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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 5:26 PM, hippielamb said:

    Lol! Get to school! I also laugh that it's apparently early in the morning yet Lane is already up and listening to music in her closet. 

    The other weird thing is one other time, Lane was out waiting for the bus with Rory before school.  Now, Rory is running late and Lane is still at home.  If I had that much time left before I had to be out, no way I'm up and dressed just to wait with someone else for the bus.

    I think Rory said it was a half hour to Hartford.  So, when does school start and when does it end?  For someone with an hour commute and tons of homework (which I suppose she could do at least some of on the bus), she seems to have plenty of free time, doesn't seem to have to get up that early and we've never seen her get home after dark or leave before light.  Amazing feat for winter in the north, I must say.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    This is an inapt comparison.

    Dean literally had no idea who she was. He thought he was hooking up some random chick in a bar. It was at most a one night stand with a side dollop if she had been interested. The moment he pinged something was up with that baby, that was the end of it. He didn't try to go back for seconds once he knew something was way hinky with her and that kid.

    My original post was how Dean doesn't take the time to get to know women before having sex with them, so he could be having sex with anyone.  There's a certain due diligence responsibility in anything.  Ignorance generally isn't an excuse if you could know better.  If you're not hopping into bed with people you just met, you would know who you're getting into bed with.

  3. 1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

    I'm just wondering who Dean slept with who you would consider worse than Ketch.

    The Amazon. 


    51 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

    Good question. Other than his one night stands which we hear about but don't see and Cassie, Lisa, Anna & the Amazon I can't think of anyone else that would be in the same category as Ketch.

    Really, you don't think the Amazon, someone who plans to have her child kill her own father is anywhere in the same league with Ketch?  That's pretty bad.

    • Love 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

    I'm probably wrong--I usually am in speculations!--but I felt that we were supposed to like, or at least admire, the BMoL.  Dabb was very complimentary in his comments about them early on.  We got a Lady Toni with a cute kid and being very egalitarian with her--aide?  Servant?  Member of her retinue?--in the last ep last year.  There was no "Code" that required them to kill anyone who kills a member of the BMoL, or they would have been after Dean and Sam for the death of the Bearer of the Angelic Knucklebusters at the beginning of the season.  And so on.

    While they couldn't really respond on a week-to-week basis, since eps are written well in advance of the showing, I think the mostly negative reaction to Lady T. and the BMoL might have changed the direction of the show in regard to them in the now-showing second half of the season.

    (Speaking of Lady Toni's kid:  The Sun was dying, Creation was ending, but she was over here trying to capture the Winchesters instead of staying with her son.  Why the heck did she, or anyone in the BMoL, care about the Winchesters or American hunters at that juncture?)

    I don't know how anybody could think that viewers would react positively to a kidnapper/torturer.  Or someone who would abandon their child at the end of the world for no good reason.  I mean, seriously.  There was a good chance the world was going to end.  Who would leave their small child for that?  Oh, right, the same people who would send their kids to a school that has death-office matches.

    As for the code and not killing the slightly worse person, Mick called her "your" fill in her name.  Maybe she wasn't a BMOL.  Maybe she was a freelancer that Toni hired.  Maybe they ignored the code for the bigger picture.

    My point is, I don't think they ever wrote them likeable.  Only Mick in the last couple of episodes. 

    The only way they could have ever been thought of as likeable is if Toni had indeed gone rogue and was acting on her own.  In which case, of course her cohort wouldn't have been "protected" by the code. I imagine the second you step out of bounds, you find yourself expelled from membership--and then likely killed.  I'm actually going to call BS if we ever see Toni again.  Either she went rogue, or she failed miserably.  From what I can tell both earn you the death penalty in this organization.

    Now, I'm wondering about the American MOLs.  What do you we really know about them? 

    • Love 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Ok, since I don't know any real life crime lords with evil minions or henchmen I can't say with 100% surety this only happens on tv, but when there is a big shootout between the good guys and the aforementioned crime lord/henchmen, the henchmen all always die first.  Crime lord always gets away to crime lord another day.  Or he is the very last one to die, usually monologuing.  For once it would be nice for a stray bullet (or leaping tiger) to pop him off first.

    I also don't any real life crime lords with minions, or without for that matter, but I would imagine you would put your minions in the most vulnerable position keeping yourself safest.

    • Love 3
  6. 27 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I think in this case, it would be quite different. Dean (nor Sam) surely wouldn`t be particularly thrilled to learn Mary and Ketch partied but knowing they boinked is something else. It goes beyond "seriously, that guy?" into "ewwww, that guy?" territory. And both, Dean included, would be quite entitled to make a statement like this. I see no hypocrisy in them being sick to their stomach about fucking Ketch. This is worse than Sam fucking Ruby.   

    They might possibly be disgusted and say "eww", but I'm just saying it would be the height of hypocrisy.  Sam's had sex with a demon, multiple times, and DEan doesn't take more than 5 minutes to get to know someone before hopping into bed.  He could (and did) end up having sex with someone as bad or worse than Ketch.

