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Everything posted by Catfin

  1. Say, quick medical question. I’ve self-diagnosed (with the help of Buoy Medical) Achilles tendinitis. It’s time to get in to have it checked out. What sort of doc should I see? Thinking of going directly to an orthopedic person. Ugh. I suspect there is a boot in my future.
  2. I tried the bags on the thanksgiving bird. Omg, will do that again! Super moist.
  3. Good Job Calico. We cut the cord 18 months ago. Big savings, better programming options. 4th quarter is kicking my butt at work. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that needs to be done, and I’m very protective of my time after 5:30 PM.
  4. Repeating myself here. Is there no one that can guide them and garner positive PR for them? Help them with a social media makeover? Clue them in that they’re a laughingstock? Do they think this “persecution” is their burden to bear due to their flavor of Christianity? This level of tone-deafness usually afflicts fourteen-year-olds. Their poor kids.
  5. The fool’s quest continues as they plan to recover his body. Ugh.
  6. My sister hosted Thursday, a large group of 41. Four of my five sibs, their spouses, their kids and their spouses/sig others, their little kids plus a few orphaned college kids. Good food, good company. My mom attended as well, sort of bittersweet as she’s declining. It was a lovely, drama free gathering. We’re going to make a second meal tomorrow at our house so we have leftovers and can send some back with our college student and her boyfriend.
  7. “Jesus wept.” Short and Sweet. Rote memorization should wait until the 6th grade. Remember the Jabberwocky? Then in 9th grade, Macbeth’s soliloquy? For younger kids, they should do things to music, like They Might be Giants, or the Fifty Nifty United States. Ugh. These poor kids.
  8. You’re in the kitchen, woman! Put that mess in a ponytail. No one wants that in their food!
  9. Maybe we should start posting simple, healthy recipes in response to her crap. In the comments.
  10. Wasn’t this the family that didn’t use sheets? How does one make their bed when they don’t use bedclothes?
  11. ❤️❤️❤️ I wasted two years on a guy there was amazing chemistry with. Sex was great and I let that blind me to the constant drama that surrounded him. The final straw was when he asked me to co-sign a car loan. Uh, buddy, you make twice what I do and rent. He should have had money coming out of every oriface. It was that zolt of insight that caused me to end it. I didn’t trust him from a financial perspective and he’s proven himself to have zero integrity in all other areas of the relationship. I am in the same industry as his sister and hear of him from time to time. He’s job hopped, had three DWIs, had his house foreclosed on and now, divorced with no access to his child. Bullet dodged. If someone SHOWS you who they are, believe them.
  12. There are good guys out there, @Christina87, I promise. I married at 20, divorced at 26, no kids thankfully. I finished school and proceeded to make up for my missed early twenties. I met DH when I was 31 and we married two years later. When we met, we were both sick of relationship drama, people who were “projects” rather than being partners. We both had the reaction of “Finally! Where have you been the past three years?” We are who we are because of what we’ve experienced and where we’ve been. Continue being your best self. Don’t settle. ❤️❤️ Adding that we just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. There are days I want to sell him to thy gypsies, but he’s my pooky bear.
  13. Make an aoli with truffle salt or essence.
  14. I’m in Spokane a few days for work, and google tells me I’m six miles from Moody Bible Institute and Jill’s Timothy. I’ve been keeping my eyes open, but doubt our paths will cross.
  15. Blargh. That’s puke, drool and snot on the shoulder straps. Gross.
  16. If I hear one more “blessed,” I’ll surely puke.
  17. My question about Derek knowing about the molestation prior to he and Jill marrying. His personality seemed to go off the rails around that point.
  18. Did Derek know about the molestations before he and Jill married?
  19. People used to do that back when I was a kid in the 70’s!
  20. Flying home tomorrow, but headed to Spokane in two weeks. Where can I go to increase the odds of a Timothy sighting? ? i need to get in for my routine well woman check up as well as a baseline colonoscopy. I’m current for a mammo, but should do a skin/mole check appointment. This post-50 health stuff is for the birds, but we all need to take care of ourselves. Let’s hold each other accountable. ❤️
  21. Is anyone in the Pac NW? I’m here a few days for work. It is gorgeous!
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