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Everything posted by MDKNIGHT

  1. Got to admit despite my millions of hours of tv watching they got me. I think it is because I'm a sporatic watcher so the little ways things were off didn't register. That and the fact that with the 100 giving us the dead lesbian immediately after making love cliché so recently I was expecting the worse. I now believe two things. One is that the writers were cackling to themselves in the writers room while telling each other "and now when she shoots herself a bunch of fans will be throwing stuff at the screen and cursing us out and then we pull back and we DIDN'T do the dead lesbian immediately after making love cliché. Brilliant!" The other is that whoever wrote the sex scene has read Xena fanfiction. The breakage is a dead give away ;) I really enjoyed this ep. It was like a good thriller.
  2. Maybe the Time Masters are just evil. Maybe they are corrupt and Savage is giving them something (money, power) under the table. Sometimes the most basic answer is the truth. Savage may have provided something that pleases the TIme Masters themselves. Why should we believe these guys are altruistic? Here's a thought, what if the alternate timeline that did not involve Savage being the world's dictator also led to the disbanding of the Time Masters and they don't want to give up the power?
  3. I liked it overall but like many will miss Snart. Glad he's not dead forever dead. I can't help fantasizing that the time vortex gizmo blowing up just shifted him into an alternate universe. A universe where a crazy guy in a fez is traveling through time and space in a blue police box with a Scottish chick and Rip Hunter's more competent alter self. Now I want to write that fic. I don't mind Kendra and she had a good moment when she tried to fight the guards. I'm OK either way fi she continues on the show but I agree with the Vandal haters. I want a supervillain to either be charismatic or really scary. Sometimes they can be both but Vandal is neither in my opinion. All I could think was of so many big bads that might have been at least theoretically a strong choice if it was them or annihilation by alien. Seriously I can think of minor villains that I could put forth a good argument would at least do a good job saving earth if put in that position but this dolt? Off the top of my head (and I don't know which characters are DC and which are Marvel so please don't say "but that's from the wrong universe") I would say handing power to Dr Doom or the Penguin would at least make sense. Each are clever enough that they could come up with a plan to defeat the aliens. Savage despite being alive for thousands of years doesn't seem to have evolved much beyond Neanderthal bully.
  4. I know shows aren't documentaries but this show went beyond the pale in ridiculously unbelieveable plot points. That girl was wired to blow. That alone was a terrorist act. She goes home? Are you kidding me? Even IF she managed not to spend 30 years in jail she would have to go through a big deal trial before if she's lucky they find her not guilty. And the state dept out of the kindness of its nonexistent heart let the boy back into the US. RIGHT. And I'm not saying stupid kids can't be radicalized but in 3 days? And this supposed straight A's student believes that if the US wanted the boy dead they wouldn't do it in the US they would deport him and then need to follow her to him. Yeah sure. I like the show showing different cultures but this was terrible.
  5. Wow do the cops come off as wussies in this show. Are journalists really so insane that they would show an escape route from a deadly virus area? I'm a pretty liberal person but there comes a point when the people's right to know is overridden by oh I don't know, PEOPLE'S LIVES. WTF? The bloody guy who infected the little black kid, did we know who he was? Did it make sense that he'd be wandering around the halls in the hospital? I may have missed some scenes. I hate the two dufuses that went out for food in the subplot with the cop's girlfriend. I'm actually hoping they have the virus and croak outside the clean room but leave 6 feet of space so the two women can go by them. Actually allegedly the virus dies when they die so it's ok for them to croak anywhere. We can't be bothered with taking precautions, I don't know when I took off my gloves but do what I say because I'm a man and you are a puny female. Good God. Darwin is spinning in his grave.
  6. There is president that the book moves around for the greater good. Snow found it to give to Henry and then they found it again when something I don't remember meant they needed it again. It is possible that fate destiny or whatever will prevent Cruella from just finding and burning it. I'm OK with that. Mathius -Good point about why Hook was being tortured although it could be what I said too. Maybe if you break the rules you give Hades more of a reason to screw with you. But he seems to be pretty much allowed to do whatever he wants in the underworld. It is kind of why I still think the writers messed up the afterlife. There should be consistent rules.
