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Everything posted by Catfin

  1. The bar was set pretty low. A spouse making a special dinner is a lovely gesture, but is hardly a big hairy deal. It is common courtesy, a basic, decent gesture of affection, aka: Tuesday night!
  2. Wow- I googled that. Pretty amazing before and after but it makes me cringe to think of.
  3. My daughter's college roommate is flying in for the weekend. They'll be Freshmen this Fall, and a group of girls are piggybacking for a meetup. I'm excited and somewhat freaked at the prospect.
  4. Nice find, Fosca! Will they ever kick Josh to the curb?
  5. I experienced this as well in central Mexico as an adult college student in 1997. At 5'11, I was much taller than the typical man in that area. Odd sensation! It was a J term class.
  6. Time goes so quickly. My dear Dad used to say "Too soon old, too late smart."
  7. That sounds pretty ominous. How many followers does she have? Is she attention whore-ing? Vague-booking?
  8. Both are disgusting. At least Ron Jeremy doesn't deny what he is and try to hide behind religion.
  9. I hate nail polish, I swear I can feel it if it is colored. Freaks me out. Clear is ok, as is hardener. Toes? Yes please.
  10. Recipe? Any IP sites you recommend? I've yet to find an Instant Poy blog I like. They're either warmed up jarred food or too obscure with ingredients.
  11. Just saw a co-worker of three years finally let go for inability to do the job, even at its most basic point. Felt horrible for her from a human standpoint, but relieved from a professional standpoint. Ultimately disgusted with the management team that hired her for her assets and countenance rather than her ability.
  12. @Rabbittron, so sorry to hear about your Bunnytron. I hope your ex gets a splinter in his scrotum.
  13. Thanks ladies. ❤️ I appreciate the thoughtful responses. This is just a gentle nudge to make my health a priority and manage stress.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I had a hysterectomy ten years ago at 42 but kept my ovaries. Will have to see what my gyn thinks. This female aging is for the birds. I can also do without the chin hair. Argh.
  15. I'm overdue for my annual. Will be calling Monday morning. Curious, has anyone done hormone replacement therapy? I've always had the mindset of "hell no" as my mom's breast cancer was linked to twenty years use of the meds. Not certain why her doc had her on HRT twenty years and am pretty sure they should lose their license for that.
  16. Tired of waking up in a pool of sweat. Pretty sure the menopause fairy is visiting.
  17. I could not agree more! LOOK AT ME! MORE ME NOW! Even engagements seem to require a clandestine photographer to capture the moment. Nothing is private, nothing is just between the couple. I find it vulgar and tacky.
  18. Even the keynotes can be questionable. I attended a large national conference a few years back where the keynote was a washed up sports guy whose name you'd recognize. He'd admittedly been boozing it up on top of pain meds and was a rambling, inappropriate hot mess. They essentially had to yank him off the stage .
  19. I'd kick in$25 toward a gift certificate at the Fayetteville or Little Rock PP for the sake of Josh's kids.
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