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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. I have no idea which thread I should use for stuff like this. It just occurred to me I've been misusing Anxiety Support Thread....
  2. **Anecdote Alert** Trump supporters I know IRL don't care about the details. They think in broad strokes. Remind you of anyone? Hell, these people believe stories on Facebook, mimic Trump's "I heard....." line when discussing anything of consequence, think conspiracies abound, do not watch/read anything from mainstream, traditional media. It's impossible to have a sincere debate with these people. Facts do not matter. I am not as hopeful as some that Trump's supporters will abandon him very easily or quickly. Supporters I know are doubling, hell, tripling down on their choice. They get *dangerously* combative when questioned about their support.
  3. I'm feeling all negative again. How in TF can anything withstand the outright lies told by such trash outlets when the people who frequent said outlets are seeking exactly those types of stories!!!!! I mean, we all live in our bubbles. All of us. But come on!!! I can't fathom people who think they are being informed by such thinly veiled lies, whether it's Breitbart, Facebook, or the plan old batshit crazy like Alex Jones & his ilk. I'm at an utter loss. I'm in despair regarding what can be done. The vast majority of people who voted for Trump have been hammered for decades to not believe in the traditional media nor government institutions. No wonder those lost souls were so ripe for the picking by an authoritarian regime.
  4. I know....that's why I said "virulent racists/horrible people." I still get what you're saying, but whatever level of influence the son-in-law may or may not have, I'm not just going to assume he's a virtuous, or even reasonable, person.
  5. **I speak from zero personal knowledge about them** but I'm not counting on that. Not all virulent racists/horrible people are screaming, foaming at the mouth rednecks. Yeah, I know...he's Jewish, and that might make me feel better if I had never learned of anti-semitic Jews in Nazi Germany. ***NO, to any nitwits w/ reading comp issues who might be seeing this, I am NOT saying the couple is anti-semitic. I'm merely saying I'm not counting on anything positive out of Drumph's inner circle.*** I have a great uncle, very into the white nationalist movement. he wears cardigans, belongs to every church group, is very civic-minded, donates time & $$ to support law enforcement, doesn't scream at kids to get off his lawn.
  6. Hahahaha, that thought does make me laugh.... Then again, Earl Warren was appointed w/ the expectation that he'd be conservative, and students of history know what he meant to SCOTUS.
  7. #### Steve Bannon, the "alt-right" & whatever hate groups are calling themselves these days.
  8. This needs to be repeated. Daily, as far as I'm concerned.
  9. I've stated this elsewhere, but Trump continues to confound me w/ his inconsistencies (expediencies??). He says one thing, does another. See Rand Paul's rather delicately-phrased statement about Trump's candidates for Sec of State: https://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/798603997636476928
  10. I don't live anywhere near North Carolina, and I am still hoping like crazy that McCrory is ousted.
  11. I've alluded to this in a couple posts here, when citing fake stories written by teenagers in Macedonia being gobbled-up by willing/gullible Facebook users. Zuck needs to recognize.... https://twitter.com/nytopinion/status/798494632711753729
  12. Post-fact world created by the (now reformed???) Glenn Beck & his brethren at Fox News, who now look like amateurs compared to the hate rag called Breitbart, and carried to the logical extreme by Macedonian teenagers writing fiction for consumption by the gullible on Facebook.
  13. Institutions like the media have been under attack for so long, this is where we are. Bannon & his army of trolls are winning. I'll allow myself to be depressed for a few minutes, then I'll get back to my planning with a large group of friends to coordinate donations to various groups. https://twitter.com/ReutersZengerle/status/798599952712679424
  14. I'd post this in the Republican Party subforum, but it has zero traffic. If you are questioning what is going on inside the GOP, this is wortha few minutes of your life. Friends & I were discussing this last winter, so it's good to see mainstream media talking about it so much. We need to understand the opposition. It's sometimes distasteful, but I encourage people to step outside our personal echo chambers, read things, watch things, understand what is going on. https://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/798588893931048960
  15. Keep the discussion going. Keep hammering your Congressional representatives, national & local media/press. We can't sit back & let the machine normalize the Trump clown car. We just can't. Write letters to the editor of your state's most influential, most widely distributed newspapers. Do more than just tweet statements that will only draw "#butthurt" responses from the trash humans who are relishing the advancement of a hateful agenda. I have never felt this moved to action before in my life.
  16. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/22/steve-bannon-trump-s-top-guy-told-me-he-was-a-leninist.html Kill me.
  17. :prayingThatSomeoneHacksPenceEmails: We know the damn Russians won't be of any help. Anyone here have any friends/family with the needed computer skills?
  18. We all need to embrace our reptilian brains to survive the Trump/Pence years.
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