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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I just saw this fantastic analysis of the Ava sessions in Ex Machina. Don't watch if you haven't seen it yet because there are a lot of spoilers.
  2. Jon didn't ask to be King. It was basically handed to him and he was shocked. So was Sansa. How they both manage this unexpected turn will set them on a certain course for good or for ill. Jon is not ambitious for his own sake but for the protection of the people around him. His priority is defeating the White Walkers. What is Sansa's priority? Is holding on the Winterfell all that matters to her? Patriarchy can be so unfair. Jon gets acknowledged for his efforts, but Sansa gets a private thank you from Jon but no credit by the other lords. It can be argued that Littlefinger was also snubbed and also Lady Bear clearly has the respect of the Lords so maybe it isn't just sexism. Sansa is on a path to work subtlety behind the scenes rather than directly probably because she trusts no one and also that's the sort of environment that she's been exposed to during her time at King's Landing. When you use subterfuge, you aren't going to get credit for your contributions. Jon is more direct and what he's accomplished was done publicly. Their different methods could help make them a good team or lead to conflict. Sansa has been the pawn for others for a very long time and is rightly sick of it. She needs to decide if she's going to quietly be a power behind Jon or if she's going to have a more public vocal role in what comes next. Could she carve out a position for herself similar to Lady Bear since Jon is focused on matters beyond Winterfell?
  3. Jon did try talk to Sansa about it during the whole who gets the Lord's bedroom scene. Jon reassured her that the bedroom and Winterfell was hers, and she said it belonged to all them as a unit. Sansa tried to apologize for not telling Jon about the Vale army coming, and Jon responded by telling her they had to trust each other. He's aware that division between them is possible and needs to be avoided. It's up to Sansa now to speak up about any concerns she has. At this point, Jon trusts Sansa, and Sansa trusts no one. I don't see Sansa working with Littlefinger against Jon after Littlefinger handed her over to Ramsey. I could see Sansa playing some political games to benefit herself because she trusts no one except herself to protect her now and that having unexpected negative consequences for Jon or even Bran who she doesn't know for certain is alive. This is Sansa's issue for understandable reasons. Jon has given her honesty and protection. I don't know if there's anything else he could do to win her absolute trust after what she has been through. I do think Littlefinger needs to stop underestimating her.
  4. Littlefinger already miscalculated majorly by leaving Sansa with the Boltons instead of taking her to her brother or someplace safe. I think his plan was to eventually rescue Sansa from the Boltons and play hero to get the Northern houses on his side and marry Sansa to rule. I suspect he was counting on Ramsey being abusive to Sana and using that to get the Northern houses to team up with him in charge to destroy the Boltons. I think I remember a scene where Littlefinger was trying to spread the false rumor that Sansa had been kidnapped from him but that wasn't working since people didn't trust his version of events. He underestimated how much Sansa would resent him for handing her over to Ramsey and how much resentment of Robb Stark's choices had weakened Northern support for the Starks. They didn't get angry over his kidnapping story in the way he was hoping for. Plus, Sansa with the help of Theon and Brienne got away from the Boltons and got to Jon which clearly was something Littlefinger did not see coming. Jon was never on his radar and Littlefinger has an obstacle he had never before given any consideration. Littlefinger believed that Jon being a bastard would limit how far Jon could raise and now Jon has been declared King of the North enthusiastically by people Littlefinger was counting on not accepting Jon. Now the Stark family is in a strong position and Littlefinger's schemes have worked against him and aided Jon unexpectedly. From Littlefinger's perspective, Jon has gained what Littlefinger has been working towards, and I think Littlefinger can do some serious damage to Jon if he isn't dealt with. LIttlefinger won't fight Jon to his face but instead subtlety work behind Jon's back to bring destruction. I do think his next scheme will be to try to cause discord between Sansa and Jon and through Sansa get support away from Jon and towards Littlefinger. Littlefinger is potentially very dangerous and Sansa understands that. Meanwhile Bran is a spoiler Littlefinger still doesn't have a clue about. Plus, Sansa knows about his involvement in Joffery's murder and could find a way to use that information to direct Cersei;s rage at Littlefinger. It would be in his best interest to work with Jon and Sansa and maintain his hold on the Vale but his desire for power is strong enough that I think he'll take the risk of trying for another power play. Although not all of his schemes have worked, he has managed to do a lot of damage to others without harming himself and instead gaining more power. Now I'm concerned about Brienne because she offers Sansa protection and Littlefinger most likely would prefer to be the person Sansa goes to for safety. I don't like that we saw where everyone else was except Brienne and Pod in this episode. I wonder if Littlefinger has done something to delay or even prevent Brienne from getting back to Winterfell. Is she in the Vale as a prisoner or was her exclusion in the finale just an oversight? If Littlefinger goes after Brienne that could have consequences that Littlefinger doesn't see coming because Brienne can defend herself and if harm comes to her Jaime will go after Littlefinger.
