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Everything posted by Nire

  1. Why couldn't they have just contacted the media on behalf of the couple. I'm sure some news station would have loved the chance to throw the couple a dream wedding and would have been able to arrange everything donated. I really don't think the firefighters are the only people who are sympathetic. I agreed way too much with Riddle about Gabby not working under Casey to get upset about that part. He could have said things more tactfully but they shouldn't be working together. There is also an incredibly easy solution. Somebody changes to a new shift. Aren't there three shifts? I would assume it wouldn't too difficult to find one person willing to switch. Alternately they could switch someone to a different house. But allowing her to return to being under him is just so wrong.
  2. I felt kind of mixed in the scene with Leah trying to get the girls ready and Jeremy not helping. Probably because my husband would have jumped right in and helped me get the kids ready so I kind of expect that sort of behavior. Leah driving scares me. And it's not that hard to make sure your kids are properly buckled. My five-year-old is still in a five point harness partly because I'm not ready to deal with him being able to easily unbuckle. He can unbuckle it but not as easily as a seat belt and he knows he's not supposed to when the vehicle is moving. Janelle talking about doing Jace's laundry was hilarious. I could just see Barb rolling her eyes to that one. I couldn't believe when Janelle was going on about Barb tricking her. Maybe people might believe that if we hadn't watched her going out to party all the time when Jace was a baby. I would never fault Kail for how she reacted when Isaac hurt Lincoln. I felt like she did a pretty well handling a challenging situation.
  3. I think the whole calling other adults Mom or Dad is tricky especially when young children are involved. My mother passed away and when my Dad remarried I was really eager to call her Mom. I think a lot of it had to do with wanting a Mom and wanting her to treat me like her own child (she had a daughter from a previous relationship and we were never treated the same). My father didn't encourage or discourage it. But when they separated less than a year later I felt very angry. I get Aubree calling Cole Dad because she wants a dad like Cole. However as the parent I think Chelsea should discourage it. I don't think 10 months is long enough to decide to live together. I feel like with my husband we knew pretty quickly that our relationship was going to last. I also am not going to complain about them not being engaged perhaps he's saving for a ring or they want to wait X amount of time first. I don't feel like Chelsea is rushing things especially compared to the other girls.
  4. I think Leah's feelings about her exes co-parenting abilities will fluctuate. I remember like a year or two ago everyone was praising Leah and Cory for co-parenting so well. I'm sure in time she won't be singing Jeremy's praises.
  5. CHELSEA-I think the scene at the end with Aubree and Adam making promises was one of the most heartbreaking in the series. The look on Chelsea's face... KAIL-I think Kail does a pretty decent job meeting her kids physical needs but emotionally they're screwed. I don't understand why she couldn't have waited to tell ber friend about Javi. Poor Isaac another really sad scene. LEAH-I'm honestly amazed her children are alive. A backpack in a car seat?! The mound of crap! The independent hair drying! This makes their horrible diet look so insignificant by comparison. I am concerned what will appear in her unseen moments. JANELLE-I wonder how Nathan's mother feels about Janelle wishing her son died. I can't imagine having to interact with someone after that being said.
  6. I also found the Claire story arc for this season just not fitting with her previous character. I felt like she changed too much in too short of a period of time. I mean right at the start of the season she was demanding the ambassador position and that just seemed like an odd move on her part. Didn't she merely act as second lady or whatever while Frank was VP? Given her previous experience operating a charity wouldn't having started a new initiative and doing charity work been more fitting for her character? I felt in general the Underwoods weren't as ruthless this season as they have been previously. Perhaps it was because they couldn't be as ruthless. It's a lot easier to destroy another congressman then it is the Russian president. But even Frank had moments when he seemed to care about others and I don't remember that in previous seasons. I also felt like their marriage unraveled really quickly. It was odd the season seemed to drag a bit while at the same time other things seemed to change suddenly. I hated Doug's huge role in this season. I felt like he became nearly as big of a character as Frank or Claire for very little purpose. They tried to humanize him just to make you realize that nope he's just as awful as ever. I also think his brother is a freaking saint. Doug had never even bothered to meet his niece and nephew yet his brother took off tons of time from work to care for him. One would assume that they hadn't seen each other in many years and Doug doesn't strike me as somebody who was ever a loyal brother.
