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Everything posted by NYCNJbear06

  1. I respect your point ZaldamoWilder and that is valid position, I guess I am approaching it from a different perspective. I don’t approach the use of the phrase “urban youth” to be solely Black and Latino youth I would include White youth in that grouping because white people live in urban environments too. If I recall (and don’t quote me on it) the We got Ya’ll kids from season one was more racially diverse with Black and Latino and I think a couple of White kids too. I took Freida’s “don’t break anything” comment as she knows her kids because she has a personal relationship with them and knows how kids are. I have worked with kids in that age group and you would be surprised how you need to tell them things that you think you shouldn’t have to say – Like don’t leave the group without permission, don’t talk when the speaker is speaking, don’t touch things that aren’t yours. Hey there kids LOL So that didn’t ping my radar as anything shady. I too agreed with Issa on the privilege discussion and agree that Black people can’t be racist (with Racism being defined as one race being able to subjugate, control, dominate another group in harmful ways because of power dynamics solely based on race) So yes Issa is right on a macro level but one could argue on a micro level that the environment at the school (treating it as its own microcosm) is racist toward latinos. The principal (Black) has the power and is using it to “possibly” intentionally exclude latinos , in this case access/encouragement to participate in We Got Ya’ll and given the comments that he verbalized about the latinos he is prejudiced against them as well. That’s where Frieda and I agree that this looks shady. IMO Freida hasn’t been portrayed to be anything other than a good natured person and compared to her other co-workers she seems to actually care about the kids and wants to see them do well. That’s why I can understand her feeling of this doesn’t seem right. How I would handle it (which she is too scared to do so and why she would like Issa’s back up) I would directly ask the Principal about his influence on getting some latinos to participate. I think Issa sees it and is torn because she doesn’t want anything to jeopardize the program. I’m not advocating limiting the number of black students but I would at least raise the questions with the principal and ask him to recruit some of them as well, being that all of the black kids that showed up was due to his involvement. That make sense?
  2. UGH! I thought I was going to get through an episode without Mark mugging desperately for the camera. We were almost there and then he had to pull the faces and crap. The piece was very serious and I was impressed that he stayed in character. Dancing wise I think he is doing fine, Comfort helps elevate him but I wonder if his personality is what is costing him votes? I was shocked to see him in the bottom last week because there were so many others I would have put in the bottom over him and figured that he would be safe because of the tween girl audience. Kaylee and Cyrus are a weird pairing and it does not do her justice. She is a good dancer and very skilled but I don’t feel any joy watching her dance. Watching her dance does not make me happy instead I am constantly thinking why does this feel off to me. There is not a lot of softness in her. Cyrus was miscast as an All Star. While he is PHENOMENAL in his discipline he is considerably lacking in all the others
  3. Molly and Dro hooking up is beyond a hot mess. Molly, you know his wife, albeit that you are probably only friends with her because of him but still, you know her. Even if they have an open marriage that should have been enough of a line not to cross. Molly should have asked a lot more questions like – do ya’ll tell each other when you step outside of your marriage?, have you or she ever hooked up with someone you both know? This will not end well. In my circle of friends I seem to be the only one on Freda’s side in the Freda vs. Issa plot line. I would think something is strange as well given the principals feeling about latinos. The purpose of We Got Ya’ll is to support all students not just the black students. I think Freda wouldn’t have such an issue of the racial make-up if it happened organically. But because the spike in attendance happened after the principal got involved and that there are only black students I would call foul as well.
  4. I think I have reached my limit with MJ she is just insufferable. The only reason that she is riding so hard on the “bastard” issue is because it is a dig at Asa. Who in this day and age use that word to describe a baby and ultimately what does it matter? I don’t blame Asa for her feelings about it. MJ and Tommie sighhhhhh. Run Tommie run. I just don’t see them lasting. I have no words on that immature BS list of reasons not to get married MJ gave. I think MJ is only with him because he loves her not because she loves him. He fulfills her need for sperm donor - We’ll get married once I know I’m pregnant – WTF?!?!? IF YOU LOVE HIM then you would marry him baby or not. And I bet dollars to donuts that if they were to get married and have a child (in whatever order) I foresee a divorce. Because once MJ has those two titles under her belt (mother and wife) the bloom will unfortunately fade from Tommie and he will suddenly not be the "man" she thought. For MJ Tommie is a means to an end and will become roadkill.