  5. I made a multifandom video that included Rick and Michonne.
  6. I made a new multifandom video that includes Oliver and Felicity
  7. I made a new multifandom video that includes Dylan and Emma.
  8. Cersei's options are limited. Her best allies were the Tyrells, and she's murdered most of them. The Frays are useless to her now and the Boltons are dead. I can't think of any houses currently who would work with her. Dany's on her way with a large army, 3 dragons, and allies who are gunning for Cersei. The Lannister fortune has dwindled. I think she may have to at least consider alliances with people like Euron and Littlefinger out of necessity.
  9. Littlefinger is very dangerous. He agreed to help Ned but instead sided with the Lanisters. He married Robin's mother and murdered her. He helped murder Joffery with Olenna. He's probably planning for Robin to have an "accident" the second Robin becomes difficult to control. He is capable of going after Jon to eliminate any threats from the North. He manages to shift alliances without harming himself. I do think he eventually planned to rescue Sansa from Ramsey when it suited him politically to do so. Then through marrying her control the North. Sansa escaping with Theon and Brienne's help, and Jon ascendance to King have blocked his plans. He underestimated how hostile Sansa would be towards him for leaving her with the Boltons. He seems to be trying to cause a wedge between Jon and Sansa. Now he's a wildcard because his original plan hasn't gone as expected. That's why I think a Cersei/Littlefinger team up is a serious possibility. It's another path to get Littlefinger closer to the Iron Throne and Cersei has no allies left. So I see Sansa going after Littlefinger's powerbase in the Vale as a real possibility. He has nothing to offer Cersei without the Vale army. Robin is Littlefinger's potential Achilles heel if someone manages to separate him from Littlefinger and through Robin get control of the Vale. I wonder how ruthless Sansa can get. Could she marry Robin and then eliminate him so she can have total control of the Vale if she felt it was the only option to protect everyone from Littlefinger?
  10. Mr. Belvedere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYVE9hfJ3QQ
  11. Which is why I think Jon is more useful to Dany as a trustworthy heir. He would not try to push her out to rule himself and would perpetuate the family line through his children which is much needed if Dany is barren. Elizabeth I maintained power without marriage and had a peaceful transition to her heir who was not her child. James King of Scotland was the son of a Queen she'd had executed if I remember correctly. Elizabeth I also waited until the last minute to declare an heir. I do think it's in Dany's best interests to pretend to seriously consider marriage alliances but remain single. Any husband she took is a potential rival to the throne unless it's someone like Jon who doesn't want it. I think if Jon's heir his marriage will be the thing that has to happen to solidify the Targaryen line of succession.
  12. Thank you. It was. I wasn't sure what tag was most appropriate. I totally think Dany's marriage prospects will be a carrot to dangle in front of various houses but that Dany won't necessarily marry anyone.
  13. After seeing the episode title, all I want to do is yell "Let's do it for Johnny!" I associate that poem with The Outsiders so strongly. Stay Gold. I'm wondering if Katie will survive and end up being a key to the cure. There's so much that's ridiculous about this show but I'm hanging in until the end. I want to know how things will turn out.
  14. I've been trying to think of who it be most politically useful for Dany to marry and Jon is at the top of the list. But he can be useful without marriage as an heir. Who else is there? Jaime, Tyrion, Littlefinger, Gendry, Bran....?
