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Everything posted by bettername2come

  1. This was my favorite ep. The fight, John Walker being awful but nuanced (I like his wife and their relationship, nothing better happen to her), the training montage, the boat fixing, bonding between Sam and Bucky, Sam saying don't flirt with my sister which immediately makes me ship Bucky/Sarah, Carl Lumbly, and the prospect of Captain America flying like a majestic eagle. I enjoyed very much.
  2. The broken Lincoln Memorial affected me more than I anticipated. I forget how huge the thing and somehow that made it sadder. The Washington Memorial less so because I was bugged by the aesthetic. Like that doesn't even like a cross, it's too pointy, it looks awkward, what was Gilead thinking? And looking forward to whatever is gonna happen between Meloni and Fred. Everything else, meh.
  3. It occurs to me that Caitlin once saved Lyla's life (first crossover Arrow ep), so no wonder ARGUS is willing to let bygones be bygones since Frost no longer poses a threat.
  4. Jason Behr! Back on my screen as an alien once more! Lex's lawyer looked like a blonde Courtney Ford. Ugh, Lex's "bitter women" rant in court made me dislike him even more. Again, John Crier is a fantastic Lex. One of the best. I turned into the teacher from The Incredibles with that "not guilty" verdict. Alex with the table of potstickers piled on top of the table for Kara was so sad.
  5. I didn't realize how desperately my soul was in need of a Cisco-centric episode until he had several minutes of screentime in a row. He played confused seven-year-old Cisco so well. "That's weird 'cause your future looks bright to me!" Good one-liner, Cisco, sorry it didn't work. I'm really happy to see Nora Allen actor getting more time. She's really good, and it's fun to see her getting to have more range instead of just dying or saying motivating things to Barry. And what was the Speed Force thinking planning to appear in her true form of lightning to them? She would've given everybody retinal damage. The concept of the Speed Force as an entity that shows up at your place of work is just weird. Like if Gravity just showed up on your doorstep and needed to talk. Also, I'm vaguely worried she's villainous. How dare they switch out the old young Barry with Nora and Henry photo for one with the new young Barry! RIP Logan Williams. "John Boyega." The alias makes me like Chester more. And darn it, I actually really liked his storyline with his dad this ep. I'm gonna have to remember his name now. A believable issue where he would've understood his dad better if his mentality weren't kind of stuck in the way he saw the situation as a kid. Glad he could see the truth, spend time with his dad, process and move on. And that Barry was nowhere near that storyline to make it drawn out, sappy, or hypocritical. I love Barry, but the man has parental issues. I liked the villain. Understandable yet petty backstory and not easily swayed by a motivational speech. Caitlin definitely lost on the time warp fashion game. Iris and Joe faired better (I'm half-convinced that outfit was already in Joe's closet), but think they could've gotten a little better. Those sunglasses were very flattering with Frost's makeup, and I liked her 60s-ish style at the end.
  6. It can't beat Curtis from Arrow putting his hair in cornrows every time he suited up. Though admittedly his overall disguise was much more effective. I would've liked this more if I remembered last season better. But we got a Cat Grant mention! And I can believe they'd rope her in on the actual cover story, so I can imagine she's actually still talking to the team. Glad the world knows about Lex being evil. And that he doesn't remember Kara's Supergirl.
  7. My guess would be it would be about Evil Cisco and/or his powers somehow back and chaotically dangerous. Maybe an evil Wells murdering him. Ooh, can Kevin have been cast in the new double in-universe Oliver Queen biopic? On the actual show, I really like the Nora actress and think she plays the Speed Force character well. I would actually love to see Cecile with Martian Manhunter. I think they'd get along splendidly. I'm surprised it didn't occur to me before. I feel like Killer Frost is going to leave the show to join the Suicide Squad or some other ARGUS team since they mentioned she was cool with ARGUS last week.
  8. Nicky breaking the snow globes trying to follow TSA regulations might be the saddest this show has ever made me. That or "I'm better, Jack. I'm not the monster you remember." I'm glad he has refused Kevin's stupid nicknames. I appreciated how warm and welcoming Madison was towards him. She's come a long way since her introduction.
  9. Uncle Nicky: I came to meet my namesake. And the girl. Uncle Nicky: (regarding the vaccine) There's a second one?! Sally: Jack. You have a very proud, determined energy. Cancer? Jack: Uh, no, I'm fine. Uncle Nicky: You just call me Uncle Nicky, okay? No stupid nicknames.
  10. I did not see Captain Luthor as other world Lois's husband. Makes sense with him knowing other Sam Lane and trying to convince him to not trust Superman. Guess he doesn't know that Clark's Superman. When Not-Siri made a comment about biometrics after he watched them on the bench, I was sure it was going to reveal it. Is it just me or do Clark's glasses pick up every single glare possible? I mean, for realism's sake, I like it, but I swear I have never noticed this much glare on a a pair of glasses on camera before. Tyler and Bitsie continue to have chemistry. Loved him lying down and putting his head in her lap. 27 hours of labor with superbabies seems deeply unpleasant. I did like the "it seems like they were just born" since their Pre-Crisis (and probably on a different Earth) kid just was. I thought Chrissy was done for when she tracked Derek. Jonathan walked a fine line between making completely valid points and being a brat. I like that his jerk behavior was really mild. He got drunk and revealed it was Jordan's first date. I'm liking the brothers more and more. Thank you! I was expecting the crystal, but then, for it to be empty and him be like "Oh, right, your brother has it from when you snooped around and found my spaceship." Seriously, brother gets powers and he gets...a box. Like that box should at least be made of lead so Clark won't spy on whatever's inside. I really think they should've just changed the Cushing family name since they're emphasizing the Hispanic culture with the dad. Isn't Lana the only one from the comics?
