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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Parks and Recreation - Everybody pants now! Parks and Recreation - Snake Juice Parks and Recreation - Chris is sick Parks and Recreation - The Clazones Betrayed Me Parks and Recreation - Piggy back rides
  2. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Riker attempts to teach Wesley how to flirt and gets carried away bantering with Guinan
  3. I really liked A Perfect Christmas. I thought the supporting actors were really strong and the couple had chemistry. The almost tell the secret just to get interrupted thing got a bit tiresome but still overall was a well done movie. I know the mother in law was supposed to be difficult but she was way nicer about the forgotten suitcase than I would have been. I liked that she was a mix of snobby and compassionate which let her be more than a stereotype.
  4. Designing Women - Anthony thinks fast to save himself from a Bully Designing Women - Julia wants revenge
  5. Beautiful People based on Simon Doonan's memoir. I loved that show.
  6. Boy Meets World - the whole subplot of Eric trying and failing to get revenge on Topanga is comedy gold Boy Meets World - Plays with Squirrels Living Single - Regine's new look. I also wanted to share Khadijah's hilarious reaction to Max and Regine getting into a fight and breaking Khadijah's figurine, the one when Sinclair realizes what "bought the farm" means, and the one where Max sings "All By Myself" and Khadijah goes overboard pretending to like it but couldn't find those clips.
  7. I made a video about Jon, Sansa, Arya, and Bran
  8. This “Ghostbusters” Premiere Photo Shows Why Representation Matters
  9. I'm so happy that Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black and The Americans got nominated but so sad that Bates Motel once again was ignored. Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore have done such great work
  10. Community - Annie saves Troy and Abed Scrubs - Hooch is crazy How I Met Your Mother - The group finds out the mysterious reason Robin has for avoiding the mall Mary Tyler Moore - Clown funeral
  11. I know! This whole episode cracked me up so much. I respect the Roosevelts, but it was so much seeing them crazied up for this show. Lillian trying to make a simple sandwhich by herself nearly broke her, lol. Fredrick's horrible negotiation skills (handing over the gun) was comedy gold.
  12. Someone made this lovely video using Norma singing Maybe This Time
  13. Littlefinger maneuvers people like pawns on a chessboard. He will pretend to give you choices while working behind your back to force you into the decision that benefits him. That's why he's dangerous because he won't lash out at you violently to your face but stay calm and slowly plot against you while pretending to be on your side. He acted contrite when Sansa confronted him about giving her over to Ramsey, but he had to know Jon's manpower situation and probably knew Sansa would probably feel forced to ask for his help against the Boltons. He was willing to graciously take her anger because he had good reason to believe she'd have to reach out to him at some point for aid and so might as well try to stay on her good side to make things easier for his future schemes. Littlefinger thinks ahead and usually sees the bigger picture better than his opponents which does not mean he's infallible. He clearly did not anticipate Sansa escaping the Boltons without his help or Jon's rise to power. He will act a friend to Jon's face while plotting to bring down Jon and seems to be set on a course to make Sansa believe that it is for her sake. Sansa should see through that manipulation and work in Jon's favor since that is what will keep her safest.
  14. It occurs to me that Maude from Harold and Maude fits the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archtype. She's quirky and inspires Harold to really live his life rather than fixate on death. Still Maude is a grown woman and has her own agency. She has plans for herself that conflict with what Harold wants. Also Jack from Titanic is totally a Manic Pixie Dream Boy inspiring Rose to change her life.
  15. I'm firmly convinced the reason Cersei has sex Jaime is because it's like having sex with herself. Also her narcissism is probably a big part of the reason she used birth control with Robert but not Jaime. She wanted those kids to be exclusively extensions of herself regardless of the fact that it put the children in tremendous danger and risked instability for all of Westeros. She fixates on harm that has come to her with no consideration to how she may have contributed to creating the situation in the first place. Whatever humiliation and suffering the Sparrows inflicted on Cersei is what they intended to do to Loras, Margery, and other subjects of Kings Landing. Cersei would have enjoyed watching the Sparrows inflict that pain to others. It was okay for the Sparrows to terrorize others and Cersei empowered them to do so but when it affects her than she cares about putting an end to it. Empathy isn't something Cersei is capable of. Look at her lack of compassion for Jaime after what he went through being a hostage and losing his hand. All she cared about was that she suffered when he was gone, and he wasn't there to protect her.