  7. Drew was at the table sitting next to Ruby. While he didn't get much of a future at least he was included in his mother's future. Although I would have loved futures for all the grandkids that would have eaten up too much time so only Amber and Max really had something happen to them in the future. I would have loved something about Victor working with cars or something just like he learned with Zeke. But there was no reason in my opinion that Haddie and Nora couldn't have been in the shot with the rest of the Bravermans at Max's graduation.
  8. I still think for the ending they felt that they might have looked towards the movie. Honestly it could have been worse. In the movie EVERY adult gets a baby excluding the grandparents. If they did that on the show then we also could have had babies for Sarah, Christina and maybe even Drew. I think the most realistic baby was Jasmine's since if their financial issues were past she is still young enough and their marriage seemed to be in a good place. Also Crosby jokes when she's holding baby Zeke about not getting any ideas, which hints that they might have discussed having more children.
  9. If Haddie hadn't been in the episode at all then it would have made sense that she was missing from the end. But clearly she came to film some scenes (wedding and spreading Zeke's ashes) so I don't understand why she couldn't have been in Max's graduation scene. And with all the little ones they cast for the flash forwards why couldn't they have bothered getting a little blonde girl to be Nora? All she would have had to do was stand there clapping and smiling. Also did Hank and Sarah buy a house? It looked like they were at their house and that seems like an odd move since they didn't have any children living with the fulltime when they got married. Also for their wedding why didn't they include Ruby. As obnoxious as I find her it seemed weird to me that both of Sarah's children would be up there with them while Ruby was sitting in the audience. It's not like they're a traditional couple so why not have two maids of honor or whatever.
  10. I felt like there were a lot of great moments and not so great moments in the finale. I couldn't get over the whole Christina gets a job where she can create schools like Chambers Academy for lots of money. It was ridiculous and while I guess I should have expected something of that sort I would have preferred that Adam get the water company job. Not everybody gets some crazy dream world fantasy. I also thought Joel and Julia adopting right after getting back together was a horrible idea. But apparently it worked out great and then they get pregnant. If they had this plan in mind for the finale why couldn't they have at least gotten back together at the start of the season and had time to heal their marriage. I really loved the flash forwards at the end but how much trouble would it have been to include Haddie and a girlfriend possibly with one of them pregnant? I also think they could have easily cast a little blonde girl to play Nora at the graduation. She would have been at least seven years old when Max graduated so I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have come a long. Most seven year olds with perhaps something to color or do quietly can sit through a long ceremony. Everyone else had all their kids included why not Adam and Christina? Alternately perhaps they could have shown Haddie with Camille in Europe or something. Just something! Even Ryan got included why not her?
  11. I'm not sure if they were different back in the day but I think it's very unlikely in my experience that Bates wouldn't be able to tell whether or not Anna is using a diaphragm during sex. I do agree that it's going to somehow blow up in Anna's face. I also wonder if Bates will end the series by going on a murdering spree and taking out the pharmacist among others.
  12. I liked this episode better then last week's. I really liked the scenes with Baxter and Mosley. I hope Baxter is allowed to stay and Mosley comes around about the idea that she is a thief. I still feel like there are missing details too. I also hope Thomas moves on from bullying her because it's been done to death. I feel for everyone in the Marigold situation. Poor Edith is miserable without her daughter and Mrs. Drewe has every right to be frustrated by this situation. This upper class woman is swooping in and playing house with a child that Mrs. Drewe is raising. I would assume Mr. Drewe has his reasons for not being honest with his wife perhaps she's a bit of a gossip and the whole village would have found out very quickly? I'm curious to how this will all play out. If we're going to return to the Green mystery it better not be Bates who killed him nor should it focus on just Bates. The only way I'll find it interesting is if it's somebody unsuspected and they don't linger on Bates for too long. Otherwise it's just too much repetition.
