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Everything posted by Pondlass1

  1. At least she doesn’t have six chins. From the neck up she’s ok.
  2. He doesn’t show remorse, maybe he feels it because he certainly is less secure than Dean, but I can’t remember him showing it. Dean drinks and beats himself up, his remorse is easy to spot. Sam just seems to lash out. Dean’s more my way or the highway type thing, which must get up Sam’s nose as he’s spent a lifetime being bossed by big brother. But when he gets loose he messes up (I don’t know if writers actually realize they’re doing this to this character; and I have no clue where they were going with Samelia). Dean’s moral compass hat is maybe a bit straighter. Yes, the Winchesters are bewildering. It’s what makes them fascinating and often frustrating to watch. I’d love a series featuring young Sam and Dean (ages maybe around 12 and 16) if only they could find competent young actors, writers and show runner. Jensen could play John. But I’m sure he wants to move away from this franchise.
  3. Off topic... don’t buy from puppy mills. Adopt and save a life. And purebreds can have so many health issues. Maybe those dogs are bred for specific work, but I felt bad for them caged up like that.
  4. I’m rewatching Supernatural on Amazon prime because I can’t be bothered to put disks in and out, but I just want to point out that some scenes are cut on Amazon. i signed up for The Boys but I honestly just cannot get into it. I’ve struggled through season one, season two is another struggle. I guess it’s not my cup of tea, it just all seems so silly. But that’s just me. I’m not a fantasy or superhero fan. Not at all. I’ll watch for Jensen but hope he goes onto something else after season three.
  5. Maybe uncle beau should’ve stuck around. He’d be company for Natalie while Mike’s at work. What is she going to do with herself all day and why didn’t she think about this? Poor Julia, although I think Ma and Pa have been encouraged to lay it on thick for TLC storyline. I totally admire hardworking farm folk, they have all my respect, but you have to be born to the life I think. I’ve always been a city girl, I couldn’t do it...good luck Julia. Most Hollywood movies and TV depict the United States as mostly city and suburbs with everyone living in mansions. I guess that’s what these 90DF expect. Hopefully things will ramp up once Zeid arrives.
  6. I don’t follow them on social media, but did Elizabeth get bum fat injections? She just loves to show off that big butt. I think something went wrong though.
  7. I wanna get back to the days of yore when Icky Vicky got hit in the head with a ball and we could all point and laugh. It’s way too heavy now.
  8. There’s a reason the soliloquies were given to Jensen.
  9. I wish we’d got more episodes along the lines of Baby. The Night Moves montage is them sharing brotherly affection and intimacy. A good place in their relationship during a streak of bleak episodes and seasons.
  10. Her eyes are a very pale ice blue, drawing black lines around them just looks scary. And then there’s the puffed up lips. Mike actually looks like he’s checked out of this relationship and just collecting the TLC salary. I worry a bit for the French girl, if it is indeed real and not a scripted storyline. She comes across as one sandwich short of a picnic.
  11. I read somewhere that SoldierBoy won’t be on our screens until 2022. 😱😱 Im gonna need a lot of shovelling snow or baling hay videos from Jensen if I’ve got to wait that long! 😍😍😍
  12. I haven’t watched the Leviathan season for a while but I remember thinking to myself when I first watched that season that Leviathan Dean and Sam were way more chummy and enjoying each other’s company than real Dean and Sam. I mean, when did they ever go out for a beer and fun game of pool without researching some monster or having to scam to make some cash. They were codependent but never friends. Maybe siblings can’t be friends? I’m an only child so I wouldn’t know. But once they moved into that cold sterile bunker Sam seemed even more irritated by everything Dean said or did. Dean could find joy in the little things but Sam never seemed happy ever. (I’m generalizing over later seasons here). It’s almost sad for Sam. Maybe he’s even more tragic than Dean? In that early episode when Dean realized John was possessed and yelled “that’s not dad”, Sam stood beside him without argument. I think latter day Sam would need convincing and not accept his brother’s word. This complex brotherly bond could serve as a basis for someone’s thesis. Anyone doing doctorate in psychology out there?