  15. I was thinking about what Dany said about marriage being a way to forge alliances. I do wonder if she will be like Queen Elizabeth I and use the possibility of marriage for leverage while never ever marrying. I think an alliance between Jon and Dany is likely. Tyrion and Theon both sympathize with the North and would probably try to push for Dany to work with the North. Sansa might be willing to agrue for a merger considering her history with Tyrion and Theon. It's just a matter of if it's an alliance through marriage or by her making him her heir. If Jon's the heir who he marries is critical. I don't think there will be a love match for him because he won't repeat Robb's error. Lyanna is made of awesome and would make a fantastic partner once she comes of age, but they are already allied quite strongly. Sansa may be his cousin but they have been raised as siblings. Plus, Jon doesn't need Sansa to connect him to the North because he has a claim to the North through his mother. I think Jon will have to marry someone who does not come from the North. Who? Margery's dead. Cersei might try to propose in order to get the North on her side against Dany but I can't see Jon ever trusting Cersei considering the history between their families and what Cersei has done to her own allies. Could Jon marry someone from Dorne or Yara? Who else is there? Who's running the Riverlands now? Whose going to head the Frays now that the males are dead? Would Jon marry whichever daughter is now in charge? Or does Edumure take charge through his Fray wife? Marriage to Sansa has been viewed as a way to gain control in the North. After what she has been through, I imagine she's be pretty reluctant to marry. Still she's become a political person and probably recognizes that marriage is a way to help strengthen alliances. Would Tyrion be a possibility? What about the Vale, Robin, and Littlefinger? I wonder if Sansa would try to maneuver around Littlefinger by marrying Robin and taking the Vale into her control. I don't know if she could manage that since Littlefinger isn't likely to let control of the Vale go easily. Also once Bran returns to the fold Sansa's position weakens and marriage may be the only way for her create a powerful position for herself. I think since Yara beat her opponent to make an alliance with Dany first I wonder if Euron will propose an alliance with Cersei who is in desperate need of allies and could use ship power to aid her in the coming battle with Dany. Are we going to get a Cersei, Euron, Littlefinger alliance? Imagine Cersei/Littlefinger married and on the warpath together temporarily until they inevitably turn on each other. Jaime was pushed out of the Kingsguard by Tommen. He can now marry. Will he break from Cersei to make a political marriage against her interests or will he side with Cersei and she marry him to someone for her political gain? edited to add: I forgot about Gendry who is the last Bartheon left. Is he Dany's future husband?
  16. Cersei didn't just kill the Sparrows and the people attending her trial working against her. She also killed any bystander anywhere surrounding the temple. It looked like several blocks were destroyed. Innocent people definitely died because Cersei didn't want to be found guilty and face punishment for crimes she actually committed. The Sparrows were horrible, but the accusations against Cersei were true. She did commit incest and arrange her husband's murder. She gave the Sparrows the power that they ended up using against her as a petty move against Margery. Cersei didn't care about any other innocents the Sparrows might harm and only worked against them when she was the target. When it came to Cersei vs. the Sparrows I wanted both to be brought down. The whole mess of the current war comes down to her using birth control with her husband and not with her brother ensuring her children would not be legitimate heirs which was a stupid arrogant unnecessary risk on her part. That is Cersei; she does short sighted things to give herself temporary victories but in the long term her actions make situations worse. She never learns and takes the time to think about the long term consequences. Her husband didn't love her and cheated so she gave herself some sort of petty victory by never having his children but her children suffered for it. She took out the Sparrows and any innocent who happened to be near by but has lost her last child. She has gained the throne though which deep down is what she ultimately wanted, but she can't hold it.
  17. Richie's death was a real turning point for the show. It wasn't the same after that. I barely remember episodes from the season after that one.