    • Love 2
  7. 10 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Dean wouldn't care that Mary was getting some. It's a matter of WHOM she's getting it from that he would take issue. As to Dean and the Amazon, he had no idea she was the Amazon until well after the fact.  I'd say he paid a heavy price for that mistake. He literally had a monster baby that Sam killed. 

    No, I don't think he would care that she had sex with Ketch, or I should say, that I don't think it would be a bigger deal to him than her working with him in the first place.  Sex for Dean is just something that is fun and feels good.  There is no emotional attachment with it, so to him, Mary having sex with Ketch would be no different than her going out for drinks and getting smashed with him.

  8. 1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

    Women have given birth and gotten back into physical condition pretty fast. Look at female athletes. Mary seemed like she kept in good shape. Besides, hunting isn't ONLY about physicality. If she shoots a werewolf from a distance with a silver bullet after investigating, no problem.

    People in shitty marriages can have moments of happiness especially if they are TRYING to make it work and it's a small thing like putting their children to bed. That doesn't mean resentments don't linger and it doesn't change any underlying issues.

    It's always been presumed that John was either off working and didn't put the kids first or worse out doing unsavory shenanigans.  I can see a scenario wherein John found out Mary was sneaking away. He gets pissed off and decides to go away for a couple of days to clear his head because he thinks she's having an affair. But really  Mary gets a case and she can't say no for whatever reasons, and she guilt trips John about not being there for the boys. 

    I hate retcons and I can make that work.

    Well, I hate retcons, too, and I can't make it work.  Even, if she managed to get all no impact hunts so that John wouldn't notice any injuries, how did she account for all that time.  We've never seen a hunt take less than 4 hours.  She has children to watch.   Werewolf hunts can only be done in the middle of the night.  Any sane person would be perfectly justified in assuming affair with so much time unaccounted for, most of it at night.  Ghost hunts?  Sam and Dean apparently had many arrests for grave desecrations. Not to mention, ghosts are big on throwing hunters into trees. Shifter hunts? Downright irresponsible.  If one managed to take her skin, they would know about her defenseless kids.  Vampire hunts?  Way too hands on. 


    57 minutes ago, mommo said:

    I can't help but wonder what the boy's reaction might be if they find out mommie dearest has been in bed with the BMOL in more ways than one.  Dean, especially, since he's seen the psycho in action and has the clearest memories of his mom and dad when he was little.

    I think it would be hypocritical for either one of them to get upset over that.  Sam slept with a demon.  Dean slept with an Amazon.  They've both had numerous one night stands.  Sex is not an emotional commitment to either of them.

    3 minutes ago, bearcatfan said:

    Agree. I'm barely on here anymore because of it. This use to be a place where I came to decompress. Now, it raises my blood pressure.

    If you watching to determine how the writers/director/whoever is screwing your favorite character, you are going to find it. It's called confirmation bias.

    I liked it.  I generally try to find the positive.  Mostly my only negative from this season is the Mary hunting while married Rectcon.

    • Love 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Unless she kept hunting right up until that phone call. 

    I don't know if she could have been realistically hunting at that point.  She would have given birth within 6 months.  They seemed happy enough the night Sam died, so I'm going to go 5 months or less.  Hunting is really physically intense.  I think you might need a longer maternity leave than you would for an office job.

  10. 24 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Unless their marriage was in the crapper by the time she died and that's why John moved out in Dean's Heaven memory. Like maybe Mary was off hunting a lot and it put a strain on their marriage.  Her hunting after the fact COULD really reframe the following from DSoTM

    She was hunting long before that time.  That flashback from Asa Fox was from when Dean was about a year or two old.  That memory was obviously from after Sam was born.  If she and John were fighting over her unexplained absences that had been happening for a few years, hardly seems fair for her to put the blame on him, which she definitely seems to be doing.

  11. 2 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    I thought she mentioned all three of them being there (or at least Memorex versions of them, anyway) when she was describing heaven in the first few episodes of the season? I though that's why she was waxing on about what an amazing father John was, etc. Can't look it up now though, unfortunately.

    From the Foundry:


    Mary: I'm not. I miss John. I miss my boys.


    Sam: We're right here, mom.

    Mary: I know. In my head. But I'm still mourning them as I knew them. My baby Sam. My little boy Dean. Just feels like yesterday, we were together in heaven, and now...I'm her, and John is gone, and they're gone. And every moment I spend with you reminds me every moment I lost with them.


    I think that implies the Memorex John was there, too.  I don't see any reason why she wouldn't have included him in her Heaven memories.  At least at some point in the 12 years or so that she was there.

    • Love 6
  12. 18 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

    And SPEAKING of the cage! Is Michael/Adam in it? He wasn't when they broke Luci out. Why didn't they gat Adam out too? I thought we'd see him again after Fan Fiction included Adam. The Boys just seemed to have completely forgotten him!

