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Everything posted by jalady

  1. Very shallow comments, but the Lindsey/Danielle/Carl nonsense has already been covered: Loved the yellow shirt Danielle wore to the housewarming party!! But why did they lie about the date??? It clearly showed them leaving the house on Sunday, August 7th, which would make Wednesday the 10th. And when they were going back it was Friday the 12th. So why lie that the party was on the 11th? And drag Carl’s mother into it? Either have the party on the 11th or mention that it was a sad time of the year because the next day would be Lindsey’s birthday and the day he found out his brother passed. Sheesh! Hard not to believe all this “reality” is scripted 🙄
  2. I don’t think they were dismissive of his age. Their points were: intruders don’t usually knock and he had options other than shooting the teenager. Ask “who is it?”, ignore the door if you’re not expecting anyone (I do it all the time if I don’t recognize a car in the parking lot), or call the police. But I do get bluegirl147’s point that option #3 may have come with its own danger for the young man.
  3. Slight correction; he sent the handyman to Delaware, not MD. I’m sure I only remember this because I live in MD, LOL.
  4. You all have pretty much covered it but the legal side of this case was so bad on SO many levels, it was beyond laughable. And I disagree that the doorman’s testimony would have been exculpatory in any possible way. How would seeing them (judge and victim) have an argument be exculpatory, even if he did have a prior restraining order? I thought they were going to make the defendant the judge who issued the restraining order against him (the doorman) but I guess they realized that would be a bridge too far. But in this mess of an episode, that would have been on brand. I’m surprised Price was sitting in the gallery during the verdict instead of at counsel table 🙄.
  5. I’m not quite her age yet, and remember hearing (and using) that term often as a child. But then I learned the origin of the word and would never use it as an adult. I’m tired of her “slips” and explanations. Do better Ms. EGOT! Or take your gas and talking with food in your mouth off my TV screen. That’s another thing I can’t believe they let her get away with constantly. Unless she has a medical condition that requires her to eat on air, eat in your dressing room or during breaks, as the other hosts seem to do!!!
  6. Whoopi used the word “gypped” (sp?) today to describe how the MAGA crowd feels about the 2020 election results. I’m surprised they didn’t make her apologize for that after the commercial break . . .
  7. ^^^ Unfortunately, I agree. 🤬🥵
  8. Phaedra??? Why? Did she get an MD to go with her law degree and mortician’s license? Is she banging a doctor? Or does Bravo just want to see us suffer? Make it make sense. Please!!!
  9. ^^^ I get your point, but I’d have to be married for 66 years before I tattooed someone’s name on my body! But I’m old and cynical, even though I do have a tattoo (of my zodiac sign) on my hip 😅
  10. Um, Carter? Why the hell would you get a tattoo of the name of your husband of six days on your body??? And it’s not like he was a child; he said he was in his 30s, right? Or are they just making him look like an idiot so he’ll fit in with the rest of “the gang”? 🙄
  11. I do think jurors are paid too little, and again it varies by state, but I don’t think there’ll ever be a universal solution in these “united” states. And I feel your pain GH. I was selected for jury duty once since I’ve been a lawyer, and my employer was shocked when I called from the courthouse and said I’d been chosen. And the foreperson was also a lawyer! In Maryland at that time juror #1 was automatically the foreperson. But that was years ago; I hope in retirement I’ll do better. (The last time I was summoned it was the Friday before a Labor Day weekend so I knew that would be a waste of time). But Sunny is so ridiculous with her stories about judges and lawyers calling employers and demanding they pay their employees more for jury duty. I worked in the same office she did - for a longer time - and that. didn’t. happen. Ever. 😂
  12. OMG, her rant at the end when she forced the last vote was EPIC!! And I’m happy the citizens of NJ were spared her “wisdom”. As usual, she was wrong on the jury duty topic; whether you have to serve based on age depends on the state where you live. Ironically, in Florida you can opt out at age 75. You can choose to serve, but you don’t have to (says the daughter of 80 and 84 year old parents who opt out). I try to encourage them to go because 1) I’m a lawyer and 2) they’re both mentally sharp. But, no dice; the drive isn’t worth it to them 🤣🤣
  13. Could you imagine being on a jury with Whoopi??? Especially when she starts her “here’s the thing” monologue and tries to school the rest of the jury on, well anything really. Kill me now 😂😂😂. Not that I miss her, but for the sake of those poor unsuspecting citizens, I hope she’s back today.
