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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. This last episode was kind of stupid/  No, Mandy and Kyle, losing is not as good as winning.  No, Kristen and Ryan, you don't have to act like 2 year olds when you lose.  You can still have fun.  No, Vanessa, you don't have to run your 19 year old daughter's life.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, grommit said:

    In addition to being an asshole drunk driver,  what exactly did Jack think was going to happen to the old bartender dude after Jack had ripped off the bar if he had gone ahead with his plan?  Jack won the poker game fair and square and had the shit kicked out of him, did he not think there might be some consequences for the bartender for "allowing" the bar to be robbed?

    I'm not really trying to be a jerk, but Jack didn't tell him to work for those people and he didn't tell him to leave the cash register open while he answered the phone.  Especially with the business still open. If that's his SOP, i'm surprised the till hasn't been emptied by someone else before.

    Actually, I was a little confused as to why he was counting the drawer at that point anyway. There had to be at least 15 minutes or so left in the night, if Rebecca just started singing a song. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, catrox14 said:


    I didn't miss it. I don't interpret it the way you do.  IMO, John set up a savings account for Dean when Dean was born that was not specifically a college fund. Then the day Sam was born he made it a college fund. I don't interpret that as John saying he set up college funds for both Dean and Sam. 


    Wait, so you are saying that the day Dean was born, John decided that Dean was not college material and the day Sam was born John decided that Sam was college material? 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Literata said:

    I absolutely get this. But here's why I want to know how Jack died.

    - My mom died when I was little. She had cancer. Everyone was sad. But we don't all have totally fraught relationships with one another because of it. Like we're being led to believe about Jack's character, my mom was a very good person, and she died young. But the fact that we lost a mother, while tragic and life-altering, didn't fracture our relationships with one another, our surviving parent, or our eventual stepparent.   

    - Kevin and Kate obviously have HUGE issues with Rebecca. Kevin also dislikes Miguel. Something, or a chain of somethings, had to have happened to impact those primary relationships. Until we begin to understand what transpired, we can't begin to invest in the interactions between those characters.

    Kate's issues with Rebecca go back before Jack's death. And lots of people have issues with their stepparent. 

    My ex-boyfriend's mother died of cancer and his father remarried about a year later.  Ex was so mad, that as of 3 years later he had cut off all contact with his father and absolutely hated his father's new wife who he didn't even really know.  None of that had antying to do with the manner in which his mother died.  And I don't think Kevin and Miguel's issues are related to Jack's death, other than the fact that he did die and his mother remarried. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, kili said:

    The ordeal of the cheese crackers is actually worse than you make it sound - they need to be broken up and served on hot dogs. Blergh!  It's better than starving children, but does not need to be replicated for the next 30 years. I feel sorry for the people who will be hosting TIU premiere parties next fall - this is one dish they must serve.

    Yeah, that part they could leave out, but I love the idea of the walk and the movie and the stupid pilgrim hat, because it's just a nice nostalgia thing for the whole family and something they can also repeat for the next gen.

  6. 3 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    know at our local high school, the football players do not buy their own uniforms.  Even in the local 'rec' league, the football player uniforms are paid for by sponsors, while the cheerleaders have to buy their own uniforms.  

    Not to point out the obvious, but that's not fair.  If a school or rec league is going to pay for uniforms for one sport, they need to do it for all.  In fact, I'm surprised that's not a discrimination thing since most football players are boys and most cheerleaders are girls.

  7. 5 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    FWIW, we got uniforms, practice uniforms, booster "spirit packs" (sweats and stuff), etc, for free.

    Well, the school I went to, you had to pay for your own uniforms, you may have been able to rent them or maybe resell them, I'm not sure how that worked, you also had to rent or buy your own instrument for band, etc. There wasn't anywhere near enough money in the budget to pay for kids' individual stuff for extracurriculars. After all that, did your school have enough money left over to pay for teachers and books?

  8. 37 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Question about Sam and playing soccer:  (I never really thought about this until reading this discussion.)  How prevalent are soccer teams in the rural Midwest?  (I'm keeping the question to that area, because I think that was primarily John's region of operation/living.)  

    I think every school that has sports' teams has a soccer team.  It's not because it's a popular spectator sport in any area, but because it's fairly easy.  You already have the field, because you're using the same one for football.  So, all you need are goals and a ball.  it's fairly non-contact so there aren't a lot of injuries.  Even baseball has more injuries due to getting hit in the head with fast paced balls.