  7. With these writers it probably was just for shock value BUT I think one in-universe reason he would torture Hook is jealousy. Hook is handsome and more importantly loved by a beautiful woman. At the time Hades is stuck in the underworld because basically nobody loves him. He's working on a plan to get out but we have to believe that he's been down there for thousands of years and bitter as "hell". So he tortured the pretty boy who has what he wants. Especially since Hook is loved enough to move several grown people to wander down there to save him. Hades couldn't motivate his own mother to cross the street for him.
  8. Did Hook get a proper funeral? Because I thought he didn't and thought that was what we were seeing in the previews although it could be somebody else. I didn't hate the episode although I wish they hadn't messed up the mythology of the after-life so badly. We all know LIFE isn't fair, but that is why so many religions posit an AFTERLIFE that IS. There is no rhyme or reason to this afterlife where Aunty Em is going to suffer the same eternal torment as Peter Pan -the guy who made Rumple look relatively benign. You can shove people into eternal torment. If you are Hitler you can avoid paying your dues by running the local Waffle House for eternity and nobody would stop you. For pities' sake the Blind Witch ATE CHILDREN. How the heck does she get to avoid the fiery maw of hell? The part I DID hate about this episode is the poor bounty huntress. She does a nice turn for con Emma and she gets death as a thank you. First of all as a medical person I found the way the wound happened and how it killed her hard to believe. It would have taken a lot to ram that shard into her abdominal aorta which is the only way I could buy her bleeding out that quick but if it did I don't think she could have run even a few steps. If it didn't then I honestly think the police could have gotten her to an ER with a decent chance of survival. I've seen people with 5 bullets in them still awake and talking on their way to surgery. Which leads to my complaint that if the scenario were real and somebody is bleeding you wouldn't know it was going to kill her that quick and the decent thing would have been to call out to the police, give the person a chance at survival. They had a convo and why exactly would the woman choose death over a trespassing charge? Yes so Emma would have added trespassing to her charges..big whoop. If I were in danger of death I'd have to be insane not to call out to the police for help even if it meant the Pope himself would have to go to jail for trespassing. Seriously WTF? I don't think we are done with Hook. OTOH I have no faith in these writers to not fix the Auntie Em/Milah/Gaston mess. It has just hit me that the writers seem to write like they are from medieval times or something, where the "little people" don't matter, only the royals. Milah, Auntie Em, the billions of people Regina killed are nobodies so unfairness to them is swept under the rug and forgotten and they expect US to have forgotten them too.
  9. I have watched more hours of tv and movies than several average people have cumulatively and I have to say that the guest villain was among the top 5 I've seen acting wise. Totally bought her as a master manipulator, yet still believable. She never went to the point where she'd become so perfect at being evil that you know she can't be real. It's hard to describe but the performance was on the one hand extreme and yet on the other subtle. Reminded me a bit of actual Charles Manson (as opposed to somebody playing Charles Manson.) My hat is off to the actress. She was Chilling. Am glad she'll be back. Makes sense that she wasn't one and done because during this ep I kept saying to myself -how does she know so much about the team? Somebody must be feeding her info. So I'm guessing we'll see she is part of a bigger problem for the team.
  10. I have more of a problem with how torpedoing one case made the other case against Major go away. I'm also pretty sure (just from watching Law and Order though) that if the police or prosecution find exculpatory evidence they HAVE to hand it over to the defense so Clive and his now ex girlfriend would have been breaking the law if they HADN'T admitted teen girl couldn't have seen anything because of the shrubbery. BTW I kind of rolled my eyes at mom and the police being so gullible. Kid blaming her bad behavior including partying all night on allegedly witnessing a body being dragged out instead of acting scared and withdrawn, yeah, OK. It isn't like a teen has ever lied to get out of trouble. Didn't like Drake as much as Lowell but still sad for Liv's sake. Like many I thought it was too bad they killed off Vaughn's daughter. I enjoyed her snark and did feel a tiny bit bad for her that her dad was such a complete and total disappointment. Even Sadham Hussien had some love for his sons, this guy couldn't even hold a frickin door open to save his daughter from being mauled by zombies. I wish we could have seen his being eaten more SLOWLY. He really deserved it. Can not believe they actually killed off Rob Thomas playing Rob Thomas. Only time I've seen something like that is when they killed off Mickey Dolenz playing Mickey Dolenz in a made for SciFi movie. That however was a one off. This means that we will be returning to an alternate reality where Rob Thomas is dead. I find this hysterical especially since it is the doing of the writer Rob Thomas and needed singer Rob Thomas to cooperate. Can honestly say I never would have guessed they'd do it. Even with the tech