  5. I kinda understand Lily’s point in being pissed at Jr. but because she was shit faced drunk she couldn’t express it correctly. I believe her point was that she was upset at seeing Jr. flirt with those other women because she saw that was how he was being with her the night before on their "non-date". Which I found them cute actually. So the specialness she felt from him, in her drunk eyes, was BS and she felt played. She looks like she gonna be a hot mess, so welcome to 9Mag. If the story line wasn’t so fake I would be worried about Charmaine going to jail. Who comes up to their job and when they get justifiably fired says I don’t accept that. GTFOH! No, literally he should have said GTFOH. LOL I wish she would try and come back on the premises. Baby, when you are fired from a place if you come back after they told you not to return that’s trespassing and you can get prosecuted for that. I actually LOL when they asked Lily “what are you trying to open?” because she was so drunk she thought she was twisting off the cap to liquor bottle because I have done that before LOL Side note - Some of the artwork at the "Obama" gallery was actually impressive. There were a couple I wouldn't mind owning (but not Lily's LOL)
  6. Beth, you had your chance at a talk show and it failed, stop trying to be the host of the reunion. Ramona and Sonja have a bad habit of when someone is admonishing them they tend to try and talk over the other person. So frustrating. Reminds of the phrase “If you are talking you aren’t listening”. Also another pet peeve is this whole “I am sorry I hurt your feelings” or “I am sorry you feel” … that isn’t an apology! I don’t need you to be sorry for my feelings I need you to be sorry because what you did was wrong and say exactly that. Simply and plainly.
  7. Joimiaroxeu, I don't think Issa is greek because I am sure it would have been mentioned in passing in some way shape or form. I took it as being a "woke" moment of the Women's March on Washington or some other march. Also, just realized that it is Tiffany in the Truth anti tobacco commercials LOL I see you.
  8. Love the "Oh we going this way" quote when Issa just merged into to group of folks passing by. Gotta love that talking out loud to no one to justify what you about to do LOL and yes I have done something similar (hangs head in shame)
  9. I gotta give them credit they raise the bar on ratchedtness every week, kudos! That being said – What the holy hello-kitty did I just watch?!?!? I can’t imagine Ryan would be so sloppy that he and Cat would do anything in the bathroom knowing that there are cameras all around. The liquor was flowing freely so maybe…. The convo on the deck was hella suspect though. For me bottom line – could care less so you crazy kids do you! Ashley and Don – siggggggghhhhhh SMH Don is a disgusting boy child (can’t even call him a man) but he was actually behaving himself on the trip then enters insecure, mentally unstable hurricane Ashley going off on him not having a shirt on. WTF?!?!? Gurl you need to be concerned about him f@cking other people let alone some shirt foolishness. Ashley just wants to argue for the sake of arguing just so she can say loudly “I AM YOUR WIFE”. Phor, Kat and washurname - good for Kat for sending back the flowers but I think it was a shitty thing to do to send them directly to washurname, yes send them back to the shop and if she came across them so be it. Or if you wanted her to know about it and not be shady write a note saying something to the effect of woman to woman I think you should know that your man sent me these flowers, unsolicited. There is nothing going on between us but you should ask Phor why he would send these to me, because I don’t know. That being said, washurname is cray cray, like bunning burning, stab you in your sleep crazy. I literally LOL when she slapped Van’s girlfriends drink out her hand. Was like damn, what she do to you? Charmaine just nasty and messy. OK ya’ll got your feelings out and boxed it out and now ya’ll besties again but did you ever address the issue to begin with?!?!
  10. I think Luann will be fine and recover from this. What I have observed from her is that she mostly stays cool under pressure – that countess training! I think she will give the situation some air before she starts the rounds on E! and the like. I predict she won’t give any details, does the whole” didn’t work out wish him the best” and segue into the “I am strong woman who picks herself up and dusts herself off” mantra. You won’t get any tears, she won’t admit that getting married was a bad idea and she will take the lumps from the rest of the HW and keep it moving.
  11. I agree, @Luckyroll3, totally a dick move and passive aggressive. Whats up with these people wanting to be the boss but still hiding behind some weak mess (looking at your Ryan Black Ink). To me it is a faulty argument from the jump - not signing a female artist. Shouldn't it be not signing ANY artist? If the rationale is about focusing on Lyrica wouldn't signing anyone distract from that? Focusing on the female side makes me give a side eye that its more about keeping A1 away from other women. THese shows have a tradition of side chicks being made in the studio. I need to watch it again but I remember the incident with the manager woman and Lyrica going down differently. I thought she said something to the effect of (paraphrasing) You (A1) are saying one thing and You (Lyrica) are saying something different. We should let you guys talk and get on the same page and we can address this at a later time . Manager woman had a good point, they do need to get on the same page. That's when Lyrica went off for no good reason and yes, I agree the artist did seem to enjoy causing the drama between Lyrica and A1.
