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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. The Stand is worth a read and the miniseries is great to watch. It's what made me a huge Stephen King fan.
  2. I actually think his idea of making two separate films was an interesting idea. I'm rolling my eyes at the studio concerns about Poltergeist using a clown in their advertising. The clown's not the reason the movie didn't meet expectations.
  3. Frank Darabont has the rights to The Long Walk but hasn't gone forward with it. I do think it could be adapted with creativity like what Danny Boyle did for 127 Hours. Plus, intercutting what the tv coverage for something like that would be could be some awesome dark satire.
  4. This is the place to post fan made material you want to recommend to others. I made a video dealing with the whole Barry/Iris/Eddie triangle and wanted to share it.
  5. There was a show called Prey about a dangerous new species of humanity that I was totally hooked on. The last episode ended with a devastating cliff hanger.
  6. Kevin Costner's love interests have been at or close to his age mostly. The only time I remember a major age difference was in Draft Day. I remember he said that they wanted a younger actress for Dancing with Wolves and how he fought against that. So Hollywood might push the older man younger woman thing but an actor with clout could resist if he wanted to. I know Cary Grant could be resistant to having love interests he felt were too young even though he dated younger women in his personal life.
  7. I made a multifandom video that includes Dylan and Emma.
  8. I made a multifandom music video that includes Jack and Ianto.
  9. A&E posted a Mother's Day tribute to Norma.
  10. I feel like Dylan/Emma are necessary because it's the only place where hope is possible since all the other characters' outcomes are known. That's what appeals to me about them. It probably won't end well because so much danger surrounds them, but the fact that happiness for Dylan/Emma is possible even slightly reduces the bleakness of what must happen next for Norman and Norma. Bradly was a tremendous mess of a person. She was vulnerable and lost. It's so sad that she was murdered by someone she felt she could trust. I do think the writing for the character didn't always work making her more plot device than fleshed out character.
  11. It's been so sad to what Norman's progression from awkward guy who still could make friends to someone so isolated that the delusional version of his mother is his closest relationship.
  12. There's something very wild west about White Pine Bay and Romero is the kind of lawman that's required for a corrupt environment like that. I think that interpretation is what allows me to get past his violence. So far he hasn't attacked any innocents and so I can still see good in him despite his aggressive casual use of violence to solve problems. Norma is surrounded by monsters in White Pine Bay and Romero's the monster who makes her feel some sense of safety. I think they are both messed up and would be too much for others to handle which is why they are drawn to each other. Although there are times this quote comes to mind when Norma and Romero interact: "You were meant for me, perhaps as a punishment." Norma finally gets that Norman needs serious help, but it's too late because Norman has reached the point of no return where he has embraced delusions as his reality. I did appreciate the show pointing out how finances can be a factor in a person getting the best mental health care. The money issue is how the writers will delay Norman getting help allowing the show to continue for another couple of seasons. It almost seems too soon for Norman to be this far gone. Will Norman's further binding himself to the Mother delusion somehow make him able to pretend to be well enough to fool Dylan and Norma into thinking they have more time to save him? I feel like Dylan's been trying hard to resist his feelings for Emma for Norman's sake while at the same time not being able to help being drawn to her. I figured he'd never make a move on Emma, and she'd have to be the one to make the first move to romance. It was lovely that their first kiss was basically both of them going for it at the same time. Normally, I'd be against a brother dating his brother's ex but I can't help rooting for Dylan/Emma. They are such good people, and Norman never cared for Emma like she cared for him which she finally realized. Dylan genuinely sees her and wants her.
  13. Because it's known what will happen with Psycho there's this bleakness to Bates Motel since we know what will happen with Norma and Norman. It occurs to me that Dylan and Emma are the only part of the show where there's any hope. Their fates are unknown, and I just want those two to survive. I want the last shot of them to be hopping in a car and getting away from the dangers around them. I feel like they are the biggest hearted and most nurturing characters. It's why I root for them, and it may be their downfall because they won't walk away to protect themselves. They will stand by those they love even if it endangers them. Unfortunately, there's so much that can go wrong. Emma's health could take a horrible turn, Dylan's criminal history will likely endanger them, and then there's Norman whose response to Emma/Dylan being together could be deadly. What will happen for Dylan/Emma in Season 4? Will Chick go after Dylan? That seems certain. How will Emma respond when she inevitably finds out about Dylan's $50,000 bribe to get her to the top of the transplant list? How will Norman react to Dylan/Emma? I'm curious about how Norma would feel about it. Would she be happy for Dylan or angry on Norman's behalf? Edited to add: I noticed that the song playing on Dylan's radio when Emma's father called to get Dylan to find Emma was . Was that supposed to mean something or was it a random song choice to play in the background?
  14. I love the Nicholas Brothers work so much. Those splits down the stairs are just amazing to watch. There's a great sequence in the movie Tap where elderly dancers including one of the Nicholas brothers show off how great they still are. Tap did such a great job showing respect to dance history. Unfortunately, I could only find a tiny bit of the scene. There's also a lovely rooftop dance scene that's very Fred and Ginger.
  15. Oliver & Felicity | "You Changed My Life" (3x20) Oliver & Felicity || "I don't regret a single moment" (3x20)
  16. A&E is pushing Dylan/Emma. I can't resist that ship. Still Norman is a major issue between them.
  17. Romero really annoyed me with his sense of entitlement over Norma's secrets. It's not like he's cataloging all his crimes for her. Instead of testing her, he should just tell her what Bob told him. His not warning her about what Bob knows is a bigger betrayal than her not telling him Norman's secrets. I do think Norma has some culpability for any crimes Norman commits once she knew he had violent blackouts. She knows he's dangerous and has chosen to cover for him. She's made keeping him with her a priority over getting him the help he needs. He's getting worse and not better. He's not competent to make the right choices for himself anymore. Maybe in the earlier seasons but not anymore. I'm on the fence about Dylan's culpability. He seems more realistic about Norman and has been trying to get through to Norma about it, but he hasn't pushed the issue as hard as he could. As a brother, could he go over Norma's head to get Norman committed or as the mother does Norma have all the power over that? Still I don't blame Norma and Dylan for all Norman's actions. He has major issues that I don't think are anyone's fault. Still if he got help immediately there would have been less damage to others and Norman himself. I got a kick out of both Dylan and Emma protesting too much. Dylan making a point that Emma's not his girlfriend while Emma insists she's not looking for romance while both of them are both have a thing for each other. That phone conversation and the way the both couldn't stop smiling showed so much about how they really feel for each other. I just want those two to have a happy ending but that won't happen with them both entangled in Norma and Norman's drama. They need to seriously hightail it out of town to have any chance at happiness. I'm wondering that since the gun run when horribly wrong if Dylan would end up selling the farm in order to get that money or come up with another criminal scheme. Or will the fallout from the gun run cause Dylan major problems leading getting Emma's money to be impossible? And how would Emma react if she knew what Dylan was up to on her behave? Would she be touched or revolted with the hospital bribe? Maybe a combination of both feelings?
  18. I made a second Arrow vid. This one focuses on Felicity.
  19. Oliver & Felicity | The Lovers That Went Wrong (3x20) Oliver & Felicity | "The Boy Saw the Comet"(+3x20)
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