as mentioned above I'm still having trouble with how New Zombieland is supposed to work. I am for the time being going to hope that what this means is Viv and her goons are delusional and THINK they can pull this off just like those wacka doos in the real world who every so often think they can unite the middle states into a Whites Only country that sedes from the US. Neither is actually a realistic plan. To have enough fire power to take over the US you need numbers but predators always have to be in much smaller numbers than prey for them to be sustained. You can't have more, or even equal numbers of wolves to numbers of deer. Doesn't work. A small cabal of immortal zombies who are on the downlow is possible but that wouldn't be a zombie nation and if you are found out you can be wiped out fairly easily. Ravi deserves some happiness. If Peyton wants Blaine it just shows she has terrible taste and I kind of hope Blaine breaks her heart (but not that he reverts and eats her). I rolled my eyes when she slept with Blaine back when she thought he was a witness because that was unprofessional and dumb and I'm afraid my opinion of her hasn't gotten better. I find it interesting that Blaine thus far is acting like a decent person because even before he became a zombie he was a self centered evil guy so I guess the show is going with the it is nurture not nature argument for why people are evil. He can't remember how the nanny and his father treated him so he's nice. We'll see how this plays out. People mention Blaine's dad not being seen in the finale but last I remember seeing him weren't Blaine's guys torturing him to get him to re-record his will in Blaine's favor? Is there some reason we should believe the didn't rekill him and get rid of the body? I'm holding out hope yet a DIFFERENT faction have Natalie and she'll pop later. Alternately Viv's people may have her and be using her and later Major and Viv will have to ask for her help against Viv.
  11. For years now I've been telling everybody who would listen that Belle is Clareta Petache (young mistress of Mussolini who stuck by him even unto getting captured and executed by the allies with him at the end of WWII). I thought she couldn't sink any lower in my eyes. I was wrong. She is now Eva Braun. Clartta mostly stuck by her sociopathic murderous lover, Eva IIRC actually participated in Hitler's evil, Belle is doing evil things and now she and her husband have unfairly condemned people to eternal torment which is worse than murder. I want both of them off my screen. Not even the great acting by Rumple's actor can make me stomach him anymore and Belle's actress isn't even that good in my opinion so the character's awfulness never was enjoyable. At this point anything less than both of them going into the eternal torment water will be unjust. I will settle for both of them being trapped in Hades when everybody else gets to go home. But I want them to be in torment ,not Rumple taking Hade's job which I think is within possibilities for this show. I hope Ruby isn't dead.
  12. "it was probably Malcolm's fault. Everything is. Hell, he even reconstituted VS the time Oliver, Barry and company fought him on Arrow so we can blame the horrible future on him too." Yes EVERYTHING is Malcolm's fault, Sarah's death, Dhark kidnapping Oliver Jr, global warming, the list goes on and on and yet nobody can kill him and somehow not be tainted by it, even the people who have killed hundreds without breaking a sweat. He's worse than Spike hanging around. Ra's will always be the guy who pimped out his daughter to Oliver because people with a uterus are unworthy of being the Head of the Demon or whatever. Will never forgive him for that dick move despite the fact that I was VERY happy that Nyssa in the end saw through the crazy of WANTING to be the Head of the Demon and Peaced Out. I almost cheared. Which brings me to the WTFery of why does Sarah want to be int he League of Assassins. The first time I just figured Nyssa saved her from the island so she felt grateful and besides what were her other options? I also figured she fell in love with Nyssa as things went along so it made sense for her to join Nyssa in her "work." But under any other circumstances I have never understood why any of the rank and file join. What is in it for THEM? You train like crazy. risk your life for a dude who is basically immortal and feel honored to serve this freak. It doesn't look like you get wealth and it wouldn't really matter because when or where would you spend it? Given what we know about Rah's "goals" I can only fathom that he appeals to the wackos who would voluntarily join the Nazi party if Hitler had hated ALL nationalities and ethnic groups equally. I kind of find greed easier to understand that selflessness with no discernible gain for a violent destructive cause. I would also understand martyrdom in exchange for heaven and making the earth a better place but these mooks are killing and dying to make the earth a death pit and I don't think the afterlife enters into the equation. And these are the people (really one person) who Sarah was willing to murder her friends for. I liked the ep over all but that was a bridge too far for me motivation wise. I'm going to choose to believe that Sarah came in thinking of stealing a few herbs and learning a little more meditation to get the blood lust under control planning to slip away a little later but then Rah started with the mind whammy stuff he pulled on Oliver and she lost her grip, what with the wrongtimeitis drift that apparently time travelors are susceptible to.
