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Everything posted by madpsych78

  1. I had to check the ages of the four youngest Rodrigues children. Olivia (far right) just turned 11, Sadie (tie-dyed blond) is 9, Sofia (in front of what looks to be Renee) is 7, and Janessa (in front of Hannah) is 4.
  2. I did that European trip in 2003. First flying to London, then to Italy (Rome specifically).
  3. It is Jana. And in the ice cream shop type place, there was a guy there that I couldn't quite make out who he was, although he looked like Caleb Williams to me.
  4. Actually three of the four choices weren't in the picture. Tim, Kaylee, or Philip. Only Renee was in the picture.
  5. My gut is saying that Josh would have probably had those same curiosities about younger girls. The difference is that in a "normal" family his parents would have sought help with a licensed mental health professional rather than within their cult. The cult essentially positively reinforced Josh's behavior.
  6. According to WOACB (not sure where she got this from) Boob was involved with IBLP since 1976. Mary was instrumental in introducing that to the family. Then Boob got Michelle involved when they got together. It doesn't sound like they were really deep into it until the 1990s though.
  7. Jana moved to the back, not Jinger. My understanding was that this brother was insinuating that he was trying to break free and seemed to be supporting Jinger, but then backpedaled. To be sure it is really unusual for any immediate Duggar family member to contact WOACB. She has only talked with Amy, Dillon, Deanna I think, and Derick. It appears that all of the Duggar sons (except for Justin) live on some type of Boob property. Jackson and Tyler live in the big house. Jana lives in that tiny house, James supposedly lives in Anna's old warehouse, and Anna supposedly moved into the main house. Jason got shafted by living in the treehouse (and even though it's not necessarily made for living in, how in the world did single James get the entire warehouse?). Joe and Kendra live in the log cabin which is the only other entity legally zoned for residential living. Jeremiah and Hannah in that RV behind the big house. Jed/Katey, John/Abbie live on other Boob property outside of the compound. Josiah/Lauren are renting in Lowell, but are looking to move near the main house.
  8. Molly has more similarities with Melissa McCarthy so it would not be smart of the show to make them into Aidy 2.0.
  9. It's absolutely plausible that they went to the Bu-cee's near me. They would have just gotten into Texas at that point, and that Bu-cee's looked really familiar.
  10. It's not about them spouting things about their parents or their lifestyle we already know, it's about them recognizing and acknowledging what we already know.
  11. I noticed that Jill was the only one not looking at exactly the same spot as the others in that picture. It almost appeared to be more to her left rather than to everyone's right.
  12. I am DYING that Lori thought it was Derick. Of course she did. I mean I get it because Jill's the one who has more vocally stepped away compared to Jessa, but Jeremy was soooo much closer to Ben than to Derick.
  13. We'll see what happens in the upcoming years. I respect her thoughts about keeping her kids from the public (especially with the whole Josh thing) even while she is in the public, because she also made a point to mention that they could choose to live a public life if they wished in the future. She talked a bit about her children - her daughters - having choices such as going to college or pursuing careers, which seems to conflict with MacArthur's teachings. While Jinger has stepped away from the IBLP, I think the next potential hurdle for her will be MacArthur and possibly Jeremy. Notice that Jeremy has been minimally involved aside from Jinger mentioning him and showing pictures with him and all that, and I really genuinely wonder what Jeremy really thinks about Jinger's book and these promotions. I would think that Jeremy the famewhore may be experiencing a bit of jealousy because he comes off as a bit of an afterthought. But I would also think that Jeremy the wannabe mega-preacher could see this as a good thing if Jinger is ultimately able to steer others towards "their" way of thinking (i.e., MacArthur's church). Jinger did talk about how others have different perspectives than her though...like I didn't feel like she was trying to "sell" me on anything.
  14. My reaction to that tidbit: Also, careful, Michelle, you almost look like you're wearing pants.
  15. And evidently there have been other visitors and Josh has been friendlier and more engaged with them than he has been with Anna. Not surprised the oldest kids were not interested in interacting with Josh. Mack and Michael in particular I think are old enough to understand what is up.
  16. Based on hearing Philip talk, I can buy that he is relatively more articulate compared to Timbits. Which isn't a high bar by any means, but Philip's communication skills didn't make me stabby like Tim's did.
  17. Not a big fan of the spelling of the first name. The middle name is cute and fits that she was born on Christmas.
  18. I knew there were eight Kellers, but if I did forget any of them, it would have been David. Until Nathan married into the Rod family, he and David were basically interchangeable for me LOL.
  19. That was my take on James. I found it refreshing that he was not keeping sweet. I'm not sure how much guys in the cult were held to that versus the girls, but at the very least with the Duggars, I could see them being told to keep sweet for the show. All of them, including the guys. It's all about maintaining the Duggar brand, of course. I'm seeing many of them say and do things that probably would have been "censored" in a way while they were still on the show.
  20. I am still reminded of how Josh is not that far from me in the grand scheme of things (even though it's still probably about an hour away). I saw that one of my upcoming patients has a residence in Seagoville (not the prison, just the city). That actually sounds like a pretty good menu on paper. Of course it will depend on how well they cook the food there.
  21. The spread doesn't really bother me as long as they don't have these types of foods all the time. I think that doing it for a holiday gathering is OK.
  22. So is the thing about Timcel courting Jonathan's 18-year-old cousin true or not true?
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