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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. My guess is that he looked better on paper. Who he seemed to be based on his application may not be the same as who he is in person.
  2. I always thought there were miscarriages, still births, and babies who died young. I don't she waited until 30 to have children. I think she had the only child who lived to be an adult at 30. She had other children, but Oscar is the only one who lived long enough to grow into adulthood.
  3. I had a variation of the same thought. Mothers and babies do not die in the Christmas episode, but then I thought maybe this year will be the exception. They need to revisit the quadruplets later in the series. There is no way in 1968 babies (especially quadruplets) born 6 weeks premature all end up being perfectly healthy babies. When Tim was allowed to assist/practice during the medical exam I wondered if the show will last long enough to see Tim actually join his father's practice.
  4. I couldn't quite pause at the exact right moment(s), so I am hoping someone can answer a few questions for me. When Ralphie and Randy go to Higbees to meet Santa, is Ralphie wearing a 3 piece suit? Did they make 3 piece suits for boys that young in 1940? (Ralphie is 9). It does not look like Randy is wearing a three piece suit, but he is wearing a tie.
  5. This is one of the reasons why I think the Duke will die before the marriage.
  6. We/I absolutely need to see the wedding and the lead-up to it, but I would be okay with the two of them on a Grand Tour honeymoon for all or part of season 4.
  7. I think the Duke's storyline will go one of two ways. My predictions are not based on real actual history of the era but on the previous work of Julian Fellows. Option 1: The Duke and Gladys will be engaged, but he will die in some type of tragic horrible accident before the wedding. Option 2: The Duke and Gladys will marry and overtime, she will eventually fall in love with him.
  8. Of the people who were asked back for a second week, I am rooting for Kal Penn as the new host.
  9. This is a place to post what you think might happen in season 3, and/or what you want to happen.
  10. Same here. I am now team Larian all the way and rooting hard for them to become an official couple. This is one of the reasons why I think having a long courtship and marriage would be absolutely fantastic. Snark to snark combat from Agnes and Bertha at family events/major holidays would be fantastic. Not to mention all of the drama about who gets to host what, which is where this show thrives. The opera war was stupid petty nonsense, but I was completely enthralled by it and loved the way Fellows treated which opera the Duke attended as a serious high stakes moment. I really enjoyed the opera war plotline this season. Given that the series is written by Julian Fellows, I am pretty sure this is what will happen. Or, since this is Julian Fellows, I predict the Duke will have some sort of horrible fatal accident after the engagement but before the wedding. This totally sounds like a Julian Fellows plot. It could be fun or awful. Also, I think George understands how much Bertha's love and devotion has helped his career. They are a team, united by love and passion for each other. George and Bertha genuinely care and support each other. He wants that for his daughter. I don't think Bertha would have any problem with Larry marrying Marion. She's old money, young, and unlikely to cause a scandal serious enough to harm their reputation or damage their place in society. I am sure the relationship/courtship will move at an absolute glacial pace. I predict there will be multiple seasons before they actually get married.
  11. Because love and lust makes you stupid. I am mad/annoyed at you for even putting that out into the universe. Same here. I think because it's a very American story. Mrs. was used for the cook and the housekeeper even though she was single/never married. This makes sense to me and is a logical explanation for his stupid behavior. There are different kinds of bankers.
  12. She is teaching at two different schools. The water colors and art are to rich girls at a private school during the day. At night, in a completely different location, she is teaching adult immigrants at a settlement house (I think that's the right term for it) how to read and do basic math.
  13. This is a place to post what you think might happen in season 14, and/or what you want to happen. Also, this would be the place to guess/predict what you think the absolute last scene of the series finale will be.
  14. I think with the right recording equipment, it's on the absolute verge of plausible. It would be audio only. The FBI had wiretaps (not sure what you call it when the hotel room is bugged/people are listening from the room next door) of MLK's extramarital affairs in the sixties. This series is a decade away from that, but I would not rule it out completely as a possibility.
  15. This is the absolute best reason I have ever heard for Larian being endgame. Bertha and Agnes having to go to family dinners together for big important events would be fantastic. Snark to snark combat for the entire meal.
  16. I agree with your assessment of George. Also, for most working-class children, free public school may have been an option. Attendance laws varied from state to state, but most working-class families needed the extra income. It made more sense for the family to have the child working and bringing in another income as opposed to the child being in school.
