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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 15 hours ago, Hanahope said:

     Plus, for all they know , there could be more half-siblings. 

    Oh, I certainly hope not.


    15 hours ago, Hanahope said:

    Between Dean and Sam realizing that their dad had a real 'family' with another woman and a son he did normal stuff with,

    I don't know if I'd call this a "real family."  As far as I could tell from this epi, he popped in a couple times of year.

    I hated this episode. I think the only part I liked was that Adam turned out to be a ghoul so we wouldn't have to see him again.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    Absolutely. A lot of TV writers seem so heavily invested in devising really complex, intricate plots that then get heavily bogged down, but my favourite episodes of any show are always the ones with very simple plots - just drop that plot rock into the water, as it were, and let the story arise from the ripple effect of the characters reacting to it.

    Looking back, there was a time when TV was a completely throwaway media - you saw an episode once and that was it. But then came home videos, allowing us to record and re-watch at our leisure, and then in the 90s shows like The X-Files and Buffy introduced the concept of ongoing story arcs, which pretty much coincided with the explosion of the internet, so that people were gathering online to pore over every last detail, making note of continuity and delighting in foreshadowing and the like...and I think some writers got carried away with that. And started taking it to extremes, to the point where they forgot about telling a story that is also easy to follow and makes sense on first viewing.

    The ironic part is, that even knowing this, they throw out continuity whenever it suits them.

    • Love 4
  3. Just now, catrox14 said:

    Oh crap. Well then I can't claim the win. 

    Sure you can.  Speaker wasn't a part of it.  And somebody has to win or game over.  And what fun is that?

  4. 46 minutes ago, CoderLady said:

    That's only a safe job if there are no rival super villains trying to knock each other off. The first thing a villain does when descending on his/her rival's massive mansion is to sneak up on and kill a bunch of unsuspecting henchmen in the most dramatic and messy fashion imaginable. And now I wonder: do henchmen have life insurance and survivor benefits?

    Did I not mention that my dramatic descent on this hypothetical mansion was going to involve me killing any help I could find there.  And backtracking several times so I can dramatically step over the bodies two or three times.  Tracking blood wherever I go, so the owner can easily track me down.   And, then, when he does, I'm going to turn around run to him and give him a hug and said "I did all of this so we could be together."  When he complains that he barely knows me and I am clearly and insane psycho, I will then break down crying and tell him of my ingenious foolproof plot of framing him for all his dead maids, butlers, etc.  He will then realize the error of his ways and we will jet off to his private island where we will live happily ever after until the rise of the monkeys, who will enslave us.  We will, of course, escape. But he gets injured and dies of the infection.  I will then become obsessed with revenge and research how to kill genius monkeys.  While doing research, I meet a new billionaire (because aren't they everywhere) and it turns out he created the monkeys to be a private army and they went rogue.  He says the only way to defeat them is true love. I roll my eyes and kill him and decide that satisfies my revenge because he created the monkeys.  I then run for President of the US, win unanimously and run the country better than it has ever been run before.  There is peace until my death at the age of 99 at which point civil war breaks out and everyone is killed and the world is taken over by genius monkeys.

    • Love 14
  5. 7 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    I'm not sure if the show could have plausibly made Mary as harsh as all that. Although at the same time, I was also expecting Sam and Dean to be more wary of Mary and more worried about winning her over than they actually were, so I dunno.

    I probably didn't explain that well, because I didn't think out all the details. But, I wasn't really meaning for her to be complicit in hurting Sam or Dean.  Just kind of wary of them, wondering if they were the enemy.  After Sam got let go, the season would have proceeded basically as is, except Mary would be fully on the BMOL side, not having much, if any, contact with Sam and Dean, and the BMOLs would still be trying to recruit the hunters.  Instead of having the excuse of Toni going rogue, they would have made up some other stupid excuse that Sam would be stupid enough to buy, because, let's face it, he's pretty easy to con.  Then, the BMOLs would declare war on SAm and Dean, and that's probably the time Mary would realize she would need to get out, then she would go to Sam and Dean and now we have our reunion, because all along in the season she was learning that the BMOLs lied to her.

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  6. Just now, Aeryn13 said:

    If they had changed it around, it wouldn`t necessarily be Sam they kidnapped, it could be Dean or both of them. Only the setting of the Season 11 Finale made Sam the victim of opportunity, if the Season had started differently and they were after both only now, that isn`t the case anymore. Dean could be included in this story.  

    I knew someone was going to call me on that. But, I was trying to change as little as possible with just changing the timeline to fit my theory that they "did the season backwards." But, actually now, Dean's file is the one that Ketch was given to kill. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    I don't like the idea of Mary sitting in or even joining in on Sam's torture, though. That's just too disturbing. Hmm.

    Yeah, I didn't really mean for her to be joining in on the torture.  Just knowing about it and coming in at the tail end. Maybe even being the one to get them to stop, but not for Sam, personally, just because torture is wrong in general.  Then, Sam would have seen her, not known all that and thought she was actively involved. 

  8. 54 minutes ago, deaja said:

    Taylor's family, because they none seemed to be "Taylor-ish."  The cyclists would smell.

    Who would you rather have as a supervisor - Mrs. Kim or Michel?

    That's a good one.  I'm going to go with Michel, because I feel that if you could figure out how he wanted things done and did them that way, he'd be satisfied.  Mrs. Kim would find fault with everything.

    Assuming both chose judicial decisions and not juries, would you rather be the judge in the case where Emily's maids sue her or in a case where Luke sues Taylor for putting a window in his wall.

  9. I've decided I think they did this season all backwards.  I think the BMOLs should have just come due to the disappearing sun situation and then made nice to start with.  Then, they could kidnap and torture Sam (if TPTBs think that was really necessary) round about now when they are turning on them.

    Or, and I like this idea better, Amara should have brought Mary back, but not sent Dean to the cemetery figuring they'd catch up later.  That's really weak, but I'm sure the writers could figure out some reason that Dean wasn't sent there.  Anyway, the BMOLs find her first and figure out who she is. They show her tons of proof of how her sons have turned out all evil. Freeing Lucifer, freeing the Darkness, Bank robbery spree. It's all there and can be twisted. Possibly Mary is even brought into the torture session while Sam is drugged and he manages to say something even further damaging to their rep. Mary then, mid-season starts working with the BMOLs and then comes to find out maybe they weren't being 100% truthful and she has to figure out what's real and what isn't, and blah blah blah.

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