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Everything posted by Catfin

  1. Former Catholic here as well. The whole grace by faith, not works makes me twitchy. I was raised that it has to be both. Not necessarily building orphanages with your bare hands, but helping at soup kitchen, taking care of people, etc.
  2. Isn't there an issue with some of the home birthing movement as well? Some don't register the birth so there is no official record of the person at all? How can one be checked up on if there is no record of their existence?
  3. We've been in our house twenty years this January. Our situation is unique in that our place was the first built in the cul de sac and we got to welcome everyone as their places were finished. Everyone moved in within a few months and were mostly at the same point in life, youngish marrieds starting families. There has been turnover at five of the ten houses on the road and cul de sac. My daughter's friend was over the day after my Dad died, and the parade of neighbors with lasagnas and pound cakes was happening. This 17-year-old kid was not sure why they were doing that as they did not know their neighbors at all. I found that sad but the more typical experience these days. We're planning to move in about three years as our youngest heads off to college. Our development and immediate area are still lovely, but the city as a whole has some challenges. We also want a smaller house laid out for aging. I'm terrified to move though, as it is such a gamble with neighbors. Guess you have to make it what you want.
  4. There is definitely a soccer dude style. The whole haircut and tapered skinny pants thing. My fifteen-year-old embraces it. To me, Jeremy hasn't been able to consistently translate that into the adult, professional world. Thinking of work conferences I've attended and trying to understand what Jeremy brings to the table. Ah, nepotism.
  5. Very complicated issues, indeed. While people cry for change, they push back when it comes to greater monitoring by "the government." Ultimately, it is very difficult to have children removed from the parents. The truly unstable and devious know how to stay under the radar. A young person in the family is now heavily enmeshed in the system due to flagrant child endangerment. Extremely fortunate that the children were unharmed, but even this incident was not enough to have her children removed.
  6. Crazy how snow "events" affect different US regions. We're in the bullseye for between 3-30 inches Sunday into late Monday here in the upper Midwest. We need to pick up new shovels and gas for the plow, but other than that we're resigned to our fate. Planning on working from home Monday.
  7. Zoom in on the picture. "J&A." Window panels are freshly hung, unwashed. All creased from package. The place screams "First house, young person!" My first place was pretty blah. We were broke and it was my first time away from home. My mom didn't decorate so I had no clue what to do or what I liked.
  8. That was a great book! Anyone watching the series?
  9. I feel for her. It sucks knowing that your parents favor another sibling over you. My three sisters and I all have a horrible "birth defect," having been born without penii. Yeah. Our parents loved us but the golden child was greatly preferred.
  10. STAAAAAHPPPP! Please, for the love of all that is holy! Quit imagining these two twits in bed!!! Ahem. Carry on.
  11. Totally agree, there are strict standards. This, however, is Arkansas. Arkansas!
  12. Can you imagine the water quality? Barf. Health hazard.
  13. No way would they be protective. Bunch of freaks. I'd send them away if they responded to MY emergency.
  14. If I recall, they hacked up the fire retardant pants and made them into skirts. They're super expensive, too!
  15. Trying to imagine Mr. Fin accompanying me on client visits as my authority. Bahahaha!
  16. Does anyone know if JD actually lives at home? Wasn't there scuttle that he had his own place?
  17. I noticed she usually has a "ReaderRest" glasses clip on her clothes. Those are the magnetic reading glasses holders featured on Shark Tank. She forgot to take it off for that recent family photo shoot.
  18. Anyone have the scoop on "Lauren?" Allegedly Josiah's potential squeeze that has joined the circus in Australia. Who is she, who is her family?
  19. Happy Friday, ladies! It's wine-thirty!
  20. We all need to appoint someone to clear our internet search cache in the event of an untimely demise.
  21. God forbid Dreck be considered Cross Church "staff" and get free or reduced tuition? It would be better for those two poor little boys. Oops, just saw Aewen's post. Nothing to see here folks. Go look at the fundy freaks behind the curtain.
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