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Everything posted by HerkyJerky

  1. I liked Alyssa's dress also today. That color looks good on her.
  2. I’m Whoopi’s age and I’ve never had it (or not that I know of) but my boss’ father, also the same age, was recently hospitalized and they told my boss that if her father hadn’t been vaccinated he’d probably be dead by now. So you never know!
  3. Did they pass over Sunny or did she not want to do it??
  4. From the article: After “Selling Tampa” premiered, radio host DJ Envy publicly criticized the show for not featuring as many sales as its predecessor. “1 show sold no homes….NONE!!! Kind of embarrassing. The other show sells homes. Hmmm….” the “Breakfast Club” host wrote on Instagram in January. Colbert says of the discrepancy, “For whatever reason, they chose to edit it how they wanted to edit it, but we are all active, we are all busy, we all have higher-end homes that have sold, and we have ones that are not higher-end homes that have sold. “We are all active agents. When we were filming, there were deals that were done, but that’s now how it was edited.”
  5. Of all the 5 pastors/rabbi, my favorite was Cole & Zanab’s. The WTF look he gave Cole after Zanab was done tearing Cole a new one was priceless!
  6. How does Daniel not know what “jump your bones” means?🧐🥳😎
  7. Haleth, I totally agree with you! I don't agree with Alyssa at all but (unlike Meghan) she does not interrupt people and she should be given the same courtesy.
  8. Sunny’s son called her AGAIN during the show?? I would think after 10 yrs he would know not to call her between the hours of 1100-1200! 😏🙄
  9. Speaking for us older white guys, we think Sunny is very attractive also! Btw, I might not be a doctor but I’m a lot taller than Manny. (Sunny, call me…😍😎)
  10. Cole & Zanab are just mismatched in their personalities. He just seems like such a goofy, fun-loving guy. When he went into the arena at the rodeo and did his best Russell Crowe imitation by shouting out, “Are you not entertained?”, I literally laughed out loud!
  11. I LOVED St Elsewhere back in the day! LOL
  12. THIS! LOL! Btw, speaking of Bartise, his sister is the one that's HOT (not Colleen or Zanab).🤭😎
  13. SAME! But I'm listening to her duet with Barbra Streisand, "Enough is Enough". GREAT SONG!
  14. May I add The Capture S1 & 2 and The Undeclared War? Great British shows about the misuse of modern day technology and the government!
  15. The editor investigating the owner/publisher? Lou Grant and Mrs Pynchon are turning over in their graves!😏
  16. And then she complained later on about how men only came up to her because she was cute and a ballerina. First of all, you're not that cute and second of all, if that's what you lead with of course that's what men are going to respond to. When Cole (of all people) tried to get deeper, you said you were not sure you could do that.🙄
  17. You and me both! LOL!😏🤭
  18. The other thing that I noticed is that a couple of the panel are wearing different clothes in the group photo than in their previous photos. If the promo shoot is all at once, shouldn't everybody be wearing the same clothes? Or if the group photo was taken at a different time shouldn't EVERYBODY be wearing different clothes? (Aaah, the things that keep me up at night!🤪)
  19. I had read an article that said that rinsing dishes actually decreases the efficiency of the detergent in the dishwasher. So I told my SO that one side of the dishwasher I'm going to put dishes that she had rinsed and on the other side I'm going to put in unrinsed dishes and, no surprise, she couldn't tell the difference afterwards.
  20. I worked in a hospital back in the day. TPTB approved the filming of surgeries but the doctors revolted against including audio. So I'm sure they talk a lot of shit that they don't want outsiders to hear!😎
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