    I don't understand why Cas is still persona non-grata in heaven though?  Don't the angels see the episodes?  Wasn't it revealed by Boogertron himself over the loudspeaker that The Fall was not Cas' fault?  And seeing as how Guck himself gave Cas a pass, why should the other angels hold anything else against him?    

    The fall was Cas's fault because once again he was naïve and just bought what any angel was selling.  The Darkness getting out was also partly his fault as he provided the sacrifice for Rowena.  And the Darkness killed quite a few angels.  Metatron escaping from Heaven's jail is all on Cas, although Metatron was unable to wreak more havoc so I don't know that that was a particularly big deal.  IIRC, Cas also killed a couple of angels who were torturing him after Rowena turned him into a dog.  Cas also killed Bartholomew, who presumably had many followers/fans.  He killed tons of angels after he popped Purgatory.  I don't know. I think they have more than enough reasons to be holding grudges.

    1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

    Ramsey with his regular pistol and her being hit with an ax and being clocked with the Green Cooler

    I can't really defend the cooler other than it just distracted her, maybe, but if the axe was pure iron maybe that would be enough for a slight injury.  Would have been nice if they had said, "oh look, this axe is made of iron."

  13. 9 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Yeah, the stakes are pretty damn low these days. Lucifer being so easily subdued is a ridiculous and rather unfunny joke, too. Whatever.

    Well, at least they explained that, and it was pretty clever.  Just powering down vamps and demons and pretty much every other monster so that Sam and Dean can just walk up to them, and kill them with no explanation as to why monsters are now so powerless bugs me. 

    • Love 2
  14. I'm not sure where to post this, because I'm not really interested in Sam/Dean wars but I've seen some (many) complaints about Sam getting the kills in the last few epis.  So, I have a theory why the writers may be doing that.  Sam needed a pretty major rescue at the beginning of the season. And, since he's the one trusting the BMOLs he may need one at the end of the season. So, he might be getting some kills in between so he doesn't look totally useless.  Or they might be making up for earlier seasons when Dean got most of the kills.  I was just thinking about this because I saw an old post on a YouTube video from season 8 where someone was complaining that Sam was useless and DEan had to keep rescuing him.  So, just my 2 cents.

    • Love 1
  15. 32 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I don't really have a problem with Luke in any season (although, I think he maybe could have handled the April thing a bit better), so I'll say I would have liked to see Logan having broken away from the family and doing his own thing. 


    Would you rather have seen inside Al's Pancake World or Luke and Nicole's apartment?

    Al's Pancake World

    If there were to be a Star's Hollow murder, would you rather Kirk went postal and killed Taylor for always bossing him around or Michel kills Dean because it turns out he was a psychotic killer killing strangers for years, but the Deans of the world getting the Lindsays of the world pushed him over the edge?

  16. 18 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    That was another thing that bothered me about this episode.  It totally undermined 12.12 (which Perez also wrote).  Cas decided that the Winchesters are this home.  Dean even said 'let go home."  But I guess its "nope not really because my "blood family' wants me back. 

    Family doesn't end with blood really feels empty after that.

    Cas has known the Winchesters for less than 10 years.  He's been angel along with his brothers for millennia.  I would find it odd if he didn't have conflicting loyalties.


    19 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    It seems Dabb really does believe these guys are the good guys, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Dean also start sipping from the cup they they hand him.

    I would think if that were true, he would actually portray them as good guys. 

    • Love 2
  17. 10 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

    Since when do they hunt with that sort of weapon?  Do they really now just beat monsters to a bloody pulp?

    Here's my theory on the club. They mentioned that they had just killed a siren.  That club looked like it had barbed wire or something sharp on it.  So, they used that to put the blood from the victim on it and then just whacked the siren with the club and it died.  No beating to a blood pulp.  Does seem more clunky than what Bobby did, but, hey, we can't all be Bobby.

    • Love 3
  18. On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:11 PM, Hanahope said:


    I found it interesting that Montgomery didn't start to change into the rugaroo until his wife became pregnant (she was probably pregnant a month before she knew for sure and it seemed that was the approximate time frame that Travis started noticing something 'strange' with him).  Maybe the gene stays dormant until it knows its passed it onto an offspring (just in case it dies in the main host)?

    That's interesting.  I thought they probably just turned around age 30, and that was when Jack and his father happened to impregnate their wives.  But, it kind of makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

  19. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I hate how the monsters seem to have become easier to kill over the years.  In season 1, vampires were strong and formidable enemies. Now, Sam or Dean can take out a nest single-handedly and any hunter who can't is considered below par.  Also, I think it's stupid that you can knock out a demon by punching him.  Really? 

    • Love 5
  20. 4 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    Sam saying that the BMOL killed the Alpha Vampire made me go, "aaaaaaguhghghhhhh." Sam killed the Alpha, and the BMOL acted as bait *if I'm being generous.* What is going on in Sam's head?

    I was thinking that, too, but then he wouldn't have been able to kill the alpha without the Colt, which they had.  He did have to show them how to make a bullet.  It was kind of a joint effort. 

  21. 2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I thought he had to recite that after he killed the hellhound. So I was thinking...welp since he already said it once...maybe this will inadvertently start the trial unbeknownst to Sam. I'm just throwing shit out there to keep myself remotely interested in the show right now.

    Interesting theory.  But, I think as far as what went before with him, he kind of got reset when Gadreel healed him.  Otherwise, he could probably just heal a demon, say the spell and be done.  Either way, it won't be too hard to avoid saving a soul from hell and curing a demon, LOL.

  22. 3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    The first step was killing a hellhound and being drenched in it's blood. Did he avoid getting hellhound blood on him this time? I really don't remember

    I think the instructions were literally to bathe in a hell hound's blood.  He didn't look like he got any blood on him.  But, again, without saying the (what is that called), thing it doesn't matter.

    Edit:  A spell.  It's called a spell, and I am completely senile.

    • Love 1
  23. Just now, DeeDee79 said:

    Happy to hear of Joshua who was one of the kind Angels but why didn't we get to see him?

    Joshua is the angel Sam and Dean spoke with in Heaven in Dark Side of the Moon.  Not sure if we're going to see him again or not.  Also not sure if he is actually having anything to do with this or if other angel only used his name to lure Cas up.  Honestly, have no idea what is happening there.


    4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Did Sam restart the trials by killing the hellhound?

    No, the trials are only started if you recite the whatever they were saying in Enochian from the demon tablet.

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