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Everything posted by ladle

  1. Why do I for some reason get the sense that all of those flashbacks are staged/re-enacted? Is she, though, so far? All I see is multiple people realizing that she's being untruthful/shit-stirring and no one really calling her out on it. I reserve judgment until the infamous barefoot running scene, of course.
  2. I'm sorry, I know it's a serious issue, but Kris's little educational lecture on the history of blackface was pretty hilarious. Also, anyone else watching this trainwreck OnDemand? They have the scenes interspersed with little PSAs about parenting done by Kris. I wish I were joking.
  3. Kudos to the poster who came up with "part-time father, full-time asshat" to describe Kody. It's really such an apt characterization.
  4. Am I missing something? I'm from the Northeast, so maybe my perspective is different from the Brown's, but those looked to me like only a few flurries-- not exactly the storm of the century. Why were they so bent out of shape? Plus, it's not like they needed to be outside of the RVs for an extended period of time. Wtf? Robyn's kids made me sad in this episode. I tend to see their overeagerness to fit in as a coping mechanism. It can't have been easy to join this big new family (in which the other kids are all biologically related and have known each other their whole lives) and have to start calling some strange guy "dad." I flinched when Christine said that thing about how as pligs, they like getting stuff for free-- considering their sordid history of bankruptcies and defrauding the state. Oopsie! The Kodemeister also made him apologize to Truely. Huh? Also, Robyn mentioned later that she was happy to see Ysabel happily playing on the grassy knoll because she'd had such a tough day. Double huh? Just because her brother called her "stupid"? Maybe there was an element of the altercation that we missed? To be fair, this could sum up the entire show.
  5. But then there was that episode in which they went to that historical village and Christine got all bent out of shape because one of the characters questioned how they could be polygamists and Christians. So they have definitely self-identified as "Christian" before.
  6. Jenelle said the word "damn" this episode. Is that okay in their faith?
  7. Oh my gosh, yes, I was just coming on here to post this! They said something about how cute it would be if the little girls wore feathers like the "dancing girls" in Vegas. (By the way, have they learned nothing from that Vegas episode of Dance Moms??) My immediate thought was "That's sick" but then it occurred to me that maybe they are so sheltered they don't even realize the nature of those Vegas shows/how inappropriate that is? Otherwise I'm stymied.
  8. Actually I had a root canal that led to an infection and a couple of years later I had to have an extraction and now I'm missing a rear tooth! Hmm...Too bad they can't extract Robyn.
  9. 1. It would be so much easier to get behind anything they're doing with their business if the very concept of the business were not so, so, so very fundamentally (no pun intended) stupid. I realize this has been said before, but what the fuck is the market for plig-themed jewelry?? Honestly if they were hawking toaster ovens shaped like sharks I would find myself more squarely in their corner. 2. I actually think Kody is sort of right in that he's not really the "decision maker" for the family. I think that to the extent that anyone is, Kody is (cf. the Vegas move), but it's not unilateral. Someone made the wise observation on TWOP way back when that it seems like the only way these marriages could "work" (i.e. function) would be if there's someone who's the final arbiter/decision-maker, and that can't really be any of the wives, so it needs to be the husband. I do not buy into the whole "man should be head of household" nonsense AT ALL, but purely from an organizational perspective, this seems to make sense in a plural marriage. The problem with this family is that it does everything by committee, and it's really hard to effectively run a family or a business that way. Then again, Kody is an idiot Man Child, so maybe they'd be in even worse shape if he were making decisions. 3. To the extent that I care about this business plot at all, man, they suck at this. 4. What the hell is all over Robyn's shirt in the talking heads? Paramecia? Vaginas? 5. Who are these 500 people who are purchasing their joorey??? 6. I don't know anything about professional therapy so perhaps someone can enlighten me, but is it really a therapist's job to help you with your business plan?
  10. 1. For a brief, shining moment during this episode, I thought Robyn was actually being sensible. Then I realized she was saying she couldn't have a baby...until they got some additional help with their Sisterwives' Closet business, not that she couldn't have another baby because they are five adults with exponential offspring and zero viable means of support outside of the rapidly-drying TLC gravy train. So boo. 2. There was a moment during this episode when Kody said something particularly douchetastic and for a brief, hilarious second I thought all of the women were giving him the most prolonged, weariest death-stares ever. Then I realized my computer was just frozen. 3. I don't hate the idea of Meri going back to school but I'd rather she discuss it in terms of potential for getting a decent job/income, rather than as something she's doing "for me." (See point #1) 4. I have no particular love for either Meri or Robyn but I kind of did a Nelson Muntz "HAH-Hah!" when I realized Meri was bailing on the useless business venture. I can see the cobwebs gathering in My Sisterwives' Closet already... 5. I know what you mean...I tend to give Janelle (maybe unfairly?) the benefit of the doubt, though, because I think that even if she did attempt to get a prospectus together she has no real power in this relationship and attempting to wrangle those four other chuckleheads to agree on any aspect of it would basically be futile. (Also, I don't think she has any real interest in starting this business. At all.) But another thing that bugged me was the way they were dressed for the meeting. Jeans? Really? Nothing about them said that they took any of this seriously.
