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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I didn't realize Freddie wrote this episode. He did a great job. The build up in the tension was so well done. I'm in total agreement about wanting Dylan/Emma to just escape before something happens to one or both of them.
  2. I was extremely worried when Norman had the axe. I just don't think anyone can reason with Norman at this point. I'm glad that Romero gets that Norman is dangerous now, but Norma still refuses to really accept the danger even though there have been moments when she feared Norman. The end is near. We've hit the point of no return. Things can only get worse. The only hope is Dylan and Emma and the chance that they can get out unscathed but with Chick wanting vengeance and what Norman did to Emma's mother hanging over them I'm anxious. Will anyone survive what's coming? I think the show is setting up how Norman could kill Norma and Romero and get away with it. With authorities closing in, people might expect Romero and his wife to flee or get killed by Romero's enemies.
  3. As inappropriate and disturbed as Norman is, I think he had a valid point about Norma keeping him too close all these years. She helped create this dynamic and has outgrown it, and Norman feeling abandoned makes some sense. Of course, Norma isn't abandoning him but trying to make room for Romero, but Norman isn't capable of feeling anything except threatened. I feel like Norma has gotten healthier as Norman has become less healthy. I love the pairing Dylan and Emma so much and want them out of there. Norma/Norman are the sinking ship and Emma is Dylan's life raft. I'm worried something will happen to make him stay, and it will be his doom.
  4. I think the actor playing Ramsey has tremendous range. His characters on Misfits and Vicious are completely different from each other and from Ramsey, and he plays each one really well. My ability to disconnect the actor from the character of Ramsey probably stems from my seeing him as Simon on Misfits first. I wonder what I would think of him if I'd seen him as Ramsey first. Arya's story is working for me. She's very strong, stubborn, impulsive and has been using her desire for vengeance as a survival crutch. It makes sense to me that it would take a lot of training for her to become a disciplined assassin. Tyrion as the Dragon Whisperer was such a fantastic scene. I can't wait to see what the long term consequences of Jon's resurrection will be. Will he be different now?
  5. I remember watching that. It was such a star making moment. I remember Madonna accosting him backstage in the middle of an interview afterwards because he'd made such an impression in his performance. Pink's Glitter in the Air Performance is one of the most memorable ones I can remember. I think my favorite Grammy moment is when Aretha Franklin filled in for Pavorotti at the last minute.
  6. Reluctance - Resistance - A chance remark at her wedding leads to a change in perspective for Gwen, and thus for Jack and Ianto.
  7. I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread dedicated to Norma and Norman and their dysfunctional dynamic.
  8. Sam completely ignored the parameters of the challenge again and still didn't go home. His look had nothing to do with the art he selected as inspiration. He put the minimum amount of effort in it; counting on his charm and storytelling to get a pass. He consistently will ignore the challenge in favor of making what he feels is easiest for him and gets away with it. I can understand Ken's frustration over Sam completely.
  9. I made a new video featuring Dylan & Emma as well as Norma and Romero.
  10. You can find The Love Letter on the Halllmark Hall of Fame website. The dvds are expensive but you can find older hallmark movies that are difficult to get elsewhere.
  11. I feel that no matter what Norma did Norman was going to be mentally ill. It could be genetics (Norma's mother was mentally Il) or it could be environment (growing up in an abusive household). It may be both. The area where Norma has culpability is not getting him help sooner.
  12. This is how I see it too. I don't blame Norma for Norman's mental illness but for how she handled it and the dysfunctional dynamic she fostered with him.