    40 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Catholic schools are also private school though, right?  I mean, you have to pay some serious money to attend one (the people I know who attended Catholic schools did).  In that case, maybe the money made from tuition helps fund the 'everyone plays' policy?  I don't think public schools have that capability.

    Catholic schools are private, but I don't think they are really huge money makers.  They do cost money, but less than other private schools, and the local Catholic churches will help out lower income families with the tuition.  I think the only reason "everyone" playing would cost more money, would be more uniforms, but even in public school you have to buy your own uniform.  Maybe the Catholic schools have their own league which allows them to circumvent how many kids can dress for a game, or whatnot, but I would think that a coach might have trouble getting practice time in for 100 kids to play in this weekend's game.

  9. 1 minute ago, JudyObscure said:

    Seriously! I would honestly rather have my husband get drunk one time  and punch some guy, than make me go through that ordeal of cheese crackers, long walks and funny hats  every Thanksgiving of my life.  I never thought Jack was perfect.

    I've never thought Jack was perfect, either, but I think the Thanksgiving traditions are sweet.  Because every one of those kids hated Thanksgiving prior to that point.  Yeah, it's a little hokey.  But, it's to remind them of the turnaround.

    • Love 3
  10. 46 minutes ago, SlackerInc said:

    I'm torn on that.  I guess it depends if the fans are giving good advice!

    To a certain extent, I don't think it matters. It's kind of like a "too many cooks" situation.   If the fans want one thing, and so the network insists upon it, yet it's not the writer's vision, it's probably going to be bad.

  11. 14 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    That said, I still agree with the poster who said she had "never seen a show where the characters place so much heavy emphasis on certain places, or traditions, or remember down to the smallest detail how a certain event took place 20 years ago, etc." 

    Cold Case.  I know it's usually surrounding a tragic incident, but I still find it hard to believe that nobody is getting any details wrong, 5, 10, even 50 years after the even sometimes.

    • Love 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

    I honestly think the fans made it about the mystery of Jack's death. It became the most talked-about aspect of the show as soon as we found out he was dead in present-day This-is-Us-Land. Once the fans started talking about it in such depth and with such obsession, then I think the show started targeting that as their teaser, their selling point, etc.

    And this is why I think TV shows should shoot the entire season before airing. Don't let the fans influence in any way.

    • Love 3
  13. 13 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Eh, unless the school is some big time football school, I don't think they care who plays as long there is parental permission given and they meet physical requirements I'll even make the argument that in rural communities if a big strapping guy like Sam or Dean showed up and wanted to play after being enrolled for two weeks, they would happily let them play. Slim pickings and all that.

    Unless the school is a big time football school  kids are allowed to play pretty easily. I'm serious.

    Maybe in a really rural place where they don't have enough kids to fill out the roster.  But, if they show up mid-season, the coach isn't (and shouldn't) going to kick someone off the team to make room for someone who is only going to be around a week or two.  Or even the rest of the season.  You miss tryouts, you're SOL.  There are plenty of kids at tryouts who don't make the team.

  14. 16 hours ago, Airmid said:

    Lisa was a take it or leave it for me. I really wished they had developed more of why Dean would choose her and not say, Cassie. I can see if Cassie had a whole family (I don't think she was ever said to have one) but seeing as she knew the brothers and knew Dean from his youth and it was someone he really cared for (and it just wasn't a great bendy time together) it would have made more sense.

    That bugged me, too, for exactly those reasons.  But, Cassie didn't have a kid, and in season 3, the oldest of a kid Cassie could have would be 2.  Not even Supernatural can abduct a bunch of two year olds and stick them in cages.  And, I always figured end of SEason 5, Dean was really going to Lisa for Ben, not Lisa.  But that's just my view. 

    But, yeah, I was fine with Lisa herself, it was just her relationship with Dean that didn't quite ring true for me.  The only female character I hated was Bela.  Charlie got on my nerves, Slumber Party on.  Yeah, we get it .  You're awesome.  As far as Toni goes, she's pure evil, but I love the actress and she's more in a "love to hate" category than hate.

    And extremely unpopular opinion, I more or less liked Amelia until Torn and Frayed.  Nothing can fix adultery for me.

  15. 26 minutes ago, elang4 said:

    Would you rather Luke and Kirk's friendship get investigated more or why Luke and Taylor never got on?

    I'm sorry, I know that's not what you meant by investiagated, but I just bust out laughing because I pictured Snoopy with his Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass skulking around Luke and Kirk trying to sniff out clues.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Mldh598 said:

    This surprised me too, mostly because she was working for Toby's ex wife, and I had wondered if the daughter was Toby's. I was waiting for the time Kate would talk to Toby more about her job, and the dots would start connecting. Would have been interesting, but it looks like the writers didn't agree with me. LOL

    That was two different bosses.  Toby's ex was the store owner.  The mother of the daughter was someone completely different.  I don't even think she even worked for Toby's ex.  She just accepted the job, told Toby about it and they were both like, "NO, that's not going to work."

