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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I add vegetarian enzymes to water, or a small yogurt. That sometimes helps. I’ve been adding a bone supplement to kefir, or yogurt, and using a milk frothed when I add it to kefir. I accidentally added three capsules of a cheaper mag07 (designed to clean you out), last night. That’s been fun. Triphala might help. I have tri-cleanse that I add to apple juice, when I remember to use it, and that is gentle on the system, without leaving the body dependent on it.
  2. I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule. I had three hours of sleep. My eyes are finally open more, but my head is hurting I was watching Lost, binging for the first time in years, and imagining TikTok, if it premiered now, instead of twenty years ago. I think the binge helped with a brain reset.
  3. I haven’t finished this yet, but did they get the 90210 theme, from that song? the sprites are funny.
  4. This is back on Amazon. I was just thinking about it last week, and how I didn’t get far with my re-watch, early 2018.
  5. For me, it’s more that I’ve had that happen, when I hadn’t done anything. I was harassed by someone, and so were friends, it’s a long story. But I’ve also had that happen a few times with former friends, who attacked me. I just don’t trust anyone who acts like they’re my best friend, right away, and then turns around and is vicious. this one woman apologized to me, after her husband lost his daughter to violence. She’d ditched me, telling me that my life was too much drama for her, when I was in the thick of it. I’m hardly ever happy, for a reason. And there will always be people who will judge, so I don’t really care anymore. It’s probably the main thing that would have me thinking that vague judgements could be about something I’ve said. But I don’t vague-book. If something’s up, I might not say something right away, but I will say something. I’ve also always gone by the rule I learned on another forum: venting threads are not to be used against fellow posters. Even though the site that originated on, for me, had moderators allowing posters to vilify others who also posted on a private site, after friends had been banned. They banned chit chat in the off-topic thread, where people had been talking like we do, for years. When posters complained, they said “if you don’t like it, make your own site!” So a friend did, and the mods didn’t like it. when they were letting people insult my friends, I got to remind them of their own rules.
  6. Wow, they're really putting it out there, for people to catch up. Good. I hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, though. If they're hoping that Paramount will cave, and give them another season.
  7. Same here. I didn't think about it this time, because I haven't been here.
  8. When I re-watched the show December 2019, I hated the piano music they played with Noel and his girlfriend, whenever there was a sad scene. Was that in there when it aired, or did that replace music they couldn't retain the rights for?
  9. Last year, I read that that little blue pill - what is it? Viagra - would help with the pain of period cramps, but it was never released for that. Our pain wasn't seen as real pain. I think it was in the book "Ejaculate Responsibly".
  10. I've managed to quote you twice, sorry. But I'm the same. my mum used to tell me that I should have been alive in the sixties, that I was her little flower child/earth mother/activist type. I don't know that I'd call myself an earth mother, I'm not into the current wellness that I see on social media, when it's blended with certain attitudes. I was told that I'd grow more conservative as I got older, but that hasn't been the case. I've only moved further left. Things change, people adjust. I don't know how much more I can say, without tipping it into a political conversation, so I'll leave it at that. I also remember my grandma telling me about their surviving the bombs in the war (in the London area). I wish I could remember everything she used to tell us, or that she'd written it all down. My mum was supposed to go to college, but her dad was very sick, and she was pushed out to work when she was sixteen. She got her job at the bank, because she was honest enough to tell them that she didn't want the job. My grandparents raised chickens, grew food. Grandad was a jeweller, and he once made something that grandma said was for the royal family, that she carried it in a brown paper bag, on the train, to deliver it, so it wouldn't draw attention. I can't remember what it was, but my mum was little, and she went with her. I think of things like that, but they never had enough money. I'm talking too much, and haven't had my tea. I'm still feeling really "off".
  11. We're around the same age. I remember all of this. I saw one of those "you wouldn't have survived where they raised me" memes on twitter, and someone posted the AOL activity that we saw, as it connected to the internet. It's wild hearing music from my teen years, on the oldies station, and it's just as wild hearing that some kids refer to those times as "the 1900's".
  12. Talk of 2020, reminds me of when I did manage to relax and just read something: it was the newest Hunger Games book I'd pre-ordered (I think), because the libraries were shut down, and I just wanted something to look forward to. I ended up not reading it until the beginning of September, when we'd settled into a routine, and were used to what was happening. I'd be up all night, and then start reading in the early hours, until the sun started to come up. It seems like 10pm-2am is the magic one for me trying to bake anything, and for reading, or getting into something I really want to watch, it's starting before dawn, when I'm not expected to deal with anything.
  13. I think this is one reason I have trouble focusing on reading now. When I was younger, my parents were responsible for almost everything. So, I could spend my time drawing, painting, reading, etc, with no problem. I think I have ADHD, but that apparently worsens under stress, and as it built more and more for me, I haven't been able to lose myself in books, or anything else - occasionally, a TV show, when I've cleared my head, dealt with anything going on, and am showered before 5am, so I'll make tea, sit in the dark, and finally start something. I also used to do all that, before streaming, and the internet. I've always loved TV, I keep it running for company, it helps me to get things done, unless I *really* want some quiet. So all-access, all the time, to netflix, hulu, and others, may be making it worse. In the past, I would record something, or be ready to watch when it was on, and then I'd read a book in the bath, or in the garden. I wouldn't want to be without that access now, but I do wish that I could just enjoy a book again.
