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Everything posted by Nilo

  1. Yes. I see it almost as the Willoughby/Marianne situation from Sense and Sensability. Logan (Willoughby) understands his duty is to marry the heiress and keep her happy. Whether he loves her or not is irrelevant. But she will need to come first. If Rory can be happy in Maine or at the Dorchester Hotel, then it's a win/win/win. But if not, well then, the trip to Oz will need to come to an end for Rory - but not Odette.
  2. Nilo

    S01.E04: Fall

    L and L's wedding was on November 5. Wookieman was in the spring - so sometime before June 21. I don't think she was in her second trimester. Plus, she did a lot of drinking in Summer and with the LaDB in Fall.
  3. Such a good episode to quote. I feel like for the last few seasons of the original show and now AYITL Rory is shown making choices that has some viewers - or other characters in the show - saying, "This is so unlike her." And I'm so confused by that because, again, since the end of Season 4, she has continuously acted impulsively and without consideration for who might be impacted by her actions. In the words of Maya Angelou, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them." I'm not saying people can't make mistakes, but to continue a pattern of affairs (when the other person is unaware) is not a mistake, it is a lifestyle choice. I don't know if Odette and Logan have a Vegas relationship, but it seemed fairly clear that Paul did not consider his relationship with Rory to be an open one, and that "relationship" lasted three years. And that's just her pattern with men. While I get being at a crossroads in your professional career, I was sad that she seemed "too good" to hustle. Maybe she will write the great American novel, but it would have been nice to see her asking Luke if she could pick up some hours at the diner. Or the Dragonfly. In the year we saw, she earned nothing, and while she seemed sad about losing her career, we weren't shown any impact from that.
  4. Nilo

    S01.E04: Fall

    Possibly losing custody of a child? One of the most terrifying things there is. Particularly when the other parent lives a fair distance away. There's no reason to think Logan would have pulled this - but Mitchum and Shira?
  5. I totally agree, Leaf. I really liked Winter - mainly because of my Queen - Emily.
  6. Nilo

    S01.E04: Fall

    Exactly. They just wanted to do so when Rory was just graduating from college and was early 20's rather than 30's.
  7. Nilo

