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Everything posted by HerkyJerky

  1. The idiots in charge, I think. 🤷🏼‍♀️ What is TIA? LOL
  2. I’m watching the credits (because now I HAVE to apparently 🤣) and I noticed one of the guest stars was named Anoop Desai. I thought that name sounded familiar & I was right: he was on American Idol back in 2009! (Glad to know he did something with his music! Lol)
  3. Was that Danielle in the background of one of the pics in the People article?
  4. This is one of my favorite all-male dances!
  5. No offense: But that is NOT what I came for!
  6. JoJo to Carter: "That was my favorite SYTYCD hip-hop ever!" Me: ARE U EFFIN' KIDDING ME? EXHIBIT A:
  7. Another thing that Nutmeg said that relates to today's show was about climate control. Remember when she was so astounded that people even cared about it? She said it was about #10 on her list of things to care about. How much do you wanna bet that she's bitching to Ben about how hot it is!💥
  8. PPP, considering who your icon is, I guess we know who you would choose!👍😎
  9. Did the 3rd place team always get stiffed? I thought they got a little bit of money (or am I misremembering?)
  10. IMHO, Louise is the best looking but Mia has the best wardrobe.👍😎
  11. https://www.tampabay.com/life-culture/entertainment/2022/07/08/a-tampa-dental-student-is-heading-to-hbo-maxs-fboy-island/
  12. Good point! Twitch did emphasize that the decisions were not unanimous.
  13. Refresh my memory, please. What happened to Jessica King?
  14. Is our team’s next assessment really named Candace Berganza? Why? Was Murphy Browning already taken?😛🤪😎
  15. SD, I too watched this show for Rebecca Rittenhouse but I knew her from “Red Band Society” & “Blood & Oil”. I had never heard of “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (other than the movie). So because of you, I watched it on Hulu & I LOVED it! Thanks!
  16. My personal opinion is that she wasn't there to discuss hot topics; she was there just to do her stand up, which I didn't appreciate.
  17. That was COOL but how come they didn't advertise their best show (well, behind Strange New Worlds), EVIL?
  18. I LOVE Katja Herbers, so I’m trying to see more of her work. Have you guys seen the movie, “The Columnist”? There’s a scene in the movie where her next door neighbor is making a lot of noise while she is trying to work. I won’t spoil it for the people who want to see the movie but it’s not pretty! And I thought of that scene during this episode when her contractors were making all that noise.🤫😡
  19. True but I almost get more annoyed with the guest who seem truly touched by the honor. Dude (or Dudette), she says it to EVERYBODY!!
  20. It’s the middle of the week! Why is this not LIVE?😒
  21. And you know it had to be a last-minute scratch because they announced that she would be there at the beginning of the show??
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