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Everything posted by gonecrackers

  1. Still all I see is a burrito kid; hat covering hides it all. He's cute though! That's a lovely picture.
  2. Just curious why some think he's LP; all I see is a cute little burrito baby. Are there pics of him elsewhere w/o the newbie garb? They must know by now but I'm glad they're keeping to themselves at least right now & hope they can just enjoy him. Was the birth filmed? I'm hoping not. I'm so over TV births.
  3. I feel so sorry for Sabrina's kids & hope they're safe. I also hope she doesn't have anymore, whenever she gets out.
  4. She actually said ' it's crap, but...', so she was acknowledging that they said it was best, however, she didn't want to do what was best; she just really had no other choice. It's beyond stupid to be on a reality show when she's having these major issues in her life. She probably has no other source of income but really, talking about all this on camera shows she's not in her right mind.
  5. It's easy to keep popping them out when others are taking care of them. Jeremiah hardly ever sees his kids - can he even pay child support on all of them? I don't know about others but I couldn't leave mine to go fair hopping selling donuts & filming reality TV in FL for months at a time, so Carmela isn't working too hard at parenting either. If they have one they'll be divorced shortly after most likely. The worst thing you can do with marital problems is have a baby. And she already has to deal with Jeremiah treating her like crap. That certainly isn't going to get any better with the stress of a new baby. I haven't seen this epi yet & am sorry to hear Sabrina's rights were terminated. That seems extreme to me; she's not in her care & she's a newly recovering addict who will slip. Maybe it's because she's making excuses & not taking responsibility, because that would not impress a judge or those watching her. This isn't looking good for her life. I wonder what happens to the new one then. The Florida trip thing is just a ratings ploy but it's downright stupid & I'm sick of Mary's antics. She says she 'loves' being Amish but it doesn't go beyond cooking & costuming. She certainly doesn't want to live by their rules, constantly disses them on TV, & could care less about making her husband's life a little easier who could easily be shunned thanks to HER. So she's not 'Amish' & does not want to be 'Amish'. She's a very selfish, immature old lady who looks & acts like a fool.
  6. Carmela does blame everything that goes wrong in her life on the cult - no personal responsibility needed in her life, ever. I doubt Sabrina is high because her doctors would pick up on that, & she's on a med for heroin addicts to keep her off, presumably. Anyone on a med would be monitored. She'd also lose that kiddo pronto after birth if baby's in withdrawal. Sabrina speaks like she's emotionally stunted. I know they've said here she had good parents, but, I wonder about something having happened to have her go off the rails so much in her adult life, maybe not at home, but with someone, somewhere.
  7. The woman with lung cancer was on this morning again; the follow up with her marrying. I didn't realize she has since passed away; how sad. I'm glad she got that chance to be on the show. I do remember the other as well; very touching stories. We definitely need more of that; it's such garbage lately. There have to be many deserving people like them who would give the show (& the business) some substance. I can't imagine why they have to push the crap envelope for ratings now. The show is probably going down.
  8. Sheila's tears & troubles are real, but her over the top sullen moods might be producer driven for that 'extra'. It seems ridiculous to me that anyone would sulk that much with someone she just married & who doesn't know her at all. There was one shot of her after the ping pong disaster when in talking to Nate she spoke quietly & without tone; it was downright disturbing. When these people, who are not actors, try to do what the producers want, they tend to go way over the top, so I am hoping that's not totally real. I don't think Cody is that interested in Danielle at this point; he's very unsure & I can't blame him. He said he feels like he's 'forcing it' & has to 'change' for her, & that bothers him. It's good for him to be bothered by that & I think he's right. He's not what she wants & it's a disservice to both having put them together.
  9. Random ... Anthony's hair when he wakes up is quite funny. My favorites so far - the snail, the lizard, & the horses... oh, & the sharks. They were there, just, camera shy.
  10. Nate's immaturity was showing, as well as a disrespect for Sheila's feelings. I do give him credit for apologizing & hearing her out. She may grow him up but it could be a bit painful for her while it's happening. I wished she could let loose to enjoy activities with him but then again, someone that competitive with someone he barely knows makes it more obnoxious than fun. Her sourpuss annoys me even though I get it. How can someone not smile at a horse? Guess it's just me there... I did feel terrible about her wanting someone to love her when she's not easy to love; even teared up a bit with her. I don't think Nate had a clue what she was talking about. At least he listened; maybe some bells will ring further down the line for him & he'll start to get it. I still don't see Anthony as hideous or Ashley as stunning, for that matter. I feel looks-wise they're evenly matched. People see others so differently & that's interesting. He seems like a brighter bulb than Ashley, whose life is way too focused on baby making (could be editing there). Ashley can & will enjoy a baby at 40 if it takes that long. Right now my concern for her is she just wants the kids. Once that happens will she still be into her husband or will he become the disposable sperm donor? Time will tell. I feel badly for Danielle & Cody; they're both feeling uncomfortable. I think Danielle is trying & doing her best but she can't make Cody something he isn't. I was concerned about Cody saying he wants to hang back a bit & that they're not seeing eye to eye. Either he's clumsy & insecure or it's the editing, or, it's just being with Danielle. I think being with an older, more mature woman who is comfortable with herself & knows what she wants is not helping him at all. I agree with another poster that maybe he needed someone to actually grow with together. I think this is going to be awkward watching them play out this season.
