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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Claire is going to somehow convince Wyatt to pretend to be the person who bought the accelerant and planted it. How is that supposed to work? Isn't that poor store owner going to have to come back down to the police station and say it wasn't Wyatt?
  2. The actress playing Hayley Chen is Thia Meghia, from American Idol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mswF0jkO7TM Hm. Don't know why the video didn't show up.
  3. Xander and Nicole are still alive, and they will be back.
  4. Jack looks like he's going to be a bad guy? Hope has to choose between the two worst guys on the show, huh?
  5. Texas Tech's all-red uniforms are ridiculous.
  6. No, I know, I was just wondering if HAM is still a thing.
  7. They actually made that poor store owner come down to see them instead of visiting him in his store? Uh, Ben, you don't know the story about Tripp kidnapping Kayla and threatening to kill her?
  8. Is HAM radio still a thing? I heard an ad today which I am attempting to keep out of my mind because I was so traumatized, in which one of those girls with a screechy voice was "'singing" about "Krees-moss".
  9. A really excellent fan film about Snape and the Marauders that I really enjoyed.
  10. It suddenly occurred to me today that Meghan is schizophrenic. She criticizes Trump for his handling of the press, she doesn't like that he criticized her sainted father, but when somebody brought up Beto O'Rourke's name as a potential Democratic candidate in 2020, she laughed hysterically and said "Bring it on." So is she pro- or anti-Trump? Does even she know?
  11. I would probably not root for the Marauders, they were assholes.
  12. Since we were preempted, did Kate drink the doctored tea, or was she smart enough to switch cups before she left, expecting that Abby would switch them?
  13. I cheered out loud when Whoopie told MM to stop taking when Sunny, the prosecutor, was trying to explain the law concerning grabbing something out of someone's hand is actual assault, and MM was whining, "Then the young woman should be arrested."
  14. They confused me by jumping from the morgue scene to Will coming in with Susan. I was suspecting it was Kristin. That court clerk who told Abe about John and Marlena is a bit of a busybody. Why is Ben doing this stuff for Chad? What does he get out of it? Why does NBC have to interrupt Show every freaking day?
  15. I'm glad Angelina got called out for pretending to know military strategy when it's her husband that's in the Marines, but I wish it had been to her face. They were calling Elizabeth "the chaos", so there must have been something about her that they didn't like.
  16. I wonder if Rex and Sarah will be working at Salem Hospital together. Even Susan admits that the talking doll was crazy. "Dump your pathetic ass?"
  17. Meggy actually said "The cast is died" today.
  18. DOOL is saying that, as Paul leaves the show to go do rehab with his mother's help in San Francisco, the fans will "get a glimpse of Paul's romantic future".
  19. Dear Judge DiMango, please enunciate. It's ELK HUNT, not EL KHUNT. I swear that guy who went through rehab was stoned. Why did they let them go on and on with the father stuff, that had nothing to do with the case? What happened to all of the preview stuff of the guy going off, or looking like he was about to fall down, or whatever they were trying to convey? Didn't that guy say he couldn't lift a rifle because of his surgery? Yet he's going to go hunting again? Huh?
  20. Carla's father was never identified, but I don't recall there ever being any indication that he was white.
  21. "I am beginning to understand your sense of humor.' Right. Sense of humor. Belle pretending to be the caring sister is bugging the hell out of me. At least they brought up the Sami trying to sell Belle thing. I repeat. All the DNA test can prove is that the person in the wraps is a son of Susan, not that it's EJ. Unless they included Stefano's DNA, and even then, it would only show that he is the son of both of them. The baby Bonnie story is involving so many different characters, it's good to see the old style writing. Roman's blasting of Rex was appropriate. "You didn't use protection, doctor"? Ouch. Poor Lucas. Nobody is supposed to touch EJ, but they just leave the door open for anybody to come in.
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