  11. Or a canary diamond ring from the Bravo prop closet... I take it you haven't read "No Scratchy the Woody: Vicky Gunvalson's Guide to Comportment"? Is it wrong that I only keep watching this show in hopes that one day the tide will finally turn and everyone will gang up on Tamra?
  12. Must be my post-partum hormones, but damn if Devyn finishing didn't bring a tear to my eye. There was some weird editing with that, though. They kept showing the rest of the group celebrating being at the top, and then they would cut to Devyn by herself at the top of the mountain. I wonder if they had let the others go home by the time Devyn made it up? The flashback to the Sam incident and Zach getting his comeuppance was the single best thing about this whole season. Is it just me or did one of the teams have Oaxaca north of Vancouver? Just wow.
  13. So what happens to her partner in the third leg if Devyn doesn't make it to the third leg?
  14. Apropos of nothing, but in the scene where they're all looking at the volcano and talking about how it's due to erupt, like two separate guys have their hands in their shorts scratching their junk. Gross.
  15. I once had a health scare in which my organs began shutting down and my blood could no longer clot. I was in the hospital for five days. I'm not a physican, but I feel pretty confident stating that it's highly unlikely they kept her 9 days for a migraine. You'd think she'd fess up to the eating disorder, no? Another excuse to play the martyr. If she can blame it on Dean's cheating and/or the papparazzi, all the better!
  16. Ok, can anyone shed light on "I'm not going to talk about our sex life because a lady doesn't tell, but let's just say 'Donna Martin graduated.'"?? Do they do 90210 sex play in the bedroom? And look, I believe that Dean cheated -- at least the one time, if not many more. I can understand being devastated by that, especially if it's splashed all over the tabloids. But the way Tori's carrying on it's like she was in a near-fatal car accident or lived as a POW. Has she ever copped to having an eating disorder, or is she still sticking with the "I've just always been skinny" narrative? Sigh. On the plus side, at least Stella is getting some attention. I kinda feel like that kid kind of gets lost in the shuffle -- Liam gets a lot of attention, Finn is the baby, Hattie seems to have a cute, outgoing personality, and Stella seems a bit more withdrawn and forgotten. I hope I'm wrong.
  17. So glad I was able to catch this trainwreck on On Demand. It's always nice to have something mind-numbing to watch while home with my infant (I like the emotional maturity of my viewing companions to match the emotional maturity of my reality stars). I just wish I had initiated a drinking game where I took a shot every time they said "Chopped: Canada."
  18. I didn't understand the "twist." Had no one asked before what would happen if the two winners were unable to arrive at a consensus? This confuses me too! And, in general, why aren't they keeping the weakest players around to compete against in the finale? Full disclosure: I didn't see the first few episodes of this season. Maybe these things would have made more sense to me if I had? And Leroy could "literally see the challenge winnings."
  19. I loved the little interspersed scenes like Vicki with the "chitty chitty bang bang" (holy inappropriateness, Batman!) and Terry talking about his brother. I'm probably in the minority, but I think this show is at its best when it simply focuses on people who are varying shades of crazy interacting as they would in daily life. I find the manufactured screeching tedious. When is it Tamra's turn to have everyone gang up on her? She has deserved it so many times, and it has never come to pass. Either she's touched by an angel or she's really, really, really good at playing the game. This was my favorite thing about the whole episode. (Nelson Muntz: "HA Hah!")
  20. On the plus side, at least Vicki is actually calling Asian people "Asian people" now, as opposed to whatever offensive term she previously used while pulling her eyes into slits. So that's something.
  21. Is it just me or was there a lot of lowering of the fourth wall this episode? E.g. the thing with the swing and the camera guy, and then someone in the boat said "Stop, I'm mic-ed" during one of the splashing incidents. Have they ever done anything like that before? This show was always a breath of fresh air, but it's devolving into screeching and borderline assault. Sad to hear about the new contracts. I thought he was kind of being an ass. And I don't even like Sonja. He literally laughed in her face. YMMV, of course!
  22. At one point in the episode, my closed captioning just said "[ overlapping arguing ]" for a while. That pretty much sums it up.
  23. Lord knows I love the hamminess of this show, but that last few minutes was pure unintentional comedy. "I don't need to be saved!" Haaa!
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