  13. Still having a hard time believing Astra is really dead. Her husband just doesn't stand out. It was more interesting seeing Kara be conflicted fighting family while the husband just doesn't merit that level of angst. Maybe Myriad is a secret cloning project the kryptonians rejected as being too much like playing God and she'll be back. I think the difference between jailing the aliens and jailing Lord without a trial is that the aliens literally can't be brought to trial. You literally can't put them in lock up (without them breaking out) literally can't have them in a court room where they would smash through the ceiling or eat the bailiff etc. The whole PROCESS of the legal process is not possible to do with those who are super powered. You could only do the tail end, i.e. build special cells to hold the condemned. James however was right about Lord. Sure it would be difficult if not impossible to convict him given great lawyers BUT he could stand trial and they had no excuse not to put him on trial. He is like any wealthy and or powerful drug dealer , politician, sports star, or Mafioso. As much as we'd like to end run the legal system with them we aren't supposed to and a hero like Supergirl would not agree to do it. That being said I can't think of any way whatsoever that the goodguys (or anybody) could prevent Lord from outing Kara. He could put it on the internet anonymously without breaking a sweat. Actually I don't think that in the internet age any of the superheros could possibly keep a secret identity (even the masked ones) so that is just one of those things we have to suspend disbelief for. I find it irritating that supposedly intelligent (and Lord is supposed to be a genius) people would campaign against Supergirl and be blind to how, given that there are out and out evil superpowered people, it is dangerous to take a good one out of the game. I could understand Lord going after Supergirl AFTER all the prison escapees and passing alien bounty hunters are rounded up but now just seems soooo dumb that it bugs me.
  14. While I agree that having the seasons be so close to each other, stretches the pool of applicants too thin and I did prefer earlier seasons with more experienced contestants, I would point out to those saying the guy that just graduated a week ago from the Savini school (Kaleb)has no chance, that last season's winner Nora allegedly had graduated from the Savini school just the day before getting on the show. I just marathoned the previous season so it's fresh in my mind. <br /><br />I still enjoy this show although I haven't seen something as awesome or memorable as the bellboy with the drawers in his chest or the cubist art coming to life in a while. I'm looking forward to this.
  15. My first doctor was 4 and I got to see him years ago live. Ironically selling tickets to see someone read "A Christmas Carol" is STILL a thing which I found very amusing years later when the Show had Eccleston's Doctor run into Dickens himself doing it. And yes, Tom's reading was awesome. At that appearance he answered questions from the audience afterward and was accompanied by Sophie Aldred (Ace). The thing was , most people including myself did not know who Sophie was because a bunch of affiliates including mine stopped showing the show during Sylvestor McCoy's early run and we hadn't seen him pick up Ace as a companion. She seemed very nice. I only got to see most of Sylvestor's run (and the LAST classic ep) years later when I bought all the dvds. And reg upthread yes it was the Myrka that for me wins the hotly contested "worst monster ever on Doctor Who and maybe on anything else ever" award. It was just Soooo bad. Regarding DW and feminism...I agree it wasn't great. They had Jo Grant say the lines "God bless the good ship women's lib and all that sail in her" and they had Sarah Jane talk about women's lib in her first story when she went to medieval times with Jon Pertwee and I felt both scenes were terribly written. Whenever the subject itself came up on old Who it definitely gave the impression that the writing was making fun of feminism BUT I felt that despite what MAY have been ill intentions on the part of some of the writers and well intentioned blundering on the part of other writers, that the show managed to still move women forward a little. Liz Shaw was a genius. as was Zoe. Sure Jo Grant was a moron but she could drive a giant military boat and escape chains. Not everybody is cut out for intellectual persuits and she was brave. And despite the imperfect way she was written Sarah Jane was a great character. Leela stabbed a Sontaran, Barbra drove a truck over a Dalek and Ace beat the hell out of a Dalek with a baseball bat. I think the way I look at it is this...if they (the women of Who) had been really useless they would have stayed HOME. And if they HADN'T gone roaming with the doctor the universe would have been destroyed many times over because Ami Pond willed the universe back, Clara saved the Doctor AND Donna Noble saved the WHOLE universe with her typing. My hope is that before the show goes to the final final end that the Doctor will regenerate into a woman. The Master did and there is no reason why he couldn't. Alternately they could spin off Susan (now recast into a different regeneration) since via logic since the Time Lords were NOT destroyed she is out there somewhere or spin off the Doctor's daughter.