  16. Littlefinger most likely felt it was easier to talk Sansa into marrying Ramsey rather than exert force. He likes to act as if he is Sansa's friend as part of his courtship of her. Sansa was totally at the Lannister's mercy when in Kings Landing. Joffery was looking for an excuse to be cruel to Sansa. Saying no to marrying Tyrion was not an option. If she couldn't marry Loras than Tyrion was the safe option rather than another man who might have been a brute to her.
  17. Sansa is at the mercy of her most powerful male relatives. Jon and Bran are safe for her because they would not act to hurt her and would allow her independence over the issue of marriage. Edmure's the type to give into pressure rather than fight and so if he ends up having authority over Sansa that means either she can easily manipulate him or that he can be manipulated by others against Sansa's wishes. When Littlefinger asked Sansa to leave King Landing with him to first time she said no. Then when he and Olenna murdered Joffery, they arranged for Tyrion and Sansa to be blamed which then forced Sansa to go with him. Littlefinger is not the sort to take no for an answer. He'll pretend to be fine with your no and then manipulate the situation so that he can pressure you to do what he wants. Sansa needs to figure out a way to get around Littlefinger to have any peace because he'll sabotage her to suit his own ends. He wants Sansa either as a wife or mistress depending on what works for his interests. He did try to arrange a marriage between Sansa/Robyn while married to Lysa and tried to seduce Sansa at the same time. I do think he'd give Sansa up if he decided it suited his goal to be on the Iron Throne. He'd sell her out for power with very little hesitation. He's the sort to tell you he loves you while stabbing you in the back. He offered Catelyn help while betraying her simultaneously all while claiming to love her. I wonder if Little Finger's frustration with getting snubbed by the Northern Lords who chose to accept Jon rather than reject Jon like Littlefinger assumed would happen will lead Little Finger back into an alliance with Cersei in order to go after Jon. Littlefinger may try to play ally to both sides trying to weaken each from the inside so they can take each other out living him a path to the throne.
  18. With Dany's fleet coming and Cersei not being able to rely on Lannister money for ships a marriage to Euron may be her path to getting defense for King's Landing. I suspect Euron will suffer an "accident" if he asserts himself too much. Cersei may marry out of necessity, but she is not going to let a husband take any of her power away. The throne is hers alone, and she's not sharing. I do think Dany/Jon are destined for something. So much seems to be building to them meeting and forming an alliance. I assume Dany's the Fire and Jon is supposed to be Ice. I just wonder if it will be marriage or making Jon her heir. The big question is if Dany is barren because then she will need an heir for stability. I think if Sansa marries Robyn it will be to take Littlefinger down and work with Jon. I know Sansa feels snubbed and wants to assert herself but destroying Jon would be a terrible way to accomplish anything since Jon is her best supporter. Helping Jon is a path to power. The stronger he is the safer she is. I do think Sansa doesn't want to rely on anyone's protection and will try to find her own way.
  19. I can see how a Jon/Sansa marriage could help secure their positions. Sansa would be able to maintain position as Lady of Winterfell. The discovery about Jon's parentage and Bran's return could cause Jon problems maintaining the support of the Northern Lords and so marriage to Sansa would further cement his position. But it is possible the the respect he's won from the North on the battlefield and being Ned's nephew is enough on it's own to help Jon stay in power. I think Jon may need a Southern wife to give him power beyond to North. The South would be a critical ally for supplies in the battle with the White Walkers and Jon having a strong position in the South may block Cersei from being able to go after him.
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