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Everything posted by TDT

  1. So far this reboot is getting good(unlike the retool of a certain other Fox show,which fell flat IMO) Only thing missing is that little"zoom to the next location" bit as the show goes to a commercial break lol ..i guess theyll bring this back once Michael finally puts his plan into motion
  2. Called Rebecca getting the "silent clock" from the previous episode.. How this show couldve redeemed itself in the final 90 or so seconds,instead of a long lingering shot of Nicole.. -Carter walks in and says something to the effect that he's ready to join CTU.. -Director Zoom(ha!) then welcomes him aboard then tells him"there's a job we need you on..it's off-books however.oh,and you also should contact Mr Almeida as well." -Carter:"Wait,why him?" -Director Zoom"Trust me,he WILL want to be involved in this operation.and in addition,there's a former agent that needs to be in on this as well..some hacker named O'Brien or something. Then you three need to be on a plane to Russia ASAP." -Carter:"What's this all about?" -Director Zoom opens a file on his computer and swivels the monitor around to face Carter: "HIM." (zoom in on a picture of Jack Bauer) *Clock resets*
  3. I bet this whole breaking time thing will somehow tie into next year's big crossover,and as a result Supergirl's universe will be merged with the rest of the Berlanti shows(as well as possibly the upcoming Black Lightning series)
  4. I dont think they could use Black Manta since he's going to be the main adversary in the Aquaman solo movie.. Sinestro also would be off-limits due to the (still in very early development)Green Lantern Corps film Same with Capt.Boomerang thanks to Suicide Squad(which IMO wasnt very good )
  5. I doubt that's the last we'll see of Thawne..he might pop back up on The Flash before that show's season ends Same with Damian and Malcolm over on Arrow.. as for appearances next season i wouldnt mind if the team were to run into a certain detective who dresses like a bat(although thanks to Affleck,Zack Snyder and Fox,that will probably never happen)..Berlanti is barely lucky he was able to get Superman to appear on Supergirl(story is that he almost had to beg DC's film division to let the character make an appearance)
  6. Supposedly that will be a recurring role.. Wonder whats going to happen to the other GMW castmembers..its been said that Ben and Danielle have landed directing gigs for other Disney shows and/or movies.. Sabrina can be heard singing the theme song for that new Disney series Andi Mack,which debuts this Friday..saw the pilot episode of it on Youtube,and seeing that the big plot twist was given away like 40 or so minutes in i dunno..kind of looks like Gilmore Girls all over again(with more of a focus on the daughter)
  7. Now who didnt see the Junkyard Dogs(as i call them lol) turning on Rick and his group.. Michonne couldve easily snapped that girl's neck had she been given the chance.. R.I.P Sasha(and in real life,Bernie Wrightson..loved his artwork)..as for Sonequa the actress,good luck on the bridge of the U.S.S Discovery
  8. Good seeing Rowan B in a complete 180 from Riley Matthews.. supposedly this is a recurring role
  9. I bet when they try and put the necklace back on,Caitlin shatters it and says something like"Actually i like myself better this way.." Another month-long break?? Geez..
  10. All that was missing was the 3 whooshing stars scene transition from Super Friends and a narrator saying "Meanwhile..at the Legion of Doom.."
  11. Can we get a Meat Man spinoff for a midseason replacement when Bobs Burgers goes on hiatus..?
  12. Im wondering, what was that chanting they were doing at the end translated into English is..
  13. Would be interesting if this end up tying into the Savitar arc(somehow Barry drags Kara back to his Earth so she can help fight him)
  14. Would love to hear Mick do the opening commentary for other DC shows.."So this guy,Barry Allen claims to be 'The Fastest Man Alive.." So now it looks Rip has been demoted..would still love to see an appearance by Gideon in android form(Giddie..?) and like Rommie in Andromeda she could feel pain whenever the Waverider is damaged
  15. Good seeing Tony back,hopefully he'll stick around to the end of the finale.. Also i dont think the whole thing with Nicole and Isaac has been wrapped up just yet,surely Isaac will find himself in some trouble yet again CTU Director Zoom may not be long for this series lol
  16. Now i want a Dave Matthews punching bag LOL
  18. So THAT'S who the voice of "Gideon" is.. I get the feeling that Rip,Jax and Stein(with Ray's help) may pull a Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda and actually end up building some kind of humanoid robot and upload Gideon's AI into it.. just try and keep Sara as far away as possible should that happen in the season finale LOL
  19. I think that Wally is Megatron Warframe Savitar, but then again he could be another red herring and it turns that he is actually a SHE(i.e. Savitar is really Wally's mother/Joe's ex-wife, or maybe even Joe's new girlfriend..)
  20. ^^Hopefully he has a relative or two within the force,theyll get word of this terrorist thing and set out to avenge his death
  21. Guess no one at that high school will ever know of Mr Harris's role in the whole thing lol..
  22. Wonder if the closure will be mentioned on next week's Back To The Bar update..
  23. Seems that he did in the most recent episode LOL ..after remodeling the bar and everything the owner showed up hammered..two of the bartenders quit
  24. And the role of Gorilla Grodd is being played by..Winston from Overwatch! LOL seriously i was expecting Tracer,Reinhardt or perhaps maybe Reaper to show up
  25. Nice knowing you Ben,thanks for playing.. I guess next week's episode will have a bridge being blown up as the big set piece
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