  13. They certainly move about a lot. The Open House vid we saw... they’re no longer there (I don’t think judging by later vids) despite doing renovations and making it their own. I think they’ve rented this snowy place for the holidays, isn’t Texas unbearably hot and humid right now? With the pandemic still raging and borders closed, I’m thinking he’ll likely bring the family up to Ontario. I’m not sure when filming starts, but vaccinations are underway here and I just saw something on the news regarding an at home test for COVID-19 that gives results in a matter of hours. Ontario’s not so bad and there are some beautiful spots with luxurious movie star style homes for them to rent. But I’m sure he’d rather be in Texas. That’s the downside of being a TV star. It’s great for Canadian 🇨🇦 economy tho, I don’t know why more TV stars don’t just buy a second home here. All those years Jensen rented while Vancouver real estate was selling like hot cakes. But maybe they work a deal around accommodation in the contract??
  14. He didn’t love Lisa. He couldn’t settle with Lisa. It was a sham. He fixated on saving Sam. Sam always came first. Sam would always come first. That’s the tragedy.
  15. The filming is going to need some some super logistics if they want family time. He can’t travel back and forth to Austin because of quarantine rules, but I can’t see the family relocating to Ontario for an extended period. I have yet to watch The Boys... any Toronto landmarks?
  16. He’s awful out of breath after shovelling a bit of fluffy light snow. LOL
  17. Time’s different up here — I think Bobby said that? — so I assumed while watching the finale that Dean had been on that bridge just minutes before Sam showed up. It wouldn’t be any type of heaven without Sam, without Baby and without a hunt to tackle. Sitting about drinking beer and shooting the shit with Bobby for forty years before Sam arrived would be some kind of hell for Dean. He’s action man. Dean’s codependency is epic even after death. He’s not perfect. He’s not going to be perfect just because he’s in heaven.
  18. I’d enjoy a season where cast members are in actual love, know the pitfalls they’re up against and have discussed cultural differences and potty parents with each other. (Maybe I’d be the only one watching) Except for lovesick Rebecca, they’re all in it for the TLC money, green card and future social media exposure ... love is waaaaay down on the agenda.
  19. It’s the subconscious things people pick up on. Human nature being what it is. Nothing to do with script or storyline. Jared shared chemistry with Jensen but not with Misha. So Sastiel could never thrive. Of the three Jensen has the most talent and thirst for challenge. Jared has landed his perfect gig in Texas, Misha has found his niche in philanthropy and Jensen likely will go on to enjoy a very successful career in film and TV.
  20. I wouldn’t have dared agreed with this while the show was in production. But, as much as I respect Misha, he cannot act for turnips. He is most fortunate that Castiel was a big hit with audiences especially in terms of two ‘pretty boys’ in scenes together which spawned the ever annoying Destiel... the bane of Jensen’s existence (and mine). Jensen is so talented and worked so hard to make Dean Winchester the complex character he is... trying to wedge the bi angle into a character so obviously straight — well, it’s frustrating as hell. And Misha encouraged it IMO And don’t get me started on Rob Benedict as God.... nice man, very mediocre actor. I wonder what Kripke would’ve given us had he somehow been given the green light to come back and write the final episode. I remember seeing lots of tweets to this effect.
  21. Sam hit a dog and forgot all about his brother in purgatory (oh, and Kevin). So he must REALLY like dogs. Both brothers would be dog lovers IMO - dogs offer unconditional love and these damaged guys need that in heaps. But dogs would get in the way of hunting wouldn't they? I don't put much stock in those papers in Dean's room but maybe someone will ask at a convention. Was Dean thinking of retiring from hunting? Personally I cannot visualize Dean in any army like situation. He's not good with taking orders and in the military that's what you do - no questions asked. Dean could be...... a spy. He's got all the skills and qualities necessary especially if he was allowed to be a free agent... like 007. He'd save the damn country but I don't think you apply to be a spy with a written application.
  22. Maybe it’s just me ... but I find it difficult to find stuff on this 90DF site. Anyway a fairly enjoyable episode, looks like there will be lots to snark about. Can’t wait for all the shit to hit all the fans. Rebecca is looking older, and fatter. Meanwhile Zied cleans up well. Natalie meets Uncle Beau ... should be a drama filled 20 days.
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