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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. (But didn't Blake break one of the kids last time he was the babysitter?) Or maybe Jason's just accident-prone.
  2. So for such a smart bunch of people, it sure took them a long time to figure out that the girl might open up to HER OLD TEACHER, whom she reached out to essentially asking for help. And said teacher was very smart to make sure it was all in writing before she agreed to help. New Russian Guy could end up being an excellent foil for Elizabeth, just as the Chinese ambassador is. One of the nicest family scenes ever with EVERYONE making fun of Elizabeth for her love of Buttercup. I kind of knew the horse was a goner then. OK, so what ELSE has Henry done to save Dmitri's sister that's off-the-books and going rogue? At some point, couldn't they arrest him for treason? I do hope he DOES end up in therapy to address that savior complex/only one who CARES behavior. Because he's coming off more and more like an ass.
  3. Funny to watch Alicia's old reflexes kick in: getting the tie for Peter and putting it on him, speaking up for him on camera. The moment when she realized that Peter was probably going to jail seemed to really shake her. I sure HOPE they are not winding up for us to expect her to finish where she started, as Peter's wife. ETA: WOULD Peter be stupid enough, as States Attorney, to fix a trial like that? Even for a big donor? It seems like a really stupid thing to have done, and Peter's vain, and ambitious, but he's not stupid. But there is far too much between Alicia and Peter for them ever to truly be free of each other, I think. Even other than the kids, those two know how to push each other's buttons like no one else, and the "loving couple" act they put on when they need to seems to have real roots. I would prefer if Alicia had an "I choose me" moment, but on reflection, would prefer her to stick with Peter than with Smirky. And I'll bet if you asked the thousands of people listening in at the NSA (and now the Canadian security bureau), they'd agree. Also ETA: Diane's marriage is one of the last depictions of mature adults working out their differences on the show. Thank goodness Christine Baranski and Gary Cole have such amazing chemistry and can also at the hell out of those scenes.
  4. If you think about it, Henry's got a pretty lousy record as a spy: the chess piece botch, losing Dmitri AND the guy who shot himself, Dmitri's sister going back to Russia, and getting a teammate blowed up real good. While it would cause him to whiten with righteous anger, I suspect the reason he's been allowed to screw up so often is nepotism. (He'd hate that).
  5. I did sort of wonder how Chris got from Bethesda (and his SICK BED) to Cameroon so quickly...and how he knew how to get to the bad guy (presuming he was still in the same place as when they last met.) And I liked that it was Russell's decision, not Henry's, to call off the airstrike because there were too many people around (and they wouldn't actually KNOW if the target was killed.) Russell still looks like shit, coughed a bunch and referred to himself as "an old man." So I hope the actor isn't ill. Also...Henry was kind of an asshole to the other Alpha Male on his team about his kids.
  6. Or the over/under on Howard showing up without his pants.
  7. I'm assuming they have a cleaning lady, and even if it's not Blake's job as body man, Bess should have a personal assistant who handles the, you know, personal stuff (like calling an appliance repairman). Marissa on The Good Wife did a good job with Alicia during her campaign run, and it looks like she needs to get out of town (subpoena and everything). Also, TGW is ending. ;-)
  8. For me: Where is Control and is there any way she can get out of whatever detention Samaritan/Greer put her in? Will the other people that Root "hid" with her server hacks (the various computer genii) play a role in the endgame? (Or were they just basically set free to become new people?) Has Lionel been identified as part of Team Machine? And then what happens to him? Can he possibly stay NYPD? Elias: dead or not dead? (Shot, definitely, but we didn't see him in a body bag). Peter Collier or Aaron Burr? And will Leslie C. Odom win the Tony??? ;-)
  9. Granted, many women might find this appealing.
  10. They've shown Cary is being pretty uncomfortable as a name partner since the current firm took shape. And most of his time as a name partner at Florrick/Agos/Lockhart was spent in jail with the prospect of a long jail sentence hanging over him. So yeah, it's not something he enjoys or is passionate about. That's a totally reasonable resolution for his character. I hope he takes some very good money for his share of the current firm and figures out what he wants to do. After he testifies against Peter Florrick. I also totally agree that "divorce" conversation came several years too late. But I think Peter is making a reasonable request of Alicia. Wait until after the next scandal breaks (one of Alicia's best lines ever: "You're ALWAYS under indictment, Peter.") at least because it will be less for the kids to deal with (he should've taken that route with his request. Otherwise, I thought it was a reasonable exit strategy, well-presented). Grace doesn't need her Dad going to jail, her freshman year of college AND her parents splitting up all happening. And I believed that Eli was willing to take the fall rather than having his daughter put through the scandal machine. But Eli being Eli, I expect some kind of weird machination that will get him off relatively unscathed, no matter what happens to Peter. (Also: when did Marissa work for Garber? Or did I misunderstand that part?) Also interesting to note that Howard Lyman outlasted The Gerbil. What David Lee's got in his pocket should be horrifying. I just hope it doesn't involve bringing Louis Canning back.