  14. So we'll just ignore the fact that it would be completely unethical for the mediator to be the "best" friend of one of the parties to the dispute . . . There had to be a better way to shoehorn Dave into that plot. 😏
  15. I know this won’t happen, and I only say this because she’s a fictional character, but I hope Maggie dies during childbirth. She’s a narcissistic shrew! And I’m not sure if I want Gary to raise baby Jon (we all know that’s going to be his name 🙄). Maybe he’ll be so traumatized by her death that he gives the baby to Rome and Regina. Or Danny and Sophie 😂😂😂
  16. Whoopi is really an idiot. You have to know the answer in order to use a calculator?? Um no, that’s the point of using one. 🤦‍♀️ I wish she would go FAR away; go be the movie stah you fancy yourself to be. Her ignorant rambling/sermons coupled with her obvious disdain and disinterest in topics she deems “beneath” her are ruining the show for me!
  17. Eboni K. Williams. I’ve been mostly neutral on her, but she seemed so phony and extra today. Ramona (from RHoNY) is a nightmare, but that warrants her getting a TV show and book deal? Life is not fair . . .
  18. Sunny’s first book was terrible! Completely unrealistic plot and the name dropping!!! Usually about designers, it can’t be a dress or purse or shoes, it had to be a “insert name of famous designer here” dress or purse or shoes. And it extended to places the upper crust go in the Vineyard too. 🙄. It actually made me feel sorry for her how grasping it felt. And I know and like Sunny. But it was a quick read, so there’s that. If anyone is thinking about reading it or the new one, I suggest getting a library card. And on another note, she’s completely lying about the security procedures in the Grand Jury at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. I worked there much longer than she did and prosecutors took transcripts home all. the. time. And there was no locked box, or whatever she was alluding to, where you signed them in and out. We cleaned up our acts once a year when a review team came in to check our protocols. And we always knew when they were coming. Not to say we were careless with secret documents, but for her to pretend they had better security protocols than the White House? Please. And while GJ materials must be kept secret, the vast majority of our items were NOT classified. Just regular secret testimony and evidence. So I get what she’s trying to say, but she’s lying. I’ve laughed with many former co-workers this week when I’ve shared her comments with them. 😂😂😂
  19. Fair point. But Atwater’s father??? I think they could have found someone else. Even an old L&O character actor . . .
  20. Really Chicago PD? Are there so few Black actors in Hollywood that you had to recycle a former guest star as Atwater’s father? And I’m terrible at remembering faces. For those who don’t remember, the actor was “Big Homie” (as Atwater called him) in the episode where he and Ruzek went undercover in prison to catch the uncle who ordered the killing of the little girl witness who was going to testify against his basketball star nephew. One of my least favorite episodes. Maybe that’s why I recognized him right away 😂. Anyway, that kind of took me right out of the story.
  21. I work in the federal criminal justice system. My point is, while blue collar criminals are treated more harshly than white collar criminals, it is not “standard” for federally convicted felons facing a minimum of 14 years incarceration to be released to spend the holidays with their family. At least not where I practice law.
  22. The “typical” white collar criminal isn’t facing 14 years behind bars. She’s facing much more time than both the Giudices, combined. But I’ll move on. Agree to disagree.
  23. Joy (and jalady): “who’s Naomi?” After Ana mentioned that the first Hispanic White House social secretary did Naomi’s wedding, the Christmas party, the Kennedy Center Honors, etc. I figured it out about 5 seconds before Joy asked the question out loud. 😂 (She’s the Biden granddaughter who recently got married at the White House).
  24. I respectfully disagree. In the normal course of things, once you’re found guilty of a serious felony, you’re imprisoned until sentencing. Pre and post pandemic.
  25. I am so angry that they keep pushing back her sentencing date! In the real world (former prosecutor here), a convicted felon in federal court, facing over a decade of prison time, would be “stepped back”, i.e. - incarcerated, pending their sentencing date. Because once you plead guilty you are a convicted felon!!! Only the very rich and/or politically connected get time to “get their affairs in order” or enjoy the holidays with their family. Which is also a bunch of bullshit, but don’t even get me started on the inequities in our justice system 🙄. Why this Z list celebrity is getting special treatment is beyond me. Her incarceration can’t come soon enough for me.
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