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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. Actually, I think my favorite TV scene of trying to open a door with a credit card was when Chandler and Joey were doing it and they lost the credit card to the other side of the door.  And, I think on another show, they ruined the credit card, can't remember if the door opened or not.  So, something probably realistic on TV.  I'm on the wrong thread.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I think the very existance of the cure painted Claire`s "kill me immediately, I wanna try nothing" reaction as too hasty. And every werewolf episode since "Heart" painted the mawkish Madison-kill-decision as ludicrous.

    yes, because every werewolf episode since Heart, they have conveniently changed the lore.

  3. 59 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Just watched the first episode of 13 Reasons Why, that kid from Family Matters has a lead role.

    Seems like I'm seeing a lot of young actors who did an episode or two of Supernatural back in the day cropping up all over the place lately. Those kids grow up so fast! ;)

    Sorry, I don't mean to be supercorrecto person, but I was driving myself crazy trying to think of any kids from Family Matters.  You meant Family Remains.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

    And why was Mick carrying around the ingredients for the cure if it didn't work?

    I don't know. I know for a fact that the vampire cure was more than just blood.  Samuel said "some we have, some we don't." And he said the hardest was the blood from the vamp that turned you.  So, whether or not the werewolf cure was just blood or not, the vampire one definitely wasn't and we don't know any of the other ingredients, so maybe there were some on there that was stuff that Sam and Dean linked with vampires and not with werewolves which would explain why they never tried it on a wolf before.

  5. 8 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    How had they never thought to try blood of the maker for wolves after it worked for vamps?

    I'm pretty sure in both cases, it was more than just the blood of the maker.  And, I'm also thinking the other ingredients would have been different or Sam would have been like, "hey, this is exactly like the vamp cure."

    • Love 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, SueB said:

    I think she LIKES Cas.  But that also strikes me as a touchy subject.  She's a teen whose major trauma involved the loss of both parents.  I can imagine this is just one of many "don't go there" places that she avoids emotionally.  She's just not ready to lean on him or interact with him routinely.  And now she has Jody as a parental figure to cling to. She GETS Jody.  And it's a somewhat normal 'foster parent'-ish situation.  The Cas situation is really complicated.

    Yes, that's my take exactly.  She has forgiven him.  She likes him.  But, it's somewhat painful to be around him because he's a walking/talking reminder of her dad.

    • Love 3
  7. 12 minutes ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    The other thing that really made me laugh was that it was snowing at the beginning and, apparently, mid summer glorious sunshine by the end.

    Today through tomorrow we're supposed to get 11 to 16 inches of snow and on Sunday in the 50s and sunshine.


    14 minutes ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    (He can resurrect the dead! That pretty much extracts all risk of peril from any situation).

    Except when he can't, which makes it worse.  I'm still head scratching as to why they didn't rush Charlie over to him.  Zeke had resurrected her the season before, so no reason Cas couldn't.

  8. 7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Look, I understand not every viewer cares about Castiel and some even would be happy for him to be killed off, but in the SHOW the Winchesters DO care about and love Cas. It takes ONE line of dialogue for Dean to say "Cas is gonna be pissed about this, but we have to tell him anyway".  "Okay, we'll tell him when we get back to the bunker" .

    my feelings on this have nothing to do with whether or not I like Cas.  I actually like Cas as a character.  My problems with him are that his angel powers change every week, sometimes he can heal, sometimes he can't.  Soemtimes he can bring people back from the dead, sometimes he can't.  And, he makes life too easy.  Except when he doesn't, then you have to ask why didn't he do x.  But, I've stated my reasoning for thinking it wasn't important that he was called, and apparently I don't see the Cas/Claire relationship the same way you do.  Presumably she has Cas's number, but last year when she was hunting vamps, she called Dean, not Cas.  That says something to me.

    • Love 4
  9. 5 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    As a teenager, I once took my stepdad's car without permission and went shopping. I lost the keys in the store but was able to talk a passing patrol cop into hot wiring it for me. Guess I had an honest face?

    Made it home before stepdad and the store called the next day with the keys. Sneaky teen success!

    OK, it's one thing to ignore potential crimes, but to actually help out with one?  Please tell me he at lest asked to see your DL first and the registration before he let you drive away.  Although, since it was your stepdad, I'm assuming different last names, but maybe probably same address.

    • Love 1
  10. Seriously, I'm sorry, but I literally couldn't care less that they didn't mention Cas.  Like you said, they don't know he's in Heaven. They think he's looking for Kelly.  While Claire has forgiven him, I still don't think she likes to be around him.  I realize that's my opinion. And, would they really want an angel around a BMOL who thinks everything supernatural has to go no matter what?  Probably not.  Could they have discussed any or all of that stuff on screen?  Sure.  Was it necessary.  No, IMO.

    • Love 3
  11. Just now, rue721 said:

    I don't really understand how Claire coming to call/think of Jodi as her mother reflects on Mary's storyline (or even Rowena's).

    Why does it have to?  Why can't it just be its own thing?

