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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. All you have to write is "Paul"; "and the rest of the house" is implied. I could not have survived in that house with Joth for very long without rendering bodily harm, so kudos to Jess and Cody. I loved that Xmas got a chance to put herself up as a Veto replacement and then wasn't allowed to BE the Veto replacement. Would have been amusing if BB had substituted Cody, nullifying her BIG MOVE. I will enjoy watching Paul turn on her. And the rest.
  2. I say give Kayla a break. She JUST had her life and career threatened by her husband's illegitimate kid, who, for all intents and purposes, forced her son into making a confession to a crime she had no reason to believe he was having trouble living with, and Steve's reaction is "Good boy" to Joey, "Poor boy" to Tripp, and "Suck it up" to her! Sure, level-headedness and adherence to the Law would cause her to agree that Joey should do the mature thing and turn himself in, especially if he is wracked by guilt, but that will likely come in time. The incidents are still fresh for her. On top of that, there's the comparison of what Steve's sons did. The son she loves, birthed, and nurtured killed a psychotic woman who had all but destroyed her family. Doesn't make it right, but makes it far more understandable than the vendetta the woman's son, who just recently came into their lives, went on over hearsay about Kayla herself, who had been nothing but kind to him, which almost killed people he did not know nor care a thing about. Tripp is far more dangerous and unhinged than Joey, IMO. They should both be penalized.
  3. Kayla should stick to her guns, as she is totally in the right about Tripp.....BUT it looks like things will go otherwise. Again, never invite Tripp over to the house before hiding sharp objects. Didn't Tripp inherit a bunch of money? I know they never showed his apartment, but why is he WALKING out of town with a couple of bags?
  4. Wow, did I root for Kayla today! No WAY she should let Tripp get away with what he did, and she's right: if their son should go to prison, then so should his. Tripp has far less leg to stand on. He endangered patients in the hospital, a woman who had been nothing but kind to him, and all for a woman he knows did horrible things, whose only link to him is that she physically gave birth to him. That is not what makes one a mother, any more than planting the seed makes one a father. I hope Steve doesn't dissuade her.
  5. I liked finding out about J's stash. He's been learning from each family member as things progress. I think he will be what decides who wins between Smurf and Baz. Or he will manipulate both of them.
  6. "Families don't LIE to each other!" Further evidence that Tripp was raised by wolves. I do hope that they have sense enough to hide the utensils if they invite him to Thanksgiving dinner.
  7. I love that Xmas is so delusional as to believe that anyone could get away with NOT playing "Your Boy" Paul's game. She's risking another broken bone. Joth toned down a bit of the crazy, but he's still a mess. I think the vote against Ramses showed that Cody and Jess have no clue how to play this game. Maybe their "us against the world" bit will get noticed by the producers of Amazing Race and/or Survivor, where their skill sets might be more suitable.
  8. That was some great dragoning! LOVED the episode so much. I thought Bronn might get killed trying to retrieve his gold, which would be a nice poetic offing, especially considering that we got several named deaths the last couple of weeks from Dany's side, and no (that I can recall) named deaths in this week's fracas. I hate the "bend the knee" thing for the very reasons laid out by Missandei. Most everyone who is following or has followed Dany has done so by choice, which is the essence of why she has been a decent ruler and a better alternative to the Lannisters up until now. Even when she's demanded fealty it was almost always from someone who had previously been an enemy and/or tried to assassinate her. This whole thing with Jon Snow is out of character and too Romance novel/RomCom in fabricating obstacles in order to up the UST, and it diminishes what we know of the characters.
  9. Julie Newmar beat her to it, followed by Eartha Kitt (and, briefly, Lee Meriwether?), so, no, nothing about Ariana is original.
  10. They should let Xmas use the leg-clubs as crutches afterward.
  11. It's too bad, really. They've gone too far, IMO, to even give him an eventual redemption arc once he finds out the truth. Had he actually MET his mother, MAYBE I could buy his investment, but this makes no sense.
  12. I respect the restraint Cody and Jessica showed. When I was an R.A. I saw a LOT of harassing situations, but, fortunately I had the power to move people. If I were in that house I'd have wailed all over Paul and/or Josie. They are contemptible.
