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Snowball II

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Everything posted by Snowball II

  1. I think I could get really, really good at punching, if I used Jesse Eisenberg's face as a target. Does that count?
  2. Is it unpopular to think Katy Perry's Chained to the Rhythm is one of the best songs of the past ten years? I think it's great. There is something about it that reminds me of an old school pop song, like something from the late 90's/early 2000's. In a good way of course, not in a dated way.
  3. Tom Cruise is still a good action star, well into his 50's. 🙂
  4. Angelina Jolie has done a lot of good humanitarian work. Johnny Depp was fantastic in Ed Wood. Julia Roberts has undeniable star quality, and I think she is still very pretty. Harrison Ford is Han Solo, and Indiana Jones. That's pretty damn cool.
  5. Let this be a lesson to always listen to Jim Broadbent. He knows what's up.
  6. Thank you for explaining this. I didn't see it that way, but you have given me a lot to think about.
  7. I have to say, I am very disturbed by the way Jenelle keeps posting things on social media, as if she were a normal wife and mother, having a normal week. Who does that? I don't have a degree in psychology, someone help me out, here. I am trying to understand.
  8. Good for Barb for retiring from that WalMart job Jenelle deemed pathetic, all those years ago. I guess there is nothing pathetic about being fired from your easy as fuck MTV job because your psycho, micro-penis husband couldn't contain his rage and took it out on a ten pound dog. Jenelle is clearly the winner, here.
  9. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't see Daenerys's end as misogynistic. Every man in the story who has pursued the Iron Throne has met a similar fate, so Daenerys being a woman makes no difference, to me. I'll sit at the kids' table, by myself. Tyrion as Hand was puzzling to me, but I fully expected it regardless of what was going on in the story, since Peter Dinklage is a fan favorite. Bran as king was also meh, for me. I expect it to make a lot more sense in the books, if they are ever completed (I heard that GRRM is working on various other projects, so who the hell knows?). While I do agree with a lot of the criticisms surrounding those two things, seeing it unfold onscreen didn't enrage me. I figuratively shrugged my shoulders and thought, "Well, okay, that could work." I did not see Grey Worm's decision to sail for Naath as racist, but I am not a person of color, so there is only so much I can add to that particular discussion. I will say again that Jacob Anderson and Nathalie Emmanuel were terrific in their roles, and that they sold their characters' romance in a way that Kit and Emilia could not. That's impressive, and they both deserve long careers. Speaking of Kit/Jon, I wish we had just one scene this season, where he talked to someone other than Dany about his true parentage, and how it made him feel. It was a huge bombshell that dropped on his life and exploded, and all we ever got was how it related back to Daenerys and her quest for the Iron Throne. Jon's character deserved more than that. Anyway, it's been a few days, and even though I have my complaints about the final episode and the final season as a whole, I still can't get pissed off about how it ended. It was all about tying the lose ends, and it did that. I could sit here and write essays about how they should have done things, but there is no point in that. The sun is still shining and the birds are still singing, even though Game of Thrones had a lackluster finale. Maybe I should start watching Vikings, now that it's over. I've been meaning to check it out. 😛
  10. Carly is most likely going to college at 18. If anyone thinks she is going to live at C&T's "farm" and eat quesadillas, they need to think again. I mean, come on.
  11. This frustrated me, especially since we heard Qyburn say, "She (Cersei) has other plans for the Targaryen girl." Knowing Cersei, I was expecting some kind of demented twist when Dany started attacking the city, but I guess Qyburn was only referring to the scorpions? Lame. Cersei always had something up her sleeve, she liked to make people suffer. I was expecting more, but Cersei just walked away, crying. Oh, well.
  12. Or, we liked something you didn't like. Crazy, I know.
  13. That was a nice touch. Sansa went from being an idealistic young girl in love with the South, to embracing her true, Northern self...and using some of those Southern techniques, when she needs to. Awesome. 🙂
  14. When I first read the spoilers, I laughed at how bad this finale sounded. Well, that will teach me not to jump to conclusions, because...I liked it. I liked it, quite a bit. I think everyone ended up where they needed to be, and I was satisfied. Color me shocked. Random thoughts... -I'm happy that Sansa is queen of an independent North, and that she got everything she wanted by being persistent, and tough. I have always rooted for Sansa, because I know how it feels to be abused and terrorized by assholes who tell you you're nothing but a stupid girl. Good for Sansa for outliving every one of those assholes and rising to the occasion as Queen of the North. Super proud of you, Little Bird. Long may you reign. -I wasn't upset with King Bran. I don't see Bran ruling, as much as I see the council, particularly Tyrion, using him as a super computer to make sure they don't fuck up as badly as they did, before. Maybe it isn't perfect, but I'm fine with it. -Tyrion had me tearing up when he saw Jaime and Cersei under the bricks, and Brienne had me tearing up when she filled Jaime's entry in the White Book. Edmure had me laughing when he made a play for King, and and so did Davos, for just being Davos. "Not sure I get a vote, but aye." -Wow...Robin Arryn grew up hot, just like Neville Longbottom. That was probably the most surprising thing about the entire finale, lol. -I thought Jacob Anderson did a great job with Grey Worm. I understood his anger, and I didn't think he was acting unreasonably; he had just seen the woman he loved be murdered, and he was acting under his queen's orders when he executed the Lannister soldiers. He accepted Jon's punishment of exile to the Wall, and he set sail for Naath to keep his promise to Missendei, and protect her people. All things considered, I thought he behaved pretty well. And now, Grey