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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. My guess based on nothing more than pure speculation is that the next season will feature Harry Wilson. He will try to help clients at his new law practice, but there may be some cases he refers to the Leverage team. I could also see Team Leverage calling on him for his business/legal skills. Someone can hack into the records and bring up the financial documents, but Harry Wilson can explain why certain transactions/accounts/structure are important and what thier greater significance is. Since there was a time gap between when the original series ended and when the new season started, they could have Nate stay dead in the current timeline, but bring him back if they want a flashback of what happened between the end of the original show and the start of the new show.
  2. The original series was totally cheesy, and the reboot understands that the cheesy is what made the original show awesome. This version acknowledges the cheesy, but also apperciates it. It's also great that the showrunners understood that legacy fans would be part of the audience, so each episode has a storyline with the new teenagers and a storyline with some of the adults.
  3. I feel like I missed something. Was there any indication that Brenda was actively breaking things as an excuse to get George to come to her house? My guess is that George is going to teach Billy basic home repairs, and then Billy will be able to take care of most of the simple stuff. My understanding is that George was not doing super complicated stuff that only a professional should be handling. Also, I think it's good for Billy to learn how to do things safely and that while he probably doesn't get good grades at school, there are other things he can do. I don't think Brenda should try to turn him into an adult and give him responsibilities beyond what he's capable of. I do think he is old enough to have some basic chores/responsibilities around the house.
  4. They could hire the ADA. To be honest, my gaydar is horrible. I think the ADA was hinting that he wanted a romantic relationship with Chunk, or at least wanted to meet for drinks and see if a romantic relationship might be possible. (It's a CBS procedural so it probably won't happen) Unless the show had major budget cuts, they could hire the actor and add another lawyer to the cast. The show had two awesome lawyers when Chunk and Benny were part of the show. I don't see how adding another laywer decreases Chunk's ability to practice law.
  5. Something the original series did well was showing Jack's unhappiness with his work and his job was a major recurring theme through most of the series. It was not an issue that was dealt with in one episode and never spoken of again.
  6. It's possible one of them could have seen the movie during the summer. It is unlikely that they would have seen it on television because I am pretty sure it took longer for movies to go from theatres to TV at that point. Another possibility is that it was a made for TV movie, which did exist in the late 1960s. I know pop songs are incredibly expensive which is why this series isn't wall to wall 1960s rock music like the original, but is the same true for TV? I remember Kevin watching more clips of actual TV shows during the original series, and I can't remember a single show that Dean or anyone else has actually watched during this series.
  7. There are new teaser trailers that all have songs from Gypsy in them. Could this be a clue that the new season will start/be set during 1962? The teasers contain clips from the new season, so be warned. These clips contains spoilers for the season that starts next year.
  8. They had the option of showing what life would be life for a black veteran after he returned from war, and they decided to go in a different direction. I think he's going to be a mostly offscreen character. Even on the original series, major historical events were usually in the background, so I agree with you. I agree with you about Bruce. This was a story worth telling, even if they decided they wanted the end point to be Bruce renlisting. The story of the struggles a black veteran faced when returning home from Vietnam is a story worth telling, but needs more than twenty minutes to do well.
  9. I'm torn between wanting to know Screech's cause of death and the cause of death not being important. What was important was all the characters were mourning his loss and came together to remember their friend.
  10. I thought the actor who plays Dr. Turner talking about growing up with and playing with children slightly older than than him impacted by thalidomide really put things into perspective for me. (I was born decades after the events in this series). In other interviews he's talked about remembering some of the other events depicted on the show from his own childhood too.
  11. My guess is that Daniel and Leonard will move to London where it will be slightly (emphasis on the slightly) easier for them to live as couple, but he will make frequent trips to Grantchester. I am basing this on what is the absolute edge of plausible and TVLand logic. (Does British TVLand logic differ from its American counterpart?)
  12. This is going to be a nitpicky answer. Leonard was charged and convicted but not Daniel, because it was clearly Leonard in the pictures and it was harder to see who the other person was. The blackmailer was specifically targeting Leonard, so Daniel was not named or charged. If Leonard and Daniel stay together and continue thier relationship as a couple, there is a very good chance that Daniel may not be so lucky the next time and may be charged as well. The laws in England regarding homosexuality were not changed until 1967. It will be interesting to see what happens with Daniel and Leonard. I hope the relationship between Henry and Will improves. Geordie has to tell Cathy something of his horrible wartime experiences. He needs to find a way to explain his behavior over the past few months. Since he has changed and realized what he wants and cares about, I think they will be able to make it work.
  13. I agree with this. By 17 or 18 someone in college should have the maturity and the people skills to deal with a professor without going to thier parents for help (it's okay for the student to talk to parents to figure out what to do, what to say, how to approach the issue, but not for the parents to call or be in the room with the professor). However, Sheldon is around 12. There is a massive difference in maturity and people skills between a normal/average 12 and 17 year old. It is not fair to expect a 12 year old to be where a 17 year is in terms of maturity and people skills. Today parents of college students are more involved than they have been in the past and probably should be.
