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Everything posted by Catfin

  1. My L&D nurses put up the mother-in-law net to keep mine out. Still grateful eighteen years later!
  2. And what the heck is she wearing? The t-shirt under spaghetti strap dress is ok if you’re eight, huge fail if you’re 18.
  3. Boundaries are a very, very good thing. It looks as though Kendra and Joe have set their precedent. It will serve them well.
  4. Absolutely agree. Just curious what JB’s reaction would be to Jeremy turning on a game.
  5. I wonder if Jeremy is able to watch the World Cup while at the lunatic asylum (TTH) for the wedding.
  6. With the wedding activity on Josiah’s thread, I thought it would be a fun topic to share our wedding stories. Anyone game? 1st (ill-advised) wedding at age 20. 200 guests, big Catholic deal. MIL 45 minutes late to ceremony. Should have taken the opportunity and run for the hills. I had no business getting married. Stubborn as I was, it lasted five years. Did not enjoy the day. 2nd wedding at age 31 after I’d grown up and figured out who I was. Had finished my degree, established career, had my own house. It was a family only celebration at a local conservatory. We celebrated twenty years last month. Hoping our our kids don’t rush to the altar. Also hope they have low key events if/when they decide to marry.
  7. How about Love Shack? Someone is going to get righteously fulfilled.
  8. Currently at an out of town soccer tournament with DS and his teammates. 15 of 15 have some version of this. A few of them got theirs freshened up, just in case they run into some ladies. ?. The whole flock of them are at the pool.
  9. She looks like a normal human being. Not crazy. Those whose adult job experience is lacking.
  10. We bought a 15-year-old Honda Accord for the household teen drivers to use. It has full coverage, because TEENS and DRIVING. Guut Lort. Insurance is going to put us in the poorhouse.
  11. Does Pops Caldwell have insurance coverage of some sort? Kendra can stay on it through age 26. I wonder if that played into it
  12. Wow. My daughter graduated with her class last night. There was an error, and one honors student was called by his previous name. There was an audible gasp and he declined to stand for acknowledgement. They did catch themselves when they had the kids walk for their diplomas and called the correct name. It amazes me and gives me hope to see how open and accepting this next generation is.
  13. Same! It’s tasty in small quantities, such as that of communion. We picked up a bottle for recreational drinking and couldn’t stomach it.
  14. This picture startled me into realizing she looks like my husband's ex wife and he looks like her hapless 2nd husband. She has since divorced him, realized she's lesbian, married her partner and bought a biker bar. ?
  15. I wish I could ❤️This many times over. I've had my hearing aids six years, also through Costco. They "white label" the spendy brands. Super value, great provider. I was 47 when I got mine and was amazed at how I had been compensating. Sitting strategically, modified lip reading, watching for non-verbal cues. Seriously, get checked sooner rather than later.
  16. DH waited a long time before introducing the ILs to me. He was afraid I'd bolt. Twenty years later, we keep firm boundaries.
  17. Our local morning radio drive guy went after Derrick this morning. He took offense at the remarks about Nate Berk and family and pretty much called out that Derrick needed to look at his own house/family and get a job. I think this is going to bubble up pretty big. Ferrick has poked the bear too much.
  18. I'm now seeing reports of the info coming from a genealogy database, too. Who knows?! Also, does anyone else experience self disgust at knowing so much about this family?
  19. Couldn't find it. Can you summarize? ❤️
  20. It was clarified that a relative recently had an offense for which he/she was required to register DNA. There was a familial link to samples in evidence for the Golden State guy and boom. Both Ancestry and 23&me publically stated it wasn't from a match in their database. There will eventually be lawsuits to prevent this sort of linking.
  21. Around here, working as a police reserve officer (unpaid) is a great/common way to get experience while completing degree. It gives you an in with a department and gives them a chance to vet you and vice versa. They are not allowed to carry guns.
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