    • Love 4
  12. OK, I'm going to go UO and just say that I don't mind that they didn't call Cas.  they didn't call him last season either.  Yes, he was Lucifer at that point, but Sam and Dean didn't know it yet.  Claire has a more complex relationship with Cas then she does with SAm and Dean and, honestly, I think the sight of him hurts her still.  she loved her dad and seeing Cas is just painful.  She may not hate him anymore, but I doubt she really wants to hang out with him.

    As to where they think he is, they think he's looking for Kelly.  That's actually their number one priority right now, so they probably wouldn't want to bother him with a hunt of the week.  He may have been able to cure her, though. It depends on what the angel skills of the week are.

    • Love 8
  13. 5 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    This is probably just me, but I didn't like Claire calling Jodi her mother. I mean, Claire did have an actual mother, who left/died (forget) when Claire was like 8 or 12? To me, it's off-putting, like Claire is rewriting history.

    You can have more than one mother figure in your life.  Her mom left when she was like 11 and then when they found her she died.  Jodie really filled a need and I don't find it history bashing, or disrespectful to Amelia for Claire to call Jodie her mother.

    • Love 11
  14. I forgot about the hotel.  That was awesome.  Mick's all like "only 3 stars" and Dean was like "paradise."  Then complaining the next day to not give Mick any satisfaction.  Yep.  That's the Dean we know and love.

    There was one thing that bugged me about this epi.  I know people change and everything and it's been a long time, but Dean told Claire they could lock her up a few nights a month and she'd be golden, but he was adamant that wouldn't work with Madison because she would bust out some night and kill people.

    • Love 7
  15. 1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I think they're trying to paint him as "definitely not SuperJack".  

    Honestly, nothing about him bothers me or did.  I read something in the media where Fogelman (I think) said we'd begin to really like him after the scene of him counseling Kevin, or something.  I was fine with him before it and I guess more fine on him after?  I have no strong feelings about the sanctity of marriage or the bro code or any of that, though.  

    The way the kids have treated Miguel and Rebecca comes across petty, childish and selfish, to me.  

    I definitely believe in the sanctity of marriage, but not beyond the grave.  However, if you have kids, and it's going to bother them, IMO, you should wait a year before remarrying.  Note, I didn't say forever.  But, sometimes the kids find it disrespectful, and if your spouse has died that recently you might want to take a step back from your feelings for a minute anyway.

    • Love 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

    I found this in Super-wiki, (I live there now)

    "Sam interrogates Madison and figures out that Madison was infected when she was bitten during what she thought was a mugging a month previously. Sam finds lore in John's Journal that suggests that if the "sire" of someone who is a werewolf is killed, they will be released from the curse."

    This is from the episode Heart season 2 ep. 17

    To be honest, I just watched it this morning.

    This is what he said:

    “lycanthropy might have a cure if you kill the werewolf who bit you, severing the bloodline”.  They then killed the werewolf that bit Madison and it didn't work.

    • Love 2
  17. 28 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Abaddon was in pieces and she got free.

    Only because Sam and Dean stupidly sewed her back together and then left her alone while they took a phone call.


    1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

    Lucifer will probably get the better of him and escape.

    No "probably" about it.   Pride goeth before the fall, apparently.

  18. 19 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    The show emphasized Crowley being 10 steps ahead of Lucifer which makes me think he's also 10 steps ahead of everyone not named Rowena.

    I've always felt like he's 10 steps ahead of every one.  Just when you think he's doublecrossed and done for (by anyone) he always comes back and shows that he knew what was going on all the time and he was in really in charge. Which is part of the reason why, as entertaining as Crowley is, I think they should stop working with him and seriously try killing him.

    • Love 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, SueB said:

    I'm hoping this is ONE time when the BMoL have an "old recipe" that the Winchesters don't know about yet. Or at least some lore to help. 

    I guess I could deal with that.  They didn't know how to cure a vampire until Grandpa told them.  But, it just always seems like every single werewolf episode they change the lore, or add something.  Every single time. 

    • Love 2
  20. Why do I get the feeling that they are going to change werewolf lore once again?  Since when you can stop someone from turning into a werewolf?  I haven't like a werewolf episode since Heart. Let's hope I'm pleasantly surprised.

    • Love 1
  21. Luke, definitely.  We could see him helping out his dad at the hardware store, his early relationship with Liz, and wearing Star Trek shirts.

    If Lorelai had died in labor with Rory (yes I went totally dark), would you rather Rory were raised by Christopher or Richard and Emily?

  22. 9 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    I don't understand this. 

    We don't know how long it would have taken Cas to die. It could have been 3 hours or 30 hours. Sorry Im just not seeing why it's different once they understood how to get to Amara. Why there is a delineation as to when the threat started and how long the ultimate resolution took?

    Because with Lucifer the threat started when he rose, and they didn't lock him up in the cage until the end of the season. The threat with Amara started when they let her out and she didn't get talked down for a season.  I seriously doubt Cas had 30 hours, he looked like he was ready to die right when Crowley broke the spear, but they sure didn't have a whole season. 

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