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Everything posted by RobertDeSneero

  1. No, I thought he was staying with Tennant.
  2. It's from the lyrics to Dancing Queen. The joke swap is right up my alley and my favorite was the Michael Jackson one.
  3. Anyone else feel like Tendi has been given a secret mission among the Orions?
  4. To promote the first Rolling Stones album with new music in almost two decades, which includes a guest appearance by Lady Gaga (explaining her appearance). They also did a small invite-only show a couple of days prior.
  5. The show felt consistently funny with no sketch I hated. I loved that they just went with a lot of Spanish with no translation. Did anyone else catch Mick Jagger's name on the sheet when they did that teaser showing the camera and setup before the telenovela sketch?
  6. Anyone else think that the secret might be that Renslayer is a female variant of Kang without the memories (or weird speech patterns) but with a similar drive for power?
  7. I wish there was a featured player with a last name starting with A or B to set up a future gag where Che sabotages them to kill their career so he can remain first in the intro. Monologue was very much my kind of humor. Christopher Columbus was just George Santos with an Italian accent. I appreciated the meta-ness of the space skit. I pretty much liked everything except the beach skit.
  8. I think this is just the new reality of streaming. Shows don't have to force themselves to put episodes out every year. A Star Wars TV show can do longer form than a Star Wars movie, but spaced out between seasons the same way a Star Wars movie trilogy is. I don't think there is a problem with only people fully appreciating the show if they watched Clone Wars and Rebels, so long as there is enough there to satisfy viewers enough. There was nothing wrong with A Game of Thrones simplifying things so that only someone who read the books would have the fullest appreciation of the story. Did you need the backstory on why Leia would seek out Obi-Wan to enjoy A New Hope? The non-Clone Wars viewer goes, "What do these statues mean?" The Clone Wars viewer goes, "What do these statues of the Mortis gods mean?" It's totally fair that the cartoon viewer gets a fuller appreciation of that moment. You didn't need to have seen the Rebels episodes featuring the World Between Worlds to get enough of a sense to follow what was going on there. This is all fine, so long as they explain enough of it in the future. Not all of it, because there's no time for that, unless you want some extra where Ahsoka goes into exposition for thirty minutes to Sabine while sitting around a campfire or in the cockpit of a ship passing time. I don't think advancing the plot was as important as making Ahsoka, Sabine, Ezra, and Hera likeable characters who fans want to see more of. I get that some people aren't going to immediately cotton to bratty characters like Sabine, but overall, I think the show succeeded. I see people saying they wanted more out of this season, but not a lot of sentiment that they're not going to bother watching a second season, unless it's some incel who thought the show had too much girl power. I think the show had the right pacing of not having the characters just be along for the ride because everything has to be written to advance a central plot. I think the show did enough to advance Ahsoka and Sabine so that they are in different places, both physically and emotionally, than where they started the season. As for the specifics of this episode, I wonder if Peridea is a special place in the Force and Sabine is only able to use telekinesis due to being there and that ability will disappear upon return to her own galaxy. Does a stronger connection to the Force here give Ahsoka the sense that they were meant to be on this planet instead of going back with Ezra?
  9. I suspect that some actors just feel that there comes a time for them to exit the MCU (or their contract ends) and if they're not going to be appearing in any more movies or TV shows, then it makes sense to try to get value out of killing off their characters. I don't know if Samuel Jackson is signed to do more stuff, but this series could totally be Nick Fury's last ride, a tired old man temporarily regaining some of his lost vigor to go out with a bang, saving the world one last time.
  10. I think Rhodey is not a Skrull, but is being written in a way that makes people suspicious that he is a Skrull in order to justify Fury fighting a lone war where he doesn't go for much outside help because he doesn't know who he can trust.
  11. This is a standard narrative technique called "in media res". It's so old that there is a Latin name for it. The idea is to hook the audience by starting in the middle of the action and make them curious about how things got there.
  12. This is two solid episodes in a row. It feels like they've figured out these characters. Was this written after the first episodes were filmed?