  13. I agree especially since they came right back in and sat down. Although I understand their friends I can't imagine that Cindy and Donna are especially close since Donna and Boden haven't been married that long. Unless somehow Cindy knew Donna previously but that seems unlikely and they've never brought it up. Does Donna have no friends or family of her own? I know personally if I just got news that my baby could have brain damage I would want to process it with just my husband not somebody I've known for six months. It also seemed odd that Cindy was able to stay there all day. I understand it was to be nice and demonstrate the firehouse family. But I don't know how it was even possible as a SAHM it's very tricky for me to arrange care for my children even when it affects us directly. A few years ago my husband was in the hospital for a few days with pneumonia and it was difficult to find care so I could be with him. And we only had one child at that point. I've found the more kids the fewer people willing to watch them. I would think it would be very difficult for Cindy to coordinate a full day's care for all of her children. Especially when her presence seemed almost like an intrusion to me.
  14. I thought Edith might run back in to try to get that picture back. I hope it's all right and she gets it back. I suppose she could probably slip in quietly and grab it while everyone is heading back into the house before she goes to sleep in the dressing room. I feel mixed about this episode. It was better then some but definitely not as amazing as the first season. I am really done with Thomas. I'd have liked for him to move on at least for awhile. I hope they don't put Rose and Tom together that would feel like too much of Rose literally replacing Sybil and if that's the case why not just replace the actress and keep the character? I didn't care for Bunting either.
  15. I could not get over Kristina's reaction to Max's situation with Dylan. They make such a fuss about his Asperger's yet instead of explaining to him why his behavior was socially unacceptable she tells him she's proud of him and encourages him to stalk and make creepy posters for another girl! I agree that one day they may find a lot of bodies in their backyard but I think Kristina will be in complete denial that Max is to blame. She'll probably figure out a way to point the finger at Haddie even if Haddie has been living in Europe for the last decade or something. I actually like Drew quite a bit this season. Last season he bugged me but this season I'm enjoying his character. I also think there is nothing wrong with picking a practical major. If he can manage to work hard and pass his classes he may actually enjoy business when he gets past college. I also don't think there is anything wrong with him wanting to be able to support himself. Sure beats sleeping on his mother's couch or living with his sister and her child. I'm hoping Adam comes back with a new job. Crosby takes over the Luncheonette and that teacher they spoke to last season reappears to take over Snowflake Academy. Then they decide to homeschool Max since that seems the best set up for him anyways. Adam mentioned a couple episodes ago that he could easily get a new job so I don't understand if business is so slow at the Luncheonette why he doesn't go ahead and get one. I think Crosby could handle most of the stuff with some help from Amber. And Adam can offer assistance as necessary. If he takes himself off the payroll or switches to part-time that means a lot more money for the remaining employees. I'm sick of Hank and Ruby storylines. Why are they on this show?
  16. I also didn't think of this earlier but Cory may benefit custody wise if Jeremy and Leah divorce and Jeremy is eager to get back at Leah. If the rumors are true and Leah is abusing pain pills then Jeremy could be a valuable witness in Cory's custody case stating that Leah drove the girlses around while under the influence or had them in her care while she was passed out or something. Cory may not have the same direct evidence if the pill abuse didn't begin until after Adderall.
  17. Didn't Cory not know for awhile about Robby cheating with Leah? I could see him telling Jeremy because he doesn't want him to be in the dark like Cory was back when it was him Leah was cheating on.
  18. How long had Nonnie been TTC at this point? She made it seem like this was a big issue but at the same time I wasn't sure it hadn't just been that she didn't get pregnant the first month like she did with her other children. And who seriously considered doing bbt to chart your fertility needing "help"?
  19. Although I don't think it would ever be all right to physically push the cameramen/camera out of the way I don't think there are never any times when taking off a mic or asking them to stop filming would be acceptable. If I had been Kail in the scene where Isaac had an accident I would have taken my mic off when I was handing off Lincoln and asked the cameramen for some privacy for Isaac. I feel he's too old to be filmed having an accident. Especially when they were listening in with the mic on the conversation between Kail and Isaac in the bathroom.