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  17. 1 minute ago, xtwheeler said:

    This is the essence of my problem with Kate: she is a self-centered faux martyr. Her dad died 20 years ago. Long enough for her to have plenty of adult perspective and rationale. Unless she was literally the mechanism of his death - - killing him directly--she is too damn old to be hung up on "it's my fault my dad's dead."

    When I was 10, I was responsible for the death of another 10 year old girl.  Because I turned down plans to go to a pizza place which put someone at the wrong place at the wrong time.  I rationally know that I did not kill her, but I feel guilty.  I'm not going to say I think about it every day, because I don't.  But, she was just a random girl, an acquaintance, a friend of a friend.  I have also never talked about it with anyone because her death is not about me.  Even at 10 I knew that.  But, I don't think you get to say she is "too damn old" to be hung up on guilt.

    • Love 17
  18. 16 minutes ago, SueB said:

    I think Sam was kept out of "Hunting" beyond general physical fitness until about age 10-11.  I think there was plenty of time, in parallel with high school to add the hunting skills.  

    I'm not even thinking about hunting-training.  He would have to be at the same school for a while to be in a play and to play in a division championship game.  They're not going to let some kid stroll in from another school and play in the play offs when he didn't help them get there.  And, they're not going to cast a kid two days before opening night.

  19. 11 hours ago, SueB said:

    They really didn't have any hobbies.  They had school and 'Hunter 101'. Yes, Sam did theater in at least one school, but it doesn't seem like they were ever on sports teams (except for Dean when he was at that home).  

    Sam played soccer and even has a division championship trophy.  He was in the play Our Town, but he also ran lights or something for Oklahoma.   He was a mahtlete. I'm not sure how he accomplished all this since in After School Special, he said they were in their 3rd school and it was only November, but maybe that was an odd year.

  20. 10 minutes ago, mertensia said:

    No, it makes him a man trying desperately to fit in. There is nothing inherently evil or wrong in that.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say evil, but yes, if you want to fit in so badly that you discount others' feelings and piss all over a family member, that's wrong.  And Sam cares about other people, whatever his other flaws.  He wouldn't tell Dean to get lost so he could be popular.  Nor would he really need to.  He was already on scholarship.  The other kids wouldn't expect him to have rich, refined relatives.

    • Love 2
  21. 27 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

    I'm not sure how she could pursue a singing career when she would be a single mother to 3 teenagers.

    2 years later she would be a single mother to adults.

    • Love 2
  22. 18 minutes ago, mertensia said:

    I have always thought Dean did call or visit until Sam said "enough!" Dean is not a good poster child for "look at the normal totally middle-class upbringing I totally had. Totally. I swear."

    I don't buy that at all. If they just didn't contact each other, or even had some contact and it fell off, that could be put down to stubbornness, pride and hurt feelings.  Your scenario makes Sam the biggest jerk of all time.  Which I don't think we've seen evidence of.

    • Love 2
  23. 1 hour ago, deaja said:

     Mrs. Kim.  I think that would have been funny.  

    It turns out some of our characters are long lost relatives.  Are Kirk and Luke half-brothers or is Taylor Luke's biological father?

    Kirk and Luke are half brothers.  I can so totally see that.  But, maybe Taylor is their father, LOL.

    Switched at birth and find out at age 15 or 16: Rory and Paris or Dean and Tristan?

  24. 2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    That's interesting. It never occurred to me that hunger was a factor in Hell at all. Like I didn't think they even ate food.

    I don't think they ate food either, hence why they were hungry.  And no water, which is why they're thirsty. 

    I don't think Dean went days without eating as a child.  If it happened on earth, it was as an adult for some reason.  Remember in Something Wicked, Dean felt he had enough food to throw out perfectly good Spaghettio-s.  He had money for food in A Very Supernatural Christmas.  And if they ran out, he wouldn't be above shoplifting--we know that from Bad Boys, plus he also steals Christmas presents in the Christmas episode.  So, if he were caught shoplifting, he'd get fed by the cops.  If he wasn't caught, they'd have the food.  Plus, if they got really desperate, they had Pastor Jim and Bobby to call.  Plus, they had that babysitter Donna that we met in Swap Meat.  Nobody was going to let these kids starve

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