  17. If she's teaching the poor, it could be considered "charity" and helping the less fortunate. It might be seen as eccentric and there may be questions as to why Larry can't "control" his wife, but I would don't see it causing a scandal that would have them ostracized. For as long as it lasts, they have Agnes and George protecting them socially and financially. If Gladys marries well and learns to play the game well, she might be able to help. I could see a future where people say, "We must invite Gladys and it wouldn't be right to exclude her bother and his wife." George cares about having money, but I don't think he cares about social status. As long as he money to afford servants waiting on him, what social engagements they are invited to or excluded from probably would not bother him or Marian. It seems like Larry and Marian may be the end game, but I don't see how you get there. I believe them as a friends, but there is nothing romantic there yet.
  18. The common theme of education is interesting as it relates to the women, especially Peggy's mother. It is activism, but it is "appropriate activism" because it is something a women should be involved with (children and education). She is not meddling in "real" politics or something that is outside of a proper's woman domain.
  19. You have articulated something very important here that I could not quite put into words. The business dealings among the members of the League of Bearded Gentlemen (Shout-out to Tom and Lorenzo for letting me borrow that perfect phrase of theirs) work because it fits into the soap opera dynamics/structure where this series lives and really shines. Anything outside of that (like the strikes) and the show struggles. I don't think they will because they are actually three separate stories. George's concern is based in Philadelphia. Peggy is focusing on young (school-age) Black children. Marian is teaching (White) immigrant adults, and working at a school for wealthy young (White) girls. There is very little overlap between the groups. I thought it was interesting that Marian took the commitment to teaching immigrants more seriously than her co-workers. It seems as though almost everyone except Marian saw it as something charitable for young women to fill their time with between the more "important" activities needed to maintain's one status as a proper young women and finding a suitable husband.
  20. I am totally okay with the way they had set-up George before the past two episodes. I was on board with the George who was a despicable robber baron and a horrible person in the world of work, but was a fantastic husband and a decent father. I don't know why Jullian Fellows felt the need to give George a dramatic work-related storyline about unions and the working class.
  21. Frasier and Freddie had a decent relationship during Frasier. They were living apart, but they did see each other a few times a year. There were also phone calls. It seems that the trouble really started after the original Frasier ended, when Freddie was in his mid to late teens. The straw that broke the camels back was Freddie dropping out of Harvard, but there were probably issues before then.
  22. Yes, but I want to clarify my point. You are correct from a historical perspective. I was thinking from a narrative/storytelling perspective. This is a character trait that has been previously set-up and makes some sense, even though it is historically inaccurate. I feel like this is one of those rare instances where we can both be right. I know he hired a Black writer to help with Peggy's story and serve as a consultant. It would be beyond fantastic if after this series ended, HBO hired her to do a spin-off series focusing on Peggy's family from the Civil War through Peggy leaving for school in Philadelphia.
  23. We already knew George had a heart. He seemed on board at least in theory with the workers having time with their families last week. He did not seem to think it was a horrible outrageous idea. His big moment in this episode was already set up earlier. This is a fascinating point and I wonder how common this attitude was. Maybe she sees the alarm clock as a worthy pursuit in his off hours, and she is pleased he is spending what little free time he has to do something productive. This is my theory. The stocks that she has were/are worthless (the lawyer was right), and then something will happen and change their value. The stocks that were worthless are now suddenly worth an absolute fortune. Actually, that is their long term plan. This is one of the few historical things the show is getting right. This was absolutely one of the demands from some unions during this era and persisted as a demand until it was accomplished. Huge YES! Peggy does not need soap opera plots and a love story. There are other characters to do those kind of plot lines with. What makes Peggy unique is her ability to tell stories about the Black elite of New York or the Black population of New York in general during this era. If you want to include stories about race and what was happening in New York City around racial issues, this to me is the reason why Peggy exists. Also, I want a spin-off series about Peggy's family. I want to see how her mother spends her day: what does she do? who does she see?
  24. I agree. If we didn't know for sure that Daphne was still alive, I could easily believe that Daphne died when David was very young, and Niles raised David as a single father with help from nannies. There is no way Daphne would let Niles coddle David for his entire life. The plumber was easily the best part of the episode.
  25. In Europe, it was about money and the nobility/aristocracy. The nobles/aristocrats needed money to keep up their way of life. In the U.S in the era the series is set social class was all about money and being invited to the right places or accepted by the right people. However, Old Money looked down on New Money. The series is about the cultural/historical moment when New Money was trying to gain the acceptance and approval of Old Money. It is the competition between the two. The Opera War happens because New Money realized they didn't necessarily need the Academy when they had enough money to start their own. It's a rare case of New Money rejecting Old Money society.
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