  11. I can never finish expressing my annoyance at Cisco learning multiple times to accept his meta-ness, only to give up his powers since he never wanted them, but then just wear technology based versions of his powers. I hate it so much. It doesn't make any sense. In fact, it may be the thing on this show that makes the least amount of sense of all. That's unfair. I liked Curtis at first and knew why he was there.
  12. Clark's dorky dad excitement on the sidelines was beautiful. And when practicing with the boys. "Ah, well, that's why he plays defense." There's a metahuman Hogwarts?? Uh, this better not lead to another spinoff. I expected the boys trying to deal with Tag on their own plot to be more involved. I don't want meteor freaks like on Smallville. Please don't make this into a weakly thing. "Mom, can you stop being an investigative reporter for 2 minutes and just be surprised?"
  13. I enjoyed this one. Cisco being back was a large part of it. Loved his attitude and standing up against Barry. I thought Grant did a good job with this version of the character. I totally fell for Cavanagh being gone. I groaned at Original Wells being back. 4 years ago I'd have been delighted. Didn't think Danielle would be back from maternity leave, but I guess she's had almost a year. She looked good.
  14. Interesting flashback at the beginning. Interesting to watch a witch put to the stake by other witches. I knew she grew up watching all those old sitcoms. I love that she grew up binge watching. Wait, how common were DVDs in 1999 Sovokia or real-world equivalent? Hey, were there Malcolm in the Middle DVDs in that suitcase in 1999? Okay, I think Wanda's an unreliable narrator. Watching sitcoms with Vision while not leaving Avengers compound makes sense too. Elizabeth Olsen looked so much like her sisters walking into SWORD ( I mean, she always does, but she could've been their triplet). I liked that Wanda tried to handle retrieving the body through proper channels. So Hayward planted the idea of bringing Vision back to life in her head? Cause he's the one who mentioned it and used the term soulmate. Seems like in 5 years they'd have made more progress in the disassembly process. Did all the capable AI scientists disappear in the snap? Watching Wanda do something as normal as drive a car seems so odd. Wait, Vision really bought them land in Westview? "What is grief if not love persevering?" Kathryn Hahn deserves an Emmy nomination. Name drop. Hayward's new Vision looks like Dennis from Bill and Ted Face the Music.
  15. I was trying to figure out why the actress looked familiar and I think it's just that she looked like Deja.
  16. Birth Mother: I left a little surprise for you on the birth certificate. First name Hailey, middle name Z’Comet. Randall: I always saw you as Pippen to my Jordan. Beth: I had the baby, I am Jordan. Beth: See, Annie? This is why Jordan sometimes did it all by his damn self.
  17. Jon Huertas directed! I know next to nothing about this man and I’m ridiculously happy for him. Like him directing is indicative is the show giving Miguel some of the respect he deserves. “Annie… this girl is an angel sent down from God Himself.” Yes! You treat the finest member of the Pearson family with the honor and respect she deserves! Did they put Madison in a turtleneck solely so that she could pull the neck over her mouth to talk to paparazzo? The proposal with the bracelet was nice. I can see him relaying that story to Seth Meyers on Late Night soon. I do not believe they were in the hospital for only 4 days with premies in 1980, especially with an extra one. Future Deja is again spot-on casting. She and future Randall have such a sweet relationship.
  18. Someone had posted a hope that sitcom Darcy would have a food truck as a nod to 2 Broke Girls. It would've gone with the traveling carnival of outsiders aspect, but at least she stole a funnel cake truck, right? I'm glad Vision knows the truth, even if he can't remember it. I like that Darcy was able to validate his and Wanda's love from an outside perspective. Monica with the powers was awesome. I like that Darcy's the escape artist but that's not even the job she wanted. Feels appropriate. I know the Agnes/Agatha thing had been called by a lot of viewers, so I wonder if there's something more. Is Ralph the mailman? I'm with the earlier spec that the mailman is in on it, Ralph or not. Evil couple? I came here as soon as the credits started and read there was another scene. I'd been burned too many times from sitting through all the voiceover actor names hoping for an after credits scene so thanks.
  19. I'm glad they told us a little about that couple at the end. I think they worked that in better than than the time they had that football guy's story in one ep. Kate's got the cutest little 3-month-old. I wanted Kevin's babies to have Randall and Beth as their middle names. And I'm glad Kevin's charms at least went to the head of TSA in Seattle so I know that random lady's not gonna lose her job. I enjoy the mental image of Kevin singing "Mmmbop." And wanting to start a brother band with Randall.