  20. I think Crosby's storyline with the accident is finished. It looked like the next episode is set in the future with Zeke coming home from the hospital. If Crosby was going to have a shocking injury they would have the next episode pick up where this one finished. I LOVED the episode so much especially compared to other episodes recently. However like others I could have done without the Hank storyline. I have no issue with Hank letting Ruby go shopping with Sarah. How long did he have Ruby? I mean if she spent a couple hours with him total then he should have spent the time with her. But if he had her for a day or two and has her with him on a weekly basis then I think it's reasonable that he doesn't devote all his time to just her. Unlike the other people on Parenthood it appears that Hank actually has to work. I also think it's unreasonable of Ruby's mother to demand Sarah not be around Ruby especially if Ruby spends a decent amount of time with Hank. I thought Camille did a great job throughout the episode. I also loved Drew and what he said to Amber. Although my husband did have a point about how far away exactly were we led to believe that Drew and Amber managed to drive in what appeared to be a day? I also see Ryan getting his shit together and coming back into Amber's life.
  21. Maybe Tyler figures if he finally gives her a baby she keeps then it will all be even and he can finally leave her?
  22. If Nathan is on next week will he insist on holding Kaiser Roll the whole time or will he allow him to be passed off to whoever they have watching the children? If Corey gets full custody and Germy and Leah are still together I would be surprised if she doesn't get pregnant again. It would solve her issues about her identity because she'll have two babies at home so of course there is no way she can get a job.
  23. I think Leah is definitely having some issues with pills. Cory seemed like he was trying to not come out and say it but clearly he noticed that something was off with her. I also couldn't believe all the BS about Ali's physical therapy. The physical therapist would know what is the best thing to do for Ali if she was feeling tired and if the physical therapist felt that it was best to skip those days then they wouldn't be after Leah for missing so many appointments!
  24. I can't imagine them splitting up the twins or in custody situations generally splitting up siblings before they're old enough to make a decision for themselves or a contributing factor like a teen who doesn't get along with a step parent or a child who is having issues at school switching to live with the other parent because they live in a better school district where they will get a better education. In this situation I think Corey taking Ali and Gracie remaining with Leah could be disastrous in terms of the girls development. I think Corey and Miranda will provide a lot more structure like they mentioned and probably encourage the girls more to exceed in school. Versus Leah who seems to have difficulty just making sure they get to school. I think it's actually Gracie who would benefit more from a better structured environment in terms of behavior. While obviously Ali needs a parent who will make sure she makes it to her therapy appointments.
  25. I loved the whole Max not wanting to go to the school they build for HIM! I felt like finally some of Adam and Kristina's parenting style was coming back at them. I also thought the Clue game with Julia and her kids was nice to see. I hope now that everyone has moved on her kids will be a little less stressed and happier. I also hope they don't completely drop storylines like Vincent's school struggles. But I could see that one being forgotten or that he's awesome now because of Zeke. Which I'm sure did help but it sounded like he was really far behind so it shouldn't be completely brushed over. I couldn't believe how stupid Julia is to be sleeping with somebody at work. Wasn't she pretty much unable to be hired anywhere because of a bad reference last season? What does she think will happen if they have a bad break up or people see this as unprofessional, which it is pretty unprofessional. You would think she'd be extra careful to hold onto her job now that she finally has one again. At least Ed will hopefully be out of the picture! I also loved the Haddie and Amber parts. However I would like to know who was watching Nora while her mother was watching paint dry with her older brother, her father was driving to Vegas and her sister was bonding with her cousin? Do they just keep a babysitter on hand at all times? Perhaps the dog watches her like Peter Pan or something? Did they drop her off with Jasmine? I think Zeke will be the one to die. Obvious or not it's my prediction. If it's not him then it has to be Camille. Anyone else I don't think will have the same toll on every member of the Braverman clan especially if it's Kristina or a non-Braverman. Not to say everyone wouldn't be sad but I don't think it would have the same level of reaction from each member of the family as Zeke or Camille. Or the family having to come together with a new patriarch/matriarch. Which is partly why I think it will be Zeke because Adam is clearly ready to step into that role for his family. I can't see Sarah as the new matriarch of the family.
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