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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Just about the same time as Josh Harder was giving up the big homer to Jean Segura, past tweets of his came out which he has rushed to delete and make his Twitter account private. https://www.sbnation.com/mlb/2018/7/17/17584666/josh-hader-tweets-all-star-game
  2. And Jeanine Pirro will be on tomorrow auditioning for the Attorney General's job which she has already said she wants. Joel McHale pissed me off with his comments about ComicCon being nerdy people wearing costumes. ComicCon is MAJOR media event. Television producers, movie producers, video game producers come and hold panel discussions with all of the stars of their shows holding Q&As and showing first viewings of their shows or at least trailers of their shows. People all over the internet wait breathlessly to see the trailers online, and to watch the panel discussions. It's a huge event. And yeah, it would be impossible to get a hotel room in San Diego during ComicCon week.
  3. Woah! Troye Sivan! Not to mention Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Edgerton and Flea.
  4. Wow, Chad is stuttering even worse than usual today. I guess Jennifer doesn't know that Brady tried to frame Eve for Deimos's murder. Shouldn't there be a police officer involved in custody transfer as well? Aw, poor Stefan is in pain. Yesssss, Gabi!!! Is Jennifer going to bring Brady down?
  5. He is Brady's lawyer, not Eve's. He's also an agent of the court who is bound not to allow crimes to occur if he knows about them.
  6. Why did Chad keep pounding on Kate's door? After the first three times, maybe she wasn't there? Wow,Eve, wow, Justin, you're both just going to sit there and let JJ ruin his life like that? ooh, Gabi, I love how you're setting Gabi up. Well done. :D Did Theresa really spend all that time with a drug lord without using drugs?
  7. The story behind Drake Hogestyn's injury last year. It was a brain injury. https://soaphub.com/days-of-our-lives/drake-hogestyns-life-threatening-injury-changed-everything/
  8. Today's Sacramento Music Circus performance was Newsies. One of my favorite musicals. I just adore the choreography, and I am amazed at how the dancers were able to get this together, considering the last production ended just last week and some of the dancers were in that, as well. Joey Barreiro was Jack Kelly Great voice. Blake Stadnik was Crutchy. According to his bio, he's legally blind, but you would never have known it. he did a good job. Paul Schoeffler, who is a Music Circus veteran (along with Stuart Marland and Ron Wisniski), did a great Pulitzer. Laurie Veldheer was Katherine. I've always thought the role of Katherine was just sort of pasted on to give Jack a love interest, but she has a lovely voice. One of the ensemble, Jimin Moon, who played Henry, is a local high school senior (next year). He held his own, I was duly impressed. The little boy who played Les, Josh Davis, is a Music Circus veteran. This is his third season there I am always glad to see the dance of Newsies. They had to modify it to fit onto the theater in the round, but I wasn't left wanting.
  9. I've seen people saying they predicted the Matheny firing before the season even started.
  10. The Cardinals have fired Mike Matheny, John Mabry and Bill Mueller and have named Mike Shildt as interim manager.
  11. You didn't get to see him naked on "Oz', I take it.
  12. I really disliked Santiago Casilla when he blew so many games for the Giants, and then groaned when he got picked up by the A's. They finally figured out he's worse than useless and have cut him loose.
  13. Reality Blurred: All 18 Survivors could still be in the game at Survivor: Island of Extinction’s end
  14. The Pure Flix company, which is a Christian studio behind the movies like God's Not Dead, has announced they're going to do a film about the Thai cave rescue. I can't imagine they'll throw in the Buddhism and meditation.
  15. "I'm just a drunken hallucination." weird. Hey, Justin, you're an operative of the court. Even if you're Brady's lawyer, you're not Victor or Eve's, you are obligated under ethics rules to let the judge know what you know. JJ, no, you're going to lose your medic certification.
  16. I was just reading an entire Twitter thread about horrid Gabi.
  17. She's always blamed Theresa for breaking up her mommy and daddy.
  18. Did JJ really say that there's no such thing as a witness except in a courtroom?
  19. Does now working for Titan mean Chad can dress down and grow a scruffy beard? Yay, Theresa complaining about Kim and Shane not coming to see her is all of us. Any scene between Jen Lilley and Casey Moss is just gold. Jesus, Eve is the biggest hater in this entire case. What is her problem? Go spend your time dealing with Ben, okay? Those donuts are going to be stale by the time they get to JJ. Victor set them up. Piece of shit. I was rooting for Gabi on Twitter and got criticized for rooting for somebody who's so mean to poor, ill Abigail.
  20. The CDC ad for stopping smoking is running again where the guy pulls out his false teeth to show that smoking ruined his teeth. The thing that totally disgusts me is the sound that he makes taking out his teeth. I cringe.
  21. Rafe, if Ben does anything while he doesn't have his meds, it will be on you. "Brady is your last living link to Isabella." Isn't Brady the only link to her Victor ever had? And, er, isn't John also a sort-of link?
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