  18. The discovery that Ayra was the servant girl eyeing Jaime flirtatiously makes me wonder if her plan is the kill Jaime to steal his face to get close enough to Cersei to kill her. That's one way to get around The Mountain protecting Cersei. If Jaime hopefully rejects Cersei because of her actions and how they impacted Tommen than Arya would have to come up with a different scheme. Jaime has always believed that Cersei's ruthlessness was for her children's sake but never recognized power was her real goal. She wasn't allowed to rule because she was a woman and intended to rule through her children. She did not raise them to be rulers but to be lead. She may have loved them but her children were tools for her to use to attain the power she felt she was entitled to. Now she has the throne for herself, and I hope Jaime sees her for what she is and joins her opponents to bring her down. Jaime is no saint but he has found he is capable of honor. So Cersei's prophecy was that all of her children would die before her and at that she would be queen but only temporarily because another younger and more beautiful queen would destroy her. I think Cersei mistakenly believed Margery was that queen, but it is actually Dany that's going to be Cersei's doom. Has Cersei given herself up to the prophecy or does she think she can still beat it despite other parts of it coming true? She has a kingdom where she is despised, no money, no more allies in other houses, and probably soon no food. She will attempt to maintain control by fear but that can only last so long before the people rebel. Starving people have nothing to lose. Although from Cersei's point of view she has nothing to lose at this point either which makes her more dangerous. I was so sad for Margery. She was one of the smart ones and died anyway. I hope Oleanna gets her vengeance. Jon and Sansa could be a great team. She may be better at the political side of things while Jon is the seasoned warrior who can inspire others to follow him. Jon also is great at seeing the bigger picture and getting what the real threat is. Will Sansa work with Jon to handle the threat from Little Finger or will she act on her own to eliminate the threat? What happens to Littlefinger's power base if Robin marries and his wife takes control since Robin isn't competent to lead? Still, I don't know if Sansa would be willing to leave Winterfell at this point after all she has been through to get back to it.
  19. That's a good point he had to care about Brienne and have some sort of respect for Blackfish to have a motivation to find a nonviolent solution. If the castle had been full of people he only felt indifference for he may have made different choices. Is Jamie capable of doing the right thing independent of someone like Brienne or Tyrion being there to motivate him? Cersei does horrible things that harm innocent people frequently for petty reasons, and Jaime never seems disturbed by it. It's only if she goes after someone he cares for like when she was set on getting Tyrion executed that Jaime goes against her and even then he doesn't hold her actions against her at all.
  20. I think the timing of Jaime's threat to Edmure is significant. He could have done it sooner but he doesn't. It is not until Brienne arrives and the possibility that he would have to meet her on the battle field occured that Jaime made his move. He gave Brienne the chance to find a peaceful resolution her way but then took measures to keep from being in a position where he would be forced to harm Brienne. I do think getting back to Cersai was part of his motivation when threatening Edmure but at this point he believes that the Mountain is Cersai's path out of danger from the Sparrows. Jaime only escalates things with Edmure when Brienne's presence inside the castle created a crisis for him. Jaime traded on his horrible reputation to find the least violent resolution to the conflict and avoid a violent confrontation with Brienne. I can respect a ruthless tacket that avoids blookshed. It was basically a brains over brawn moment which shows a new side to Jaime. Still he has a lot to make up for because of what he did to Bran and because of his insistance on following Cersei without consideration of the harm she has caused. Still his movtivation has a selfish undercurrent because protecting Brienne was the reason he found the least violent solution not necessarily caring about protecting others as a whole from needless violence. He can be a confusing character capable of horrible and noble actions.
  21. Jaime was determined to get River Run without shedding blood and succeeded. I'm on the fence over whether or not he was bluffing about hurting the baby. On the one hand, he was willing to murder a child when he pushed Bran off the window ledge in season 1. On the other hand, would Jaime murder a child when he knows Brienne is watching? Her opinion that he has honor in him matters to him a great deal. Now I wonder if avoiding meeting Brienne on the battlefield was one of Jaime's motivations for threatening Edmure. Jaime says that Cersei's all that matters, but he has been willing to side with Brienne and Tyrion against Cersei. He is a man ruled by love for good and for bad. He will do evil for Cersei and accomplish good for Brienne and Tyrion. So far he's found a way to honor his loyalty to all of them, but he can't do that forever.
  22. The fascinating thing about Cersei vs the Sparrows is that they are all awful. Someone needs to come along to eliminate all of them.
  23. I think Arya gained a lot from her training. She has fight technique, endurance, stealth, and she's more disciplined. Her impulsiveness was the thing most likely to get her killed. She's more dangerous now than when she started.
  24. I wonder if the training Arya had also made her heal faster because she's up and about way too quickly. So apparently A Man was trying to lead Arya to reclaim her name and fight. The only shreds of honor Jaime have are inspired by Brienne and Tyrion. He's at his worst away from them. I always feel like Jaime really wants to live up to Brienne's sense of nobility. He seems to be the vulnerable one in their interactions. He knows she's too good for him. Tyrion really did his best to find a peaceful resolution, but he should have prepared more for things to go bad.
  25. I made a new Oliver and Felicity video. You're the Inspiration
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