  16. I am doing a rewatch of all classic who in chronological order. Years ago I got the vhs recons for many of the lost episodes BUT it never occurred to me that LooseCanon would die. There are a few stories I didn't get at the time. I've been able to see most of them in pieces on youtube but some like the Smugglers I haven't found enough parts to make sense of the story. I mean I really have NO CLUE what the heck is going on. Does anybody know of other outlets for recons of the lost episodes? I have literally bought official BBC made copies of all NONE lost episodes and it bugs not to have a complete collection. Reg actually being discussed eps-Sea Devils I liked for the real Navy stuff and IF the tech had been there to make the Pertwee Sea Devils heads move I think it would have gone over better. I usually just roll with the limitiations of tech and budget HOWEVER the two creatures I just could not forgive were the Nimon and whatever that dragony version of a pantomime horse was called that Peter Davidson's 5 fought that was a guard dog for the Sea Devils in HIS encounter with them. The first one tried to sell a guy with a paper mache bull's head and PLATFORM SHOES as a monster and I laugh and laugh every time I see that on my screen. The second one IIRC didn't have back legs. The mind reals.
  17. Although all's fair in love and war, in Fairytale World I'm pretty sure stabbing somebody from behind is considered unchivalrous. Ironically since Arthur is a fantasy it kind of relies heavily on courtly ways and fairness etc which REAL knights never did. So he's kind of been the direct opposite of what his myth is about. He is probably the most weak willed king I've seen in a long while. He's almost effeminate-rendition-of-Nero levels of weak king. I'd watch the Mulan-Ruby version of the Adventures of Xena Warrior Princess too. I also really really want Mulan Rouge to be a canon couple just because it would be the awesomest couple name EVER!
  18. "I didn't think that was the case this time: the Holy Grail's magic is holy, granting eternal life to the one who intakes it, which means that there is no need to kill anyone in self-defense because you can't die now (unless killed by the same power, so in Merlin's case either Excalibur or the Dark One can kill him), and your magic is so powerful that you can subdue an enemy nonlethally. " Not that I think the writers thought about this but if that is how things work why did the Grail kill the guy Merlin was running away with and NOT kill Nimue when she sneaked a sip? What the heck criteria is the Grail using as to who gets immortality or not? I am having trouble following Arthur's decent into evil. That rant about his sword and how somehow Merlin harmed him by making him king I just don't get it. The only thing I can sort of piece together is that Arthur is slightly crazy so his rage isn't supposed to make rational sense. It is sort of like blaming a 10 year old for your fiance's death when it was your mom who killed him. I definately think Arthur's madness centers around lack of confidence in his sexual verility. He seems to think everybody is snickering about the size of his phalic symbol when nobody but a couple of people even know the sword is broken. He could have reigned Camelot for all is life and there would have been no problem. And then Guenivere chooses another man and that finished his snapping. But again the sword and his manhood are inexticably entwined for Arthur in a way they really shouldn't be. I too enjoyed Emma's performance. However I am still completely confused about what her end game is. I hope Merlin isn't actually dead but it doesn't look good yet he STILL has more of a shot of being alive than Glen on TWD. Rats.
  19. Sometimes a person falls in love with someone who doesn't love them back. What would be so weird if Simmons only feels brotherly love for Fitz? Is it a crime? I would like to think that Simmons has the right to not love Fitz back. It bothers me when the idea that the princess OWES the prince who rescued her, her love, is re-enforced. Come to think of it part of what showed Ward was crazy is that he kind of always made it sound like Skye HAD to love him back because he had either helped her or not killed her when he had the chance. I hope they don't have Fitz go down that road of crazy with Simmons. I would go back for a 90 year old homeless person of the inappropriate (for me) gender, if they had saved my life. Sexual desire would have NOTHING to do with it. Who the hell leaves people behind on a desolate planet by themselves especially when they helped you? Do we as a society actually need to be having a sexual relationship with someone to help them out of a life or death situation? What does that say about us? I will be surprised however if the guy isn't dead when they get back. To have had company and then lost it...he'll probably have suicided. I for one do NOT want that to be the writer's way of giving Fitz an opening. Just had a terrible thought. Anybody remember Babylon 5? The Billy Mumy character loved Delen and he momentarily sabatoges her husband's rescue because he thought if her husband were dead, he could have her. Hope Fitz doesn't go there.
