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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. With the right writing and chemistry a romance that gets serious quickly can work extremely well. That's the problem with the latest Hallmark movies because the writing isn't strong enough and sometimes the leads don't have enough of a spark for me to buy the lead pair ending up together.
  2. I wanted to share an old Angel/Cordelia video I made.
  3. I always assumed she'd die right before the final episode. So it was a shock the writers killed her at this point.
  4. The deaths of Tessa and Richie on Highlander were really heartbreaking. Richie's was especially tragic given the circumstances. Duncan was basically tricked into murdering him.
  5. I was really annoyed that Arya wasn't on her guard. I wonder if she will end up with the acting troupe. The actress who plays Cersi owes Arya one. Sansa doesn't know how to be a team player. She should discuss the Littlefinger situation with Jon before asking for help. Littlefinger will use Sansa's request for help to demand whose knows what in return. She's committing her brother to a debt without his knowledge. Although she might be able to twist things. After what happened with Ramsey Sansa could argue that Littlefinger owes her his army as a debt. I loved seeing Bronn and am excited at the prospect of a Brienne/Jamie reunion, but they are on opposing sides. It's going to get ugly. Blackfish's willingness to risk Edmure's life may work against him. Jaime is the first person since the Red Wedding to show Edmure any respect by demanding he be treated better. Edmure might feel bitterness enough at being abandoned to die by Blackfish to give Jaime inside information on the castle defenses. Jaime may just need to get one man in there to destroy the food supplies that Blackfish made a point of mentioning.
  6. In general the 70s soundtrack was well used and a wonderful reference to the book.
  7. I loved Wedding Bells. Too many of the latest Hallmark movies have leads who have little or no chemistry and a rushed relationship where they only end up together because the script demands it because the movie didn't do a good job of building the relationship between the couple. What I liked about Wedding Bells was the lovely spark with the leads and that the movie took the time to show the audience why they would love each other. I also liked that in the beginning of the movie when they disagreed it wasn't handled melodramatically. I liked the low key slow burn to romance. My only criticism was the break up and the make up/proposal. I would have preferred they stay together for a while as they tried to make it work through their busy schedules leading eventually to a proposal and move to the inn. I feel like Hallmark keeps having these cliche break ups only for the leads to rush back together for the ending. The conflict always comes off as so contrived.
  8. Family Guy best moments - Back to the future George McFly. I cracked up at George dealing with Martie looking exactly like Lorraine's Prom date.
  9. I just remembered there's a movie called Hump Day about two straight friends who decide to make a porno
  10. I'm pretty certain Margery will destroy the Sparrows from within. She knows how to play the long game. So, it looks like Jaime and Brienne will be reunited which I'm thrilled about. I loved their dynamic. Still, they will be on different sides of the Tully/Frey conflict. They will be pleased to see each other on the one hand but their bond will be strained. Brienne and Tyrion are the only ones capable of inspiring Jaime to be more than Cersi's lapdog. He defied Cersei by helping Tyrion escape and by sending Brienne to protect Sansa instead of sending someone to kill Sansa like Cersei wanted. Jaime's story may improve by Brienne reminding him he is capable of more or he will prove to be incapable of severing himself from Cersi's influence. I only really find Jaime interesting when he's with Brienne or Tyrion. Also, I'm dying to see Jaime's reaction to Tormund awkward courtship of Brienne. Arya's time with the faceless wasn't a waste. She's learned how to fight will a lot more skill and most importantly she's learned how to control her temper. Now she is deadly and less likely to be impulsive. If she can be coldly calculating her chances of getting revenge improve. Still ,I'm disappointed. I thought A Man was intentionally trying to teach Arya to find herself, but it turns out he did just want her to be a nameless assassin killing anyone for a price.
  11. Coffee Date Todd's brother decides to play a prank where Todd thinks he's meeting a woman for a blind date but his brother sends a guy named Kelly. They end up really bonding. Todd decides to prank his brother back by taking Kelly home and making look like they hooked up. This has the consequence of the brother blabbing to anyone who would listen and everyone believing Todd is gay no matter how much he protests. He forms a close friendship with Kelly which further confuses the issue because people take their spending time together as proof of Todd being gay. Movies where a straight guy explores his sexuality are rare. Men being sexually fluid is something that doesn't get explored enough. People have this idea that men are straight or gay while people seem to be more accepting of women being sexually fluid.
  12. There's no Norma/Romero thread. So, I wasn't sure where to share this. I made a Norma/Romero video dealing with her death. Always
  13. I made a new Oliver and Felicity video Hard to Say I'm Sorry
  14. The Meaning of Flowers - Five times that Oliver gives Felicity flowers. Pre-Olicity
  15. This episode was devastating and creepy. If you go back to watch Norman in season 1 and then this episode his downfall is just heartbreaking. If only Norma had told the truth when Norman killed his father defending her. They both could have been saved. I wonder who Norman could have been if Norma had let him get help sooner and hadn't worked so hard to keep him too close for so long. The effort to keep them together doomed them both. I felt a lot of sympathy for Romero. He truly loved Norma, made her happy, and recognized the danger Norman posed but could not save Norma because she wouldn't accept the truth. He knew something bad would happen and was unable to prevent it and that has to be eating him up. Dylan will probably have the same feeling if/when he finds out. At first I was shocked that Romero didn't call Dylan but then it occurred to me that since Romero is on the warpath, he'd want to keep Dylan out of it. Dylan would want Norman committed, and Romero wants Norman dead. I don't get how the police could be investigating and not contact Dylan even if he changed his number. It wasn't a secret where Dylan was going and the police have the resources to find him. Plus, I doubt that Emma and her father won't keep up with what's going on in White Pine even though they moved away. They've only been gone a couple of days. Maybe they won't get in contact right away but at some point they will find out Norma's dead. Still, I hope Dylan and Emma get to keep their happy ending of getting out of Norman's dangerous orbit.
  16. Top 10 Unexpected Dance Scenes in Non-Dance Movies Top 10 Dance Scenes in Dance Movies
  17. I'm torn. I hate the idea of the show continuing another season without Norma who is an incredibly frustrating yet compelling character. Still if she's revived next week, it will be a cop out. Norma was warned repeatedly and refused to listen to the truth. Her reaction to Dylan finding the erring makes it clear she knows exactly what Norman is capable of and still she wanted to cover for him, lash out at Alex and Dylan, and let Norman stay home despite the danger. There's a narcissism there when she talked about Norman being the same as her and how he'd never hurt her. It's almost like she's saying that she's willing to to be blind to Norman hurting others because she believes she's safe. Her inability to see Norman as a separate person from her was her doom. The repairman can testify that Norma was warned about the furnace and an investigation into what happened would reveal that someone had to deliberating close all the vents in the house except the one in Norma's room. Will Norman frame Norma? Will he claim that Norma's note to Alex was a suicide note and that Norma tried to take him with her in death because of fear that Dylan and Alex would take Norman away from her? I could see Norman laying a guilty trip on Dylan and claiming Dylan contributed to Norma's "suicide." What will the psychiatrist think? Can Norman fool him into believing that Norma was suicidal? Or will it be assumed it was an accident with no one being suspicious of the closed vents? Alex and Dylan will definitely be suspicious. Still what happened doesn't fit the violent impulsiveness that Dylan and Alex had witnessed. I'm trying to figure out how Norman could get away with this because it's too soon for Norman to get caught.
  18. Darling heart, I loved you from the start - For Oliver Queen, the soul mate mark was a curse, at least until it was a blessing.
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