  12. Jesus take the wheel, the transmission and the emergency brake actually Jesus smite these heathens and turn them all into a pillar of salt and let the church say – Amen So Solo Lucci is a thing, like an actual real “recording artist”. OH MY He looks like an undernourished something …like whatever he is was taken out of its cage too early. The THOT MAMMAS can go, like call an uber, hitch a lyft, get off my screen. Lyrica needs to get a grip. I understand that she wants to finish her project and yes she should put pressure on A1 to do so but be realistic. Your music, as it is not out yet, aint making ya’ll any money. A1 was right you need to ride the wave in this business and make money when you can. I am so tired of people on these shows not being able to communicate clearly. I can understand Lyrica’s not wanting A1 to be distracted by another artist when her project is almost finished. All you have to do is say “we can bring on new artist but you need to understand that A1 won’t be able to give you his full attention until after my project is done, are you OK with that?” That way you put it on them to make the decision and you don’t look like too much of an asshole. I wonder is Lyrica is in a rush to finish her album before they break up because I don’t see them lasting.
  13. Glad we actually have some dancing and looks like it could be a promising season. Just two nitpicks :-) Kaylee and Mark. I wanted a better showcase for her talent. The vibe was off visually. Her outfit/costume did her no favors and in fact I think detracted from her performance. Kaylee has a masculine demeanor (not that it is a bad thing) but combined with an ugly dress all on its own and her hair color it made a visual statement that was hard to get beyond to see the dancing, at least for me. Cyrus didn't bring anything out in her. Mark. Ughhhh, he represents everything I hate about millennials - the attention hogging, camera mugging. If he is gonna be like this every week he will annoy me even more. The best thing about his performance was Comfort. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. In hip hop she is amazing. Able to be both feminine and hard at that same time and flow between the two seamlessly. She overshadowed him so much but he is cute and the voting public will love him. I would need to see what he can do in other styles. He won't leave soon but when he does I will be happy
  14. Watched a program over the weekend where thru records they make a provable claim (historical records) that Edward VI (Lizzie's daddy) was actually illegitimate. Church records show that Ed's daddy was not even in the country during the time he was conceived making it more plausible that he was the result of Cecily's affair with an archer. With Edward not being the legal heir by birthright they explained that Maggie (Margaret Pole) and her children were the true heirs and they tracked down the living heir who lives in Australia. Interesting stuff. If that were true there would have been no Henry VIII (England may still be Catholic), no ELizabeth I, no Victoria, no current royal family.
  15. Watched a program over the weekend where thru records they make a provable claim (historical records) that Edward VI (Lizzie's daddy) was actually illegitimate. Church records show that Ed's daddy was not even in the country during the time he was conceived making it more plausible that he was the result of Cecily's affair with an archer. With Edward not being the legal heir by birthright they explained that Maggie (Margaret Pole) and her children were the true heirs and they tracked down the living heir who lives in Australia. Interesting stuff. If that were true there would have been no Henry VIII (England may still be Catholic), no ELizabeth I, no Victoria, no current royal family.
  16. See, If I were the new receptionist, I would have calmly said to Van and Danielle that I had instructions from the boss that you should not be on the premises. If you don’t leave I will be calling the police. Nuff Said. It is way above your pay grade to deal with their bs. Wait…Ashley and Don didn’t have the religion conversation before they got married? How shocking because they are such a thoughtful and introspective couple. Also, and it could have been editing, I notice that Ashley conveniently forgot to mention that her actions caused the fight when talking to the minister.
  17. It is going to be LIT tomorrow with Mueller impanelling a Grand Jury. The chatter will be off the hook! Mueller serving up Khallessi GOT realness
  18. Although it was expected I am slightly surprised that this happened so quickly. Whatever was the straw that broke the camel’s back must have been serious because I figured that she would at least stay in the marriage for a year at least to save face. How many think that the marriage was kaput a lot earlier but she kept it under wraps until after the Reunion was filmed? Oh everybody, cool. LOL I guess next year’s storyline for Lu will be the public dragging that Ramona, Sonja and B will give her. Regarding her “abdicated” title. That’s gone for good. I am pretty sure that Lu commented on this in some fashion last season. Being that she married into the the title when she married Tom she relinquished her claim to it forever and no takesy backsy. A defrocked countess with no penthouse, no yacht, no Palm Beach. To quote RHOA – How Dreadful
  19. It was incredibly uncomfortable to watch Sonja be a messy drunk. I can’t say my opinion of her decreased because quite honestly it isn’t that high to begin with but to see her spreading her legs in her bathing suit, grabbing her crotch and being sexually aggressive to the other ladies (in the creepiest way ever) was too much and vulgar. I am glad that Beth and Dorinda were able to settle their argument. I like their friendship and from B’s reaction I felt that her hurt was due to her genuinely liking Dorinda and theirs being a real friendship.