    He's in the cage.  We just didn't see him. The cage that Lucifer was in while speaking with Sam was a temporary cage that Rowena pulled him into.

    • Love 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, patty1h said:

    It bugged me that the actress who played Mrs. Hess looked so familiar -- she also played Lilah's mother in "Faith".   Sorry if this was already brought up - I scanned through this thread really fast.

    I thought she looked familiar, too, but then I decided that she just reminded me of Naomi.  The jawline is similar and the matter-of-fact speech/order giving.  I knew it wasn't that actress, but thanks for telling me who it was, since IMDB didn't have her listed.

    • Love 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, bethy said:

    Plus, what legacy parents would then send their children to the school knowing they might be killed to move on to the next level?

    I already answered that question earlier. If you don't send your kids to that school, I'm sure that you and your entire family are killed.  This doesn't seem an option loving organization.

  15. 2 minutes ago, SueB said:

    The "kill or be killed" Hogwarts IS an unsustainable concept but other than that, I was fine with it.

    I'm actually kind of wondering if all the students have to do that?  Maybe it's only the bottom two in he class every year.  Or they pick someone who seems "weak" in their eyes. That other kid did want to make a run for it.  Or they always bring in one orphan to put up agains their strongest, assuming their guy will win.  I don't know that it was ever actually stated that every kid had to kill someone to make it to the next level.  Not only unsustainable, but then Mick and that other kid should have figured it out by then.  You can't keep a secret that big in a school that I'm assuming is fairly small.

    • Love 2
  16. 4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    SHe's been working for them pretty much full time for months now. she's staying in their facilities. She BELIEVES in their methods and using them herself. IMO, she is a de facto Woman of Letters and IMO, they consider her as  such.

    Didn't Ketch call her a hunter last night, though.  They seem to have a very "us" versus "them" attitude with hunters.  They feel hunters are beneath them.  They brought up the lack of formal training several times.  Once, OK, they're just talking.  But, if they hammer it home several times in an episode, I think they're trying to tell us something.  And, in this case, I think they were reminding us that Mary is not a MOL (I don't think they use the term WOL) because she wasn't properly trained.  She learned on the job.  she probably didn't even kill her best friend for pete's sake.

    I was also thinking about whoever brought up Lady what's-her-name's son.  I wonder if he's set to start school and is there right now.  On his way to a death battle.  If Sam and Dean save him from that, that might bring Lady what's-her-name onto their side. If there has to be a purpose to having her son (and I don't know that there does), that may be it and would be a much better purpose than having Sam and Dean kidnap him.

    • Love 6
  17. 4 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

    And stop making it seem like everyone has rich wealthy relatives that never visit but love you enough to leave you a couple of thousand.

    That's why I liked it on Little House on the Prairie when it turned out to be confederate coins and was worthless.  I was never sure why Charles was spending money left and right, though, without knowing exactly how much money he was going to get. 

  18. 1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

    What would one being obedient and the other not have to do with it? For a brief  moment, I wondered if MAYBE this was a clue that MAYBE this was Michael, and he screwed up saying Little Bro. but I don't know how that could work.

    That would actually be kind of cool, but other angels can recognize each other.  Though, I suppose Michael may have the power to fool Cas and any other angel he came in contact with.

    We've never seen Michael and Lucifer's true forms.  Maybe Lucifer is physically bigger than Michael, so he calls him his little brother.  I've done that to my older sister, though again, to her, not to third parties.

  19. 6 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Or did he? Maybe he's just letting Lucifer think he has the upper hand?

    Yeah, I know, but a girl can dream, right?

    I'm actually not 100% convinced that that isn't the case. 

    7 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    How do you figure Mary's a formal WoL? As far as I know, she's still a hunter who works for them. I'm guessing the reason they did the...um...borrowing a cup of sugar was, now Ketch will have a personal motivation for killing Mary. She did spurn him, after all. 

    Or a motivation to not kill her.  He did seem to enjoy the, um, sugar?


    8 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I wouldn't ask for Crowley's help. He'd only be helpful if it was helpful to him. He is the King of Rotten, after all.

    Yeah, I don't find that weird at all.  Look what he tried to do with Amara.

    • Love 1
  20. 5 hours ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    Although Mick didn't, presumably most of the pupils had families. His friend did. Also wouldn't most of the attendees have been legacies? Wanting your kids to follow in your footsteps is fine, but volunteering them to get murdered? The MoL wouldn't have lasted even 1 generation if that was the price. Stupid!

    Yes, I think besides orphans they picked up on the streets they were all legacies.  Therefore, there missing children wouldn't go reported.  Neighbors wouldn't question anything because they had been away from school.  If you don't send your son for his fighting chance, then you and your whole family would be killed, I would imagine.  But, how there isn't some great revolution against it among the members, I've no idea.  Probably because they're all spying on each other and you don't know who you can trust.

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