  13. I've never been certain whether Rowella wants Morwenna's husband for her own, or if she was toying with him for amusement, and to alleviate some of Morwenna's burden, but this episode I decided to dislike her immensely because she caused Morwenna hardship and she seems to actually have no taste in men whatsoever. I liked Ross and Elizabeth behaving as adults for once. For the first time, though, I didn't like what Demelza did at the end. She was very fair and honest about what she told Ross, but, really, there's honesty and then there's passive-aggressiveness, and I think she crossed that line. The addition of Demelza's brothers helps round out her character, though. I like her interactions with them quite a bit. Poor Sam. Looks like the girl he's after also plays around with Warleggan's chief henchman. That will only lead to pain. Dwight and Caroline are the best. Glad to see Jeffrey Charles return, but kind of wish he'd be more broken up over Aunt Agatha. They were each other's support for most of his life.
  14. Good golly, that was awful! I really felt that too much of the plot hinged upon the audience being able to understand Mary's motivations, even if not relating to them, and for me that was impossible. There was nothing magnetic or intriguing about Alexander, though I thought perhaps the show was trying for a Manson-a-like, and just didn't get there. There was nothing particularly awful about her parents, except maybe the pretentiousness, but that's to be expected as one matures. There is no guarantee that a birth mother (or father) might ever show up, contact you, or be what you expected. Also, just a minor point but in a forget which episode, curtains in buildings like that (looked like my old lecture hall) are made to be flame retardant. The beach shooter looked RIGHT out of Game Of Thrones! I noted that, even with a gay couple as somewhat prominent, none of the couples purchasing surrogates was same-sex. Seemed an odd omission, considering that the inability to conceive is built-in. Too many contrived coincidences all the way around.
  15. That would be so cool! Do you mean as in the two people would be the team, and the all-star kind of a mentor? Because that would give the all-star the exposure they crave, but also a two-person team who would be like the traditional teams that we used to get to vote for. That would be ideal IMO.
  16. All just conjecture on my part, but: I know that venues I have catered for are booked in advance and many of us base which gigs we'll lobby to work based upon the tipping potential involved. I worked a couple of ship parties back when I was a newbie, though, so my criteria was whether the other bartenders were hot. I agree. But history tells us there's no honor among thieves, and every kid thinks eventually that he/she knows more than the parent. Craig and Deran were griping in season one that they weren't getting a "fair" wage. I don't know that their positions are supposed to make any real sense, just that we know what twisted thinking and experience is driving them. The Church group, from what I can tell, is made up of a LOT of sketchy characters, so I think they were hoping that would act as a sort of smoke screen. This is why Craig's job makes so much more sense. They don't need to be tied to the job once it's done the way Pope is. Again, I could be wrong about any and all of the above.
  17. I think Smurf set it up so that Nikki potentially makes Craig and J adversaries. She's living almost like a sister would in the house with J, and that probably mirrors the original triangle with Pope, J's Mom, and Baz, IIRC, as well, and that's a situation that Smurf seems to like. I doubt that Smurf will have any problem cutting Nikki loose eventually. I kind of though the protection racket guy would be Deran's romantic foil. Cool. We get gay sex, and it related to actual plot. Was the woman who took Lena to Disney related to Cath? She offered to take Lena if anything happened to Baz, right?
  18. We got a couple from Raven. Is he permitted to speak when she's not there?
  19. We got a couple from Raven. Is he permitted to speak when she's not there?
  20. Yes, but mosquitoes CAN kill you, because, like the walkers, they carry diseases. And, unlike mosquitoes, the person next to you can still pretty quickly turn. It's still dangerous, but, yeah, the theme of the show has been that the survivors are the real threat. I don't mind the speechifying, so long as it's not Negan doing it. The best trailer out of Comic Con, except maybe West World, for me.
  21. I thought they behaved pretty reasonably, considering the house is aligned against them. At least they are not stupid enough to trust anyone, and they (and ONLY they) are playing for themselves, and not for "Your Boy" Paul. I hope they figure out a way to backdoor Paul, though, as none of the hamsters will have a clue what to do without him! I AM surprised that they didn't have everyone stand on one leg in the challenge. They would have for Paul, to give him a leg up.
  22. How did they NOT come up with a Polk-a?
  23. Maybe he considered "Minot"? I like the new champ. hopefully that doesn't mean he's one and done. I wonder if I would have been censored for mispronouncing Fukishima?
  24. The fact that the plan seemed to hinge upon a gorgeous woman not only sleeping with the creepy shooter, but allowing him to stay over the next day while she went elsewhere lost me. Perhaps if HE had been played by Phillipe I might have bought it, but, just no.
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