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Everything posted by Nire

  1. I could never forget the toilet birth. I knew Marcus' birth was filmed but I couldn't remember if it was a VSE or just part of the season. Michelle has looked pissed off at all of Anna's births.
  2. But when Josh got married Michelle was still producing her own blessings so Josh's wedding were just filler for that storyline. Now that it seems clear Michelle won't be having more children they need to draw everything out as much as possible to keep the show going for as long as they can manage it. I'd bet the wedding will air at the end of this season and we still have six months before Jill has Baby Dilly. Next season will probably be a mix of more wedding and Jill being pregnant. I would assume Baby Dilly will be a VSE since that's what they did for Mack and Michael and possibly Marcus (can't remember).
  3. The girls are almost five years old right? I don't think them dressing themselves is a bad thing. I even let my two-year-old dress herself it's a small part of her learning to be independent. However fixing their hair and making sure they're relatively clean are different issues.
  4. I also really want to know why the bills are in Leah's name and not Corey's name since his insurance is being used. I would think they'd have to be in his name if Ali is on his insurance.
  5. Leah said in last week's episode that Corey only had the girls one day a week. Now it appears he has them three or four days a week (I wonder if he has them Monday morning and she has them Monday during the day). Regardless I don't trust Leah she's shown time and time again that she'll lie to make herself sound better put Corey down. I also don't necessarily believe that Corey trying to get custody because Leah is abusing drugs is made up. She looks like she is on something and it now sounds like she's missing Ali's therapy appointments. Also why in the world would you want to switch insurances for Ali right now? All it's going to do is make the process take a lot longer since the claim has already been started with Corey's insurance. I hope everyone is right and Kail didn't get a choice in her dates and it's to the Bahamas. I can understand asking in that situation but I really don't think Isaac is going to be deprived because he didn't get to go with them. Also why would he even realize they went unless Kail shows him the photos? I routinely lie to my son about what my daughter and I do while he's in school. There is no reason to rub it in a child's face that you're having fun without them. And it also better be the Bahamas if this is all about going to the Delaware beaches then I don't see how they couldn't have done it at another time or tried to work it out so Isaac was there for part of the time then went to Jo's for Father's Day. Also I imagine if she did get Isaac for Father's Day she would be obnoxious about it and the next time they aren't on good terms she may include "he didn't even spend Father's Day with his son" or something. Also definitely a picture posted to social media about how Isaac loves Javi so much and loves spending Father's Day with him or something. I've never thought Barb was a good parent. Since the show began I've felt that she has no business raising any children. I believe all three of her children have had altercations with her that involved the police being called at some point. That's not just having a bad seed that's Barb. It's so sad though watching Jace as he experiences more and more of Barb's temper and is forced to listen to her badmouth people he cares about to him. As much as I hate Nathan I don't think Barb should talk badly about him in front of Jace. She could talk about Nathan making a bad decision or something when he does something stupid but to bitch about Nathan to Jace was very inappropriate. At least Janelle was honest about not wanting custody of Jace right now. And I do agree with her that right before she has a baby would be a horrible time to sue for custody of Jace. However couldn't she have just said that she wanted to talk about it later instead of listing everything that's more important then Jace in front of Jace? I mostly ignored Chelsea's segments they were pretty boring, which is a good thing for her. Also Taylor is the first baby mama #2 on the Teen Mom franchise right? I don't follow the Teen Mom 3 girls but none of the dads from the first group had babies with anyone else right? And Corey and Jo haven't either. Andrew might have a few other kids out there but he's not really included on the show much so we'll never get updates on his other baby mamas.
  6. I feel like if we're going to call them out for letting their kids eat chicken nuggets or pizza while out to eat then perhaps we're going too far. We don't know how often they take them out to eat and if it's an occasional thing some places the kids meals are kind of limited to that sort of thing. I do agree we see a lot of unhealthy eating habits (hugs, soda and Cheetos) but there have been times we've seen healthy meals...right?
  7. I'm kind of bothered by the number of pets Janelle is caring for then realize right now she has a human baby to care for as well. I can't believe how quickly she lost her temper with the dogs. Wait scratch that I can believe it but am disgusted by it. I loved Janelle saying that she had so much going on right now that she can't spend time with Jace. And she's about to have a baby. So much about Janelle bothers me. It was nice to see her interact at least a little bit with Jace however poor boy having to watch her flip out on the dogs. I usually am completely against the teen moms grilling the kids about when they're with their fathers. But in Chelsea's case I think it makes sense since Adam driving Aubrey around isn't the same as letting her stay up late or leaving her with his parents to party it's something that could kill her. I actually identified a lot with Kail having breastfed two kids although being older I never had any interest in going out on my own to go clubbing. But just trying to get out on my own to go to my book club sometimes was difficult. I also understood her frustration that Javi didn't bring Lincoln so she could feed him before going out to dinner. Also if she didn't bring her pump because she was planning on feeding him then her going out without feeding him might not have been very comfortable for her even if she did have enough milk already pumped. Oh Leah! First I think the picture of the motorcycle and the bike is probably just one of the twins' bikes not a shared bike. Leah and Corey both seem determined to try to be as fair to their girls as possible. I would be shocked if Gracie had a bike but not Ali. Now back to the episode...I can't believe she spent nearly $2,000 without talking to Jeremy. I don't care how well they were doing big purchases should be discussed. Also did I miss it but where was the baby when they were shopping for the washer? If they get babysitting just to go shopping then she really needs to stop complaining about lack of help.