  20. I kind of guessed that while Melissa Benoit just could NOT be "the New Rachel" that she might be able to be the New Supergirl and in my opinion yesterday proved that I was right. For me she is pulling off a mix of naïve but not stupid that works. I can imagine that someone with a good heart who just brought down a plain safely would be extatic. And then she was crushed when her sister wasn't even grateful. I thought it was acted well. BTW while I blame the writers and not the actress I thought the sister came off really badly. Yes I get that she wanted Kara's powers hidden but for crying out loud she just saved your ass and those of hundreds of other people. Like what WAS she supposed to do? Let you and hundreds of others literally crash and burn? That just made the sister look like a bitch. While I don't like Calista Flockhart's character and hope she turns out to be an out and out villain I think she's acting it well. She may either be a villain or a stumbling block like J Jonah Jameson for Spiderman where he wasn't evil per se but because of his predjudices about Spidey he makes life hard for him. My main complaint about Calista's character is that it kind of re-enforces the stereotype that a woman in power especially in the business world HAS to be evil. I mean they copied so much about Superman, why isn't she a female Perry White i.e. a basically honest publisher who is a friend to Superman? No she has to treat everybody like dirt and fire everybody every 5 seconds. While not realistic, I kind of wanted Kara to respond to "I'm a girl Maybe YOU'RE the problem" regarding naming her "superGIRL" with something like "No. You are a grown ass WOMAN and your holding the rest of us back." Also while they had to have SOMEBODY dub her supergirl I'd like somebody to point out she probably named her that out of her own insecurities. I'm hoping that as this show goes along Kara starts standing up for herself against Calista. What exactly was she going to be fired for? Or doesn't Calista need just cause for firing people? I hope that subplot as they go along is that Kara's success as a super hero translates into success in other parts of her life due to self confidence. Cranky secret organization guy just makes me roll my eyes. Either you are going to kill someone with super powers secretly and quickly or you leave them alone. If Kara WERE evil then how would darting her with kryptonite and making her slam into the ground and then kidnaping her supposed to improve her disposition and feelings toward humans? That was just dumb. They are lucky Kara isn't the revenge type. As it was, it was the worst possible way to tell her her sister has been spying on her since forever. Liked that there was at least some hard feelings initially since that really was a big betrayal but also glad that their sister bond is still intact. If Frozen has taught us anything it is that people find other bonds besides romantic ones, interesting.
  21. "So Barbara deep kisses Tabitha and then kisses Theo, her brother and he has no problem kissing lips that has his sister's fresh spit on it. Ewwww" I didn't get to comment on this at the time but this reminded me that ever since Tabitha told that politician that Jerome later killed, that Theo was "great in the sack" I've kind of taken it as a given that they are incestuous. I mean how would a guy's sister really know? On a tangential that is more specific to this episode, although I don't think Silver is necessarily his BLOOD neice (despite him saying she was his half brother's kid) I am guessing he's slept with HER too. I think we have had dark sexual things going on on this show for a long time and we have now entered incest and sex with young teens territory. I don't think Alfred had the right to hit Selena and it looked like a punch instead of a slap to me which made it worse. This is a guy who downed several goons that were grown men. In real life he would have severely injured her. Also he was mad she killed a guy who almost killed him. Not really feeling his motivation. I think it is sad that Selena has nobody she could complain too or run to for help. Also at this point in her life I don't see her as irredeemable regardless of what we know about her later life. And they may not go that way on this series any way since I can't really see Babara Kean becoming Barbara Gordon in THIS universe so Catwoman may turn out differently too. Thanks to the recap regarding the Bladerunner cosplayers. I knew thePenguin's gang reminded me of something but couldn't dredge it up. Was disappointed Penguin killed that lady politician. I thought he was going to fake her death and then use her against Galavan later in his usual Rue Goldbergian fashion but I guess he hadn't had time to set something up. The preview for next week however gives me hope because he's sucking up to Galavan and that is his usual opening gambit. Here's hoping. BTW I know the guy playing Galavan is a good actor because I've seen him in a lot of other things but the people of Gotham especially Alfred should be ashamed of getting sucked in by Galavan because the CHARACTER SUCKS as an actor/lier. His speaches are so patently phony Gotham deserves what it gets if they vote for that clown.
