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Everything posted by fredfreddy44

  1. At first I thought it was Bob Barker from The Price is Right. I had to rewind 3 times until I saw the name tag. And Mel looked amazing. Didn't need a tag to ID her.
  2. Can anyone tell me what year they are currently in? In 1991, my Nana bought a white Mazda Miata with cash (from her recently deceased brother's estate), so this really hit home for me. Especially since she only drove it for 18 months before she died and my mom got it. And she still has it to this day and drives it around town at 80 years old. The cotton candy storyline was great. I love that they show what a natural sales person Georgie is and he is happy to share his knowledge.
  3. What was written in the note that Mrs. Coulter received near the end of the episode? I could not make it out.
  4. I really loved the ending especially because in the spring of 1986 I was 14 and I went to my first concert - The Jets.
  5. $200K in debt? That is insane! That confirms that this school is a private school. I always figured it was a fictional school in either the UC or CSU. But since UC schools are about $35K/year and CSU schools are about $25K/year right now (including everything), I'd say it has to be a private school based on his debt and his mumbling about other loans he got. How does one have no clue until the semester before graduation what one owes at the end? I'm glad my son is at a CSU school.
  6. The randomness of the 90s in one episode is fun. "Everything I do I do it for You" from 91 and The Blair Witch Project from Aug 99.
  7. I'm guessing Newton Pulsifer's tie was supposed the resemble the Doctor's scarf. Having seen the first 3 episodes so far, I am enjoying it.
  8. Night King pyramid scheme...worst one to belong to ever
  9. That was a very sweet and true episode. I am the girl born after 3 brothers in a Catholic family. I learned later my mom had a tubal when I was born so that was the end of that. I am guessing she and my dad had about the same conversation about men making decisions for Catholic moms. My dad was an nth generation Catholic and my mom converted, and not even really til I was 5 when she was baptized. I also loved seeing Markie Post, from Night Court, as the mom who talked about the surgery.
  10. I liked it. I grew up in a family like that, just the younger half though (Catholic, 4 kids born between 62 and 71). I remember the 2 holed cans of Hawaiian punch. Those were a treat. We mostly got the powdered drink mix to make red drink (what we called fruit punch).
  11. I like this show and suspend reality when it comes to budgets for 18s clothes and makeup, dorm size, lack of actual classes. But I can't get past 18 and 19 year olds paying for drinks in public places when the legal drinking age is 21 across the whole country.
  12. Poor duchess, all she wanted was toast and tea. It reminded me when Arthur was trying to get the Nurtimatic machine to make tea in HHGTTG. "Just dry leaves in boiling water?"
  13. Let me start by saying my college years were 1990-1995. The first 3 episodes were pretty aliens with the drug and casual hook up culture (depending on your definition of hookup). The bi discussion threw me. I was part of a group in college where bi/straight/gay/whatever was the normal male and female. Everyone is our group either slept or lived with each other or both. Someone even made chart. I dated and slept with a guy for 6 months who was bi and had a male boyfriend at the same time. Just all part of life. It really surprised me that male bi's are still looked at with suspiscion or skepticison or not "a real thing" in 2017. Otherwise this episode was great. I think this is the one that brings in it, not trying too hard to be all 2017.
  14. It should be inescapable. I presume happily ever after did not reset on Earth so everyone in the hospital, the book club, and those mob guys in the first episode stay dead. Did I miss anyone that Susie killed on Earth? I also like the "ambuleez" or however it was spelled.
  15. That was fun. I really enjoyed the speech Todd gave to Susie about "what exactly is your point?" And that the world doesn't change for you, you need to change in order to find happiness. I like her stuck in the train and her former husband, son, and dog playing happily. I was sad for Bart. I was happy to see character development for Mona in last two episodes. I liked her. Hope she joins the agency.
  16. That is why my husband and started watching this. Nice to see him play a bad guy. I still miss Forever. I don't see how the tapes can be admissible since she got the lady's information from the phone that she obviously stole. A good lawyer could get it thrown out. Of course, I'm in the states and I don't know how it would work in the UK.
  17. Is that how Aunt Agatha died in the books? Did she reveal Valentine's parentage to George in the book before she died?
  18. Another great episode. I liked the ET and 16 Candles references (TPed front yard at party). My son asked "Who is Kenny Rodgers?" and then I cringed when Islands in the Stream starting playing. The music at the very end was from or very inspired by the music in Starman (also made in 1984). I liked seeing Susan Lucci even though I didn't start watch AMC until 1988. I wonder if that was the actual episode shown that day.
  19. I'm watching it with my 18 year old and he is asking a lot: "Was it really like that?" I'm loving the movie references. They had me from the get go when I saw the same sheets my mom still uses in her summer house guest room hanging in the windows of the get away van. I do wonder if they will reference 8 again, or it was just to show there are others out there.
  20. The created drama of the cycle place opening was so dumb. "Hey we open in a week, let's have a meeting to discuss who we should hire. Hey I want to work here. Wait did I never mention that before?" The hot dogs on the ground and the licking the ketchup bowls was super funny.
  21. There was a Masterpiece Theatre series called "Edward and Mrs Simpson" that aired around 1982. I think it was 8 or 10 episodes. It was quite good. I remember watching it with my dad and still remember the theme song: "I danced with a man who danced with a girl who danced with the princes of wales..."
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