  11. Yay! the woman admiral is back as the new NSA advisor. It'll be nice not to have just one woman (Bess) in the room during Important Decisions. Also: Daisy, you're an idiot. Married with a kid by now? Life plan? Bleah. Rather immature and rigid. And all it takes is another girl asking her sweet, smart, powerful nerd to dance to get her to realize he's a keeper? I don't blame Patina Miller. I blame the writers. I'm pretty sure Henry is the Master of All Things these days: washers, the internets, asset handling, and showing up violent scowling guys on his team. (And WOULD Immigration be the gang that busts down the teacher's door?) Conrad will probably hand over the top spot on the ticket to Henry during the all important "elections." (Also, Russell continues to look awful...I hope the actor is not going through health problems). Of course, the end game will probably get the child-wife killed so Henry can be all self-righteous and guilty again. Noodle has excellent fashion sense. Of the 3 kids, she's the one who seems to have the most on the ball.
  12. Wow! Time travel is possible...someone is posting from the 1950s!
  13. Since I TOTALLY CALLED the end of ER at least 3 seasons before its finale (Rachel Green shows up as a med student, Carter takes her into the ER), this is my prediction: Alicia being sworn is as Governor, Senator or Vice President. Then... Cut to a double bed in Seattle. Carol Hathaway wakes up in Doug Ross's arms. "I had the weirdest dream..." she says.
  14. As for the kid who released the confetti cannon, I'm surprised he didn't end up with federal charges. In this day and age, someone approaching a federal official with something that could be mistaken for a pipe bomb might also have found himself tazed or worse.
  15. Okay, riddle me this (I know, wrong superhero...) BUT if crime is up 40% in National City, just how much of that is due to Supergirl's Very Bad Day? Had she dropped the crime rate by that much? (I think not, since she hasn't been around THAT long and local crimefighter not her main flying-around role). So if there's suddenly a crime spree in the city, it's either because law enforcement is sitting on its hands, or it's more of a scare tactic by some aspect of the local government (or media that is not-CATCO-related, if there is such a thing).
  16. Hell, Henry even gets to go yell at the President (as he did when Dmitri was lost). I totally expect him to be the VP on Conrad's ticket in the next election. (Replacing the guy who threw up on the Chinese foreign minister. HENRY still has his gall bladder! And if it went south, he'd remove it himself!)
  17. Because she's Cat Grant, dammit! And must keep up the appearance of being the most powerful person in the room at all times. But seriously, I am also impressed as hell at Calista Flockhart's work. She's having the most fun by far of anyone in the cast, and also has amazing chemistry with Benoist.
  18. My hat is off to you. But please don't shake my hand.
  19. I think this was her standard college essay: one she'd use to submit to many colleges. And if she's blackballed by the essay-checking software, then she actually is up shit's creek. So Alicia made herself quite useful as both a Mom and a lawyer without breaking a sweat. I still think Alicia ought to start a class action suit against them if the software is that bad. (Oh, in the case of the week, as someone who used to work in the travel industry, I can tell you that trick of using people who pass through the airport as part of the total annual tourism figure is an actual technique some tourism boards use.) Also, that moment when PI Smirk lost his Smirk at Lucca's reveal that Alicia saw him with his "friend" was amazing. It's the only time we haven't seen him with that look on his face since he's been on the show.
  20. Masterful. It was another interesting look at the fallout of having a famous/controversial parent from the kids' POV. It looks like Noodle might be able to handle it a bit better than Stevie, though Stevie shows signs that she's actually growing a brain. Random moment I loved: "French horn. Guaranteed scholarship." Oh, and Dr. Professor Spy Daddy once again trumps (in the original sense of the word) all the other experts and gets them the answer they need. Annoying as hell. I sure hope that ex-teacher isn't collateral damage. Russell looked awful...people have commented on this all season. I'm not spoilered, but he seems like he's headed for a health crisis. Blake remains the most useful character on the show (though the speechwriter's knowing how to survive an avalanche was another random moment that was excellent).
  21. Well Cat Grant's used to bad boys at least...she's married to Han Solo! ;-)
  22. The kind of analysis that makes me laugh out loud at my computer.
  23. It's a rare network show that can pull off 7 quality seasons. Either the premise isn't strong enough, or the actors get bored/demanding. And so it is with The Good Wife. The first 3 or 4 years of this show it really was one of the best things on TV, and I've been sticking with it more out of habit than anything else. One of the few shows I thought remained pretty good for an extended period of time was ER, but if you look at that show, the hospital was the star, and every major character from the early years left, and was replaced by someone with a fresh storyline. Not that I think Juliana Margulies was stupid to leave, but it was an example of a character having nowhere else to go. They gave her a good sendoff, and in the last couple of episodes gave the 'shippers something to gladden their hearts. I'm hard-pressed to think of ways they can give us a good ending on this show.
  24. Great work from both Melissa and Calista. They really do have the best chemistry on the show, and frankly are the best/most consistent actors. If they decided to go in a Xena/Gabrielle direction, I would not be unhappy. (And it would probably be more interesting than the upcoming Xena reboot).
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