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Everything posted by nitrofishblue

  1. History Channel has been running another show on the Templars that I found interesting. This show is based on fact. IT seems that in 1307 King Philip of France ordered the arrest and killing of ALL Templars. He wanted their money to finance his wars. I have been trying to see if there is any tie-in people wise with the Knightfall show. So far the only name has been King Philip.
  2. Wow, how is Landry going to raise his daughter? She needs to be fed sometime soon. Will grandma take over her care? Will King Philip try to kill her?
  3. I enjoyed the show. It was fun to watch. Considering all the other crap on TV, this show has been a breath of fresh air. Yes, I know at times the episodes were a tad weak but still better than the rest.
  4. That was a tough choice to make. The losing chef actually had only one good dish and that was the first round appetizer. His second round dish was panned for not highlighting the basket ingredients. He featured and focused on the blackened sausage and that was not in the basket plus the serving was very small for an entree. Plus there was an issue about not having some sort of sauce to help the flavors. All three judges made the same observations. He had issues with his dessert. The winner really did a better job all around despite forgetting the okra.
  5. The NOLA show was interesting. I can't recall the last time a chef forgot an ingredient and went on to win. Her second dish must have been something else if Marc said he didn't miss the okra.
  6. I enjoy this show. It is a bit off beat and I like most of it. There are times that the writers take the characters act like complete idiots. The past two episodes made Roger look really insecure and dumb as a box of rocks. There for awhile they were making Riggs look so out of control and immature. He needs to grow his character to get past the booze issue. This episode showed that he wants to do that. Sure hope the writers don't send back down the rabbit hole. He can be different cop just not the completely out of control one of the past shows. I was married for teen years to an alcoholic and attended Ala-Anon meetings for eight years. This really helped me understand me. Let Riggs grow and mature. showing the out of control boozing cop is not the right thing.
  7. I had two pups (Nitro Fish and Rossco) when Nitro Fish passed from cancer. Poor Rossco got so depressed that within two weeks I brought home a dog to foster. Agnes had been at the shelter for over eight months. Being eight at the time she wasn't going to be adopted anytime soon. I quickly became a foster failure. Agnes and Rossco had two years together before cancer took Rossco. Agnes is now 13 and I know her time with me is slowly getting shorter. My husband will be devastated when that happens. He says no more after her. However, I could never go long with a fur baby in the house.
  8. Does anyone know what chef Nona is doing now?
  9. I have enjoyed this show. More entertaining than most other shows. I don't worry about the spotty writing or acting. I want to be entertained in the evening. There is enough had s### on tv with people telling you what to think. In this series I love the costumes/dresses plus the scenery.
  10. I understand now how the finale will be handled. To be honest I hope the final two are Nick and Michelle. From some reason Ben just rubs me the wrong way. His attitude at times came across very off putting. Michelle had her bad moments but they all did especially in the last elimination. Every time Ben shouted out OUI when responding to Gordon I wanted to barf all over the TV. What lucky chef will get Else?
  11. How are they going to run three brigades out of two kitchens? How many kicked out chefs do they have to bring back to make three teams? Very interesting!!!!!
  12. OH barf, those three newbies are acting like a group of first graders running around the playground all upset that they aren't getting their way. All three are so stupid. I sure hope it is the way the writers are making them. So far all I do is laugh at them and their stupid attitude.
  13. I was so totally unimpressed with this elimination challenge. They have had some rather lame ones in the past but this was one of the worst. The cooking part was OK but the juding part sucked big time.
  14. I see so much of this every week. I have been a volunteer at the local SPCA since 2002. I founded our photo teams. I see a constant parade of dogs who have every right to hate people yet the they are extremely forgiving. I have reached the point where I love dogs more than people.
  15. Milky should have gone before Robyn. Dang auto correct; Milly not milky
  16. I totally agree on the salt issue. My hubby loves salt, far more than I do. I cook the food so that I can eat it. He then can add as much salt as he wants. You can always add salt but you can't take it out once it is there.
  17. Don't care who wins now that Elsie is GONE!!!! To be honest Robyn has shown a lot of growth this season. Not a leader but she has improved a ton. I really don't want to see Millie win. He just runs me the wrong way and has all season, crappie attitude.
  18. I really enjoyed watching Keegan as a judge. Blais can take a hike. Never have liked him. Overall, not a bad episode.
  19. My, does Ivar tuck tail and run when the going gets tough. Need to know more about the Sami. Who are they supporting?
  20. Now, that was an interesting show. I wasn't paying all that much attention in the beginning. Then I noticed all I saw was Giada during the tasting. I said WHAT to myself. Then it slowly dawned on me this was the John Besh episode. The editors did a good job of erasing John. There was a time where they were showing the cooking part and the judges table was in the background. You could see another person sitting there. Sure happy to Bobby lose!!!!!!
  21. I really enjoyed seeing Tel'k from Stargate SG1 as one of the blue faced baddies.
  22. Recently there seems to be a lot of crossover of chefs. Top Chef chefs are on Chopped and Chopped chefs on Top Chef as either judges or contestants. On Chopped they are called competitive chefs.
  23. Damn it they killed the pup. Was that really necessary? Then last night in The Blacklist, they killed the dog. Makes me ill when they use animal abuse as a subplot. There are bunch of movies I will not watch because of that issue.
  24. Crap, two new episodes of shows I watch this week and they kill the dog in each one. Hope this isn't knew trend. Bad enough when they did that in John Wick.
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