  11. Yes & true. She does seem to be trying so hard to impress him though. He's getting a lot out of her - sex, food, (screen time) - will she do his laundry next? I guess it's just me but I'd not be pampering so much. She may feel quite used when it's over (I think it's a 'when' unfortunately). If you are out 'in tact', so to speak, then way to go! If you've been cut down, or have self esteem issues, there's a risk of choosing the same kind of relationship, if not worse. Yeah for real. It struck me when she said he always catches her off guard, like having her over to talk about the new babies, but then throwing things she should've done by now at her. From what she said this is how he operates. I would just say 'send me a text' & be done with talking to someone like that.
  12. I really don't like Mary anymore. She's just too over the top with her 'look at the old Amish lady do this' for shock value story lines that are just getting more stupid. Bringing cookies to the gym? Yeah, okay. Driving a Trans Am? In her Amish garb of course - whatever. The Tupperware story line is comedic. If the lady really wanted her business around town there why fuzz her face? More likely she works for production & they can't have her recognized. I have to FF past Jeremiah & Carmela as I find them both so annoying. It's doubtful to me that Sabrina's doctor would've even sent records to a midwife knowing the meds she on & that home birth was not an option. When Sabrina talks she sounds rather dim. She can find a good nitch for herself & it doesn't have to be with the Mennonites necessarily. But she has to try; she seems drawn to things/people that are bad for her. Lawyers & doctors don't have 'super sperm'? Only wife beater Harry? Gee he must be a special one Sabrina...
  13. Yeah. It's a rather loose dress but she really doesn't look preggers. Seems like they're still together, which would be nice. Guess we'll see!
  14. I don't think Chris is particularly attractive, but that's in the eye of the beholder. I agree with all who said his character would be most important thing. I think his never being married is a bit of a red flag, but I'd have to know his story & hear from others who know him well before making a judgement. I don't see Amy with a 'rage' issue either; maybe she just doesn't hold back. I'd rather that than the passive aggressive crap. I also wish she had countered Chris with some issue of his own. Either that wasn't shown, or, he didn't ask for her input. If he didn't ask, that's another red flag. And I would be concerned he's wanting someone who won't share uncomfortable feelings with him, which would not make him good relationship material. Amy is definitely acting too 'wifey' with him. She just came out of a not so great marriage & really needs time to get her self esteem in order as it sounds like years of Matt have torn it down. But I'm still suspicious this is all a set up story line. It just seemed to happen too fast & too easily.
  15. I did not like Matt's comment either; what a very selfish thing to wish on his grandchild. Tori's pregnancy complaints are her own. It's way too individual a thing to be imposing on someone else, as in 'they don't tell you the bad things'. "Bad things' are everywhere - everyone has a story & is willing to tell it. But it's not necessarily everyone's experience.
  16. As much as I'd love to be right (LOL) I wonder if they'd let her be so obvious right now while the show is still running?
  17. It's not bad or dirty; it's just something that is reserved for marriage & is actually supposed to be quite special - even sacred - in that regard. But Sheila doesn't seem that conservative to me, & she mentioned she had sex but it was quite a while ago. I doubt that any religious issues are her problem. I had a friend in high school who was very repressed, even prudish, but she didn't come from a religious or Christian family; it was just her. People of every walk of life & faith etc, can have their issues.
  18. The threesome was really messed up. If the wife really has a mental disorder the husband & gf are totally taking advantage. I don't care if the wife suggested it; she's not in her right mind. What if, hopefully, she actually gets the help she needs & realizes the mistake here? If her husband really loved her he would've gotten her all the help she needs. I agree with others who say she'll be pushed out entirely. I worry for her long term. The ice chapel was just odd to me; not my thing. It also really made it difficult to have a nice entrance, slipping like that.
  19. I'm not so sure it's her religious background affecting in that way. She's obviously not that conservative - she's doing this show, she dresses scantily & on TV, she drinks alcohol, she talks about not having had sex ('it's been a while') so apparently she has, & discusses orgasms, or lack thereof, on TV for all in her circle to see. Just because she believes marriage is forever (commendable), & feels this process has been ordained by God (not so sure on that one but okaaaay), I'm not blaming any overly conservative background here. Her personal problem is most likely her own (& should've stayed personal). I agree on that. He's willing to relax with her; he just wants a little fun too. She could lighten up a bit & drop the sour puss, which I'm thinking is at least somewhat producer driven since it's so over the top. ITA with all of this. I think Danielle is the one who got the bad deal this season.
  20. Yeah I was wondering that too since we certainly don't see everything.
  21. Maybe Sheila needs to create "adult time" like that one Arranged wife did with her hyper man-child hubby.
  22. I admired how Nikki smiled at Dr. Now & was pleasant & friendly, even when she was consistently disappointed she wasn't ready for skin removal surgery. She never pouted or felt sorry for herself. Her resolve after her friend died was amazing too. That surgery looked scary & painful, as did the recovery still ongoing. She's got a great family; her healing seemed to bring them all some healing. She has such a great relationship with her brother too; that must make her parents so happy. Great episode; very happy for her.
  23. I re-watched it today & Danielle told Cody when they were in bed that she would like him to be physically assertive - or something like that. She definitely used the world 'physical', & it was obvious to him what she meant because that's when he began explaining that he wanted it to happen when the time was right, blah blah... She seemed quite deflated by his attitude. She should probably just keep hanging back & take this time to get to know him, talking & doing other activities together. There are other ways to be physically tender as @wings707 mentioned. She wants to jump right in there but maybe they need to break the ice slowly in other ways. Maybe he'll start initiating more eventually.
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