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Everything posted by Anela

  1. “I should be paying her extra, for giving me my wife back. That used to be you lying in there.” Um.. Why wasn’t he lying in there, too? He was responsible for bringing that third child into the world, too.
  2. I grew up with fresh cream doughnuts, and really miss them. I haven't found anything like them here.
  3. I think we had it for a month, but that was in the Spring of 2019. We had it for New Year's 2020, but I can't remember for how long in December. I just click the "OK" button, and it brings it back to full screen.
  4. I thought it was just my London-area accent, but I lived in the same areas as my mum. Sunday morning, my dad was waiting to get into the warehouse, and texted me, asking what "crikey" meant. he was listening to British people on the radio, and he couldn't remember. Auto-correct replaced it with "Cricket" so I told him that was a really dull game. He then sent me the correct word. Crikey, is like a small "wtf". Like blimey. It amused me, after I'd been in this thread, and seen the posts about "chuffed".
  5. What? It's been nominated for big awards, and someone I follow, said it's her favourite of the year. I started to watch it, but didn't get very far, because I was too tired. I've seen others just add a trailer, so I thought that was okay.
  6. That sounds like that show, Les revenants/The Returned.
  7. I don't know why we say it that way. I still do, and dad says a-loo-mi-num. We do spell it that way (with an extra "i"). haha, I say "whilst", too. Someone used to take the mickey out of my "wot". My mum would also jokingly say, W. O. T. WOT. I had to look up the origin of taking the mick:
  8. My dad has been driving in it. Even without a full day of deliveries, he was gone all day, because he was being careful. I worry more now, and so does he. We've been very lucky, and haven't lost power at home, all week.
  9. I've had a knee problem, since I was a kid. A doctor said that I would grow out of it, but I didn't. It starts with pain in the knee, moves down the back of my calves, into the back of my ankle, my foot, and up my inner thigh. It's hurting right now, but just mildly. I was having joint problems in the cold, starting in 2019, but I've been using collagen a lot (adding it to hot chocolate), so that might be helping.
  10. I liked it. Although someone mentioned that poor wolf was still alive, as it was gutted? 😩 I wouldn’t survive in a place that remote. Are we supposed to connect these happenings to the story that the grandmother was telling the policeman’s child?
  11. The ending seemed familiar. I don't like that the little girl lost both of her parents. I did like them conning the family, getting them on video, and a live broadcast. I guess I should have been expecting a shock ending. Once she confessed to killing her husband, they weren't just going to let her go free. I was also glad the detective survived, and got to see his child grow up.
  12. I like Maggie. I’m only a couple of episodes in, but Joel assumed she was a hooker, then a stewardess (not a pilot), and just made a comment about her walking all over her boyfriend, in her heels. I watched this when I was fifteen. I only remember Joel, Maggie, and Marilyn. I had forgotten Ed, Chris, and everyone else, but I really like Ed. The age gap between Shelley and holling, is gross, and that she was flown up to marry Maurice.
  13. I feel like Alicia was “the cool girl” described in the movie “gone girl” for most of the series. And this series supposedly showing a strong, independent woman, came down to her choosing between two men: her husband, or Jason - or waiting for Jason to choose her. That was only because Will wasn’t alive. Also, undercutting the husband of a partner and friend, and exposing an affair, and having the wife take it out on her, instead of the husband. Anyone who has seen the good fight, knows how that ends. so, I didn’t enjoy her getting slapped around the face. That should have been her husband, receiving that slap. As much as I got tired of alicia, I’m just as tired of women being punished for the actions of a man.
  14. She may have joined an MLM. Or trying to be an influencer. I'm thinking about moving the professional accounts I follow, to an account that I rarely use, and keeping my own for just my friends. I'm tired of people trying to sell me something, every damned day. They get things for free, or at a big discount, to sell them to us. A lot of them are taking big vacations, several times a year, living in luxury homes, etc, and we are just trying to get by. Maybe I'd be less annoyed, if I could make money shilling things on social media. I do need the money, and who wouldn't want to be financially set? But I want to know what people really do like, and not what they've been paid to tell me they like. We heard one go off, as soon as we got home from the store, around 7pm, and I swore loudly. They started again at midnight. My dog was more relaxed in general, until they started them up again.
  15. I'm a week late with this, but I've just heard it for the first time.
  16. I've been there, and it was so hard, but they are worth it. ❤️ I was just going to post this myself. 😄
  17. I'm annoyed, too. I don't watch much there, but I still have the rest of Good Omens, to watch, and a few other things. I kept Prime, because I get my special toothpaste on there (although I can now buy something similar at Fresh Thyme, I'm trying it out), and I get the free kindle book, once a month - which I still have to do, this month. We do order things on there, but we need to get the amazon card paid down. :/ I also use the free twitch prime sub, for someone on twitch. But I'm tired of them trying to get more money out of us - especially when money is even tighter for a lot of people, including us. I don't qualify for their grocery delivery, because I'm not close enough to the Whole Foods - we're about twenty-five minutes away, I think.
  18. I did, too, but when I was first having an issue, I tried to open the site in incognito mode, and it looked like it was fine, and people were posting. I eventually remembered that there was a "contact us" link on the main site, so I used that, and told them my issue. I was getting something like "Poochie died" and I told them I didn't think I was banned, unless Poochie was my account. I've been backing off from online places in general, just because I'm chronically online, and I need to be more grounded IRL, but I am too attached to this place. It would be odd to not be able to come on and see how you all are doing. I checked my block list, and have two people blocked. Neither of them have been around for four or five years. I think one started a new account, and I'm not sure about the other. People don't usually bother me that much. Not here. I probably am on ignore lists, and it might upset me a bit, if I knew that I was, but I can also understand it. I've seen people get downvoted on reddit, for no good reason that I could see. I think some people just like to lurk and down-vote. I avoided people today, because I got an hour's sleep (maybe). I remember waking up at one point, checking the time, and I'd only slept for twenty minutes. Now I've got the "in with anger, out with love" lady in my head, from AbFab.
  19. I hope that I do. "Anymore" is something that doesn't happen anymore, and "any more" would be used if you're asking if anything is left of something. Like a slice of cheesecake.
  20. I started watching this in April, but I had vertigo, and the show was enjoyable, but stressing me out a bit, too, so it made the vertigo worse. a friend reminded me of the show, and I finished it over the last two nights. He said the ending was great, and I did like it, until Danny was shot. I liked their bonding, that they could finally be honest with someone, who knew how they felt.
  21. I was going to vent about something, I opened this thread, and totally forgot what I was going to say. It just disappeared from my mind. We found out yesterday, that my only remaining aunt in England, had a small heart attack recently. They said something about her blood vessels being too small, so she's on blood thinners. I just want her to be okay. I can remember a peeve, but I don't want to mention it today, and it was something that someone said a few months ago.
  22. I've felt better the last couple of days, because dad took the whole weekend off. Now it feels weird that he has to go to work tomorrow. :) We were looking for Die Hard, but it's only for rent at the moment.. I saw this on twitter last night: Of course, I might be feeling better, because it's mostly over now. I should have been off social media, for the past month. Last night, I was exhausted, because I didn't sleep much the night before, but after getting up to turn off the tree lights, before falling asleep, I was hungry, and then I was awake for three more hours, so I was up late again today. Please ignore that I forgot to polish this table, that my computer mouse is on. I'm right next to the tree. My dad pulled this place together, in time for last night. Really cleaned it up, and got the lights up, so it's nice and bright, without being too bright. It's normally too dark in here for me. The candy dish is something I painted in 1995, after getting it from Michaels, as a kit. I can't find anything like this, anymore. I miss those kits.
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