  8. I'm surprised Leah doesn't start one of those causes pages where people can donate to help Ali get a wheelchair. I'd be willing to bet she'd raise at least some money for it. Perhaps not $20,000 but some money. Or like others have suggested buying an non-motorized wheelchair for now. It sounds like Ali wouldn't be using it all the time and currently her teacher is carrying her around so I'm sure she wouldn't mind pushing her around instead. Ali seems to be getting around a fair amount of the time still on her feet. While she might need frequent breaks we've seen her running around playing at home and rarely do we see her being carried. I don't know if the need for a motorized wheelchair is justified if she would only be using it a couple hours a day when she gets tired. I would think a motorized wheelchair is more for people who use them the majority of the time. I also am confused why Leah couldn't have called her mother, Corey, grandmother, sister, Corey's parents or any of the others who regularly seem to watch her kids when she realized she was strung out on the anxiety meds? I'm pretty sure multiple people would have rushed over to help. Anyone else think the whole let's get along with Jo and Vee is because Kail is jealous that Leah and Corey get a lot of praise about how well the co-parent? Chelsea is so guilty! And Janelle is as always a train wreck! Also edited to add this is a quote from the article mentioned uptread about Adam having a new girlfriend. I practically lost it when I read it. How stupid can you be to want to reproduce with him!
  9. I agree with others who think there is more to the story then we're getting with Chelsea's licensing. Why couldn't she have waited to drive to talk to her father? I know Aubree was complaining but she could have explained they would leave after she made the phone call. I think Isaac is just overwhelmed by all the changes around him. He's dealt with a lot recently and if Kail and Javi are fighting that is probably making things a lot worse. I also agree with a previous poster that it's possible Isaac is seeing his mother hit/strangle Javi. As far as the party it might have been mostly family there since Javi does seem to have a large family. Their house isn't huge and it looked fairly cramped when they were opening gifts and with inviting school friends things can get tricky because you either invite the class or none at all or look like a jerk to somebody you leave out.
  10. I liked the focus on the older kids. I have to say both Janelle and Christine have managed to raise some very well adjusted young adults. It was nice to see them with their friends and I liked that they all seem to be choosing their own paths in life and the girls aren't just wanting to become a wife and mother. I actually think the Browns will accept the children choosing monogamy. Kody's brother is monogamous so it's not like all their family members are polygamous. I would expect that Kody would try to encourage his sons especially to choose polygamy but I think they will accept and remain in contact with their children regardless of what they choose in life.
  11. I'm not dying to watch the next episode but it wasn't so bad that I'm giving up on it yet. I love the concept and I'm hoping the first episode just had a lot of set up stuff to go through and it will start getting better. I think the concept is so interesting but it just didn't pull me in enough to really be excited about it. I also find his wife being such a background character odd. I understand that he was in love with the other woman (Anna?) but it felt like he had no interest in his wife at all. I would think she would be of a concern to him at least especially since he clearly adores his son. And I know this is nitpicky but why wasn't the not yet one year old boy wearing a dress? I'm pretty sure they didn't make little britches for babies.
  12. I also have a four year old and also feared it was going to turn into a "OMG Chelsea needs to control that child"! response from some people. I was glad they included that scene though because I think that might actually serve as more of a deterrent to teens than all the relationship drama.
  13. I also think she was disturbed before the ZA. Her little sister seemed way to used to having to help Lizzie calm down.
  14. I'd also like to skip the food poisoning storyline due to all the vomiting and other things that would need to be shown. They haven't completely not mentioned the waste problem. Remember when they discovered the inmates and then found their toilet? However it should play a slightly bigger role if nothing else than being happy to find some toilet paper when scavenging.
  15. I feel mixed about the Max situation. While Adam and Kristina were very high and mighty there should be some repercussions for bullying. I was bullied in middle school and the school took it very seriously they didn't just say "we don't want to point fingers or anything." Not that somebody should be expelled on Max's word alone but were there seriously no other students that can give insight on what happened? Did the canteen come home with urine in it? If so there is at least some proof. I felt that Sarah should have mentioned to Mark the good fortune that he will not have to teach Max next year causing him to have to deal with Adam and Kristina along with Max's behavior. There are some benefits to Snowflake Academy! Who take somebody out to dinner to say they're engaged? Wouldn't it have been kinder and less weird to just pass word along with Amber or just call Sarah and tell her over the phone? It's not like they had a child together who will be affected by this change. Glad to see we won't have to deal with another Mark or Hank storyline. I'm glad they're selling the house before it can become Snowflake Academy. I like this fairly realistic and not super dramatic storyline of Zeke and Camille downsizing. I hope they are reasonable though and get a small house where they have a garage for Zeke. When is Crosby and family moving out? Will they all end up renting something for a little while? I liked the storyline with Drew/Amber and Vincent/Sydney. However if most nights that they're at their father's house Joel has to hire a babysitter so he can work then no wonder Sydney doesn't want to visit. And I seriously doubt any man trying to support two households would offer to pay for a fancy dinner especially after seeing the $400+ check! I would think Joel and Julia would be just scraping by when you add in Joel's rent. And what is Julia thinking getting together with Ed. Is she seriously just going to give up completely at getting back together with Joel? How long have they been separated at this point? If she wanted to see somebody then that would be one thing but with Ed it's just going to prove Joel's point!
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