  20. Yes BKnista, I was getting tired of Charmaine getting tagged every episode and from the looks of it so was she LOL And another thing How Danielle gonna come up in the place and say she not fired and she taking her job back?!?!? LMAO I can see the meme now with Danielle on some ole Aunty Maxine shit "RECLAIMING MY JOB" but you got fired and shouldn't be here "RECLAIMING MY JOB" Ahhhh they tickle me so....
  21. I literally did LOL at the exchange between Luann and Ramona That is why she will always be the COUNTESS in my book. It wasn't so much her saying "Well, until you fuck things up again" it was the laugh afterwards in Ramona's face. Sooooo Shady Luann was giving you Mortal Kombat realness - WERK! I was on my sofa like:
  22. OK SEE.... I think I am out (Hmmmm how many times have I said that...) Did Danielle REALLY have the O-dacity to fix her mouth to say "WE DON'T DO THIS GHETTO SHIT" in the fight between Cobra and Charmaine? GURL that's ALL YA'LL DO IS GHETTO SHIT. Hell, ya'll are the wikipedia page of ghetto shit. WTF. Also, note to Charmaine - you got some fighting practice in. I see you girl.
  23. Unfortunately, none of us will truly know what the original proposal for starting the shop and who was in the conversation. The admin staff aside, I can only imagine Van, Phor and Kat being in this convo as they are the talent. The reason I lean more towards Ryan’s perspective is because it makes more rationale and legal sense. If there are no contracts or anything in writing that states there are multiple owners/partners then legally (if Ryan’s name is the only one on the lease) Ryan is the sole owner. Now in the “court of the streets” it may be seen differently. It’s known that Kat is working on her own brand and her willingness to leave 9Mag to pursue it tells me that she doesn’t consider herself an owner . Yes, she might have been one of the initial tattoo artist and Ryan more than likely phrased his pitch for her to join him with words like “our shop” and “we can build an empire” but that doesn’t mean she is an equal partner. Same goes for Phor who stated himself that his music was his priority and I recall (fuzzily) that he had to “get permission” from Ryan to change his status from a full time tattoo artist. That doesn’t sound like an owner. Finally, every staff member (with the exception of Van) has said or acted in a way that they saw Ryan as the boss so I don’t see why now that he is acting like one they have a problem. Van is a more complicated situation where I do think there possibly may have been more of a verbal agreement of partnership but if nothing was put in writing somebody is shit outa luck. Looking at you Van #sorrynotsorry I would like to know how they are structured too. Is it set up like a salon or barbershop where the talent pays a booth fee and they personally keep the clients tattoo payment. The booth payment would go to the business expenses – rent, supplies, merchandise, all the party supplies, and any profit after expenses goes to the company. If that is the case then in the scenario that Ryan is the sole owner, then that is his money. It seems like Van has an issue where he feels that everyone is part owner and feels that the profit that went back into the business he and the other owners are owed their cut.
  24. I am gonna need somebody Hell, ANYbody to take a business course. How you gonna feel you a co-owner in a shop when you not providing any papers to that effect? Yes, it is Ryan’s fault that he let this “family business” culture BS last too long but, (looking at Charmaine, Danielle and Van) that don’t mean everyone is a full partner and considered an owner. Changing the locks was a petty passive aggressive move on Ryan’s part. He could have at least let everyone who wasn’t there when the locksmith changed locks know so it wasn’t a surprise. I agree not everyone should have a key but Ryan, the receptionist/office manager for sure. Maybe Van could get one if he is the most senior staff member but everyone else NOPE. Ryan just should cut everyone loose and build up the business and staff it how he sees fit from the ground up. Charmaine and Danielle really need to shut their mouths because they aren’t artist Ryan can find a trained monkey to do their jobs. At least Phor and Van have a skill. I see Charmaine is still up to her ratchet tricks, now she taking them to the radio station. Charmaine has a college degree and has worked in a corporate environment so she should know that her stunt with her man in the booth was unacceptable. Her boss’s point (I think) was that her man stopping by the station wasn’t a problem; the problem was bringing him the booth while she was in there in the middle of doing her job conducting an interview which she put on pause to make out with her BF. That is unprofessional and disrespectful to the guest artist. Don’t get me started on the eye rolling etc. when she spoke with her boss in the hall it was too much. I would have fired her right there on the spot.
  25. See, this is why Ramona will never improve or change her behavior. I was so pissed when Ramona said Beth did the right thing by inviting her to the tequila trip. NOOOOO the RIGHT thing would have been for Beth to stick to her guns and not invite Ramona on the tequila trip for her 1st day heinous room selection behavior alone not to mention all of the past examples of why Beth doesn’t want to be friends. Even in that moment Ramona feels that SHE is the victim and Beth is at fault and in the wrong. NO YOU WERE WRONG RAMONA! She is insufferable and the ass kissing was sad.
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