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Everything posted by madpsych78

  1. I've worn glasses since I was eleven. I don't trust the online measuring sites and would rather try on the frames themselves to see how they fit. That said, if the frames are cheaper at Wal-Mart than, say, Visionworks, then I can see how one would get the frames at Wal-Mart and then perhaps bring them to the eyecare site where they could put in the lenses?
  2. Even the pastels of the 80s would have been adding some color without being too overpowering. But while I think Jessa's intent is no-nonsense, it just comes off as bland.
  3. Okay, I have no doubt that there is some racism going on here, but I perceived that the two kids on the far right of the cover were children of color, and they appear to be engaging in innocuous activities.
  4. Awww. In spite of all that goes down with Boob, Jill appears to genuinely want to maintain relationships with her family and friends.
  5. How is malingering or factitious disorder really different from lying though. Even if they are actually doing things to make themselves (or their loved ones if by proxy) sick on purpose, they are still knowingly lying about the cause. That's a really good point.
  6. I will say this. I think the one couple who I genuinely wish did have a child are Michael and Brandon, because I feel like it's something that they would have really wanted but couldn't have.
  7. All this talk about California makes me think about The Californians sketches from SNL. Can you imagine if they parodied the Vuolos?
  8. Here's the thing. There are several levels. 1. Carlin's seizures are due to neurological problems, in which case she would most likely be diagnosed with epilepsy. 2. Carlin's seizures are NOT due to neurological problems, but instead are psychosomatic. That doesn't mean she's faking. That just means the seizures don't have a medical cause. In that instance she would likely be diagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, which is a type of conversion disorder. Psychological symptoms are essentially "converting" to physical symptoms. 3. Carlin IS faking her seizures. In that case, it would be psychological, but not necessarily psychosomatic. It would be a different psychological disorder - either a factitious or a malingering disorder. In a factitious disorder, the motivation is internal - there is some reward to assuming the sick role (e.g., attention) and the individual may keep it up to reap those rewards. In a malingering disorder, the motivation is external (e.g., money). 3a. Or factitious disorder or malingering disorder by proxy, whereas it would actually be Evan with the psychological problem who is making Carlin sick. I feel like several of these options are plausible, but I think the least likely is #1. My husband had two seizures four years apart and was prescribed anti-seizure medications. Even though the EEGs never showed anything, the neurologist after the second seizure did give an informal diagnosis of epilepsy even though it was not totally confirmed. I feel like the doctors would first jump to epilepsy as that is the best known, and the fact that it was never confirmed nor denied to my knowledge makes me think it's the least likely possibility. In my opinion, I think it's most likely #2, but I think #3a is a dark horse possibility. If you watch the videos, Evan clearly dominates.
  9. Charli has had ten years of competitive dancing experience. Dancing with Derek
  10. Not a surprise. Honestly, the bigger surprise is that Justin and Claire are still not expecting, as far as anyone knows.
  11. When I lived in New Orleans, I learned that most natives typically try to avoid the French Quarter. I'm sure it varies from town to town. That said, I suspect that most of those people who live in those resort towns don't play it up on Instagram or other social media the way Jeremy does. ETA: It took me a while to realize that BSB does not equal Backstreet Boys in this context.
  12. Only Jeremy can act like a tourist in the city where he resides.
  13. Louis Van Amstel is back? Was not expecting that one at all!!! Charli D'Amelio looks to be the ringiest ringer that ever rang, even more than Jojo or Heather Morris. I mean, she freakin' danced with Derek and Julianne!!! Based on who is listed so far, I am team Wayne Brady all the way. He is absolutely a delight. He's got great musicality, so he's a comedian who might actually experience more success compared to other comedians. I'd love to see him interact with Alfonso. That being said, I'm not sure it's enough to get me to stream on Disney+.
  14. Speaking of Bontragers, I learned yesterday that Sarah Maxwell got married on 8/20/2022. Chelsy (Bontrager) Maxwell evidently posted pictures on IG but they're private.
  15. Yeah, I tend to think FF = Fuckface. It would be factually incorrect to state that Josh is thin, so when I think of "fat" I think of it as factually describing where he's at in terms of weight. With that said, his weight is not the characteristic he has that defines his despicability.
  16. Didn't this come up as an issue for Timbits? His school tried teaching a different version of the Bible? Wasn't that how or why he left?
  17. I mean, James Austin Johnson plays Trump now (and pretty well I might add), so we don't need Baldwin. I'd like to see JAJ doing more than just his Trump monologues though. Like be in an actual plot involving the FBI raid. The challenge may come if there is a story involving Trump vs. Biden. JAJ currently plays both of them right now. The other big challenge is filling in all of those politician roles that Kate McKinnon played since she played a bunch of them. I would imagine that Andrew Dismukes at least would be moved up to the regular cast (not sure about Punkie), and I could see him taking on roles like Jared Kushner, Beto O'Rourke, maybe even Ron DeSantis. I think a great idea for a sketch might be to explore whether Ron DeSantis is the alias of Tucker Carlson as I tend to confuse them all the time!
  18. I think that's the only half brother. I believe Katey also has a half sister. I think Jeremy's brother is liberal as well.
  19. Hopefully when Jill D is feeling better she'll post about what Israel is doing in second and even what Sam is doing in kindergarten. I suspect it will be much more appropriate as well as adequately challenging.
  20. As much as I was pleasantly surprised that Michelle went to help out the Dillards (even though I think most of the estrangement was with Boob rather than Michelle), I'm trying to picture her helping the boys get ready for school. I hope, hope, HOPE she is abiding by the Dillard rules in that respect.
  21. Evidently the mirror ball trophy is Mickey Mouse-shaped as well. Ugh. I like Disney as far as a place to go, and I don't even mind Disney Week, but this is just way too much.
  22. As much as y'all don't like WOACB, she put her own video out there indicating that there is no proof that Jana moved out. She actually went to try to verify the information and didn't find any type of proof.
  23. The highlight of that video was Henry. He does appear to adore Fern, perhaps more than Ivy or Spurge.
  24. To be honest, I thought Jeremy was actually more in his element when he was preaching about Josh Duggar on that podcast. Even though this was just about their house, I actually wasn't that impressed with how Jeremy carried himself in that video. Lots of "ums" and what not. I actually thought Jinger presented better, and I was really surprised at myself because I thought it would have been the other way around.
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