  14. I saw that, too. I’ve been on a “Mad About You” kick, for the last twenty-four hours, after find the virtual reality episode on YouTube. One of my favorites. I liked Seinfeld, when it aired, but I’ve never re-watched it.
  15. Loved this, and almost everything mentioned, so I’ll just add: Harry with the pizza, and the others, gesturing to the camera, after the kids freed them.
  16. Cutie got out, two days ago, as I mentioned in another thread. I left the door open for him, I was out calling and looking for him. I was out a lot, last night, and sat on the deck with my books and ipad, so that he could see and hear me, and whatever I was watching. I didn't know how far he'd gone, and if he was lost, or hiding. I left the door open, couldn't sleep, and when I finally did, this afternoon, he showed up by himself. I heard noise in the kitchen, thought dad was home, stood up, and Cutie was sitting on the floor, looking at me. I wish I'd managed to keep him indoors, in the past.
  17. I’ve never heard of them before, and I’ve never seen doom patrol, so I’ll have to look it up. I liked this.
  18. I've dealt with both, and I agree. I've had a lot swirling in my mind, and it's there a lot, because of what I dealt with. It affects everything else. In school, I was mostly verbally/mentally bullied, and I dropped out, rather than hurting myself. My mum let me drop out when she realized the school wasn't going to do anything. But I also dealt with it from my sister, as a kid at times, and then as an adult. I was agoraphobic, because of what I experienced at school. It affected my ability to relax and trust most people, for the rest of my life. Even though I had some good friends that I'm still in touch with. And then what I dealt with as an adult, cemented that. Just as I'd been making important changes. And that happened to me, because of a man who sexually harassed me, and a woman who thought he was the better choice. I'm so tired of women being punished for not wanting to be around terrible men. I mentioned something else recently, that was the beginning of my PTSD. Then school bullying followed, once I got glasses, and I was always the new kid. It's so stupid! But it happens.
  19. You've reminded me of what I've been forgetting in my smoothies, when I finally make them: pumpkin seeds. I was adding them for a while. I was adding them for protein, and also because they're good for your hair. I've had some loss on my the left, and top-left side of my head, probably due to stress, but maybe my age now, too. I don't know. My peeve is that I've been in that depression pit I mentioned in February, and now I'm behind on things I wanted to do. And my cat Cutie, got out, yesterday evening. My dad has been letting George out into the sunny weather, since he doesn't go anywhere, and he thinks it's good for him, but he thinks he let Cutie out by accident, thinking he was George. So I'm going out to look for him again. He got out a year ago, four months after I finally got him inside. I didn't see him for two days, and a neighbour told me on nextdoor, that he was on her porch, when it was raining, so I relaxed. the next day, I found him curled up in the sun, next to the garage, waiting to be fed, the way he had for years before I caught him again. He just walked up to me, I picked him up, and brought him in. I'm hoping it will be that easy again. He follows me all over the house, he waits outside the bathroom, when I'm in the shower (I find him there, when I open the door). *edit. I did see him a day or two later, but he went into the woods, and they have a "private property" sign up, and I was afraid to follow him into the trees. because people were losing their minds, and harming people, including kids.
  20. That's what someone told me! Back in 2012. And then a guy on another board, told me it was "shaking my head" which is what I've seen it used for, since.
  21. That's how I got my cats. I made friends with a gorgeous stray, who came to eat food we'd put outside. She started to come to see me in the back garden, too, as long as the dogs weren't around. I lost my little dog (Emily) to cancer, that July, around the same time she disappeared to have her kittens. A month later, my dog Walter, started barking at a dog who would come out of the woods, and then he barked at something else... that cat, feeding two of her babies, behind our garage. The other dog was barking at them, I went outside the fence to stand in front of the cats. She took off, and I was trying to figure out how to pick up babies who didn't know me, and who were just starting to walk. They were Button and Cutie (who started out as "the pissy one", but he is the sweetest thing). During the night, she moved them into our garage. I then found George exploring around the area I think they lived. My curious little one, who wasn't scared of me. He still reaches out his paw, to touch my fingers, or my nose. This is Cutie, when our dining room looked like a dining room. Before my mum died. Button, who went missing in 2017. :( George.
  22. I liked that they included stories. I figured that they were going to include Liv, at some point. I’m glad that Darcy and Asta didn’t have a long, drawn-out feud. So why are the greys abducting people, and taking their babies? I guess I need to find season three now.
  23. “Smoke more.” Good for you, Harry. Poor Asta. It’s good that she has a real family, back home. Harry really loves her, too.
  24. I’m confused as to how he’s Goliath. Unless he was somehow reincarnated, and then sent back to earth. I’m so confused.
  25. A magically growing boy, because he stole a body. I liked the mayor and his wife, on the phone. That was sweet.
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