  13. Things have been going so smoothly for Dylan and Emma with even Norman being happy for them. So of course, Dylan finds the stuffed animal and letter just days before he was going to be out of this mess. I really was annoyed with Norma taking her anger at Chick out on Dylan and then trying to make Dylan feel guilty for moving was just terrible. Then at the end, I was so relieved for her because Romero was so supportive. I don't think we've ever seen Norma be as honest with anyone as she was with Romero. They really are this wonderful match, and it's painful to watch because it's all doomed. That's the thing about Norma, there are moments I really don't like her and other moments where I'm completely rooting to her. She's such a complicated character who can be horrible and sympathetic at the same time. She's a complete mess of a person for reasons that are understandable given her upbringing, her brother's betrayal, and her abusive marriage but she's also can be an example of resilience. Still, she' has wronged Norman by treating him as a pseudo husband and hiding his issues rather than getting him help sooner. Now, he's killed multiple people and reached a point of no return. I don't blame Norma for Norman's mental illness but do think she deserves some blame for how far gone he is. Although, I do appreciate the show pointing out that mental health options for people without means are problematic. I think Caleb's going to return, and it's going to be terrible. I wonder if Romero will go after him for hurting Norma. As awful as Chick is, he made a valid point about how selfish it was of Caleb to beat up Chick and then take off not knowing if Chick would be willing to hurt Dylan in retaliation. That's the thing about Caleb. I feel like he thinks of himself like when Dylan and Norma were telling him to go away and he kept hovering around. He carelessly tells Chick he's Dylan's father. Right when Dylan's depending on him, Caleb takes off leaving Dylan to deal with the nasty Chick fallout alone. Caleb does this sad sack "woe is me" thing but will thoughtlessly cause damage. He seems pathetic but can be dangerous in surprising ways.
  14. Smoaking Billionaire fics are my guilty pleasure. I don't know why since Tommy and Felicity never interacted before he died, but the combination of Oliver/Felicity/Tommy intrigues me. We Found Each Other In The Dark , Pillow Talk I wonder if Earth 2 Tommy is alive and what kind of dynamic he and Felicity would have.
  15. I made a new Oliver/Felicity video. It's my fourth attempt. I've been really struggling to be motivated to finish because I'm so unhappy with the show lately. This show got me back into making videos after a really long hiatus and so I am grateful for that. Still, my enthusiasm for the show isn't what it was. I really hope things improve.
  16. I had no clue she was offered Ghost, too. This makes me think about how John Travolta turned down both American Gigolo and Chicago and Richard Gere ended up with those parts.
  17. Of course, Caleb introducing himself as Dylan's father instead of Uncle is having horrible consequences. It was really thoughtless of him. Norma's probably going to have to tell Romero the truth about Caleb and I'm very curious how Romero will respond. Would he kill Caleb even if Norma doesn't want that? I'm loving Dylan/Emma and their growing intimacy. Norman using Emma to sneak a call to Norma really showcases why Emma broke up with him and fell for Dylan. For Norman, everything is about him and Norma, and there really isn't room for anyone else. Even though Norman is aware that the rift between Norma and Dylan has been repaired, Norman still talks as if he's Norma's only family. Norman desperately needs to Norma's shoulder to lean on and can't handle her leaning on anyone else for support. His response to Norma's marriage is going to be intense. Norman becoming Mother was eerie. I don't see how we get to the Norman of Psycho unless Norman fools the doctor into clearing him or Mother eliminates the doctor. He knows way too much to release Norman at this point but at the same time law enforcement has basically cleared Norman of murder. So the doctor knows a lot but doesn't yet know how dangerous Norman/Mother is.
  18. Is the show planning on a Disney World episode? This picture ended up on my facebook wall. It seems to be sending a message about the resolution to the Riley/Lucas/Maya triangle.
  19. Rick who is white and Michonne who is black got together on the current season of The Walking Dead with an overwhelmingly positive fan response. There are fans like me who been rooting for this romance to happen for years. I hope this shows that interracial pairings can work on more shows. I gave up on Sleepy Hallow half way through Season 2. The effort to push Abbie out of the lead position and push forward Katrina was a big problem to me. It wasn't about shipping because I would have been fine with Abbie/Crane being romantic or platonic. It was about being invested in Abbie and realizing the the writers weren't. Plus, I feel they undervalued the importance of Abbie/Jenny's storyline. I was more interested in the sisters' history and dynamic than in Crane/Katrina marriage/parent drama.
  20. Zach Braff's Birthday Weekend With Scrubs Co-Star Donald Faison Is Just What the Doctor Ordered
  21. It occurs to me that the pictures taken of Norma and Romero at the winter festival could end up being significant. She's made a point of concealing her marriage from Norman. What if the festival pictures end up online or in a newspaper along with a mention of the wedding? I don't know how much access Norman has to outside information, but I could totally see him stumbling upon an article about Norma and Romero especially when Norman is friends with Julian who seems like the type who could probably sneak access to a computer or newspaper.
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