  20. I also took it as a nod to the blended decades, since the Lindsay Lohan Parent Trap was 1998 and The Incredibles was 2004. I liked 2 Broke Girls. I can take some references. Darcy can bake cupcakes and wear an outfit with some cleavage. Just keep her away from diner-y characters and all should be well. Also, I'm a fan of Kat Dennings, so I'm loving all this new Darcy footage. I appreciated her worrying about Vision and trying to help. I look forward to seeing her in sitcom land. If Vision recognizes her from trying to escape, even better. Ooh, if he does the mental thingy and she explains what's happening more clearly, even betterer. Vision literally being torn apart and still trying to get the agents to help people? Things like that are why he can wield Mjolnir. I'm glad we got info on where the children have been. Jimmy Woo feels like the new Coulson. Badass illusionist who can hotwire a car. Go, Jimmy! Stop throwing gray animated corpses into the show!
  21. Oh my god, Kevin! Eyes on the road! Credit to director and agent for seeming at least to be not completely uncaring when they first talked to him, but seriously, he's a first-time father with babies coming early, be more understanding! I realize there's extra context making Kevin even more nervous, but the regular context is enough. I hated the director when he told him to turn around. Nitpick - how many quiet two-lane roads are there in BC when you're a)trying to get the Vancouver airport and B) driving from Vancouver to the border? It seems like he was on weirdly quiet roads for pretty major destinations that I would imagine had pretty heavy traffic. Okay, the birth mother having induced labor leaves me even more confused about the timeline this season. How pregnant was she last time we saw her? Guess that's why Kate isn't there for her best friend's babies. I really appreciate Miguel and Rebecca trying to book Kevin a flight. Just a tiny hint of desperation in having old people be flight detectives when he's used to having professional assistance, but they're wonderful, dependable people doing that so he can focus on getting there. Glad to get a nice bonding moment between Kevin and Rebecca. And always love Kevin being nice to Miguel. I'm so relieved that the wallet was a fakeout. I'd imagined Kevin stumbling away from his car accident lost and confused, so heroic Kevin was nice. And I like Josh Malina, so go save him! Good luck trying to fire Kevin now that he's a hero! I hope the story goes viral just to spite stupid director with stupid name. And then I worried he would have a freakout at the airport and come off like an entitled jerk with the "I'm Kevin Pearson" thing which would go viral instead. "You're gonna be way better than me." Saving a stranger from a fire is a heroic move and even more selfless than saving your children from a fire, so good call, Jack. I love that Randall called to check on Madison and stayed on the phone with her. I half expected them to hop a flight to LA. But no way that would be faster than Kevin getting there. But good on Randall being supportive. You raised good boys, Jack. Milo Ventimiglia and Young Kevin do work well together. We're getting Big Three part 2. I did not see that coming.
  22. I'm watching for the first time and I've gotten to season 6. I got to the part where Britta gives her definition of "hoist by your own petard" and while I'd never given it much thought I do think I'd had a similar definition in my head. I feel like that's a bad sign. On the other hand, I did look up the real origin, and I am not disappointed.
  23. Because a full-grown, extremely powerful being who shows people nothing but kindness admitting fear is terrifying and sad. And Paul Bettany is very talented. I think Wanda took Vision's body to try to prevent him from being used as a weapon. SWORD guy seems deeply untrustworthy. I could see her building the whole world around protecting him and finding comfort by creating a sitcom world unintentionally, especially if she grew up on old American reruns. They were trying to keep Vision alive without the mind stone, so I can see her resurrecting him without it. And the constant slight rewinding of reality makes sense in her grief since that's what Thanos did when she tried to kill Vision herself to save him in Infinity War. I think there's something interesting if there's no children in Westview. Did Wanda pull people into Westview or take over a town? Because if she took over a town I'd feel like the children who live there would have to be somewhere else because she wouldn't subject them to this after her own childhood trauma. But then they would have to be somewhere. But the children or lack there of is significant. Is the "she" Agnes? The thrilling days of radio?
  24. I love seeing the snapback. It hadn't occurred to me that we didn't really see that before. Poor Monica. Poor Maria. Surviving cancer only to have her daughter disappear. God, after her best friend had disappeared years ago. This is a bad habit. And she's hardly the only one to have to go through that. Agent Woo learned a little closeup magic! And he's on the FBI softball team. I love him. Darcy! I love Kat Dennings. And I love that she's now an astrophysics person after all her time with Jane. And Dr. Lewis made me smile. Yeah, makes sense since 12 years have passed in-universe since her intro. And now she's competent with technology instead of just smacking it! Offscreen character growth! Love that she was the one watching the broadcast. Way less ominous than it appeared. I love the way they explained getting in through the old-fashioned broadcast signal. The production values had such a cinematic quality, especially after everything's been in black and white and 70s style. Dead Vision was terrifying.
  25. The setting was very Brady Bunch. The theme song very Partridge Family. I do think Wanda kicked Geraldine out. I feel like she might be the biggest wild card in this. I think she genuinely doesn’t remember and probably isn’t supposed to be there. Like she got caught trying to pull an extraction.
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