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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. Great work from both Melissa and Calista. They really do have the best chemistry on the show, and frankly are the best/most consistent actors. If they decided to go in a Xena/Gabrielle direction, I would not be unhappy. (And it would probably be more interesting than the upcoming Xena reboot).
  2. So that means Conrad was the candidate the GOP picked over Trump at a brokered convention? ;-)
  3. That and seconding the observations asking how this guy got out of the Academy? So a bunch of experienced cops would stand around like cheerleaders for the rookie's first collar that involved wiping out a little girl and sending her to the hospital? For all this show wants to lionize the NYPD, I think that's NOT a good or accurate depiction of them. Though he is a mini-me for Danny (remember earlier this season when he knocked the old man over going after a suspect?) And I know Alex Kingston was there for Frank to flirt with and take to bed, but she follows the tiresome trope of this show that women in power are bitches who have to be tamed (preferably by a Reagan.) Interestingly, when Frank was bitching about not being able to track a carload of AK-47s, he didn't talk about things like having universal background checks...but not being able to listen in on phone calls. Damn that Snowden! Also, who else totally knew that they'd track the cousin by going to his mother? (several thousand raised hands.) Extra cliche points for her offering Erin something to eat.
  4. I think we've determined that Alicia lives in the only high-end condo in Chicago without a doorman. Either that, or she stiffed him on a tip at Christmas.
  5. Perhaps it was the Executive Producer's suggestion.
  6. I never recognize Molly Price as a blonde. She shoulda stayed an NYPD detective ("Third Watch"). Hell, even Gene Simmons couldn't kill her on that show.
  7. Seriously! In the real world, political ops would be drooling over Henry as a candidate. It's odd we haven't seen this...of course, I don't think he'd run, but let him get all scholastic about it, rather than ignore what could be an interesting plot point. (Though now they are official residents of the District, whose motto is "taxation without representation.") Also, I missed the bit where Bess shut down Mr. First Generation I've Got Mine senator. (And I couldn't believe he was still having a press conference after she read him in.) Also: Jareth is definitely too good to be true. The question is, does he serve a more sinister purpose, or is he just a Cute British Boy for Stevie to explore her PTSD with. (The whole family ought to be in therapy: Both Bess & Henry have been blowed up real good, and the kids have all been blowed up-adjacent
  8. Also, Cush Jumbo is going to be an an all-woman production of "The Taming of the Shrew" this summer at Shakespeare in the Park! Opposite Janet McTeer.
  9. We were at our diner yesterday (which is often used by TV shows & films because it really looks like a diner) and were told that Good Wife had been in the week before.
  10. Of course Stevie's dating a guy named Jareth.
  11. While Danny bitched at Baez for not wanting to get them jammed up when they took the junkie cop to rehab, HOW MUCH WORSE was it for him to play down the threats and crazy of the ex, and then essentially force the woman to confront her husband and keep discouraging her from filing charges? It could have meant the murder of the boyfriend...except Danny was there to talk him down.
  12. I agree. And the show was originally presented to the public as one about a woman in a position of power. (Remember how upset a lot of people got when they thought it was meant to glorify Hillary?) It really feels like there's a mission creep to give Henry equal status with Bess in the show, and despite a certain amount of mansplaining going on in this thread, I see it as as systemic sexism in action (and yes, women can perpetuate sexism). I adored Henry as Dr. Col. Professor Arm Candy, because he was presented as half of a high-powered, well-matched couple. And the show wasn't about him. If he's going to be the Fonzie to Bess's Richie Cunningham, I hope the show doesn't jump the shark (see what I did there?) ;-)
  13. With Frank & the Mayor, I just wanted to say: KISS AND MAKE UP ALREADY! (Which is what their seconds were telling them to do). Frank actually really likes the Mayor, though not the way he likes his fellow Irish mafia/cop bros. At the end when he said "it's US," he included the Mayor in the frat of bros who can do anything they want. But with that little parable of Frank being the lifeguard stand and the Mayor drifting further from it, was he implying the Mayor was getting further left wing? It also implies that Frank is fixed in his beliefs, which isn't actually true. He's changed his mind about things (like women cops and gay people, sort of, and even homeless people). I sometimes wonder if Tom Selleck "helps" the writers write his lines. And I see next week that Frank has another African-American opponent in Whoopi Goldberg. I wonder if she'll turn out to be corrupt, or finally capitulate and see things Frank's way. I kind of miss the chemistry Selleck had with Bebe Neuwirth, but she's in a MUCH better place now...(that is, in Bess McCord's office on Madam Secretary).
  14. Nah, he became a racecar driver and married the daughter of an Earl.
  15. I'm also on the WTF happened to our feminist show, train. It's so meta: Bess has spent most of her career as SOS walking faster to catch up with the men, being given short shrift by the guys in suits, having to press harder and shout louder to be listened to. Now the network (and I do think it's the network) is shifting the focus to what everyone has noticed: that the Secretary of State, as a woman, has to have a husband of equal or greater power. I don't think the creators of the show started with this in mind, and like y'all, I am much less interested in a show where the Sec's husband has dangerous spy adventures and is part of the President's inner circle just for being a construct of the smartest, toughest, most cool guy.
  16. I was so sure the priest would turn out to be the kid's father or interfering with him. He IS Frank, just a little older and with a clerical collar. Also, a stop for a busted taillight? More of a chance to see if anyone in the car had been drinking and to see if they could shake loose some drugs (which they did). And which wouldn't have happened if Nicki's idiot friends had been able to keep their mouths shut. (I bet she most certainly would have slipped him the Reagan card and that would have been that). Though I wondered if it were a setup when the cop just saw the baggie and reached in for it. Are kids today that stupid that they don't hide the dope when they're stopped by a cop? Not only were they dishonest friends, they were STUPID.
  17. I think he's going to develop (more) superpowers and get his own spinoff.But But seriously, if he is leaving, that will mess with the show so much: the marriage is one of the strongest parts of the show, and I can't see Bess staying on as the Secretary with 2 younger kids still at home.
  18. kwnyc

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I think you answered your own question here. Thanks for the heads up.
  19. Give Christine Baranski her own show. Also Alan Cumming. I'd watch 'em both. (Or a revival of Private Lives on Broadway...I'd watch that, too).
  20. "Springfield?" Perhaps you meant Sherry Stringfield.
  21. What do you bet he takes a PhD in psychology and heals himself? ;-)
  22. Cush Jumbo (Lucca) to play Katherina in all-woman production of "Taming of the Shrew" in Shakespeare in the Park! Ooh!
  23. Transferring people to Staten Island is only a punishment if the person doesn't live there already... I think I've also heard it called a "ruler" transfer. That is, if a boss wants to punish someone, they measure the distance between the officer's home address and the absolute furthest precinct from there. So if you live in Staten Island, that would probably be the Bronx.
  24. The "oh shut up Danny" moment for me (among all the others) was when he brushed off Erin with "you, sitting in your ivory tower," and I wanted her to come back with: where I've been shot, held hostage, stalked and talked an armed suspect into surrendering the other day...SHUT UP, DANNY. Also, interesting that they finally had an unabashed racist cop. I wonder if they're going to take this case further and see how it polarizes the community (and the force). Not likely, but it would be interesting. And yeah, Jamie white-knighting Eddie was not a particularly character-building moment for her. But the look on Jamie's face at the end there showed that he is a Reagan like his father and grandfather and could end up as commish himself one day. It was kind of a step back from last week, where Eddie and Jamie had a real talk about their careers and goals and how to treat each other, especially because he's a Reagan (which was kind of a first for the show).
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