  22. I was very disappointed that-what her name who could look like May- died before finding out what a complete psychopath Ward is. I wanted a moment of realization in her eyes before he (in an alternate turn of events) deliberately betrayed her and she got caught or killed because of him. It bugs me that instead she died loving him and that he has now twisted things AGAIN to--poor me I shot my girlfriend and it's all SHIELD's fault. He is such an evil Man-baby. And he even got what's her name on his side about "having" to kill his dog. He didn't HAVE to kill his dog. And IF he HAD needed to kill him (if for example Bill Paxton had literally put a gun to his head and said it is the dog or you) then any even remotely redeemable person would have bided his time and turned on Bill Paxton at the first opportunity. Ward did the things he did because he CHOSE to and it was his choice to murder May that backfired on him. Now it is his BIG justification for revenge. Ugh. I want May to rip out his spleen hand it to Simmons and have Simmons feed it to him. I'm not normally rooting for merciless violence on the part of the good guys but he's made so many suffer that I don't want him to just be shot in the head or jailed. Truth is this guy literally can not suffer enough to satisfy me. If I could think of a way May Simmons Fitz Daisy AND Bobbi could all kill him slowly I'd root for that.
  23. True, but like I said, with Coney, Mrs Bean Shondell and Mandy there is a legitimate out. The bodies weren't in the custody of the police until now. As for Boone I can SORT OF fan wank that, IF the cop we were shown is in on it. I think he might be because of the way he was way too nice to Munch. He didn't even really question her and he's kind of lacksadaisicle about investigating a series of murders. At this point the show may not be as illogical as we think. Then again Glee was the poster child for illogic so who knows.
  24. My guess is that Gigi is the one that was institutionalized. I think she had a nervous breakdown when Munch took the baby away and became the Hag, her family probably had her committed because of the weirdness with the dolls and probably depression, and then when she got better she came back to the college but continued to have periods of decompensation and being the Hag. However I don't think she's the killer (or one of the killers since I think there are at least two. ) I think she's too obvious. I like the idea that Chanel is the bathtub baby. Hope you are right about that. Forgot about deaf Taylor Swift but since you brought her up I guess THAT body was turned over to the police and went tot he proper morgue and not left around where any wackadoo can take it for jaunts around the campus. IIRC the bodies of Coney Shondell Mrs Bean Mandy were NOT handed over to the police. So the killer/killers could have taken the bodies from the crime scene , the meat locker etc. The one I have trouble justifying is how could Boone fake his death. That "body" was found not hidden. They had a memorial so the police were involved. How could the police not know he was alive and how come nobody has mentioned his "body's" disapearnce? Was not that a morgue he was put in? You can't jus walk away from that.
  25. Not being a Taylor Swift fan I didn't know the connection either, but thought the opening sequence was very funny anyway. Now that I know about "Swiftmas" it elevated the sequence to genius. Ah the crazy minds that gave us Glee. Every once in a while you just shine. While Lea was on Glee it crossed my mind that it would be awesome if Barbra Striesand did a remake of All About Eve with herself as Margo Chaning and Lea Michele as Eve Harrington. This ep confirmed Lea would make an awesome Eve Harrington. I figured the bathtub baby thing was what froze Gigi in the 90's so I'm not surprised she's the Hag but I enjoyed it anyway. While I don't expect Ryan Murphy to show us feminism well or for very long (example-I expect Chanel to beg Chad to validate her again very very soon) I still appreciated he put in the cafeteria scene not only for the beating up of the jock jerk (I'm actually not totally behind that because I thought they resorted to violence un-necessarily. I would have preferred the Chanels eviscerate him verbally. ) but mostly because Chanel decided not to eat cotton balls or influence the others to eat cotton balls. While Murphy likes to use eating disorders in comedies at least he brought it up as something crazy that girls shouldn't be influenced to do. And the reality is that some girls ARE talked into doing crazy things to be popular or skinny or both, so I don't object to it being brought up. I'm hoping the last standing Kappas wind up banding together to stop the Red Devil so this scene has resonance. I'm enjoying the show and really that is enough. IF it winds up making sense in the end it will be gravy.
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