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Everything posted by TDT

  1. It'll probably be done by Christmas..
  2. Why'd she charge in there like she was on a Bad Girls Club episode(cant believe i miss that show lol..hopefully VH1 will bring it back) If Gordon doesnt eliminate her next ep he'll probably send her to the Blue team and switch her with one of the men(cause the Red team sure as hell don't want Robin back)
  3. Well they actually are combining both Plastic Man and Elongated Man for Ralph's character You may have just given away a subplot in the season finale lol
  4. At the very least we'll probably get a mention of Diana,i highly doubt we'll actually see her on screen.. then again if Brett Ratner doesnt break his deal w/ WB we may never see her on the big screen in Wonder Woman 2 lol speaking of which saw a screening of Justice League earlier..how could Zack Snyder mess that up so bad.. smh Getting back to this episode,it was good,even if Jax kind of sounded like he was doing his best Shatner as Captain Kirk impression XD
  5. I bet this won't stick..Brian will be back with the Griffins next episode with no explanation,or there will be a one-sentence throwaway line by him saying"Okay so i apologized to everyone again for last week,and now i'm back home. And???"
  6. I see they finally fixed the storeroom camera so that it wont shake every time Gordon slams the door lol Since Robyn wants to go back to the Red team,Gordon shouldve granted her request and sent Elise over to the Blue team instead
  7. Yeah i think the IG girl/Eden Grinshpan(another food blogger who had her own Food Network show)wannabe will probably win,either her or the baker The BBQ guy,his show kind of sounds similar to Roger Mooking's Man Fire Food on Cooking Channel
  8. Speaking of Constantine,Matt Ryan is supposed to make a return appearance at some point this season.. Also,Walter Bishop sighting! lol
  9. Probably amassing some sort of army so that there would be a episode where Barry/Flash,Cisco/Vibe,Dibny/Elongated Man and Caitlin/Killer Frost have to "run the gauntlet" so to speak..the episode can even be a homage to The Warriors
  10. Why was there such a big deal over a burger..? LOL the teacher secretly hoping that Tammy and Tina would come to blows ("Keep going..." )
  11. R.I.P Carrie..neither FG or the Star Wars universe will be the same without you :( Havent seen any of Wes Anderson's films myself,but the "Tarantino" and "Michael Bay" segments were spot on,especially the latter with all the confusing and random jump cuts lol
  12. Rolled my eyes at Elise bragging about she will be the eventual winner..why didnt Gordon or any of the chefs call out Elise for this? Maybe next episode Gordon will do another surprise elimination and say to Elise that he did indeed review last week's show
  13. Since Victor Garber is departing from LoT soon it may make sense to have him be the new "other half" of Firestorm..
  14. I get the feeling they could be setting up something like that down the line.. Loved all the nods to Back To The Future/ET/Stranger Things..Sara driving that Camaro which kind of looked like the "Thunder Hawk" from .M.A.S.K Has it been confirmed that Figured Jax would come across some kind of fire-themed totem and that would be how he stays Firestorm Wish they all couldve held on to those Halloween costumes so that we wouldnt have to see everyone fighting in normal street clothes or disguises
  15. Wonder what Ralph's/Elongated Man's costume will look like,should he stick around and join Team Flash..could also be a potential love interest for Caitlin Machete is Gypsy's father? now Cisco better not ever cheat on her or break things off unexpectedly lol Best part of the episode..no end credit stinger with the Thinker!
  16. Would be interesting to also see Superman somehow involved in this crossover..(or maybe the next one)
  17. Isnt Zari supposed to be the new incarnation of Isis(name which they obviously can't use)..? Loved that show BTW with Victor Garber soon to depart i wonder if Jax will be relegated to using guns..if so Mick better have a spare one he can loan him Unless they bring in someone new who can merge w/ him(maybe they can make Gideon an avatar and Stein can pass his ability to her)
  18. I bet soon we'll see H.R going on the dating scene(with Cisco as his wingman of course) Had a thought..what if Cecile turns out somehow to be the last of the Metas that the Thinker is searching for?
  19. Only one that really was missing was Lizzie..expected her to come on stage with a bouquet of flowers and give them to Melissa LOL..surprised that the actress who played Sophia wasnt there either.. off-topic the more promos i see for Justice League the more i think its going to be a absolute trainwreck
  20. Had thought he was going to say"BACK in line!!" and do a surprise elimination with someone from either team and can Fox please send someone ,anyone to fix that damn camera in the storeroom?? lol
  21. Nice Titanic shout-out..going to miss Garber when he departs :( Is this "Malice" a single person or an organization? wasnt clear when Rip first made mention.. Calling it now,Sara and Agent Sharp just might hook up before the season ends..all it might take is a episode where the two get stranded somewhere,cut off from the Legends/TB
  22. Knew the guy playing Kilgore looked familiar..he was that Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg knockoff Disney added to the final season of A.N.T Farm I get the feeling Richard Brooks's character is a collaborator for the Thinker(him glancing into Kilgore's cell with the ominous music playing seemed to be an indicator) Speaking of the Thinker once again we see him in the stinger before the end credits..his last line shouldve been"it's time we come up with a new strategy..let me think on it."
  23. That was indeed him..that thinly-veiled reference to the show"MC raising hell in California" confirmed it LOL
  24. Since this show airs after FG im now expecting some type of full-on crossover between the two..
  25. What the heck was with the closeup of the mouth as the show was going to commercial after the "breath smell" sgement..was like a cheap"jump scare" in a horror movie lol Gordon to the Blue team at the end:"What are you all waiting for,hot chocolate??" XD him and i were wondering why they were still sitting there
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