Worm is truly a free man, and not acting under the orders of a genocidal dictator. Speaking of which... -Dany. Oh, Dany. First off, I really liked the "Triumph of the Will" feel of her scene, with the Unsullied banging their staffs on the ground, and Dany vowing to "free" the rest of Westeros, just as she had "freed" King's Landing. It was chilling, and very well done. I loved how this was a typical Dany speech, turned on its head; we've heard Dany say these words many times, but we realize just how crazy they are, now that she has made good on her promise of Fire and Blood. Jesus, my spine was tingling, during that scene. Great acting, by Emilia. Great acting by Kit, when he finally twisted the knife in Dany's heart, with tears in his eyes. The scene was brief, but it hit, hard. I also like the fact that Daenerys died in such a pedestrian way, after seeing her live through some hardcore shit. I know people probably don't like that, but I thought it was a gut punch, in its own way. Seeing this powerful woman lie on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth was sobering. I like to think Drogon took her body to Valyria. That's what makes sense, to me. -I'm glad Jon ended up with the Free Folk; I think that's where he really belongs. He was the happiest we'd ever seen him when he was roaming free in the North, with Ygritte (his one true love). I thought it was fitting. I also thought it was fitting that each of the Starks went their separate ways. It would have been nice if they all lived in Winterfell as a happy family, but I think they were all too changed and scarred from their experiences to do that. The pack survives. So, yeah, I don't have many complaints. Maybe some minor nitpicks, but I thought it was a solid finale. Thank you, George R.R. Martin, for writing this story that I love, and thank you D&D, for turning it into a beautiful TV show. Thank you, actors, for working your asses off and making me laugh, and cry. There have been bumps, especially this season, but it's been a great ten years. HODOR.
  15. I think it would have made more sense if the big threat they had talked about for eight seasons affected the rest of Westeros, and not just Winterfell. As it is, there isn't even a reason for the rest of the 7K to believe it actually happened; they could just brush it off as more crazy myths from the North. I am also a much bigger fan of the the personal relationships and the political intrigue, but if a show is going to say that a supernatural threat is what ALL of the characters should be worried about, they ought to show that. This final season has been all about telling, and not showing, which grinds my gears. #petergriffinvoice
  16. She didn't care about Nugget, either. That was all for the sympathy/attention.
  17. Since Loras was one of the best fighters in Westeros, I have to agree.
  18. Going back to the Not So Long Night, for a moment... Why didn't the show have a beloved character turn into a White Walker? Why didn't they take advantage of the emotional impact that would have had on the audience? Yeah, yeah, I know Edd and Lyanna were WW's, for a second, but we didn't see them do anything, and they weren't major characters. I feel like this was an opportunity the showrunners could have taken to make the battle so much more interesting, and they just didn't take it. And I will never understand why. On rewatch, it isn't Dany's arc that is going to frustrate me, it's all this Long Night/Night King/White Walker bullshit. Hell, I might as well just FF through it, knowing exactly how it turns out. People are having all kinds of opinions and feelings about Dany burning down King's Landing, and I totally get that, but I'm still stuck on how badly the battle with the Night King was handled. That, for me, is the much bigger WTF moment of the series, and it's what truly made this final season such an uneven mess. I always figured Dany would break bad, but I never thought the WW threat would be brushed aside, like they smacked a bothersome fly that was buzzing around their heads. I don't know, this is just a bunch of rambling on the "eve" of the final episode. I'm so confused as to what happened, with this show.
  19. Tyler is an entitled asshole who thinks B&T are only babysitting Carly until she comes back to her "real" family. He has no respect for B&T, at all, and he never has. He is also very dim if he can't wrap his head around the idea of a couple not wanting pictures of their daughter on social media. Really, it's not that unusual of a request, but since Tyler is a famewhore, and has been since he was 16 years old, he just doesn't get it. I guess if you can't post it on Facebook or Instagram, it isn't real. Grow up, Tyler, and learn to deal with your shit, privately.
  20. Maybe they can be lovers. Yara has got to be better in the sack than Gendry.
  21. No way a human being can be THIS stupid. I refuse to believe it, even though it is right in font of my face. What the fuck.
  22. I don't despise Dany, either. I despise what she has done, of course, but I understood how she got to that point. So, even though the final season has been rushed, I don't think it's been a complete failure. I get it, I just wish we had seen more of the journey before we got to the destination.
  23. Jenelle is so heartbroken, sharing shitty memes on social media, and whining about her damn stomach. All this when she could very well be on the brink of losing her children. A fucking wolf would love these kids more than Jenelle does, and probably raise them better. But, it doesn't matter, anyway, because I don't think she will ever lose her children. She's managed to keep them through years of abuse and endangerment, I will believe it when I see it. No matter how pyscho the parents are, the courts always want to keep kids with their families. It's just another day in the neverending Jenelle shit-show.
  24. Honestly, there are probably lots of parallels between any character who went for the Iron Throne, excluding maybe Renly. We didn't get a whole lot from Renly before he was shanked by a shadow baby. Anyway, I thought that video was interesting. I love The Take.
  25. Not if you act as your own knight/savior. I'm not talking about doing what Sansa did in season one, Arya sees a white horse without a rider and makes the decision to save herself. But again, that's just the way I interpreted the scene.
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