  14. This comes from watching a ton of 1980s/1990s teen movies: If the bully is poor, he/she has a rough home life. If the bully comes from a wealthy/wealthier background than he/she is just a total jerk.
  15. Overall, I enjoyed the episode. I wished that Riley had said, "I already have a therapist, I don't need another, but I do need a friend." Lois and Art are a cute couple. She knew just what to say to give him the confidence boost he needed to stay in and feel comfortable with the relationship. I also think she meant every word she said.
  16. In the first episode it seemed like Dean was trying to fit in and figure out what he was good at, but here it seems that's always been great at science. I'm okay with small inconsisitencies in long running series, but this is only the 8th episode. I could relate to the way Dean was getting upset when Lilian kept refering to Michael as his friend. I grew up decades after this series takes place. It drove me crazy when my parents would assume I was friends with everyone in my class.
  17. He is way too busy and would never agree to do it but Lin Manuel Miranda would be an amazing 4th chair. It might end up being an episode with more musical games than normal, but I think most people would be okay with it. He would be amazing at "Greatest Hits"
  18. I think survivor’s guilt would have happened no matter what rank Geordie had. If Geordie had a higher rank than many of the other prisoners, I can see how that would intensify the survivor’s guilt, because Geordie would see them as his men and that he had a duty/responsibiity to protect them and failed (even though he probably did all he could).
  19. His sermon was amazing. It was the first time I realized what a loss that has occured. He could have been an amazing vicar, and it will not happen. His sermon was far better than what we have seen in the past. It may be previous sermons were last minute and he didn't have time to prepare or they were supposed to be the comedic moment. I am so glad that Leonard has found strength and a way to do the work he wanted to. I saw it as survivor's guilt. He saw the names of all the men who died (and he may not have been able to save any of them) and wonders why he survived and they didn't. My guess based on pure speculation is that Esme kept asking her parents when she could sit with the adults at the dinner, and they picked an age that sounded right. She held them to it, and they're probably telling the younger siblings when you get to be ___ you can eat with the adults.
  20. This is a good question. It has to be someone with the resources to pull it off due to the large sums of money involved. It also has to be someone who was closely following Bull and possibily the rest of the team. I have no idea who it could be.
  21. I want more episodes where Jamie and Danny have to work together. I enjoy the dynamic between them. Danny is slowly seeing Jamie more as an excellent police officer with a serious future in the department and less like his annoying honor student younger brother. There was something that bothered me in this episode. I absolutely refuse to believe that The Verdict is one of Danny's favorite movies. I could see Danny's favorite movie being Die Hard, Cool Hand Luke, The Great Escape, Dirty Harry, or Bullit, or something like that. I could understand The Verdict being one of Jamie's favorites, but not Danny's. Joe Hill is still struggling with who he is and who he wants to be. I enjoy seeing him every now and them. Anthony is the Reagan whisperer. He understands the family in a way that few outsiders do. He is also one of the few people allowed to call out the Reagans out and not suffer for it or later in the episode shown to be wrong.
  22. I have no doubt that Sheldon has the technical skills to reprogram the machines. Sheldon is the absolute last person Mee-Maw and Georgie would want to involve in the illegal laundromat casino. I can't see Sheldon being willing or able to keep a secret like that.
  23. Thanks for the infomration. I doubt this would happen in the series, because Sheldon would have to be in the room and taking apart the device to see how it worked and then trying to tinker with the random number generator software. I can't picture Mee-Maw and Georgie involving Sheldon.
  24. I wouldn't say Mary's tempted. Mary's having a harmless fantasy that she will never in a million act on or even think about acting on. George is thinking about having an affair and already came very close to having on. I'm not sure. They're slot machines, aren't they? The machines are not connected to a network, so there's nothing to hack into. They appear to be mechanical rather than digital (which makes sense because it's the 1990s) so there's no way to change the software. Mary was an idiot in this episode. Of all of the people in her life Missy could have gone to sex questions, she want to youth pastor Rob instead of Georgie, Mee-Maw, or older girls at school. Mary should have been thrilled Missy went to someone at the church. I love the way Pastor Rob has figured out how to deal with Sheldon.
  25. It's fun seeing Al being overprotective when it comes to Hazel and boys. As far as he is concerned, she has the potential to rule the world and he will not let her throw away her future on a boy that isn't right for her/from a good family/someone who will apperciate her and treat well. It's amusing that Riley was so focused on his own issues and concerns, he barely blinked or didn't believe it when Al told him his daughter was in love. I am looking forward to seeing Riley in overprotetive Dad mode. If she's in middle school, that means dances will soon be part of her life. As much as Riley's friends tease each other, they can be serious when it's important and do want to help each other. Art was great helping Lizzie through a difficult day. Even though she thought she wanted to be alone, she realized it was better having someone there who understood her pain and what she was going through. Art is a fantastic father.
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