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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. James Lastovic is in that piece of trash, "Insatiable".
  2. Today's Sacramento Music Circus production was Mamma Mia! Very much the weakest show of the season so far. Francesca Arostegui was Sophie. She's a Sacramento native and has done a lot of things at Music Circus ever since she was a little girl, but this was her first starring role. She was not very good, neither singing nor acting wise. Michelle Dawson was Donna. Like almost all of the other performers, she does not have a rock singing voice. None of the up tempo songs were done very well, but she was really good in "Slipping Through My Fingers" and "The Winner Takes it All". Those were the best moments of the whole production. April Nixon was Tanya. Her "Does Your Mother Know?" was a show stopper. Jodi Kimura was Rosie. Her comedy was good. Trey Ellett was Harry, Eric Petersen was Bill, and Eric Kunze was Sam. I've seen Eric Kunze several times, and he has a decent voice, but not great acting chops. Trey Ellett has a really good voice, and his "Our Last Summer" was great.
  3. Abby Huntsman, new co-host of The View, has a record of excusing bigotry and shilling for Trump https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2018/07/26/abby-huntsman-potential-new-co-host-view-has-record-excusing-bigotry-and-shilling-trump/220802
  4. The work Camila is doing in Atlanta is working as a recurring character on Season 3 of the series "Star". I wonder if she sings.
  5. Nobel Prize winning author V.S. Naipaul dies. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/08/11/v-s-naipaul-nobel-prize-winning-author-dies-85-family-says/969067002/
  6. Mark Kanemura is going viral. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/rainbow-wig-dancer-viral-pride-carly-rae-stage?bftw&utm_term=4ldqpfp#4ldqpfp
  7. Why does it always take so long for those NBC clips to start playing? Ah, I found out why. I had Ad Block on. But NBC's warning to turn off the ad blocker was in black on a black background. I didn't find out till I started clicking around and some of the words in the warning got highlighted.
  8. Kiss him, Chad, kiss him! I bet that Chad putting his arms around Sonny's neck was all Billy. Er, Gabi, it's none of your business inviting people to stay at the Kiriakis mansion. JJ really should not have told Abigail about Chad and Gabi. This was not the time. Rafe and Hope are the most boring couple imaginable. Weird ending for a Friday.
  9. I went through several Abby Huntsman tweets, and nothing political at all. It was mostly shilling her Fox & Friends show, her new kids' book, and her family and friends.
  10. It's weird that Rex and Mimi will both be coming back at the same time.
  11. A panel of Pentatonix's parents at PentaCon.
  12. "When we were making out you were thinking about Ben." "Not like that." Come on, it was so like that. What is that thing that Kayla has on as a matron of honor? It looks like a quilt.
  13. I follow Margot Kidder's nephew, Orion, on Twitter. He came to my attention when he went after certain celebrities for commenting on his aunt's death, who he thought should keep her name out of their mouths. He's a professor at the University of British Columbia.
  14. Sigh. I saw a story this morning that said that Whoopie is demanding final approval on all guests.
  15. After appearing in Mama Mia Here We Go Again, Cher has announced she'll be releasing an album of all ABBA covers next month.
  16. The part of that ad that I hate the most is the Dad making the kids pledge not to put their mother into a care home.
  17. The current Mark Trail comic strip has the Zuni doll for some reason in a Central American pyramid.
  18. Jesus, Hope is a terrible person, trying to use a personal relationship to get Ben sent back to the mental hospital. Wow, JJ, no need to be all bitchy about Chad and Gabi talking. Let's see. The SPD Commissioner is harassing a citizen because he's hanging out with her daughter, and her number one minion is harassing him because he killed his sister. Do they have no cops who don't have conflicts of interest? Ben is homeless but he has a cell phone? So it's Eli's fault Lani ran to him for sex after she found Gabi in JJ's bed? How does Marlena make money? She does a lot of free counseling.
  19. Wow. Bribe your kids to eat their dinners. Great parenting.
  20. Ah. I didn't associate Valerie with Val. :)
  21. Camila tweeted that she's staying in a hotel while working on a project in Atlanta. I know she's re-signed, so I guess they'll have her go away for a while.
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