  13. She basically Lando'ed them and look how that turned out. Maybe Cid gets a redemption arc.
  14. This was the first episode which felt to me like there weren't any clunky parts. I think they're starting to get a better feel for these characters.
  15. We didn't visit Raffi and Worf because it would have disrupted the narrative flow of the episode, but there is an obvious path to the two plots converging, due to portal weapons and changelings. I feel like the correct storytelling next episode should involve Raffi and Worf figuring out the real reason for the break-in at the Daystrom Institute (home to the pieces of B-4 and, I would guess, Lore), possibly meeting Geordi along the way. (Not holding my breathe for a Peanut Hamper cameo.) If they also discover part of why Jack Crusher is being sought, this provides a natural reason for them to seek out Picard and unite the two halves of the story. Going heavy on one storyline in this episode means they should go heavy on the other next episode. The Titan took enough damage where they should have a long limp to a repair facility where we don't need to check in on them and can ignore them for an episode.
  16. I feel like they touched on that. Cliff was such a loyal follower that everyone, including Charlie, assumed that he loved the old man. She befriended a lot of people along the way because she's a trusting soul who wants to see the best in those she meets, especially those who don't lie to her, as I assume Cliff was careful to avoid doing because he knows her ability.
  17. They showed him throwing her body down the hole after he stabbed her.
  18. Not gonna lie, I'm going to start calling him Pete Butt every once in a while.
  19. That was a recruitment center in "District Seven", not San Francisco. It is presumably near the District Six on M'Talus Prime where Rafi was doing her undercover work.
  20. This is just a trope of detective shows that they have good instincts and can tell when something is fishy without clear evidence. Probably opportunity. Maybe his sister the underwriter, or her insurance company, specialized in naval officers. Or maybe he searched her database for homes near him and they were disproportionately likely to be in the Navy because he's looking at places near where he was stationed over the years.. The NCIS family of shows seems to like bringing in antagonistic figures from NCIS/FBI/CIA/etc and making them a bit sinister early on and an eventual ally who ultimately is shown to have good intentions even if their methods might be questionable. This character seems perfect for the team needing to clean up another of his messes or him being forced to humble himself and ask for their help. But if they wanted a recurring antagonist for Tennant, shouldn't it be a character you hate?
  21. With Abby's repressed rage and the reveal that she is a recovering alcoholic, it feel like the character is meant to be one whose sunny exterior is meant to hide an inner darkness. A natural character arc would be to test her resolve by having her fall off the wagon after a difficult event (a break-up?).
  22. Dan uses the Riker maneuver. Am I weird for thinking about a potential Dan-Abby romance in the future?
  23. The Seven Soldiers was something I thought was a definitely possibility for a future season. Justin, the Shining Knight, went looking for them and he, Starman, and Stripesy were members of the group (which included the Green Arrow in the comics....Stephen Amell in a cameo showing off a lighter version of Oliver Queen who fits this show's tone?).
  24. My theory is that the Gambler and the Crocks were killed because they were going straight and could have known stuff about Icicle, Dragon King, and Ultra-Humanite that could have derailed their plans. Also, Gambler discovered Icicle's camera feeds. It looks like Dragon King in the gorilla body killed Gambler at the behest of Icicle. Ultra-Humanite needed the entire season to bond with the staff. Also, Icicle's plan was to have UH run for president in Starman's body, so he needs to be surrounded by his supportive friends as props. Dragon King was alive because he had experimented on himself so much that he could survive being stabbed. They even said that they weren't sure if he could be killed because of that. Grannie Ice was just a one-dimensional character who was evil to the core. Rick and Beth were not shown dating, but there were clear signs they could go in that direction. It seemed like Icicle was kind of stuck in the petroleum jelly. I would guess Artemis took some time to make sure he was live, track him down, and come up with a plan that would end him for good. Beth previously used combat mode in fighting Grandpa Icicle in the throwdown at the Mahkent house.
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