    S01.E04: Fall

    Because it might possibly mean giving up some control. She might have to share holidays. She might have to consider his input on things. If she lets him know about the baby, she won't just get the money (probably), she might be opening herself up to a fight for custody. Logan has a stable job, will have a wife by then, and never-ending money. She's seen how Logan is manipulated by his family; what if they find out about the baby and decide they'd like to include her child in the dynasty? Not to mention her own highly romanticized version of her childhood. The cottage at the Independence Inn? I remember being a very poor single mom myself - we ate a lot of pancakes. When things stabilized, I never again made pancakes. Later on, my then-older kid told me that pancakes-for-dinner was one of her favorite memories.
  8. I remain convinced the letter was from Lorelai the First (Trix). Others have suggested one of the many maids. I really wish it had been readdressed since, clearly, Emily was (understandably) very upset about it (and had been for 30+ years) and Lorelai was so convincing in her denial.
  9. It's not bullshit, but Emily was finding it to be so. The former Emily would never have done so. Again, I found that to be a good portrayal of what she's going through. My dad is the same way now. He's cut himself off from groups that he was a long-standing member of because he now finds them frustrating. Unlike Emily, he hasn't found a new thing; he hasn't put on his Keds.
  10. Deep depression can look like early Alzheimer's or dementia. I moved in with my dad last summer when my mom died unexpectedly; they'd been married 53 years. He didn't need someone to take care of him, but I knew he'd be lonely. That's an understatement. He didn't (doesn't?) know who he is without her. And he wasn't the one who lived his whole life taking care of her - the way Emily did for Richard. I thought the show nailed it really well. Of course she'd lose track of time/days - she used to set her calendar around him. Plus, depression makes you exhausted. Sleep is a refuge. Good for her for selling the house; but for going someplace that held fond memories for her of him. And for finding volunteer work that was useful and not "Bullshit!" I thought the Berta-device was odd, but it made me happy to know she wasn't alone - that she wasn't lonely. Because honestly, Lorelai and Rory did not seem to be making much of an effort to help on that front. So if Emily needs to find another family (albeit another one she can't communicate with), at least she won't die alone and unloved in her own home with no one to notice.
  11. It definitly takes two (or more than that - whatever floats your boat), but the partners in Rory's life weren't built up to be Mary Sues the way Rory was. There was a weird cognitive dissonance in the way Rory was portrayed that has nothing to do with "slut shaming." But I do think that one cannot claim prior ownership of a giant man-boy simply because one got to him first (but I'm no lawyer).
  12. I couldn't agree more. To be honest, I stopped really liking Rory about the time she said, "He was my boyfriend first" to justify sleeping with Dean. She's never been written as someone capable of looking beyond what she wanted or able to overcome disappointment. Further, the show itself did her no favors by having her suffer no consequences for her actions (Phi Beta Kappa despite a rather disastrous semester at the start? Graduating on time with Paris despite taking time off?). So for me, I was not at all bothered by Rory's storyline in the revival because, as you said, Katha, her character devolved for me anyway during the original series. I loved Winter, but it was so painful to me. My mom died last year and my dad is dying now (after a 53-year marriage), so I couldn't help but be influenced by those things. But Fall. I loved every bit of Fall. I cried through almost all of it - in a good way. I did laugh a little bit during Rory's conversation with Christopher because I knew where she was going and no, Rory, you DON'T get to make that parallel because YOU are no Lorelai Gilmore!
  13. If he was charged the first time on April 13, it makes me wonder about the timing of the show. I can't imagine them knowingly casting someone to work with children who was charged for allegedly attempting to strangle his girlfriend in April. That's just horrifying.
  14. Mrs. Barlow!!!! I was shocked! That wasn't at all what I expected. Holy crap!
  15. I was really surprised no one went with filet of sole - that's the dish that inspired Julia's love of French cooking to start with, plus it comes together really fast. I was just sad to see so many of them going for things that they KNEW weren't going to be ready in time.
  16. Yes, I just submitted my ballot tonight and I'd just like to say that I thought it was really rather confusing. Or maybe reading is just hard. But I don't think things should be just unilaterally searched and seized. However, I do fully support background checks. Ultimately, I went with background checks over seizures. And then I had wine. No one is getting my wine.
  17. This was cloying and manipulative as hell ... and I absolutely loved every damn second second of it.
  18. Right? Most "traditional" men who volunteer to be the breadwinner seem to look at it as a trade-off ala "I'll take care of bringing home the money, but then I want the home (and any children we might have) to be taken care of." This seems to be especially true when talking about military families - simply because the military spouse has to be able to think that homes are being managed while the active duty military member is deployed (and I feel I can say this as a former military wife!). Cooking definitely falls into the category of "home" work. The one disconnect with Vaughn might be where he says he wants someone "happy," but doesn't seem to want someone "bubbly." This might be an issue with vocabulary. He definitely seems to prefer a quiet and peaceful home. When Monet is "loud" or her dog is "yappy," that really seems to bug him. This confuses Monet because, when she's in a good mood (i.e. "happy"), she babbles. And the babbling drives him nuts. Then he lashes out, which makes her unhappy and sullen. Then he says he wishes she were happier. I think the issue there is that Monet is social, and Vaughn really isn't. A "good" day off for him is one spent inside, reading - maybe being physically together, but not necessarily needing to talk too much. He needs peace and quiet to decompress. And for Monet, a "good" day off is one spent talking and laughing - quite often with her good friends and definitely together. As someone whose idea of heaven is to curl up on the couch reading (and who hates being interrupted just when I get to the good part), I can kind of relate to Vaughn here - although I hate to say it. Plus the thought of deliberately standing on-line for brunch? No, thank you. I can totally see where he's coming from when he encourages her to go out and go have brunch with her friends but please, for the love of heaven, don't make me go, please let me read in peace!
  19. I think maybe the producers didn't want to cast three all-white couples. When they found Monet and Vaughn - both of whom having lost their fathers young - they might have felt there was enough to work with there. Didn't Monet say, at one point, that she wanted a more traditional marriage? I had thought she did, but it would have been in the first episode and that was quite a while ago for me. But I did remember having some red flags when she then told Dr. Pepper that she didn't cook - because that's not exactly traditional. While Vaughn drives me crazy - and I could certainly never be in a relationship with him - there really was no false advertising there. He told all 4 doctors/therapists/and atheist ministers (wth?) exactly what it was he wanted. He hasn't deviated from that at all.
  20. I think it's more like a hex or curse. That they're inviting some sort of bad karma/spirit to come and take action - just like Gloria's sister did with Gloria's boyfriend. And once it's cast, who really knows what form that curse will take? I mean, no one really could have predicted that Gloria's boyfriend would end up trapped in the closet with the stolen monies and set it (and himself) on fire. I'm not into hoo-doo or voo-doo or santeria or whatever it was they might have been doing, but that's what I think that was. But I liken it almost to an audit - a way of getting the gods (or whomever) to take a second look at someone and then kind of see what unfolds after that.
  21. The show this season has just become a chore to watch. I mean, I know it wasn't a lighthearted whimsy-fest before, but there were moments of amusement in most episodes in the previous seasons. But now? Not so much. I still love the characters and the actors, but I miss Henry and I miss the moments of levity.
  22. I'm about as positive as I can be there was no sick son "being admitted to the hospital right now." I mean, as she was rushing out to go to the "hospital," she stopped to talk to Blake and force him into a hug? No way, no how. It was more manipulation and it was disgusting. Every time anyone questioned her actions, she fell back on, "You're being mean to me during this difficult time with my sick son." I just wanted to smack her.
  23. She mentioned that she was using butter rather than lard because it's a healthier choice. I lol-ed
  24. He once spent six weeks on a moon where the principle form of recreation was juggling geese.
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